Disney's YACHT & BEACH CLUB RESORTS Information & Questions

First and foremost, I just want to say that the Beach Club is INCREDIBLE! Here is a little pictorial journey of our Fourth of July stay:

Amazing pictures!!! Thanks so much for taking me (and so many others) to our Happy Place!

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Glad you are all set with your son's med replacements now you can focus on your quick 4 day visit. Does your room have the elusive "lotion", notepad & pen, and a Bounce Back (BB) offer booklet?

The DIS wants to know the answer to this burning question. :disrocks:

I felt so silly, but seriously looked for all three!!! Not any of them! 😂😂 I did bring my sample sizes of L’Occitanre Shea butter I’ve been hoarding- honestly so good and I get them 3/$10 at the outlet 😂
My truly only complaint is NO covers!!! It feels like I’m sleeping at a prison, there is essentially a super thin blanket sandwiched between two sheets. They really need that nice heavy cotton blanket at the bottom. I could not sleep well at all because the weight of all three of those felt like one sheet..I’m going to message Kim in MDE and see if there is anyway to get a comforter or just get 4 blankets we can double up to give weight to our covers...they definitely need a duvet or down topping. After 12 hours walking yesterday- a nice comfy cover to snuggle into would have made this perfect!!❤️❤️
Missed 3 Magic Kingdom buses bc they were full- 2 didn’t stop...glad we got here early..about a 35 minute wait so far to catch a bus...they were hitting YC first..filling up...hoping the 4th bus will let us on- the first bus to open doors only took 20 and about 50 waiting.
My truly only complaint is NO covers!!! It feels like I’m sleeping at a prison, there is essentially a super thin blanket sandwiched between two sheets. They really need that nice heavy cotton blanket at the bottom. I could not sleep well at all because the weight of all three of those felt like one sheet..I’m going to message Kim in MDE and see if there is anyway to get a comforter or just get 4 blankets we can double up to give weight to our covers...they definitely need a duvet or down topping. After 12 hours walking yesterday- a nice comfy cover to snuggle into would have made this perfect!!❤❤
There should be an extra blanket in the room; look in drawers and closet. You can request blankets by either calling Housekeeping from your room phone or by leaving a note for Housekeeping, where they will see it - maybe on a pillow or at the sink.

During one of the very cold spells, one January, I requested an extra cover and came back to my room and found the bed made up with an extra blanket.
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I've got a couple of longer distance pictures of the BC looking across Crescent Lake. Also, one of the YC and one of the BCVs. I don't think this is what you're really looking for but thought I would send them along just in case!

Thanks so much! These are beautiful pictures!


Hi, this is my first post, and I am staying at the Yacht Club for the first time. I booked a garden/woods view and was hoping for anyone to give me insightful information about Yacht club rooms, the resort, or anything else I need to know. I am staying Nov. 26th to Dec. 1st.

:welcome: to this thread and posting on the DIS!

I'll add you to the Be Our Guest list we keep on Page 1, Post 15.

As suggested, we recommend that you start by checking out Page 1- particularly Post 1- Intro, Post 13- FAQ and Post 14- Other Useful Info.

Please let us know if you have any questions between now and your trip.


Decided to go!
Having a wheel chair delivered to bell services, have crutches (to hopefully get into pool), a knee brace and shot of something into the knee.
Dreading the airports but waited so long to try this resort!

Hope you are having a fabulous time and getting around ok with a little help from your friends.

Missed 3 Magic Kingdom buses bc they were full- 2 didn’t stop...glad we got here early..about a 35 minute wait so far to catch a bus...they were hitting YC first..filling up...hoping the 4th bus will let us on- the first bus to open doors only took 20 and about 50 waiting.
On Wednesday's it is always worth it to walk over to the YC Bus stop in the morning since it is EMH at the MK. The park with EMHs is always busy even if it is for EMH evening hours (think resort guests without park-hoppers). Tonight the MK is open until Midnight for resort guests.

We got back yesterday from our first stay at Beach Club. We loved this resort!

I injured my knee two days before and almost cancelled. My husband was such a good sport, pushing me around in a wheel chair in the heat and humidity.

Walking to Epcot and the Boardwalk was so convenient, especially not having to load a wheel chair onto the bus.

