Does anyone know who won the YOMD Castle Stay?


<font color=teal>How can you invest so much money
Jan 16, 2001
I haven't heard so I guess it wasn't me. :sad2: I hope it was a diser. So tell me did you win?:confused3
I've been wondering myself!! I keep checking the member website. :confused3 I almost thought it would have been announced in the recent Vacation Magic.
I sent in a SASE to DVC for the 'winners' it back a couple weeks ago and can't remember what I did with it. I think the winners were from PA, OH, and/or NJ for some reason........I don't remember which one won whichthing though. Sorry.
I haven't heard so I guess it wasn't me. :sad2: I hope it was a diser. So tell me did you win?:confused3

I don't really understand your question. :confused3 Someone wins the Castle stay daily. Each day the Dream Team selects a family to stay in the Castle that night. Disney moves them from their existing accommodations to the Castle and back the next day.
I was really wanting to win. My daughters 21 birthday is on June 30th, the day we would get to stay in the castle. That would have been so cool. She keeps asking if I heard anything yet. Oh well, maybe next time.

I don't really understand your question. :confused3 Someone wins the Castle stay daily. Each day the Dream Team selects a family to stay in the Castle that night. Disney moves them from their existing accommodations to the Castle and back the next day.

She's referring to the contest that was only available for DVC members to was posted on the DVC member website as well as in Vacation Magic.

If remember correctly the contest was over sometime in April and the winner to be notified shortly after that.

Also, if I remember correctly it was the stay in the castle suite along with some other prizes...

I'd bet if you searched on these boards you'd find a thread or two related to it as well.


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