Do Not Die Today: Southern California, 2022 (COMPLETE 2/23)

Do you smash your alarm clock?
Definitely not! I use my phone.

I need to buy an alarm clock for the express purpose of smasing it.
Procrastinate getting out of bed,
I don't have the time. I set my alarm (non-smashable) for as late as I dare already.
If so, you may be among the thousands of people who suffer from Disney Departure Procrastination, or DDP.
There's an acronym for everything!
First, we woke up with no alarm clock, a very underrated sensation
I have to admit, it was nice not to rush to try and beat everyone else to the park gates. But then that made me sad, because we weren’t going to the park gates.
Uh, huh....

Wait for it!...
Then we thought: do we have to leave right now? We have time, don’t we?
Annnnnd.. there it is.
We stopped in the Lego Store because that’s always a good way to distract ourselves.
Crazy how popular Lego has become!
beignets, which I’m pretty sure are very good for you.
Of course! Disney would never do anything that could hurt you.
Our breakfast photo wasn’t nearly as fun as the last time we’d been here, when the boys were just eating pure sugar.
Those are not the same people.
But hey, we managed to stay on Disney property until at least mid-morning. That’s not terrible, right?
Dave had bought himself a pair of Disney grad ears to celebrate his achievement, so we couldn’t resist getting a cheesy photo of him that he immediately hated and forbade me from showing it in public.
Now, now. Let's give the boy a chance... hmmm...

Let him know he looks like a doofus. That should help.
Just southeast of town is the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.
We started by randomly taking one of the hiking trails off to the right of the entrance.
"...and were promptly eaten by lions. This cuts down on feeding costs."
This took us to a lagoon with many exotic birds in the area. They’re not in the photos, but trust me, they’re there.
Not buying it, Mark.
In short order, we found some cheetahs,
Nice shot! Looks like you got pretty close.
And several rhinoceros.
rhinoceros... rhinoceroses? rhinoceri?
Apparently they're all correct. Thanks for vacillating Mr Merriam-Webster
The driver will narrate the entire trip to you and give you many details about the animals so you can not write any of it down and forget everything you learned by dinnertime. Not that I would know anything about that.
And on another trail, some kangaroos were doing the same.
Wait... I thought you said "Africa"? What are you trying to pull?
One side path took us into a nice little bonsai garden.
You posted that just for me, didn't you. ::yes::

(just say yes)
, instead inexplicably offering only refried beans as a side, which are one of the few foods that eventually come out of you looking exactly the same as they went in.
Agree with this 100%!!
We couldn’t resist dessert. They offered fried churros covered in cinnamon sugar and accompanied with frosting to dip them in. They were fresh out of the fryer, too.

All the food looked pretty good!
So we now proudly award the Taco Stand a Drooling Scotty Award for Excellence in Unpretentious Dining.

:laughing: High praise indeed!
Definitely not! I use my phone.

I need to buy an alarm clock for the express purpose of smasing it.
You use your phone to smash the clock, or you just smash your phone?

I don't have the time. I set my alarm (non-smashable) for as late as I dare already.
Well, that's understandable. When you only get an hour of sleep a day you want to prolong it.

There's an acronym for everything!
I know, right? I haven't even gotten to the California Road Automotive Program.

Uh, huh....

Wait for it!...

Annnnnd.. there it is.
I know you know that feeling of trying to squeeze a few more minutes out of the Disney trip.

Crazy how popular Lego has become!
And expensive! :faint:

Of course! Disney would never do anything that could hurt you.
Only in the wallet.

Those are not the same people. really is crazy, isn't it? Nobody told me it would go this fast.

And by nobody, I mean everybody. But you just don't understand it until you experience it.

Now, now. Let's give the boy a chance... hmmm...

Let him know he looks like a doofus. That should help.
Oh, I can definitely do that! Thanks!

"...and were promptly eaten by lions. This cuts down on feeding costs."

Not buying it, Mark.
After all these years, you still don't trust me?

Nice shot! Looks like you got pretty close.
That was with the good camera. The one thing phone cameras still can't do well is zoom in on a subject.

At least, not my phone.

rhinoceros... rhinoceroses? rhinoceri?
Apparently they're all correct. Thanks for vacillating Mr Merriam-Webster
I almost listed all those in the TR!

Wait... I thought you said "Africa"? What are you trying to pull?
Ok, maybe a tiny bit of Australia too.

