Disney cruising Down Under?

And now as a gold member I’ve just booked a cruise. I can confirm the deposit payment was charged in USD.
I was afraid of that, every day I've been watching the price of the cruise increase :oops: 😂 Thanks for confirming it though.
Does anyone know if the pricing will be charged in AUD when we can book?? I'm a bit worried about it staying in USD and then the AUD plummets by the time we have to pay the full amount and it will end up costing us way more than we think 🤔
They've said from the get go it is in US$ which is a shame as the dollar just keeps going DOWN so these cruises WILL 100% cost more by the time you pay it off.
Can't get through on phone or on to the website anyone else having problems been trying for over an hour. totally stressed
Yep stuck on the waiting page! The website opened early for bookings since 2am (aest) due to the hurricane in Florida, their call centre is also closed and not taking new calls atm as well :guilty:
Yep stuck on the waiting page! The website opened early for bookings since 2am (aest) due to the hurricane in Florida, their call centre is also closed and not taking new calls atm as well :guilty:
Me too can't get through my friend booked last night
Finally got through! It kept giving me the "working on it" page after each step, just refreshed each time until check out and I don't know if I'm relieved or stressed I now have to wait 500 days until the cruise 😬
I keep getting chucked back in the waiting room. I'm hoping it's because of Ian, and not because of an overwhelming popularity.
I've just started getting that now and I'm thinking it's all shut down thanks to Ian.
I'm having so many conflicting thoughts about this whole thing. I really want to go, but the prices are just stupid. Plus the cruise I want is the 4 night Sydney one from February 12th and our youngest would have literally just started school for the first time, so pulling her out for a week after she has only been for maybe a week sounds like a bad idea.

I might go look through some different departing options.
Happened to be up at 5am and only just got all the way through and had payment accepted - its horrible but persistence is paying off :)


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