dog in a pop-up


Jul 28, 2000
I read that pets are not allowed to stay in a pop-up trailer. This may be a dumb question but I'll ask it anyway... Are they allowed to stay at the campsite if you are with them? I am assuming they just mean when the owners are away. Also, if you have your own crate, do you think you could keep them in your pop-up as long as they were in the crate? I wouldn't leave her while we would be at the parks or for an extended period of time. I would use the kennel for those times. We may be purchasing a pop-up and we love to travel with our pet so, I am trying to get as much info as I can to help decide what to do. Thanks in advance for any info you can give.
Yes, they mean when you are away. I think it's more for the dog's safety than anything. It can get pretty hot inside a tent or popup, without air conditioning! Also, if the dog barks when you're gone, the sound carries much more with the soft sides of a popup, than it does in a motorhome.

I would think that if it's cool, and your dog never barks, you could leave him in a crate in your camper for short periods of time - but not all day. Maybe just to walk to the restroom or store or something. During the day while you're at the parks, you would definitely want to bring him to the kennel. He would be much happier that way anyway because he would have people to talk to him and play with him, and it's cooler!

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
I would definitly take my dog to the kennel while we were at the parks and any other long outing. We haven't even purchased the camper yet, and I am already excited. :D
I believe FW has it's own kennel so you would not have to take the dog to park kennels.
Plut: I didn't know you were going to camp when you asked the kennel question! I must have missed that. We took Annie with us in Oct, but kept her in the camper (travel trailer) during the day. She did great in it. She's very good about that. She went to the beach in FL this past summer as well. Sadly, I don't think that will happen this year as you are aware of. I"ll keep you posted on Annie's condition. My daughter is currently playing with her. She has all the lights off and the curtains closed with a pillow and sheet for her. She doesn't even know how sick Annie really is.

On a brighter note: There are kennels at FW near the front by the stables. We rode the horses, but I didn't actually go see the kennels. I should have, but didn't think about it. There is a really nice dog walk near the loops, near the river. Don't camp in loop 1600 because it doesn't have direct access to the walk for some reason (you have to go through a site which I refuse to do if occupied).

We camped near a family with a dog in a pop-up (they said we could cut through their site to the walk, but I still felt uncomfortable about that). They used the kennels during the day and had the dog with them at night. You should consider that. I didn't understand when you posted about your shepard that you were camping. All I could think about was the poor pooch would be in that little cage 24/7! OH, there are also little posts with doggy bags on them. I really appreciated that. Have you camped anywhere before?

Been there, done that, going back!
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Ft Wilderness Oct 00
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When I first asked the question, we weren't sure we were going to even be at Ft. Wilderness. I think I posted first on the resorts board. We don't have a camper yet. We just started looking into purchasing one. This week we will know if we are getting one or not. I just have no patience and I just wanted to get some info. I am really excited. I really hope we can get this camper. I'm not sure if we will be able to get to WDW this year either with or without the camper but maybe next year. My hubby isn't too keen on going to Disney right away. We were there in Nov 1999. I am trying to convince him though. I'll let you know as soon as I know if we are getting the camper. :D
I know what you mean about not being patient. I'm the same way. That's why I'm on here and we aren't going until Oct. This time, we're staying in the BWV and WLV with our friends. They belong to the DVC. Much differnent than FW this past Oct ;) Hopefully, we can get into those resorts with their points.

We really love our camper (but not the gas prices that go along with towing). You shouldn't have much difference with a pop-up. We double the gas expense. We plan on going to the beach in FL again this summer. That was really nice.

Annie's doing about the same today. Really weak and threw up her food from yesterday again. I'm really concerned about her not keeping anything down. I had to go to the grocery and purchase that $$$ lean, non-antibotic hamburger and boil it for her. She loved that. They told me to feed her cottage cheese, too. She eat it yesterday, but not today. Tomorrows the big day...

Been there, done that, going back!
Off-site 87, 88
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Ft Wilderness Oct 00
BWV/WLV Oct 01

I just wanted to update you on Annie. We waited one day because of how bad she seemed. She had her liver biopsy yesterday and seems to be doing okay. She's still very groggy. She scared me to death last night. I had her sleeping next to our bed. I woke up at 5:00am to check on her. I said "Annie, Annie" and had to shake her three times before she woke up. I thought she was dead, but just in a very, extremely deep sleep. Hopefully, she'll feel better tomorrow. We'll get the results next week sometime.

Thanks for your concern.

Been there, done that, going back!
Off-site 87, 88
All Star Music 97
All Star Music 98
All Star Movies 99
Ft Wilderness Oct 00
BWV/WLV Oct 01



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