You posted that just for me, didn't you. ::yes::

(just say yes)
Well, I thought they were nice and deserved to be shown.

But I DID know exactly which one of my readers would appreciate it the most. :thumbsup2
Agree with this 100%!!
Re-fried beans are one of those things that I just don't get. At all. Zero appeal.


All the food looked pretty good!
Very tasty! Now, I'm not a Californian and I'm sure everyone there has a different opinion on where to get the best tacos, but we weren't disappointed at all.

:laughing: High praise indeed!
He's probably still mad at me for posting that. Totally worth it.
You use your phone to smash the clock, or you just smash your phone?
Either way it’s a smashing good time!
Well, that's understandable. When you only get an hour of sleep a day you want to prolong it.
I know, right? I haven't even gotten to the California Road Automotive Program.
And expensive! :faint:
Always really is crazy, isn't it? Nobody told me it would go this fast.

And by nobody, I mean everybody. But you just don't understand it until you experience it.
After all these years, you still don't trust me?
If you were me and I was you would you trust you?
Well, I thought they were nice and deserved to be shown.

But I DID know exactly which one of my readers would appreciate it the most. :thumbsup2
He's probably still mad at me for posting that. Totally worth it.
Hi Mark! :wave2:

I decided to take a day off of doing "stuff" and decided to come back and visit the DIS. Hopefully I can get back here a little bit more regularly. I read all your updates, but don't have the strength yet to multi quote.

The Safari park looks fun. I might have to plan a trip there, possibly even do the "glamping" experience. Fran and I always talked about doing that one day and never made it happen.

Anyways, hopefully I can be around a little bit more! (and finish my own TR :rolleyes1 )
Hi Mark! :wave2:

I decided to take a day off of doing "stuff" and decided to come back and visit the DIS. Hopefully I can get back here a little bit more regularly. I read all your updates, but don't have the strength yet to multi quote.
Hi Alison! Welcome back, it's great to hear from you!

The Safari park looks fun. I might have to plan a trip there, possibly even do the "glamping" experience. Fran and I always talked about doing that one day and never made it happen.
I didn't bother looking into "glamping" but I thought the park was a nice place to spend half a day.

Anyways, hopefully I can be around a little bit more! (and finish my own TR :rolleyes1 )
I'm glad you're back! Will check in on your TR soon.
Hi Alison! Welcome back, it's great to hear from you!
It's really good to be back! I forgot how much I love the DIS community!
I didn't bother looking into "glamping" but I thought the park was a nice place to spend half a day.
I think I need to do this even more than ever now!
I'm glad you're back! Will check in on your TR soon.
You might want to do that sooner rather than later. . . :rolleyes1 I finished the old one and started a new one. The new one is mostly about fancy pants dining but you may still find it interesting....
Love your reports and photos. Your descriptions and accurate naming of food and beverages is amazing!:rolleyes1
Love the pictures of Club 33 especially, what an amazing experience. My best friend got to go once, she too was stuffing all sorts of souvenirs in her bag. I would likely be too in awe or tears to eat anything, but the food looked delicious.
‘The tour looked fun too, love how the kids got into the spirit of the photo taking!
So glad I happened upon your TR! You have such a lovely family. Too bad your DD couldn't take part in all the fun but at least she was there for your VIP day - what an awesome experience! Things dreams are made of. Love your writing style - the description of your boat ride to the island had me laughing so hard. It was perfect :-) Thanks for sharing your CA adventure!
Love your reports and photos. Your descriptions and accurate naming of food and beverages is amazing!:rolleyes1
Love the pictures of Club 33 especially, what an amazing experience. My best friend got to go once, she too was stuffing all sorts of souvenirs in her bag. I would likely be too in awe or tears to eat anything, but the food looked delicious.
‘The tour looked fun too, love how the kids got into the spirit of the photo taking!

Hey, thanks for taking the time to read and comment! Sorry I've been so slow to respond. I had a quick getaway for my anniversary and then I've been swamped with stuff at work.

DL and Club 33 was a great day, no doubt! We're really thankful our friend made that happen for us.
So glad I happened upon your TR! You have such a lovely family. Too bad your DD couldn't take part in all the fun but at least she was there for your VIP day - what an awesome experience! Things dreams are made of. Love your writing style - the description of your boat ride to the island had me laughing so hard. It was perfect :-) Thanks for sharing your CA adventure!

We did the best we could given our daughter's schedule. I think it worked out ok.

