Do you bring gifts back to teachers and classmates?


DIS Veteran
Jun 8, 2001
I was wondering what the norm was, do most people bring back gifts for their children's teachers and classmates?

My DS has 2 teachers and 11 classmates, I am trying to decide what to do. If I did bring gifts back I was thinking of the magic washcloths for the kids and maybe Disney pen sets for the teachers, how does that sound? Any other ideas?
Well, this will be the first time DS4 is in a school situation. Last trip he was only 2.

I probably would not do classmates or teachers. I do bring back for some close friends kids, but little tokens.

Maybe if I saw something specifically teacher oriented I might do that. Classmates, I don't think so. That can get out of hand.
This is a fun question, especially since I love to shop and bring back gifts from wherever I've been! Sometimes, tho, I find myself spending too much time shopping for gifts because I like to look around and find things that I think each person will really like.

My kids will usually shop for a few close friends, but they've never brought back gifts for an entire classroom. They have, however, from time to time brought back something for a favorite teacher. When my youngest daughter was in fifth grade, she had a teacher she absolutely adored. When we took a vacation to Disney that year, my daughter wanted to bring something back for her. One evening we were sitting in a restaurant somewhere on International Drive, (Pointe Orlando, I think), and my daughter looked out the window and spotted two life-size cow statues, dressed in touristy outfits. They were posed in front of an ice cream parlor. My daughter knew that her teacher loved anything to do with cows, (she had them all over the classroom), so after we ate we went over to the cows and I took a few photos of my daughter posing with the cows. When we returned home, I developed the photos and had them enlarged and put them in a frame for my daughter to take to school. My daughter also wrote a funny saying by each cow, something that the teacher was always saying to the class. She couldn't wait to take it to school and give it to her teacher, and was very pleased when the teacher hung it up by her desk. I thought it made a good gift because it was made specifically for that teacher and it was very inexpensive.

There is also a place in Epcot where you can make weird pictures, (your head on a cat's body, etc.), and e-mail the result to wherever you like. A few times my kids have e-mailed crazy pictures to their classrooms, along with a short message. I know these have always been well received, and they cost nothing to make!

Another time, after a trip to Discovery Cove, my daughter did a whole project on dolphins and she couldn't wait to take in the photos of herself swimming and interacting with a dolphin.

On the teacher side of things, I've had several students bring back gifts. One time a student presented me with a huge bag of oranges, and I remember one time receiving a cute little alligator figurine, (I have a thing for gators and I guess this student picked up on that!), and once a student brought back a tiny cactus plant from his trip out west.

So, to wrap up this long post, I think it's nice for the kids to shop for a few small gifts for special people in their lives, and as a teacher, I love it when a student returns from a vacation and shares a few photos and experiences from his/her trip. It becomes a learning experience for everyone.

No, and if my kids are one of the eleven in your kids class - please don't:

1) My kids have plenty of junk.
2) We don't want to be put in the position of needing to reciprocate.
3) I don't want to explain to my kids why "Timmy" went to Disney and we didn't.
4) Gift giving is not always culturally sensative. For a lot of cultures, to receive a gift places the recipient under a burden.
5) I don't want to teach my kids that they need to pick up presents for every aquiantence when they travel.
6) Believe it or not, not everyone is as excited about the mouse as we are - I have several friends/acquaintences that won't let a Disney product near their children.

Buy your kids an extra Mickey bar - or eat a Dole Whip for us.

I know parents mean well when they do this sort of thing - but its extraordinarily awkward for us.

I think picking up something for your kids best friend's is fine. And if you find something for the teacher, that's ok too. But not the entire class.
I found myself pondering the same question a couple of weeks ago and came up with this.

Last week while at DW, We sent postcards to each class, along with postcards to each teachers home. (I got return address labels from each). We spent night 2 picking which one to send to who and writing them out. The kids enjoyed it and had way too much to write but we managed. The funny thing is no one got the postcards until we were back to school 2 days.

As for myself I'm a aide in Pre-k and wanted to get something for the 24 students in my class. I gave each one a sea shell (It was fun enlisting my 2 dd's to help get 24 shells about the same size) and I bought a package of 24 Winnie the Pooh character crayons (pooh, piglet, eyore, tigger) and let the kids each pick one.


