Do you believe in cosmic communication?


<font color=green>Peacenik<br><font color=purple><
Aug 21, 1999
Yesterday, DH and I drove a few hours to a funeral. I had this very clear remembrance of an old high school friend who had woven a thread through my life until his death several years ago and told DH all these stories about him, crying and laughing. DH had known him pretty well as well. He was one of those people...memorable in many ways. He was a twin. I get home and on my FB page is a friend request from another old high school friend, who had married this guy's twin. Her husband, the twin, is also deceased. On her page, even still another friend posted yesterday, without provocation, a series of pics of the brothers from long ago...showing them healthy and happy. Then my girlfriend, the widow of the 2nd twin, tells me another girlfriend-who was the longtime love of the 1st guy, who I had been remembering-had left her a message that morning after several years of no contact. Clearly, we are being contacted or stimulated by something. It's not their birthday nor the anniversary of either of their deaths. I KNOW my old friend would work to reach us and that it's possible he has accomplished this, in death. This is a complex post and some of you may not be following me but do you believe your loved ones can contact you from "the other side?"
I do.

eta-thought I was on the community board
I absolutely believe in cosmic communication and love stories like yours.

My mom is always messing with me from the other side. I have an old plastic blender that I bought about 25 years ago when I was setting up my first place. She tried to convince me to guy a glass one but it simply wasn't in my budget and she warned me that the plastic one would never last. Everytime I pull it out I think of her. Well, the gasket went missing a few months ago, so the blender was useless and I finally broke down and bought a glass one. Not 3 days later, DH found the gasket in the cabinet under our sink and we can't explain how it got there. We still prefer to use the plastic blender, even now. :lmao:
I believe in coincidence. I don't think those on the other side have any reason to contact us and as a believer, what's on earth is no longer of any consequence to those that have passed.
I am skeptical, but I guess deep down I do believe it. When my dh's half brother was 2 years old he jumped out of a 2nd story window (he was trying to be superman) and broke both of his legs so he was in the hospital, this was about 32 years ago. While he was in the hospital his Dad died in a car accident. When MIL told him what happened the next day he said "I know, he told me last night".
My sister had on grandma's pearl earrings and went to work on the bus, someone commented on them and she touched them so she knew they were there. When she got home that night, one of them was gone and she was very upset to the point of crying. 3 months later, she was going into the kitchen and there it was in the middle of the floor. It was a joke to ask grandma (deceased) if we ever lost an earring! 30 years later, DD lost a pearl earring she won for selling 1000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies, she was upset and I told her the story, a week later I walked into my bathroom and felt something under my foot and there it was! DD looked like she couldn't believe it since we looked everywhere for it, then she said I guess your grandma found it for me.
Yesterday, DH and I drove a few hours to a funeral. I had this very clear remembrance of an old high school friend who had woven a thread through my life until his death several years ago and told DH all these stories about him, crying and laughing. DH had known him pretty well as well. He was one of those people...memorable in many ways. He was a twin. I get home and on my FB page is a friend request from another old high school friend, who had married this guy's twin. Her husband, the twin, is also deceased. On her page, even still another friend posted yesterday, without provocation, a series of pics of the brothers from long ago...showing them healthy and happy. Then my girlfriend, the widow of the 2nd twin, tells me another girlfriend-who was the longtime love of the 1st guy, who I had been remembering-had left her a message that morning after several years of no contact. Clearly, we are being contacted or stimulated by something. It's not their birthday nor the anniversary of either of their deaths. I KNOW my old friend would work to reach us and that it's possible he has accomplished this, in death. This is a complex post and some of you may not be following me but do you believe your loved ones can contact you from "the other side?"
I do.

eta-thought I was on the community board

You thought about this friend because he has passed and you just went to a funeral.

Human's have many memories that are "forgotten" until a event, smell, sight etc. triggers it.

Had you not thought of him the rest of your post would just be an interest and not a huge event that made you believe in contact from the other side.
I totally believe! My MIL's mom passed away several years ago and the day she passed my MIL started finding pennies everywhere. Seriously, everywhere. In her shoe, in her pocket, on the counters, dresser, car, desk, everywhere. She felt like it was her mom telling her she is still around. That was several years ago and the pennies have stopped appearing, except with MIL is in need of her mom and her advice. Then one will just show up somewhere strange again.
I absolutely believe in cosmic communication.

Here's an experience ---- my FIL passed away in January 2011 from lung cancer. Before he became ill he ate Cheerios all the time, it was his favorite cereal. As his illness progressed his appetite got worse and worse and he didn't eat much. My MIL didn't buy Cheerios anymore because he wouldn't eat them so she didn't have Cheerios in her house for probably a year before he died. Well, a few months after he died she was in her kitchen (she lives alone now) and she stepped on something. It was a Cheerio. She didn't think much of it but then during the day she kept finding them in the house. The weirdest part was when she found Cheerios on the steps leading up to the loft (where he used to sleep before he got sick).

And just to add to this bizarre story......(I live 3 hours away from my MIL and this happened before I found out about my MIL's experience) The same day my MIL found the Cheerios I was walking up my driveway from getting the mail and saw this really fat Robin sitting on my front porch step. As I was walking I thought I'd get some bread and throw it out for the Robin. But, after I entered through the backdoor and started my way to the kitchen a very clear thought popped in my mind "You should give the Robin some Cheerios instead". So I threw out a handful of Cheerios into the front yard.

When my MIL called me and told me about the Cheerios she found I told her my story and we knew it had to be my FIL!
While he was in the hospital his Dad died in a car accident. When MIL told him what happened the next day he said "I know, he told me last night".