Thanks for reading along and I'm glad I could make you laugh!
Chapter 13: Lions and Tigers and Bears and Padres and Phillies

You would think we would have had our fill of exotic animals the day before, but I guess we’re just stubborn. Or we had only used one day from our 2-day passes. You know I’m not going to waste money on these trips (insert paying Disney prices joke here), so we headed back to the San Diego Zoo. This time, it was the main zoo in the city.


I don’t know what the zoos are like in your area. Most of the ones near me are smaller in scale. The zoo I grew up attending was the Smithsonian Zoo in Washington, D.C., mostly because admission is free there. It’s a nice park and they used to have pandas on loan from China, which were always fun to watch (they mostly sat around eating bamboo). The only downside to the DC Zoo is that it’s built on the side of a hill, and you have to walk all the way uphill to leave, which was always a pain when pushing strollers and sleepy kids around.

That zoo was nothing. The San Diego Zoo is massive. And it’s built on TWO ridges and their accompanying hillsides, making for long climbs and hikes I just wasn’t prepared for. They actually have to run shuttle buses throughout the day to help visitors get around the property.

Physical challenges notwithstanding, I’d say between the San Diego Zoo and the Safari Park, it’s probably the best zoo I’ve ever visited. They definitely have the most space and the most animals to see that I know of.

I won’t bother trying to re-trace our exact steps through the park because we did a lot of meandering. I’ll just hit some highlights.

We saw some koala bears…


Exotic birds….


A polar bear….


The backside of water…


A red panda telling us exactly what he thought of us…


And the zoo even had their own animatronic sleeping lion, just like Disney.


The zoo also has their own version of the Skyliner, a gondola that stretches between the two main ridges of the park. The boys and I took a ride on that, but Julie wanted no part of it so she took the long way around.



You can get some nice views of Balboa Park (adjacent to the zoo) and the city from up there.




We took the entire morning to tour the zoo. I think at one point we actually left to go eat our PB&J sandwiches in the parking lot and then returned to cover some more area we hadn’t seen in the morning. So the zoo was big enough to occupy a large chunk of our day.

When we’d finally seen everything we’d wanted to, we took a walk through Balboa Park. This is a tourist hub in San Diego, and home to many of the city’s museums and gardens. We didn’t have time to tour any of the museums but could at least enjoy the walk and the architecture of the buildings.



(Japanese Garden area posted for pkondz)




It got a little hot that afternoon, but we still had that nice sea breeze blowing in off the ocean. I can see why so many people relocate here and rave about the climate.

Around 4:00 or so, we went back to the van and drove downtown. We were going to attend our third and final baseball game of the trip at Petco Park, home of the San Diego Padres. We managed to find a parking garage right next to the stadium and then walked downtown.

Petco Park is a modern ballpark, having been opened in 2004. Many of the modern ballparks try to combine retro design features with modern amenities, and a lot of them succeed at both. The ballpark that set the standard in this regard was Camden Yards, home of the Baltimore Orioles. One of the most famous features of that park is the way it incorporated an old warehouse into the wall of the stadium, making it feel like a part of the city.

Petco Park stole that idea and replicated it here with the Western Supply Building. It houses ticket sales, the main stadium store, and sits out in left field of the park.


The gates weren’t open yet, so we walked a couple of blocks downtown to the Half Door Brewing Company for an early dinner.


This was a small bar/brewpub that had a pleasant little seating area for us on their porch. We wasted no time getting to the food, as PB&J does not hold off our hunger very long.

Any time we have the opportunity to get pretzel bread and beer cheese dip, we’re going to take advantage of it.


I think by now Julie and I were feeling a little burger-ed out, so we went for some off-the-reservation menu choices. Julie had some Shepherd’s Pie. This consisted of ground beef, onions, carrots, garlic mash, and white cheddar cheese. She seemed happy with it.


I went way out on a limb and got the “Infamous Bowl”, a mix of crispy fried chicken, corn, cheddar cheese, mashed potatoes and gravy. I will be the first to admit it doesn’t look like the most appetizing dish.


But it actually all tasted pretty good together. Would I prefer it over a burger? No. But for then it was a decent change of pace. The only complaint was that it was kind of a small portion.

Other selections by the offspring included fish & chips and a crispy chicken sandwich.



