"Don't forget a picture of the food!" Updated 8/16! A Fall TR!

Hey Terri!! I'm all caught up; been super busy.

Loving the trip and I'm hopping over to the PTR to read that bad boy!!
Besides the rain canceling the Star Wars show, this sounds like it was a great morning! I don't think we've ever gotten to HS that early in the morning, but maybe we'll try next time. It looks so quiet and H&V was not looking as crazy as when we went for lunch. And--how awesome that she got to get pictures with earth vader and the storm troopers! Not everyone gets to do that!
That's awesome that you got to the park so quickly and it was so empty. And the character interaction and the looks on the girls faces at the breakfast makes everything worth it doesn't it? Too bad about the Jedi Training wash out; at least you got some cool photos out of it.
She has since grown tall enough! That means she can ride Everest our next trip! Woohoo!!
:cheer2: How exciting!

Haha... dont you just love how the dude next to Chris is just like falling asleep or something!?!? It's like HELLO Sir, there's a giant YETI trying to GET YOU!!
:rotfl2: Makes me wonder if that's his "pose" for the photo or if he really was just bored. :scratchin

What an awesome show! It was pretty fast paced and managed to get pretty much the entire movie plot in, very successfully! We all enjoyed it, and even Maddie gave it her full attention, the entire time!
I think we're due to see that one again. Last time we saw it was pre-Izzy and I think she'd really enjoy it now - good to know that Maddie did!

As most will say, it was, indeed, quite comical, the amount of children having breakdowns in there…. Luckily, mine were not among them, they were definitely a little nervous but mainly laughed throughout.
Good for Olivia and Maddie! I hear it upsets a lot of young ones, so we haven't brought Izzy there yet. Maybe next time!

We finally found one way down some path, and by the time Chris sat down with the food the sky opened up! It was POURING! So we took our time enjoying our lunch…
So nice that they have covered seating there!

Dole Whip with RUM!! This was DELICIOUS! We only got one, and Chris ate most of it, but I had some bites too, and if I weren’t pushing the stroller I would have gotten my own. Next time I will, stroller or not...
Eh, that's what cup holders are for, right? :rotfl: No, I know what you mean, it's hard to juggle those things. But worth it! :thumbsup2

Olivia got really shy, and usually the characters will try to coax her into interaction, but not here, they just hugged her and posed and out we went. It was really weird, I can hardly explain it, but it was unlike any m&g we’d done before, very short, and not so sweet.. oh well, guess it’s a good thing we didn’t wake up Maddie, and the pics came out good still…
Aw, that is too bad they weren't very interactive (but good you didn't wake Maddie). We've done that meet three times now and each one has been FABULOUS. Total opposite of what you had. So, give it another shot next time and I would imagine it will be much better.

Hmmm, I think we totally missed out on getting a picture like this. Love it!

Olivia had dino nuggets, watermelon and some of my fries…
Dino nuggets - how cute!

Maddie had the mac-n-cheese, which may have been the best ordering of the night! I tried some and it was really tasty!
Yum! I think this was one of the only meals the entire trip where Izzy DIDN'T order mac & cheese (she got corn dog nuggets).

This looks incredible! :lovestruc

When we were finally done, we checked out the gift shop, didn’t buy anything though, and then we saw the outdoor dig area! Chris went to find the restroom, so I let the girls play for a bit, and I LOVE this area! It’s awesome bc they get to dig around, but its not sand!!! It’s very fine rock, so no mess!! YAY!
Huh, totally missed out on this one. Looks like fun!

DISconfession time - I've never ridden Dinosaur. No one else in my group ever wants to ride so we never allocate a fastpass for it and have never gone with a standby wait time that I wouldn't feel bad about going myself. Oh well, someday
Phil - maybe you can utilize rider swap to get on. If you are getting something like Everest, just switch one FP+ to Dinosaur and you can ride Everest with a Rider Swap instead of a FP+ (and you can ride Dinosaur a second time if you get a rider swap there too and nobody else wants to ride it). Or you could luck out like Lauren and I did on our trip last year - we literally just walked up to the CMs pushing strollers and, before we could say a word, they were like, "Here's some rider swaps" and just handed one to EACH of us! :confused3 Of course, I doubt that's standard procedure. :rotfl:

Funnily enough we were literally the FIRST people at HS that morning. It was empty!
Wow! Impressive!