My mom died unexpectedly. She was in remission from leukemia, but I had stopped worrying. One early morning I was asleep. Suddenly woke up and sat bolt upright saying "what?" Looked around in the darkness, no one is there at all. No noises, no nothing. Went back to sleep.

15 minutes later my stepdad calls me to tell me that my mom had been taken to the hospital, that the EMTs were doing chest compressions as they took her from the house, but it didn't look good at all. When he got to the hospital, they had already declared her dead. But really, she already was; doesn't take that long to bleed out due to blood thinners and an undiagnosed (despite every sign you could possibly have, which were ignored, "Hmm"ed, and even appreciated (4 rounds of chemo and was never nauseated until just before her death, and the doctors were happy that she was finally "normal")) bleeding ulcer.

She had swung by my place to say "bye".
I totally believe! My MIL's mom passed away several years ago and the day she passed my MIL started finding pennies everywhere. Seriously, everywhere. In her shoe, in her pocket, on the counters, dresser, car, desk, everywhere. She felt like it was her mom telling her she is still around. That was several years ago and the pennies have stopped appearing, except with MIL is in need of her mom and her advice. Then one will just show up somewhere strange again.

This happens to me ALL the time! Just last night I found three pennies on my bookcase. (I always beleived finding 3 pennies was good luck-even if you don't find them all at once).

This was slightly after a red cardinal bird followed me down the street and through an empty houselot that I would love to buy. Anytime I see a red cardinal it is when I am going through a trying time in my life and I honestly beleive it is a sign from my grandparents.
I don't call it that, but yes, I do. I have stuff happen all the time. It's pretty cool when you think about it, actually.

There's a book someone gave me that was interesting if you want to think more about this subject, called When God Winks.
shortbun said:
do you believe your loved ones can contact you from "the other side?"
I do.

Since you asked . . . No I do not. I believe that we maintain feelings towards people who died and some people look for comfort by over interpreting coincidences as having cosmic meaning.

I would love to think that the people that I've loved continue to exist and maintain communication with me but sadly, they do not.
I myself am not an avid player of the daily lottery number, so I have no idea why this happened to me.

It was morning and I was half awake half asleep-ok more asleep than awake, and I heard as plain as if someone was speaking in my ear "play xxx". I told my DH as he was leaving for work so he played the 3 numbers and it came out the next day! We won $900. :cool1: Luckily he played it for 3 days. I have never ever had anything like that happen to me. It was nice but a little creepy!
This is the budget board.
Unless you can tell me how my dead uncle is going to send me lotto numbers, I don't get how this goes here... :offtopic:

In other news, I just yelled at those darned kids to get off my lawn and also swung my walking stick at them. Arrggg...
I am not sure of how I feel about it.. but I lost my mother when I was 19. A few months after her passing, I was cleaning when I noticed an envelope with my name on it. I opened it up and it was a letter from my mom, dated a few years before her passing-- after a bout with cancer, but when she was in remission. It had expressed her wishes for a happy life for me, and how much I meant to her. It was EXACTLY what I needed at that time, but it almost appeared out of nowhere. I hadn't seen it before when cleaning? :confused3 But, it is still my most treasured piece, and I refer back often when I need to hear her "voice".
Yes, I do. My mom was in a nursing home and was rapidly declining.
We knew it wouldn't be long and our oldest sister was trying to get here before she passed. Well, my sister was on the road and was praying for mom to let go, be with dad, at the same time I was! Then about 30 minutes later when I was in bed, almost asleep, this current ran through my legs. It was like electricity or something leaving my body. I can't even explain it. About 3 minutes later my other sister called to let me know mom passed. All I said was, "I know."

Blessings like this don't happen to everyone. I am very glad they happen to me.
It gives me hope and faith that my loved ones are still looking out for me.
This is the budget board.
Unless you can tell me how my dead uncle is going to send me lotto numbers, I don't get how this goes here... :offtopic:

In other news, I just yelled at those darned kids to get off my lawn and also swung my walking stick at them. Arrggg...

Really? She edited the first post to say she meant to put it on the community board.
I don't believe in the supernatural at all. When you're dead, you're dead and there is no empirical evidence to the contrary. I believe many people have a significant ability to convince themselves of things they'd like to be true.
There is tons of evidence all around us every day! It's a matter of what you want to try to understand and choose to believe.

Oftentimes it takes a personal experience to begin to explore the possiblity.

Not thinking I'll change anyone's mind who believes otherwise (nor do I care to), but disbelievers have no real evidence it all comes to a complete end, either.

It's all a matter of personal belief and experience.
It's my choice to believe that my loved ones still surround me!

My grandmother was a lover of butterflies! I was out of state at my MIL's funeral when my grandmother took a turn for the worse. My parents called and told me to go to the Nursing Home as she was unconscious but they believed she was waiting for me to say "good-bye". As I stroked her hand and told her it was okay to leave us, I asked her to do me a favor. I told her that when she got to heaven to send me a butterfly to let me know that she and my MIL were okay. It was December and I was positive that there was no way I'd get my message.

She died in her sleep later that night. My 1st grade son whose only interest was planes went to school not knowing that his great grandmother was sick or possibly dying. He came home from school that day. I opened his backpack and pulled out a book on butterflies. I instantly asked him why he had that particular book and he said "I was in the library and that book just popped out at me". He never read it and never knew of my request of my grandmother. Coincidence, definitely! But, I take it as my "sign"!


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