Once that was finished, we walked back to Petco Park. As luck would have it, our favorite team, the Philadelphia Phillies, were in town to play the Padres. When I’d seen that on the calendar I had made sure to include a game in our vacation plan. We know that fans of the opposing team are always given a warm and gracious greeting back home in Philadelphia, so we figured we’d get a similar reaction here.

Usually the gates open for games between an hour to 1.5 hours before the start time, and if you get there when they open the visiting team is usually still taking batting practice. It’s a good opportunity to stand in the outfield and try and catch home run balls. The pitchers, some coaches, and anyone else not taking practice will often stand in the outfield to shag balls and occasionally toss some up to fans in the stands. I never had much luck—it took me roughly 46 years of my life before I finally got a ball at a game. But my kids, especially Dave and Andrew, are much better looking than I am and have been baseball magnets over the years.

The strategy we use is to go out into the outfield and stand along the front row next to the wall. We’re positioned for balls flying over the fence and also hopefully putting a cute kid in view of the players in case they want to toss one up to a fan.


We had an extra advantage being Philly fans here. Surrounded in a sea of beige, yellow and brown Padres fans, our bright red Phillies gear stuck out like me in a Hobby Lobby. Dave spotted one of the pitchers, Kyle Gibson, catching fly balls as they came his way. So he called out, “Hey, Mr. Gibson!” and he and Drew waved to him. Gibson spotted these good-looking Phillies fans, gave a wave, and then tossed the next ball he caught in their direction.

It fell short into the empty club box. I guess there’s a reason he got moved out of the starting rotation and into the bullpen.

But he recognized his mistake, got another ball, and this one flew straight and true.


We took some leisurely walks around the stadium when batting practice was over and then eventually found our seats way, way up at the top of the stands when the game was ready to start.

It’s a beautiful ballpark. We saw one of the best old-school, historic stadiums and settings in Dodger Stadium. Then we saw a relic of the ugly concrete bowl period of the 70’s-80’s in Angel Stadium. Petco Park is one of the best examples of the modern period. Everything feels new and it has enough character (See the Western Metal Supply Building in left field?) to give it a unique personality.



This was in June 2022, so at this point in the season the Phillies were struggling with mediocrity. They had a decent lineup, but it seemed like it was going to be a struggle to make the playoffs, even for a lineup that included one of the best players in baseball, Bryce Harper.


And it would indeed be a struggle to make the playoffs. The Phils would have to wait until the end of the season, clinching the very last spot just two days before the regular season ended. Little did we know they’d end up going on a magical run that would end two wins short of a World Series championship. But man, that was such a fun playoff run. It included a defeat of these very same Padres in the National League Championship series.

Anyway, we had a great time enjoying this game. Home runs by Kyle Schwarber and J.T. Realmuto put the Phillies up fairly early and they coasted to an easy win.


And we could cross another ballpark off the list.


Coming Up Next: Scenes from the Pacific Coast.
Lions and Tigers and Bears and Padres and Phillies
Oh my!
You know I’m not going to waste money on these trips (insert paying Disney prices joke here)
I don’t know what the zoos are like in your area. Most of the ones near me are smaller in scale. The zoo I grew up attending was the Smithsonian Zoo in Washington, D.C., mostly because admission is free there.
I looked it up. Our zoo is 80 acres while the DC zoo is 163 acres. By comparison the San Diego zoo is 100 acres.
The only downside to the DC Zoo is that it’s built on the side of a hill, and you have to walk all the way uphill to leave, which was always a pain when pushing strollers and sleepy kids around.
You can get revenge by having them push you in your wheelchair when you're old and decrepit in a year or two.
The San Diego Zoo is massive. And it’s built on TWO ridges and their accompanying hillsides, making for long climbs and hikes I just wasn’t prepared for.
You didn't prep for this? The Disney UOG specifically mentions prepping for walking.