I believe it was around 7:50 when they finally let us in, and there was a small line behind us at the point, but as you can see, we got the joy of walking into an empty studios!! Well mostly, this crazy mom took off in front of us and ruined my empty street shot... oh well, there's always one..
:rotfl2: Of course.

I have to stop right here and be real for a minute. This feels almost silly to admit, but I tear up even thinking back on that meal. My girls were just over the moon. They love all the characters, of course, but Disney junior is their life right now. They watch those shows EVERY SINGLE DAY! And they didn't get a chance to meet most these characters our first trip. So the girls absolutely lit up when they started coming out. It was hands down the most excited I had seen them with any of our meets and meals. We will absolutely be booking an ADR here again on our next trip before they outgrow this stage.
Okay, I think you've sold me on doing this meal next time. Izzy is slowly branching out from "Minnie" (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) and enjoys Sofia, Doc, and Jake quite a bit - we actually ended up doing the meets with them at the spur of the moment. This breakfast would be a blast for her, I'm sure. So glad that your girls loved it so much. They look super happy! :lovestruc

Anywho, we got all signed up and were walking out of the building when THE MOST COOLEST THING EVER happened! Someone stopped me to tell me that they follow me on the Dis!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, you are now in the upper echelon of famous DISers! :worship::lmao: How cool is that?!

Basically what happened next was that the show people let us wait it out a bit, to see if the rain would let up, and sorry to report, it never did... :sad:

As a consolation for not getting to do the show, they then took all the kids into the Star Tours ride, through the exit, and into a secret spot where they got to take photo's with Darth Vader and some Storm Troopers..
Aw, what a bummer - I had never thought about it getting rained out. Glad they at least do something as a back-up for the kids. :darth:
ah, I remember we got those security badges one early morning at MK - they are really cool and make the kids feel special!

That stinks they didn't have the PP photographers out yet - getting those (well, in your case nearly) empty of crowd photos is one of the big selling points of early ADRs, at least for us.

Glad you enjoyed H&V - I thought we were done with that one (just wasn't as crazy about the food there as other options and I think it might even be a tick more expensive than other character breakfasts) .... and then they had to go and add Doc and Sophia the First, so it might be back on the list - we'll have to see how into them the kids still are next trip.

That's very cool that you got recognized! And great that you found out that Tiffany is, well, Tiffany! Oh, and I think you need to watch some more Disney Jr as I think they have one or 27 episodes about how everyone is important ;)

Bummer about the rain and Olivia didn't get the full Jedi Training experience - at least they did have a back-up plan ... and how many kids get pictures battling Darth Vader with his storm troopers like that?!?!?!

That is a cool T-Shirt, love all those shots they got of Darth and his crew at Disneyland:


Phil - maybe you can utilize rider swap to get on. If you are getting something like Everest, just switch one FP+ to Dinosaur and you can ride Everest with a Rider Swap instead of a FP+ (and you can ride Dinosaur a second time if you get a rider swap there too and nobody else wants to ride it). Or you could luck out like Lauren and I did on our trip last year - we literally just walked up to the CMs pushing strollers and, before we could say a word, they were like, "Here's some rider swaps" and just handed one to EACH of us! :confused3 Of course, I doubt that's standard procedure. :rotfl:

It was in the planning before one of our recent trips that I read reports they were curbing the ability to do that and there were reports of the CMs giving out the rider swaps wanting to see both people involved with the swap and checking that they both had valid FP+ for the ride - and it kinda spooked me away from doing that. ....

... though since then it seems like that was just an isolated case or something very rarely enforced as I know you and others have had tons of success with it

I've also never done Test Track for the same reason :rolleyes:
Hey Terri!! I'm all caught up; been super busy.

Loving the trip and I'm hopping over to the PTR to read that bad boy!!

No problem, no apologies needed for me! I am still not caught up on everyones TRs!!

Besides the rain canceling the Star Wars show, this sounds like it was a great morning! I don't think we've ever gotten to HS that early in the morning, but maybe we'll try next time. It looks so quiet and H&V was not looking as crazy as when we went for lunch. And--how awesome that she got to get pictures with earth vader and the storm troopers! Not everyone gets to do that!

Yea, I am so glad they had a back up, it is kinda neat that they got those cool photos at least. Hopefully we can do the show next time!

love the matching outfits and your TR :) following along
Thank you! My fave part of planning is probably the outfits... lol

That's awesome that you got to the park so quickly and it was so empty. And the character interaction and the looks on the girls faces at the breakfast makes everything worth it doesn't it? Too bad about the Jedi Training wash out; at least you got some cool photos out of it.

