Discovery Magic vs. Not

Lisa in Pa

Earning My Ears
Sep 18, 1999
Anyone used the Discovery Magic Package? I am debating weather or not to do it. We usually book just the room, by an AP and pay for our meals. The only bad thing is, I watch every penny we eat. I am think with the package I won't feel guily getting dessert. Anyone who had used it, would you use it again? How does it work technically, vouchers? credit on your room?

You will never eat as much as you will pay. We did it years ago when I was pregnant (great eating form) I still couldn't get dessert. No room. It was nice to have the trip paid for before we went but I won't do it again. I have learned if I want dessert I don't order dinner. It has saved our budget.
....and had a very hard time breaking even. You pretty much have to eat in a sit down restaurant *every* meal and have appetizer, entree, and desert. It's great if you're at Disney for the food - but three full meals every day takes alot of time - which means less time at the attractions.

By the end of the vacation I just couldn't eat any more big meals - and the plan wouldn't allow us to simply grab quick snacks at the counter service restaurants.

Poly Nov '94
Beach Club Oct '97
Yacht Club Nov '01
I must agree with the others....i have used the discovery magic plan in the past and yes it is very nice not having to keep a total of the food money that you are spending. However, we figured that we did pay more for the "upgraded" package than we actaully ate or used in other flexes.
I came home with a few nice "flex" items (shirts, watches and picture frames) and we ate ourselves silly. (at least two large meals a day - no need for snacks. We were stuffed. Infact in order to "spend" all of our flexes we ended up planning our days around flexed meals instead of what we really wanted to do. I just couldn't bring myself to "through away" those flexes and the money i spent on them.) I kept all the "reciepts" for all of our meals and other flex features(including a soup to nuts meal at the Brown Derby for three).
When we got home i compaired the price we paid for the Discovery Magic Plan to the quote from my travel agent for the Resort Magic Plan. The Discovery was $400 more than the Resort plus all of the meals and other flexes would have been.

Next time i will create a generous meal budget that will allow us to enjoy what we eat without being a slave to the flexes. (If i don't spend it on grub i can always buy more goodies or even bring it home and start saving for my next trip!)

Lori O'Connell


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