Gosh I've been home 3 days and I'm ready to go back. :)
I agree with crisi. I think it could end up costing too much plus other issues if you decide to buy for the entire class.I have those friends that dislike the mouse too!!! Can you believe there are people out there like that?!?!...oy!! :earseek:

Erich was crazy about his teacher last year and did take a Mickey shaped pencil ( about $2.50) back to her but Jonathan didn't want to for his so I didn't make him.(They went to different schools)

luvflorida that was an absolutely MOO-varlous idea!! I agree with buying the gifts for a few special people in their lives.

I have the boys write postcards too...but don't tell them that it's actually practicing spelling and penmanship while on vacation...shhhhhhhhh our secret!!!

I bought a bag of candy for my DS to take back and share with his class one year. They were sweet tarts that had a disney character face on each one. They were shared in the class during a break and caused no problems.Disney cookies and pretzels could work just as well. That same year DS LOVED his teacher. We broght her back a WDW pen. We went during the school year and she was so kind to work with us that it was the least we could do.The teacher asked DS to send the class a post card and we did that too. I sent post cards to all the kids in my class but we beat them back home. There is no right or wrong answers but some very strong ideas on the subject. DS will be in 5th grade on our next trip in Dec. and I doubt he will want to bring goodies back for the class. Do whatever feels right to you.

Jordan's mom
Last spring when my son missed school for a WDW trip we brought back something for his entire class and teacher - he was in third grade.

There were 20 kids in his class plus his teacher.

For $21 - we made a donation at the AK for the animal conservation. In return for the donation they gave us a brochure about animal conservation and a button to pin on their shirt. When my son returned to school he read a report he had done on this subject and handed out the gifts to his classroom.

this way the money is just not going to "junk" but is helping to take care of animals and learn about their conservation.
glewis this is TERRIFIC idea and one I didn't know was available.Could you please let me know where abouts in the AK you did this?

Thank you!

That was a terrific "gift" to bring back to your son's class! You and your son get an A+!:)

I know this is kind of off the topic, but speaking as a teacher, I love to see families taking vacations and I don't mind at all if children are pulled out of school to do so. Usually my only request is that the student shares some new information or knowledge about his/her traveling experiences when he/she returns to school. Experiences outside of the classroom are every bit as important as what goes on inside the classroom.

Lucky are the children who get to travel and experience new adventures!
That was a terrific "gift" to bring back to your son's class! You and your son get an A+!

Thank You !!!!!!

glewis this is TERRIFIC idea and one I didn't know was available.Could you please let me know where abouts in the AK you did this

You can usually find them at any of the bigger shops inside the park - they are located at the register - just tell the CM what you want to do - they will more than likely have to go to the back room to fulfill your order if you are buying for the entire class.

I happened to buy mine at the Zawadi Marketplace at the AKL. They were about 5 short when I bought mine but delivered the balance to our room later that day.
My DD(14) did buy for her close friends. She also brought back for 2 teachers. She also bought for her ear doc (specialist) She sees him all the time, he seems like he's part of the family (has had 16 ear surgeries). Now my DS(12) brought items back for his class and teacher. He's in sp.ed and there is only 10 counting him. He got them each a character pen. We also picked out a different food from each country at Epcot for the class to all try. It happened to coincide with what they were doing and the kids all loved trying the various foods. He got his teacher a Tigger t-shirt. He has had her for the past two years and she goes way beyond what she should for him and the rest of her students.
Hi, we're coming from the UK, and DD's (5) teacher asked her if she'd like to take the school teddy bear, Barnaby with her (would she ever!!!). All our primary schools have them, as a geography aid - he goes on various holidays, and the children have to talk about the climate, money, language, what they saw with Barnaby etc. So yes, I think Barnaby Bear will probably bring back some sweets for the class, and send a postcard to the class. But I loved the idea of the conservation idea. I'll look into that while we're over there. Thanks for that idea glewis! I'm pretty sure that DD will also want to buy a small present for her closest friends, and that's ok. I'm happy she likes to think about her friends.