Totally makes it worth it!!!

Sorry about the rain.
Both girls can do the show next year! :yay:

I hadnt really thought about it, but youre right! How cool!

:rotfl2: Makes me wonder if that's his "pose" for the photo or if he really was just bored. :scratchin

I know, he's pretty good at it if it is a pose.

I think we're due to see that one again. Last time we saw it was pre-Izzy and I think she'd really enjoy it now - good to know that Maddie did!

Yes, I was quite happy, I hadn't expected to enjoy it so much!

Good for Olivia and Maddie! I hear it upsets a lot of young ones, so we haven't brought Izzy there yet. Maybe next time!
Bahaha, my kiddos are brave, you may have her sit on your lap and just prep her by explaining that water and other things squirt at you and that its FUN!!

So nice that they have covered seating there!

Thank goodness!! Our food would have been ruined! lol..

Eh, that's what cup holders are for, right? :rotfl: No, I know what you mean, it's hard to juggle those things. But worth it! :thumbsup2

You are right indeed, I dont know if I was just not feeling it or what. Who knows... I regret it though, as I would kill for one of those bad boys right now!!!

Aw, that is too bad they weren't very interactive (but good you didn't wake Maddie). We've done that meet three times now and each one has been FABULOUS. Total opposite of what you had. So, give it another shot next time and I would imagine it will be much better.

I am sure I will, I do love their little safari outfits!!

Hmmm, I think we totally missed out on getting a picture like this. Love it!
Say cheese! My poor family, I made them take pictures everywhere!! lol..

Dino nuggets - how cute!

Yum! I think this was one of the only meals the entire trip where Izzy DIDN'T order mac & cheese (she got corn dog nuggets).
How funny!!!! I want to get the mac n cheese at wolfgang puck express again, now THAT is some AWESOME mac n cheese, I would put this one after that!

This looks incredible! :lovestruc
I do believe it was :)

Huh, totally missed out on this one. Looks like fun!

Oh yes, Izzy could spend forever in here, I am sure, so don't go near it unless you have the time!!

Okay, I think you've sold me on doing this meal next time. Izzy is slowly branching out from "Minnie" (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) and enjoys Sofia, Doc, and Jake quite a bit - we actually ended up doing the meets with them at the spur of the moment. This breakfast would be a blast for her, I'm sure. So glad that your girls loved it so much. They look super happy! :lovestruc

Oh good! I know Izzy would love this one!! She is getting so good at character meals as shes growing up a Disney girl, I would def put this on your short list for next trip!

Wow, you are now in the upper echelon of famous DISers! :worship::lmao: How cool is that?!

Bahahahahhaha!! I dont know about that!! But I am always happy to meet a fellow Dis-er, and it's nice to know I have readers I dont even know about!

Aw, what a bummer - I had never thought about it getting rained out. Glad they at least do something as a back-up for the kids:darth:.
Yes! Disney is pretty good at that!

ah, I remember we got those security badges one early morning at MK - they are really cool and make the kids feel special!

That stinks they didn't have the PP photographers out yet - getting those (well, in your case nearly) empty of crowd photos is one of the big selling points of early ADRs, at least for us.

Glad you enjoyed H&V - I thought we were done with that one (just wasn't as crazy about the food there as other options and I think it might even be a tick more expensive than other character breakfasts) .... and then they had to go and add Doc and Sophia the First, so it might be back on the list - we'll have to see how into them the kids still are next trip.

That's very cool that you got recognized! And great that you found out that Tiffany is, well, Tiffany! Oh, and I think you need to watch some more Disney Jr as I think they have one or 27 episodes about how everyone is important ;)

Bummer about the rain and Olivia didn't get the full Jedi Training experience - at least they did have a back-up plan ... and how many kids get pictures battling Darth Vader with his storm troopers like that?!?!?!

That is a cool T-Shirt, love all those shots they got of Darth and his crew at Disneyland:



That is so true about the Photographers being out, I agree it is one big advantage of the early morning adr... so disappointing.

H&V was very surprising! Like I said, I really didn't expect much from it at all.

Oh my gosh, I LOOOOOOOOOVE all those shots at DLR!!!! :rotfl2: Love them!! I think my faves have to be the doom buggy and the sword!! :rotfl:

It was in the planning before one of our recent trips that I read reports they were curbing the ability to do that and there were reports of the CMs giving out the rider swaps wanting to see both people involved with the swap and checking that they both had valid FP+ for the ride - and it kinda spooked me away from doing that. ....

