Does anyone know...


Enjoys an early hour of peace. Is a smart cookie.
Jan 8, 2000
how long my digital pictures will last when I download them onto a cd?

do you mean how long they will be able to be read on a cd?

theoretically, forever, as long as it doesn't get really scratched.
As long as the CD doesn't get damaged, they should be there and readable forever. Just make sure you don't have a re-writeable CD & burner so that you don't accidentally ever overwrite it in the future.
It also depends on how "good" the media is that you use in your CD burner. As blank CD-R prices have dropped, so has the quality. Still, a well taken care of CD-R should last for decades.

I am running into the same issue now that we have a digital camera. I plan on burning my photos onto at least two different CDs just as a precaution.
There is a time limit that cds will last I've heard, I think it's something like 100 years. Videotapes will last about 20 years. Some of my videotapes are over 20 years old. I need to get them transferred to dvd before they aren't readable anymore.
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Someone told me that the lifespan of a cd is about 30 years. I guess we'll find out ;)

I plan on doing the same as TC... I've got over 10K pics on my laptop, and I shudder to think of losing them. (and you don't want to see me shudder - it ain't a pretty sight :p )


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