Quite disappointed in you.
it’s probably the best zoo I’ve ever visited.
I've heard nothing but good things about the San Diego zoo. Very much would like to visit some day.
I've been to San Diego, but only had time to visit the USS Midway carrier (which I definitely do not regret.)
We saw some koala bears…
stoned marsupials...
A polar bear….
Hah! We have 4!
The backside of water…
A red panda telling us exactly what he thought of us…
We have a couple of those too. :)
And the zoo even had their own animatronic sleeping lion, just like Disney.
I'm shocked that Disney hasn't issued a cease and desist order.
The zoo also has their own version of the Skyliner, a gondola that stretches between the two main ridges of the park. The boys and I took a ride on that, but Julie wanted no part of it so she took the long way around.
Fear of heights?
I think at one point we actually left to go eat our PB&J sandwiches in the parking lot
There it is!
we took a walk through Balboa Park. This is a tourist hub in San Diego, and home to many of the city’s museums and gardens.
Want to take a look here too.
(Japanese Garden area posted for pkondz)
Thanks! Just one more reason why I need to go back. ::yes::
One of the most famous features of that park is the way it incorporated an old warehouse into the wall of the stadium, making it feel like a part of the city.
We wasted no time getting to the food, as PB&J does not hold off our hunger very long.
You'd think your bodies would be used to subsisting on those.
Any time we have the opportunity to get pretzel bread and beer cheese dip, we’re going to take advantage of it.
Julie had some Shepherd’s Pie. This consisted of ground beef, onions, carrots, garlic mash, and white cheddar cheese. She seemed happy with it.
Wouldn't normally order Shepherd's Pie, but... sounds not too bad.
I went way out on a limb and got the “Infamous Bowl”, a mix of crispy fried chicken, corn, cheddar cheese, mashed potatoes and gravy. I will be the first to admit it doesn’t look like the most appetizing dish.
It actually sounds pretty... comfort food-ish. :)
As luck would have it, our favorite team, the Philadelphia Phillies, were in town to play the Padres.
Good timing. Nice of the league to set that up for you.
We know that fans of the opposing team are always given a warm and gracious greeting back home in Philadelphia, so we figured we’d get a similar reaction here.
it took me roughly 46 years of my life before I finally got a ball at a game.
Whelp... you've got me beat. It's been more than 46 years... that I've been to a pro baseball game. (i.e. never)
also hopefully putting a cute kid in view of the players in case they want to toss one up to a fan.
They're sure not gonna toss one up to you!
Might toss their cookies, but... that's another story.
our bright red Phillies gear stuck out like me in a Hobby Lobby.
Know the feeling.
So he called out, “Hey, Mr. Gibson!” and he and Drew waved to him. Gibson spotted these good-looking Phillies fans, gave a wave, and then tossed the next ball he caught in their direction.
Nice of him...
It fell short into the empty club box. I guess there’s a reason he got moved out of the starting rotation and into the bullpen.
It’s a beautiful ballpark
As the following photos attest. ::yes::
And it would indeed be a struggle to make the playoffs. The Phils would have to wait until the end of the season, clinching the very last spot just two days before the regular season ended. Little did we know they’d end up going on a magical run that would end two wins short of a World Series championship.
I don't really follow MLB, but... I was when that was happening. :)
Anyway, we had a great time enjoying this game. Home runs by Kyle Schwarber and J.T. Realmuto put the Phillies up fairly early and they coasted to an easy win.
Always nice when you're team wins. ::yes::
Thanks for not leaving me hanging.

Even on a multi-day trip, it doesn't matter which day you mean.

I looked it up. Our zoo is 80 acres while the DC zoo is 163 acres. By comparison the San Diego zoo is 100 acres.
Wow, that is WILD. Having walked both, I never would have guessed that DC was larger than San Diego. It certainly feels like there is a lot less walkable area in DC. Looking at them on Google Earth, I wonder if there is more undeveloped land in DC--it seems like there is a lot of tree-covered ground with no paths, while San Diego looks built out all the way to the edges of the property.

You can get revenge by having them push you in your wheelchair when you're old and decrepit in a year or two.
Heh. Yeah, that'll teach--


You didn't prep for this? The Disney UOG specifically mentions prepping for walking.

Quite disappointed in you.
I thought I'd already walked enough earlier in the week.

I've heard nothing but good things about the San Diego zoo. Very much would like to visit some day.
I've been to San Diego, but only had time to visit the USS Midway carrier (which I definitely do not regret.)
Definitely worth the visit! I had considered the Midway, but we toured the USS Yorktown in Charleston earlier in the year so we felt like it would be very similar.

stoned marsupials...
Stoned? :confused3
Hah! We have 4!
Oh sure, I bet polar bears are lingering on every street corner in Canada.

We have a couple of those too. :)
They're fun animals to watch.

I'm shocked that Disney hasn't issued a cease and desist order.
It feels like blatant plagiarism.

Fear of heights?
Somewhat. She really hates ski lifts and is not a fan of cable cars or anything that's free-swinging from a cable. She doesn't like it if it's wobbling in the air.