... though since then it seems like that was just an isolated case or something very rarely enforced as I know you and others have had tons of success with it

I've also never done Test Track for the same reason :rolleyes:

We had mixed luck with the ride swaps, some people gave them without caring or checking, some were more strict.

You haven't done Test Track either!?!?!?!? Okay, you need a thrill list to complete next trip!! :thumbsup2

Great Trip report! I love all the Minnie Mouse picture. Very cute. :)

Thank you!!! :goodvibes
We Are VIP's

I last left off with us finishing up our rides on Star Tours, after getting rained out of the Jedi Academy. Next up, we thought we would head over to the Great Movie Ride, I took a couple pics on the way. We didn't know at the time that this would be our last time seeing the hat! :eek:





I also found a couple hand prints I thought we particularly cool... :cool2:



Onto the ride, it really is very swanky in there, I did't take much time to appreciate it before.





Finally we were on, and in the front row too!! We got the gangster scene, again. I know they have the cowboy one, I have seen it on your TR's, but it feels mythical to our family..





After that, even though we had eaten not too long ago, we headed over to Starring Rolls, this was one of the only times I KNEW we could go in our schedule, and I really wanted to try it, we had missed it our first trip, and it's never a bad time for a cupcake, right????


I have to say, don't hate me, but these were just ok, the butterfinger one, which was my choice, I was sooooo looking forward to, but it didn't taste very fresh, I recall it being pretty hard actually. The Frozen one was just really sweet with all that icing. But I am glad we tried it, I would love to try one of their sandwiches some time.

Off we went to our next must do, the Indiana Jones Stunt Show.. we had heard the rumor that this might be closing soon, so the hubs reeeeeeaaaaaalllllly wanted to get it in again, of course it is still open as of now, so who knows??

Anywho, we planned on just finding a seat in the back, as they had already been seating a while, but then something nifty happened, a CM seating guests noticed mine and the hubs Indie shirts and got real excited. She told us to wait right where we were because she was pretty sure she had some VIP seats for such true Indie fans!


LOL... honestly we would have been fine in the back, but its still SO FUN to get pixie dusted in Disney, so off we went to our very close seats!! We were in a roped off section that is maybe for FP? Do they do FP here?? I don't know, but who cares, we were VIPS!




We enjoyed the show, or what we saw of it, the whole end part with the airplane didn't happen at all, maybe the weather? It was raining anymore, but maybe it was still too wet? Not sure, we were kinda bummed, it made it much shorter, but oh well... no biggie. We still enjoyed it, and now it was time time to do something new for us! Head to the animation building!!

P.S. I am so sad to hear of its closing, and to know they are not moving Baymax and we probably won't get to meet him!! :sad:

But on this day, we sure had fun! First to meet is Wreck it Ralph!




Then was Sorcerer Mickey!





Coming up next, rain, rain GO AWAY!!

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Rain, Rain GO AWAY

After our visit to the animation building, it was time for some more of the girls fave, Disney Junior. So we hopped in line, and we were like the second family in line, to see Disney Junior Live. Our first trip we watched this from the very back, as we walked in right before they closed the doors, this time we were way up front. But sadly I did very bad at documenting this for some reason. I am pretty sure I was just to busy holding Maddie and dancing. All I have is this photo as proof we were there..


Once the show ended, we were in our next FP+ window for TSMM, so off we went, I should note that this is right about the time it began to POUR!! Like POURRRRRRRRR! Thankfully riding TSMM got us out of it for a bit. Fingers crossed that it would pass by the time we were done...




Always a fun twirl with the toys in Andy's room! Now, remember how we crossed our fingers that the rain would stop... we it didn't work, it was pretty much a monsoon outside...


So, I am sad to report that there are no photos of this time in the park, as all electronic devices were being safely stowed in dry places... but I will tell you that we

experienced quite the saga in the rain. We walked towards the streets of America, and there was like no covering anywhere, so the girls were in the stroller with the rain cover over them, and Chris and I were braving it in ponchos. We were searching for a Mickey pretzel.

We finally found a stand for them, and they were sold out of the regular ones... ugh. Off we went towards the front of the park. We ended up finding one in front of the GMR, but then we had the worst time finding shelter from the insane rain! We ended up standing, yes STANDING under a tiny awning where an icee stand is operates in more crowded times of the year near H&V...

It was pretty miserable, but we stood and ate our pretzels, and then left some for the girls when they woke up, as the rain had apparently lulled them to sleep.