Our kids met up with us one night and we just enjoyed sitting on the boardwalk with pizza, beer and ice cream.

One afternoon while we were at a very empty boardwalk getting lunch from the bakery, Donald Duck and Goofy wandered by and posed with our grandkids who were sound asleep in their stroller.

The quiet pool was cool and refreshing mid-afternoon and we spent several hours in the lazy river and fancy pools each night until they closed at 11.

We dined at Ale and Compass, Beach and Cream (so fun!), and the market place. We walked over to Epcot for breakfast in France, lunch at Le Cellier, dinner at Nine Dragon and Rose and Crown.

Our kids joined us at the parks twice but it was much too hot for babies and they ended up leaving without doing attractions (other than the Baby Care Centers to cool down!).

This will probably our first and last summer visiting due to the heat though we may not have enjoyed the pools as much in the cooler weather.

Would love to do another Boardwalk resort for our Christmas season trip.
I have looked in other forum posts but cant find a specific answer, Im looking for Stormalong Bay pool hours for November. I have seen anything from 8AM-10PM and 10AM to 6PM and Im trying to plan park days around the pool. If anyone has last years schedule(2018) that would be very helpful
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Wow that's quite the hike. I thought a 9 hour drive was bad. Hope you have a great trip!!

:welcome: to the thread!

I read the fine print in your signature and see you have an epic surprise split trip coming up!

I'll add you (quietly) to the Be Our Guest list we keep on Page 1, Post 15


6 days away and I’m nervous! I try to plan down to the finest details, checking every potential opportunity, EMH, painting hour, cabana rental, ordered cheap matchy shirts from Old Navy, my mom was sweet and called to order us all matchy shirts- I assumed they were Mickey or Minnie- but they were all Auburn University shirts (our 2 girls go there) and my Dad and I went there- so now we will be advertising football kickoff and must get family pics decked out in our orange and blue...I guess it’s just getting real and it’s bringing up scary memories from our last failed family trip. Does anyone have any positive vibes/pixie dust/or ideas to blow away these jitters??? I know we will love BC but I think our whole family is a bit apprehensive for things to go well- kind of like driving again after a bad wreck...are there any fun things your family does that is a tradition that makes you smile?? We need more of those to consider!!❤❤❤

Hope all is going well so far!!!

I wanted to comment on your family tradition- I bet you will get lots of comments on your shirt.

We have a family college tradition as well- My dad went to UNH, my husband and I were both Wildcats (no, we didn't meet there- high school), my oldest son is a senior at UNH, my nephew and several cousins went there as well. Alas, Ben is not attending the family alma mater- he is off to George Washington University one week from today.


Hi everyone! My husband and I will be at the beach club villas May 11-18, 2020. I'm so excited to be going back. We last stayed at the yacht club in 2015 which was our last trip with my dad.

:welcome: back!

I'll add you to the list.


The salon opened on 8/4. The spa and fitness center is due to open on the 10th.

Thank you so much for the info.


Just read a post from this morning. Seems Disney is no longer going to put lotion in the rooms..... might want to pack your own from now on......


Thanks for alerting us to this!

We’ve been here six days so far and we’ve received lotion once. But the toiletries have been hit or miss. One day we had no shower gel, then we had two shower gels and no shampoo, then one day no conditioner. It’s been weird.

Ooooo... toiletry roulette!


I've read on this thread and also googled but I can't find the answer to this question. Do the "quiet" pools at BC and YC have hot tubs as well or are the only hot tubs located at Storm a long Bay?
My husband enjoys the hot tub in the late evening and we found out the hard way at CSR that the hot tub was in the main pool area and closed early.


Do you have an upcoming trip to the resort.

As previously indicated, the quiet pools do have hot tubs

Beach Club


Yacht Club

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I have looked in other forum posts but cant find a specific answer, Im looking for Stormalong Bay pool hours for November. I have seen anything from 8AM-10PM and 10AM to 6PM and Im trying to plan park days around the pool. If anyone has last years schedule(2018) that would be very helpful

:welcome: to the thread!

I'll add you to the Be Our guest list we keep on Page 1, Post 15.. Are you staying at BC/YC or BCV?

Good news/bad news- I do have a listing of past pool hours on Page 1, Post 2, but my reporting of the November hours is kind of missing.

