Dorothy and Blanche:A tale of left over shoes and lost items! DONE 7/14 just in time!

After FOLK, we decided to head back to the resort for an afternoon break, so I snapped a few shots of Pop Century.

Blanche asked me to run out and take pictures of what our Mousekeeper did before we messed it all up.

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My bed always looks messier because I drop things on it! I won't be able to do that on my next trip because the other 1/2 of my bed will be full. Hahaha. And yes, I'll actually sleep with things on the other side. I'm odd like that.

Our room. Right next to a fire extinguisher again.

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Outside we could see AoA.

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Looks like the afternoon rain will be coming again soon.

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We were ready for supper and decided to head in to Epcot for the evening. I’d never really staked out a good spot to watch Illuminations, and I actually only remember seeing it once before, from the back of the crowd. I figured maybe I would really like it if I got a decent spot and was prepared to watch it from start to finish kind of thing. This was our plan, but we'll have to see what happens.

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I love the bus signs.

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I thought I'd try for a different angle.

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First up was sharing a chicken nugget meal at Electric Umbrella. Yep, yummy chicken nuggets. They are just so yummy. Chicken nuggets and cheese pizza are two things I make sure to get each trip. And usually Earl of Sandwich too.

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Then we decided it was time to go visit Ellen. It had been a while since we'd seen her. It had been YEARS since I’d seen it, and by years I mean 6 years! I am not sure if Blanche had ever been, but not since we’d been to Disney together.

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First I needed a palm tree picture. I need to get a better one next time. I usually try to get one of myself hugging the palm tree. That’s part of the homework I assign a student when they miss school. Hug a palm tree for me!

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Just in time, and it was the last show of the day, so we were good to go.

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It's Ellen!

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I don't often see pictures of Ellen's energy adventure, so, naturally, I took a bunch! LOL

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We then decided to head to the Living Seas. First up was the Nemo ride, and then Turtle Talk with Crush. Blanche had never seen it! I love TTWC, it’s so much fun, and I am totally confused by the technology! How does it work? But don't tell me, I really don't want to know!

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I love how she complains that it's the same song over and over again.

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I did the quiz twice I think... Once I got one wrong so I had to do it again! Hahaha

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Not the best picture, but it is just such a cute show!

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By then it was about 7:45, so we were ready to head into WS. We slowly walked in and found an area… where was it? I can’t remember! Somewhere near the UK I think. It was a tiered area and we went right down to the fence. Well, first we sat on a ledge. Blanche waited while I ran and grabbed a Napoleon. I think I really had a hard time finding Les Halles Boulangerie Patisserie for some reason, or maybe I went to try to find a washroom first. I keep making myself try the Napoleons to see if they go back to the original, but they never do! It was okay, but nothing like the way they used to make them. Then Blanche left to get a snack. I ate my Napoleon and saved our spots right at the fence. Blanche came back with a croissant.

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I finally saw a portion of a song of Off Kilter! I am so mad at myself that I never see them! It is totally on my bucket Disney list!

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I need to get back to L'Artisan des Glaces too. I got ice cream from there (sort of - it was a little booth type thing then) on my first trip. And since I'm a French teacher, it is important that I obsess over all French things, right?

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I now have one of these on my desk.

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I want one of these too.

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And I saw a tee shirt that I loved as well.

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The legendary Napoleon that is no longer legendary.

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I tried to take some pictures of Illuminations, but honestly, without a tripod, I didn’t have much luck! LOL I honestly don’t really get Illuminations. This was the first time I watched it from start to finish where I could see it, but I don’t really get it. It was nice fireworks, but that was it for me. It’s not like Wishes where I end up crying and getting chills and everything.

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Then we left, stopping for a washroom break, I think, trying to let the crowds out first. Didn’t help. We ended up waiting and waiting and waiting for multiple buses before we left. We ended up back at Pop by around 10:30. So I guess it wasn’t as long a wait as it felt considering it was about 9:30 when we were standing around Spaceship Earth heading to the buses. Maybe around 40 minutes? Long enough, I guess. What was annoying was that in line, there was a family who kept opening and closing their strollers and passing them back and forth. I think there were a bunch of people between them and they were going under the ropes back and forth. I felt bad for them because the people ahead of us (part of the family) were quite elderly and you could tell they were tired. They didn’t speak English so we didn’t talk with them, but it did get quite annoying that they couldn’t decide what to do with the strollers, or even decide who would hold onto them!