About this time I was, once again, in completely soaked shoes and socks, and I could NOT pull another MK day and continue to walk in them. I left Chris standing there with the girls and ran into the closest shop and bought some horribly uncomfortable flip flops... but at least my feet were not as unhappy, at this point flat-as-a-board flip flops were far better than soaked feet.

I met back up with Chris and then we decided to find somewhere to sit... we ended up sitting for quite a while on some steps that were covered over by the old American Idol theater. Finally, and I mean FINALLY the rain began to let up, I know it doesn't feel too long, but I swear it felt like forever to us that we were in the rain. I managed to snap this photo...


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You can see where we stored the pretzel, and you can see that they are most definitely OUT!

Funny story, the top of the rain cover on the stroller kept filling up with water and we had to keep on dumping very large amounts of water off it.. :rotfl:

Anyway, as I mentioned the rain was starting to let up, so we decided to hurry and book it over to the Muppets area. We made it and woke the girls up.




The show was cute, it was our first time seeing it, but it was pretty outdated. They really should redo the film now that the newer Muppet movies have been coming out, but still enjoyable. I don't think its something I will not need to see for quite a while though.

About this time we were all pretty wiped out from the rain, we couldn't think of anything we really wanted to do so we decided to head to Sci Fi, where we had our dinner ADR and see if they could get us in sooner. They ended up being able to fit us in around 4, which was about an hour earlier (I think) than our original time.

Alright, here is where I need to BRAG on Sci Fi, I looooooooooove this place. It was like a dream for a mom of a toddler. We had a lot of trouble with Maddie at meals on this trip. She was very mobile and wanting to get up, run around, or be constantly entertained. I believe every parent has been through this horrible stage in eating out with their toddler, its just something you have to push through if you want them to learn to be good in restaurants.

Anyway, like I said, Maddie was a bit of a handful at our TS meals this trip, but not this one. It was lovely! I think it was the dim lighting. Somehow dim lights seems to bring the volume down and it was a very calming environment. I highly recommend Sci Fi if you want somewhere to just chill at the end of your day, and have a break. I was able to have Chris and Liv sit in the front of our car, and Maddie and I sat in the back. She was able to just chill and happily watch Hercules on my phone. Ahhh, finally.






On top of all that, the place is themed so well, so very cool! And the food was great!

Maddie had a side salad, she enjoyed munching on the carrots and ranch.. I think her and Olivia both actually had the mac n cheese with fries and a side salad, but I know Maddie only ate from this..


Olivia had the mac n cheese and fries.. and her untouched salad...


Chris and I both had the steak, it comes with blue cheese on it, but I got mine on the side, and I didn't like it, so thank goodness I got it on the side! The steak was pretty good though! I was very happy with it.


My dessert, the turtle cheesecake.. yum!


Chris has the homemade candy bar, also very yum!


I guess we didn't get a photo of Olivia's dessert, it must have been something very generic, like a sundae. I did love the "Speeding Ticket" they give you at the end! :rotfl:


All in all, a great meal and a much needed break from the parks.

We were still pretty wiped, but the sun was out again and we had a FP+ to get to!!

Coming up next, the last of the Studios.

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Sci Fi looks so cool. When our youngest is out of a high chair I really want to eat there!! Was Maddie in a booster?
I'm loving your trip report! Finally someone else that enjoyed SciFi! My family and I went in 2013 and it was one of the best burgers I've had and most certainly was the best burger I had inside the world. Everyone else in my family ordered the steak, so when the server placed a steak in front of me I could understand the misunderstanding. The CM was so nice about the mix up and brought over a burger meal on the double, and even gave me a free souvenir cup on the house! No one can replicate the Disney customer service!

KovuLover :simba:
You know, I've never really paid too much attention to the autographs in HS. Ooooo-Harrison Ford! I've always thought my best friends dad looked a lot like Harrison Ford. She thinks I'm crazy! :rotfl: Anyway, we really need to do GMR again. We haven't done it in forever!

VIP seat? Woohoo! You ARE famous!

Wreck it Ralph meet!! Love it! (You're not surprised, I know...)

Man, i can't believe all the rain! At least the girls got a good little nap in!