We arrive in 5 days' time, so if you see Barnaby with his lime green ribbon, give us a wave!!!
:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
We are one of those that bring back token gifts for our children's classmates. DD-5yrs is normally excited before the trip,( usually during the school year) everyone knows where she is going. This year the class was studying money while she was gone, so we brought back a pressed penney for everyone. Great experience as she tried to match her friends personality with the pennies. We also bring back a character pen for each kid. For the teachers we always bring note pads. These are items that are self-depleting, and won't add to their junk piles. Other kids in her class take diffeent trips during the year and bring back memories, or token things to share (cookies, suckers etc).
MNT568 - Do what ever makes your children feel good, can't imagine sharing ever being a bad trait
Well...the last time we went, their classmates knew we went on vacation because (aged 5 in pre-school, and 3), and they were naturally excited about Disney, so they wanted to share with their friends.

I bought several bags of Mickey & character shaped Pretzels (like 25 cents a bag or so if I recall), and the kids shared them for their snack.

The 5 year old pre-schooler has a bear that the child gets to take with them and write in a diary (like Barnaby). We're going to try to snag the bear and take him with us so he can write in his diary all the neat things he saw. Maybe he'll hook up with Barnaby!

We certainly don't feel we're doing it to make anyone feel bad for not going, nor making them feel the need to reciprocate. I think it encourages the kids to share their experiences with their friends. I also plan on buying a book about disney and donating it to their library.
Our last trip DS had to miss 1 day of school but it was the only time we could take our free trip. I was thankful that the teacher didn't put up a fuss about it so I bought a very nice book about African animals at the Animal Kingdom Lodge and brought it back for the teacher and the class to use.
Thanks for the suggestions! We're going in a few weeks and DD's 7 and 9 are missing four days of school. Haven't missed one all year thus far, so not feeling so bad. Both have said they plan to buy happies for a few friends - I'm not sure it's such a good idea at their ages to be so selective. I plan on getting Christmas ornaments for the teachers. I teach preschool myself, and plan to find a food treat for my class or possibly some stickers. The postcard idea is a good one, and we may send one to our classes at school.
Don't forget to take some photos of Barnaby Bear ... at the airport, in the plane, around the parks. Grab extra brochures at the Theme parks.

Then when you get home you can make a photo album of BB's trip or a large poster for the classroom!
DS(11) missed 5 days of school, this year for our trip to WDW. He really wanted to buy something for all of the kids in the class, he talked about doing this on the whole trip. Disney gifts can be expensive and as one poster stated that not everyone needs more "junk". However, we did find a box of pencils that had all of the characters on them and said "Walt Disney World". So I picked up 2 boxes (I think there was 10 pencils in each). I figured every school child can use a new pencil and weather or not you like WDW, a pencil is a pencil, when you need one any one will do.
Most kids seem to have legos of one sort or another, and they all try to use their teeth to pry them apart. The most-appreciated souvie we ever brought back was Lego Brick Separator tools from the Lego Store. These are only available at Lego stores and through the Lego Shop-at-home catalog, so most kids have never seen one. I think they are cheaper at the stores than through the catalog. Each one is ~ 1"x3", here's what they look like:

We always go to the beach as well, and we have brought back seashells for the class, and also some pressed sea grapes for the teacher to use for biology. I've also brought back the Mickey pretzels to share for snack.

On our trip to DL last fall, we ended up with Bruno Bear as a surprise; Grandma picked DS up from school while Dad and I were packing, so with 20 minutes to go before we had to head to the airport, we had to find room for a 2-ft tall bear! Hauling that thing around the parks was a major PITA, especially since DS hated it, and did NOT want to pose with it. However, one photo we did persuade him to stand still for is so adorable, DH actually won a photo contest with it. DS was standing on the beach watching the sunset, with his pants rolled up and the waves splashing his ankles, with Bruno Bear riding piggyback on his shoulders. Decide carefully about how many times you want to carry the bear to a park, and make sure that there is a clear label on it in case it gets mislaid. Ours was wearing a sewn-on collar that said "I live at X School; City Y, USA: please take me to the lost & found so that I can get back to my children!"

I don't know about your schools, but at ours, Bruno's travels are described as the bear's diary, so the idea is to do things that would appeal to a bear. Here are some suggested "bear" photos: looking out of the airplane window, waiting to pick up his luggage on the carousel, character shots (especially w/ Baloo), waiting for a turn on the slide at the hotel pool (prop the bear up so it looks like he's in line), riding WTP, watching the fish @ Living Seas, etc. [We were at DL on that trip, so we did a lot of puns involving Grizzly Peak at DCA.]


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