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We probably just went back to Pop and went to bed. I may or may not have run down to get a snack for us, or at least fill up our mugs. I probably ran up to get the mugs and Blanche waited in the food court/shops buying what she wanted. I don't have a receipt, so if it was anything, it was just with our mugs.
Love your pics! Absolutely beautiful :thumbsup2 I admit the first time I saw Illuminations I didn't get it and was spoiled with how Wishes makes you more emotional.....that was until we watched them near the Germany pavilion where you could see the globe closer and see that people on the globe from different countries and really understand the whole concept. Esp when the torches light up individually for each country and at the end when Reflections of Earth song "We Go On" plays and I completely choke up each time I hear it. Maybe it's because it was Christmas time the last time we saw Illuminations and my boys were there with me lol

You really have some awesome pics - I especially loved the one you took in England I think it was of that little path. So quaint - makes me wish I was there right now. Thanks so much for sharing!
Love your pics! Absolutely beautiful :thumbsup2 I admit the first time I saw Illuminations I didn't get it and was spoiled with how Wishes makes you more emotional.....that was until we watched them near the Germany pavilion where you could see the globe closer and see that people on the globe from different countries and really understand the whole concept. Esp when the torches light up individually for each country and at the end when Reflections of Earth song "We Go On" plays and I completely choke up each time I hear it. Maybe it's because it was Christmas time the last time we saw Illuminations and my boys were there with me lol

You really have some awesome pics - I especially loved the one you took in England I think it was of that little path. So quaint - makes me wish I was there right now. Thanks so much for sharing!


Note to self: Try Illuminations from Germany!!! I do love the song, so maybe I need to give it another shot. And I wasn't really my total self this last trip (I was going through some major personal stuff last summer - residual stress still around now :sad2:) so maybe it will help!
Aug 24, 2013

We got up and took the bus to MK. We then took the monorail to the Poly. I had heard about Tonga Toast and I really wanted to try it! I didn’t bother with my camera that morning because we were planning to do some shopping in DTD.

I did use my cell to take some pictures of things though:
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We, obviously, perused some shops and the gallery before eating.
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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The Tonga Toast was delicious, but it was huge! I couldn’t finish it. Blanche got a kid’s meal Mickey waffles.
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We ate outside. I love eating outside near palm trees. And not freezing in the AC. But it was dripping hot there. We were melting. But we didn't really mind!
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I will be back, and I heard that even though Captain Cook’s is closed, they still have Tonga Toast available, so I’m hoping to get some more this next trip!
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We wandered around outside for a minute. What a beautiful spot it was!
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

This made me think I could stay there sometime. Yep, just for the palm trees and the pool with the view of the Castle.
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Then we went out to the bus stop and waited for what seemed like forever for the bus to DTD. It probably wasn't too, too long, since I took the waterfall picture at 9:38 am, and the outside (by the bus stop) at 9:50 am. And I made my first purchase at DTD at 11 am. So yeah, it could actually have been a little longer than my usual wait, but maybe not forever!

By 11 am we were at DTD and I’d made my first purchase while Blanche made some t-shirts for our mutual nieces and nephews.

I made another big purchase at World of Disney, but I really don’t like Disney’s receipts. If I don’t write down what they are right away, I can’t figure them out later! There are about 10 things on the receipt and at least 2 that I can’t figure out. LOL
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Oh right! This was the meal that I gave Blanche her change in her bag. It is hard to explain, but she had left her little Disney bag from another store at the table when she went to get napkins or something and I through her change in it and didn't say anything. She shook it and thought it was someone else's bag. She looked in it and saw the change and kept saying that she must have taken someone else's bag. Now, I am a terrible "trickster" and I usually just laugh and give it away, and I was laughing so hard I was crying, but she didn't clue in! I finally had to tell her that I tossed her change into the bag before she went back to the store to give the bag back! It really doesn't seem so funny now, but honestly, when you're on a Disney vacation and you're tired, everything can get exaggerated. And, yes, I'm just nuts too. :)
We had a dinner date with a Beast, but before we left, Blanche wanted to get something at Pop. I wandered around making a list of things I wanted (well, taking pictures of things I wanted!)

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I am guessing sometime around 4 we left for MK, because these pictures are from Pop just before 4. I do recall the pouring rain, and have proof because I have no pictures of anything before Be Our Guest at 4:40.

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We were seated in the Ball Room.

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I was a little happy to be there!

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I snapped a few pictures in the room while waiting for our waitresses. I thought they said that a chef would be coming out and I asked Blanche if that's what they said. She didn't think so. I couldn't remember why until I saw the chef! I felt terrible.

Originally it had been possible that another friend would be coming, and she has Celiac. So I had noted on the ADR that there was a gluten allergy.

The chef came out and I immediately apologized. I was happy, as was my friend to hear how thorough Disney is about allergies.

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I got the lemonade to drink, and Blanche got a diet coke.

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I had the yummy potato and leek soup. I wish Rose and Crown still had it on the menu; I'd had it twice there.

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Blanche enjoyed her salad.

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I'm not a foodie, as you know. So I don't do the dining reviews. If I don't like something, it's usually because it's not normal, easy food! hahahaha

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The Beast walked through! And some guy apparently was on his cell! Lucky the Beast didn't notice and get annoyed with him for not having manners during his fancy dinner.

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One of our servers was in training and she told us about the hidden Minnie in the ceiling. We kept looking through most of the dinner.

I told Blanche I thought this was it:

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She couldn't see it!

Time to think about dessert!

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I wanted them all!

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Blanche went with chocolate:

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I went with Strawberry!

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We both LOVED them. And thankfully, I had read on here that it's easier to just use a spoon and eat from the paper.