There it is!
It indeed is there.

Want to take a look here too.
Lots of museums and gardens there. It was nice to walk around, wish we could have explored a little more.

Thanks! Just one more reason why I need to go back. ::yes::
We couldn't see much from the path but I bet it's nice.

You'd think your bodies would be used to subsisting on those.
The three older kids basically eat the same amount of calories as the roster of the Denver Broncos.

Wouldn't normally order Shepherd's Pie, but... sounds not too bad.
I think she was just in the mood for something different. Luckily she enjoyed it.

It actually sounds pretty... comfort food-ish. :)
Pretty much! I just wish there was more of it.

Good timing. Nice of the league to set that up for you.
It was much appreciated, believe me.

Whelp... you've got me beat. It's been more than 46 years... that I've been to a pro baseball game. (i.e. never)
I'm guessing it's not high on your bucket list.

They're sure not gonna toss one up to you!
Might toss their cookies, but... that's another story.
I stood way in the back, so they couldn't see me. If they toss one at me, it's probably coming at a much higher velocity.

As the following photos attest. ::yes::
I don't really follow MLB, but... I was when that was happening. :)
We appreciated the support! Plenty of room on the bandwagon.

Always nice when you're team wins. ::yes::
It definitely made for an enjoyable evening!
Thanks for not leaving me hanging.
That's what friends do...
We also abuse each other... so there's that.
Even on a multi-day trip, it doesn't matter which day you mean.
Wow, that is WILD. Having walked both, I never would have guessed that DC was larger than San Diego. It certainly feels like there is a lot less walkable area in DC. Looking at them on Google Earth, I wonder if there is more undeveloped land in DC--it seems like there is a lot of tree-covered ground with no paths, while San Diego looks built out all the way to the edges of the property.
Having visited neither... I have no idea!
Heh. Yeah, that'll teach--


refer to above "abuse" comment.
I thought I'd already walked enough earlier in the week.
No such thing.
Definitely worth the visit! I had considered the Midway, but we toured the USS Yorktown in Charleston earlier in the year so we felt like it would be very similar.
Ah! You might be right. I'd never even seen a carrier, let alone set foot on one.
Was an urban legend that they got high on eucalyptus leaves. Truth is the leaves are low in nutrients so they need more sleep (up to 18hrs/day.)
Oh sure, I bet polar bears are lingering on every street corner in Canada.
Of course not. They're right out in the middle, daring anyone to come near.
Somewhat. She really hates ski lifts and is not a fan of cable cars or anything that's free-swinging from a cable. She doesn't like it if it's wobbling in the air.
They're perfectly safe, you know.
The three older kids basically eat the same amount of calories as the roster of the Denver Broncos.
Note to self. Never attempt to feed teenage boys.
I'm guessing it's not high on your bucket list.
Actually... it may not be at the top, but I'd like to see a MLB game. We have a "pro" team here. The Goldeyes. They're in the American Association of Professional Baseball league (18 teams, all but ours in the US.) I've seen a couple games and enjoy it.
I stood way in the back, so they couldn't see me. If they toss one at me, it's probably coming at a much higher velocity.
You would think we would have had our fill of exotic animals the day before, but I guess we’re just stubborn.
Or maybe you just like animals
The only downside to the DC Zoo is that it’s built on the side of a hill, and you have to walk all the way uphill to leave,
The LA zoo is the same way, but you walk uphill for the first half of the tour and downhill for the last part.
The San Diego Zoo is massive. And it’s built on TWO ridges and their accompanying hillsides, making for long climbs and hikes I just wasn’t prepared for. They actually have to run shuttle buses throughout the day to help visitors get around the property.
Sounds like they need the shuttle buses!
I’ll just hit some highlights.
I like highlights....
The backside of water…
That's fake! You're not on a boat!
A red panda telling us exactly what he thought of us…
And the zoo even had their own animatronic sleeping lion, just like Disney.
Wow, I hope whoever patented that is benefitting!
It got a little hot that afternoon, but we still had that nice sea breeze blowing in off the ocean. I can see why so many people relocate here and rave about the climate.
Yeah, San Diego just surpassed San Francisco as the most expensive city in California.
Any time we have the opportunity to get pretzel bread and beer cheese dip, we’re going to take advantage of it.
That's some odd looking pretzel bread.
Julie had some Shepherd’s Pie. This consisted of ground beef, onions, carrots, garlic mash, and white cheddar cheese. She seemed happy with it.
That sounds pretty tasty!
I went way out on a limb and got the “Infamous Bowl”, a mix of crispy fried chicken, corn, cheddar cheese, mashed potatoes and gravy. I will be the first to admit it doesn’t look like the most appetizing dish.
It all sounds good, but I like my crispy fried chicken to be....well crispy, and the gravy kind of squashes that idea.
But he recognized his mistake, got another ball, and this one flew straight and true.
That was nice of him.
Anyway, we had a great time enjoying this game.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I would have commented more, but I mostly heard the teacher on the Peanuts. :laughing:
My apologies. It's been really really slow here, and it's all my fault. We took some time off for our family summer vacation. Since then, work has been crushing me. We've lost a few staff suddenly and now I have a skeleton crew left behind, so it's been all-consuming to try and make operational changes and implement other ideas to try and keep the remaining staff from burning out. And so....I haven't been spending time here.