This is what I've got:

Past Pool Hours
(link to be added to Page 1, Post 2)


December 10 am to 8 pm
October 9 am to 9 pm (maybe 10 pm earlier in the month and on weekends)
June, July, August, early Sept 9 am to 11 pm
April, May ??? closing at 10 pm, I believe
January, February, March 10 am to 8 pm

October: 9 am to 10 pm (some weekends), 9 am to 9 pm end of month
August: 9 am to 10 pm
April, 9 am to 10 pm
March, 9 am to 10 pm
February, ???
January, 10 am to 8 pm

early Aug, 9 am to 10 pm
July, 9 am to 10 pm
June, 9 am to 10 pm
early March, 9 am to 10 pm
late February, 10 am to 8 pm
January 2016, ???

2015, 2014:
mid-Dec 2015, 9am to 10 pm
late August 2015, 9 am to 11 pm


My guess is that the November hours will be about the same as December, so 10 am to 8 pm is a very good possibility. The Recreation staff could use their discretion and keep the pool open longer if the crowd levels are high and the temperatures are warm.
:welcome: to the thread!

I'll add you to the Be Our guest list we keep on Page 1, Post 15.. Are you staying at BC/YC or BCV?

Good news/bad news- I do have a listing of past pool hours on Page 1, Post 2, but my reporting of the November hours is kind of missing.

This is what I've got:

Past Pool Hours
(link to be added to Page 1, Post 2)


December 10 am to 8 pm
October 9 am to 9 pm (maybe 10 pm earlier in the month and on weekends)
June, July, August, early Sept 9 am to 11 pm
April, May ??? closing at 10 pm, I believe
January, February, March 10 am to 8 pm

October: 9 am to 10 pm (some weekends), 9 am to 9 pm end of month
August: 9 am to 10 pm
April, 9 am to 10 pm
March, 9 am to 10 pm
February, ???
January, 10 am to 8 pm

early Aug, 9 am to 10 pm
July, 9 am to 10 pm
June, 9 am to 10 pm
early March, 9 am to 10 pm
late February, 10 am to 8 pm
January 2016, ???

2015, 2014:
mid-Dec 2015, 9am to 10 pm
late August 2015, 9 am to 11 pm


My guess is that the November hours will be about the same as December, so 10 am to 8 pm is a very good possibility. The Recreation staff could use their discretion and keep the pool open longer if the crowd levels are high and the temperatures are warm.
Thank you very much and staying at the BC.
Sitting in Beach Club lobby, cooling off and trying to guess if storms will blow over. Pool closed due to thunder.

Yep, this is our day for Cabana- not sure if we should change into swimsuits- just hoping it’ll blow over rather than build- have never been to this pool- so ready to try it!! ❤️❤️❤️
We were also told it could be up to 6pm before housekeeping gets to us...it’s after 3pm...we had no coffee with caffeine- only decaf..got those sent up- and they brought 2 blankets and lotion up...they are very responsive! I also received an offer of 3 additional fast passes if we do the DVC tour- we may do it! Everyone send pixie dust so this storm blows over!
I also received an offer of 3 additional fast passes if we do the DVC tour- we may do it!

Do it, but see if they'll give you a gift card too. They often give $100 GC, and they'll drop you anywhere you want on property afterward, including a park! (and if you want to buy in, join us on the DVC forum so we can explain resale and why Riviera isn't the best idea, which is what they'll be selling when you're there :). Don't buy from them directly!)
Do it, but see if they'll give you a gift card too. They often give $100 GC, and they'll drop you anywhere you want on property afterward, including a park! (and if you want to buy in, join us on the DVC forum so we can explain resale and why Riviera isn't the best idea, which is what they'll be selling when you're there :). Don't buy from them directly!)
We did the DVC talk last October and got the FPs and the $100 gift card. We also bought in, though.
So very helpful..I don’t think hubby needs it at hotel, but the smaller the better- I think he mainly needs it to get to farther areas in parks- then can manage around the various rides- then trek over to the other side- do people use people movers in the parks at all?
I'll say we rented a scooter a cpl times at the parks for my mom and man are they SLOW...this year we rented from an outside vendor and it was so much faster. - My mom would have to slow down for us, so I'd def go with an outside vendor.


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