We had fun at sci fi too. The girls thought that the movie clips were ssoooo funny! I love that pic of Maddie coloring. The lighting on her cute little cheek is adorable.
We didn't know at the time that this would be our last time seeing the hat! :eek:
At least you got some good shots of it right?

we had missed it our first trip, and it's never a bad time for a cupcake, right????

a CM seating guests noticed mine and the hubs Indie shirts and got real excited. She told us to wait right where we were because she was pretty sure she had some VIP seats for such true Indie fans!
Finally we were on, and in the front row too!! We got the gangster scene, again. I know they have the cowboy one, I have seen it on your TR's, but it feels mythical to our family..
Haha, same here! Though, in all fairness, we haven't ridden in a long time and I've heard it's been more recently that they've been doing the cowboy scene more. :confused3 But, obviously, not for you. :rotfl:

I have to say, don't hate me, but these were just ok, the butterfinger one, which was my choice, I was sooooo looking forward to, but it didn't taste very fresh, I recall it being pretty hard actually.
Aw, that's a bummer. My favorite is the chocolate peanut butter, but I tried the Butterfinger for the first time this past trip. I had it first thing in the morning, so it was very fresh, moist, crumbly, etc. Izzy was a huge fan, but we all enjoyed it. I'd give it another try earlier in the day maybe.

Anywho, we planned on just finding a seat in the back, as they had already been seating a while, but then something nifty happened, a CM seating guests noticed mine and the hubs Indie shirts and got real excited. She told us to wait right where we were because she was pretty sure she had some VIP seats for such true Indie fans!
How awesome! Love those random pixie-dusted moments! pixiedust:

Sorry about the downpour! I hate being stuck out in that kind of weather. We spent awhile standing under a random umbrella in DHS to wait out a monsoon. Glad the girls got a good nap out of it, at least. :rotfl2:

That's great that Sci Fi went so well and Maddie behaved. :thumbsup2
So cool getting VIP seats for Indiana Jones! Ugh sorry the rain was so torrential, but you guys made the best of it! Love the pic of the girls knocked out in their strollers :) I'm glad your dinner was so enjoyable!!
You are VIP Indy style!!! How awesome is that?!?!

but it feels mythical to our family..

HA HA HA HA... It's there.. I've seen it! sometimes you can ask the CM at the beginning...

, I would love to try one of their sandwiches some time.

This is by far our favorite QS spot.. the sammichs are outstanding! I can only eat half they are so huge but fresh and yummers.. and i will say the chocolate cupcake is better then the butterfinger!

shop and bought some horribly uncomfortable flip flops...

NO JOKE! they do have the worst flip flops and NO NO on the wet feet!

like forever to us that we were in the rain

I can understand this completely!

They really should redo the film now that the newer Muppet movies have been coming out, but still enjoyable.

Stop it... just hold your tongue!
the rumor is they are closing this i will cry a lot if this happens...

SCI-FI! ohh i just love it!!! this will be our first time NOT going there. Did i read all that correctly? NO SHAKES!!? you didn't get a shake?!?!
Onion rings... DELISH!
Wow, you guys were really early to HS!

What a fun meal for the girls, I'm glad they had fun. We actually stumbled into a meal here in 2010. We had 8 adults and no ADR but they were able to seat us any way. We had no idea who the characters were since none of us watched the shows. :rotfl:I couldn't even tell you who was there at the time although one of the characters was a lion. No clue who that was.

Isn't it cool to be recognized? I've only had it happen one time but it made my whole trip.

Awwww, bummer about the rain and Jedi Academy being cancelled. But that sure is a cool photo with Darth Vader and the Storm Troopers.

I really need to spend some more time checking out the celebrity hand prints in front of the GMR. I got Cowboy in December. They have to be running two cars at a time for that scene. If the line isn't too long, the Cowboy scene probably won't be playing.

So awesome you got to be VIPs at Indiana Jones! They do have FP there but I don't think that area is for the FP. No idea what it's for though.

Cute pictures with the characters. I was so sad yesterday knowing it was the last day for that building. Especially the drawing class, I'm going to miss that terribly. I'm still holding out hope that they will still have it somewhere. Maybe even a bigger venue for it.

Disney Junior is the one thing at HS that I have yet to do, probably because I don't have kids. But I might try to catch it on a future trip just to say that I've seen it.

Bummer for the rain but at least you guys were able to tough it out. I bet the park was pretty empty because of it!

Yay for the Muppets! I know that they probably need to update it (if it even stays, that's another one rumored to be going away) but I hope they preserve the original film in some capacity since it was the last project Jim Henson worked on before he passed away.

Sci Fi is one of my favorite restaurants. I'm glad your family had a great experience there.


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