We'll limp our way to the finish line eventually, I promise.
That's what friends do...
We also abuse each other... so there's that.
I thought the latter was what friends primarily did.

Was an urban legend that they got high on eucalyptus leaves. Truth is the leaves are low in nutrients so they need more sleep (up to 18hrs/day.)
Huh...I'd never heard that one before.

Of course not. They're right out in the middle, daring anyone to come near.
I knew it! I've barely spent any time in Canada, but I feel like I can speak about it like an expert.

Do NOT show this to Julie.

Note to self. Never attempt to feed teenage boys.
It's impossible anyway.

Actually... it may not be at the top, but I'd like to see a MLB game. We have a "pro" team here. The Goldeyes. They're in the American Association of Professional Baseball league (18 teams, all but ours in the US.) I've seen a couple games and enjoy it.
I enjoy attending games. I think it's better live than on TV. I feel the same way about ice hockey.

Or maybe you just like animals
I spend so much time with them in the car!

The LA zoo is the same way, but you walk uphill for the first half of the tour and downhill for the last part.
That sounds much more reasonable.

Sounds like they need the shuttle buses!

That's fake! You're not on a boat!
:rotfl2:You just can't copy the real thing.

Wow, I hope whoever patented that is benefitting!
Blatant plagiarism! I thought it was bold.

Yeah, San Diego just surpassed San Francisco as the most expensive city in California.
That's really saying something! San Fran ain't cheap either.

That's some odd looking pretzel bread.
Yeah, it was different. Tasted good, though.

That sounds pretty tasty!
I think Julie was very happy!

It all sounds good, but I like my crispy fried chicken to be....well crispy, and the gravy kind of squashes that idea.
Agreed. I thought it tasted fine, but probably wouldn't order it again. Was nice to have a break from burgers though.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I would have commented more, but I mostly heard the teacher on the Peanuts. :laughing:
I still think it's funny that you feel that way about sports and I feel that way about fancy 5-course meals and wine, but we stick with each other's TR's anyway. :laughing:
My apologies. It's been really really slow here, and it's all my fault. We took some time off for our family summer vacation. Since then, work has been crushing me. We've lost a few staff suddenly and now I have a skeleton crew left behind, so it's been all-consuming to try and make operational changes and implement other ideas to try and keep the remaining staff from burning out. And so....I haven't been spending time here.
No excuse!
I thought the latter was what friends primarily did.
That's a dumb thing to say.

So... Yes.
Huh...I'd never heard that one before.
Sometimes I'm amazed at how much useless information I have... which is unfortunate considering the galling lack of useful information that I possess.
I knew it! I've barely spent any time in Canada, but I feel like I can speak about it like an expert.
Finish every sentence with either "eh", or "sorry" and you're practically a native.
It's impossible anyway.
Impossible to feed them? Or fill them?
I enjoy attending games. I think it's better live than on TV. I feel the same way about ice hockey.
Although I've found that for car racing on road or street tracks that if I watch them live, I'll watch a recording later. There's too much going on that's out of eyesight.
Well, life has gotten in the way and I have been mostly absent from the DISboards for the past couple of months. There's been a lot of stuff going on here on the homefront, and so updating the TR and participating in everyone else's has been put on the back burner. I do miss interacting with my DIS friends very much. Don't you hate it when life forces changes on you?

Anyway, I have a few moments of free time so let's try and get another update in. I'm mostly finishing out of obligation at this point, but I hate leaving a job undone.


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