I still thought that was Minnie:

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Snowing in August, in Florida. Snow is so pretty. Especially when it's not cold! Hahahaha

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We went into the West Wing to take some pictures.

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A young girl sitting nearby told me about the painting changing. I thought that was really sweet! She even told me to watch for the lightening because that's when it would happen.

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I was still waiting for the portrait to change, so I was still taking pictures.

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I got it!

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More snow.

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We asked about the hidden Minnie, and I was RIGHT!

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The Beast had to leave for a few minutes, right when we got there.

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This is basically the Be Our Guest song in French.

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He came back and posed for us.

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He bowed at Blanche and we took a few pictures with him. I'm too lazy to fix the Blanche in the so that I can post them, sorry!

ETA: I have nothing that we did afterwards. I think it was still wet at that point and we decided to head back out to relax and made it an early night. I don't even have any receipts from Pop for that night. I probably just read on my kobo.
Oh man, you were on the money about the rain, I remember being in the pool just before it hit and something told me get out. It struck me as funny as around half of the parents there sensed the same thing and suddenly a load of us left for the rooms. It hit just after we got to the room. We waited for the storm to lose some steam before heading to MK.(We still got wet). We also did BOG, but you were there before us, I spied our table with another family sitting in it in the West Wing.

Again, excellent pictures
Oh man, you were on the money about the rain, I remember being in the pool just before it hit and something told me get out. It struck me as funny as around half of the parents there sensed the same thing and suddenly a load of us left for the rooms. It hit just after we got to the room. We waited for the storm to lose some steam before heading to MK.(We still got wet). We also did BOG, but you were there before us, I spied our table with another family sitting in it in the West Wing.

Again, excellent pictures

Wow! Crazy that we were at BOG on the same night! I do recall the rain too. It was a wet downpour and a little longer than most of the afternoon rains.
Catching up again!
I am so glad you pointed out Minnie in the ceiling. I could never find her at all. Both my daughter and Mom saw her but I couldn't. But I did see Mickey immediately. I never saw the painting change either, though Claire did and she would say, "quick look" and I would and he would be changed back already. At times I think she was making it up to make me look. :lmao:

You got some fabulous pictures at BOG. It really is hard to get anything good there. It's so dark!
Catching up again!
I am so glad you pointed out Minnie in the ceiling. I could never find her at all. Both my daughter and Mom saw her but I couldn't. But I did see Mickey immediately. I never saw the painting change either, though Claire did and she would say, "quick look" and I would and he would be changed back already. At times I think she was making it up to make me look. :lmao:

You got some fabulous pictures at BOG. It really is hard to get anything good there. It's so dark!

Was Mickey in the clouds too? I don't think I saw him! Oops!

It is a quick change, but if that little girl was right, there is lightening and thunder right before the change.

Thanks, it is really dark and hard to get some decent shots!
Aug 25, 2013

We got up and had breakfast at Pop. I got a yummy Western Omelet, but I have no clue what Blanche got!

We then took a cab to Mary, Queen of the Universe Shrine and Cathedral for mass. We were early and did some shopping before mass. I got a few things for my parents and for myself, Blanche, the sweetie that she is, bought me a cross that said “You are not alone” (it is upstairs, it might not say that exactly, but it’s close. If it doesn’t say that, I’ll come back and fix it! LOL)

After mass, we did something I won’t do at home but I will on vacation. I shopped on a Sunday! LOL

We walked over to the outlet mall and I made a few purchases there. I actually found some things at the Disney Character Warehouse this time and ended up spending almost $140. Hahaha I don’t think there was much change in the merchandise, I just happened to see it differently. I also found some things at another store.

I finished shopping earlier than Blanche and sat down on a bench to read one of the books I’d bought at the Catholic store. It was a touching book about how to find the positive in negative situations and it was full of uplifting stories. One such story was about a mother who needed milk and toilet paper and couldn’t afford both. She decided on milk. That night someone toilet papered her house by accident and left the bag of toilet paper in the yard when they ran away because they realized their mistake! There were other stories that made me quite emotional. I literally sat in the middle of the outlet mall with a book and cried! LOL Yes, I’m a sap!

When Blanche was finished, we decided to head back to Disney, so we took a cab to Downtown Disney. We went for lunch at Wolfgang Puck Express. We are creatures of habit and shared a plate of chicken alfredo again. I think we’ve shared it at least 3 times now and Blanche got it once on her own. LOL

I had my cell with me:
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We did a little shopping in DTD and I spent a small fortune at Goofy’s candy. I made my own rice crispy treat, but forgot to take a picture of it. I probably got milk chocolate, oreos and white chocolate. I got some suckers (lollipops) for my nieces and nephews, a box of Taffy for some friends, a chocolate covered strawberry and some peanut butter chocolate fudge for my father.
I did remember a picture of the strawberry!
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I did like it, but I'm not so sure it's worth $4.

We went back to Pop Century and packed up our shopping and relax for a little pick. We decided to have our regular chicken nuggets for supper. (Remember, creatures of habit?) We were heading to MK for the evening!

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