Does Blink Have A Pattern?

WDW Dreams

Earning My Ears
Jan 23, 2002
I'm brand new to rewards programs and am wondering if it's just coincidence or does Blink generally make 20 pointers available at noon (East Coast time) on Wednesday and Thursdays. Just my observations after 3 weeks. Has anyone else seen any trends with Blink or other rewards programs?
I never noticed that pattern but I have noticed that they always seem to post them in the early afternoon, eastern time. Don't know about the days of the week they post, but I'm sure going to check the site carefully on Wednesdays and Thursdays from now on. Thanks for the heads-up.

I do think that Blink posts them in the afternoon and for such a short time, figuring most of their users will be at work and they won't have to give away too many points.


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