Disboutiquers Part 5 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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I finally have another outfit to post. I don't know if some of you remember but a month or so ago I asked the question about pricing an outfit. A lady that is part of another message board with me was really wanting me to make an outfit for her little girl too (she's 3 too). I finally said "yes" and here is the finished product.




I am really pleased at how it turned out and I hope they will be too! I will have another skirt to share tomorrow. Parker's preschool class is having a teddy bear picnic and I made her a skirt to match a Gymboree top. I even made the bear a matching skirt!
I finally finished my DD2's birthday invitations! Yeah!:banana: :banana: :banana:

I'm having a bad night though, thinking of strangling my DH. Good thing he is 300 miles away and my arms aren't that long!

Long off topic RANT to follow!

I asked him to fly (instead of driving 500 miles today from Tulsa, OK to Midland, TX) tomorrow to Midland from Dallas. This would have meant that he would have had to drive home today from Tulsa (about 210 miles) and fly out tomorrow morning. I wanted this for two reasons.....one, he was gone last night and two, we can use the airmiles. The airline tickets do not come out of our money (and neither does the car or gas - he has a company car) but he does have a travel budget. The tickets on Sunday night were $230 round trip. I figure that with driving 500 miles today and about 300 miles tomorrow (for 800 total) his gas has to cost him (I mean his company) $90-100. He has to stay the night in a hotel (minimum $90 if he stays somewhere really cheap but usually $150) and eat (maybe $25). So it works out that he is spending around $205 from his travel budget if he does everything as cheaply as possible instead of $250 for a plane ticket and parking. Not much savings and he didn't come home tonight and his daughters didn't get to see him.

Of course, he calls me around 8:30 tonight to tell me that he got a speeding ticket on the way there for doing 81 mph in a 70 mph. I am usually very understanding about tickets (I have a bit of a lead foot myself) but this is his second one this year. Since he has to drive for his job and since he has a company car where they pay for his insurance we have to pay to get the ticket taken off his record. So it usually ends up costing us around $350 for each ticket :scared1: . Thankfully he has a good job and we can afford to pay for it, but it is like throwing money out the window in my opinion. I have been doing everything in my power lately to keep our costs down since we are expecting baby #3 in 7 weeks and I know our expenses will go up once the baby arrives and I want to do bodily harm to him! The girls and I never eat out when he is gone (which we used to do as a treat - McDonald's or Little Caesars) anymore and I have been using coupons like a mad woman to save on groceries, trying to drive less since gas is up, etc. I think if I had to have my blood pressure taken right now it would be through the roof! And even though I'm not a big drinker (not at all, barely drink as it is) I need a drink but can't b/c I'm pregnant! So instead, I'm ranting and raving to everyone here. I know it's not really a big deal since he is safe and we won't end up losing our home or anything like that but I am spitting mad! Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a better outlook on this. At least I hope I do before he gets home!

Sorry for such an off topic rant and rave!
:hug: That has got to be so frustrating for you. Ranting is ok it is good to get it off of your chest. :hug:
I finally have another outfit to post. I don't know if some of you remember but a month or so ago I asked the question about pricing an outfit. A lady that is part of another message board with me was really wanting me to make an outfit for her little girl too (she's 3 too). I finally said "yes" and here is the finished product.




I am really pleased at how it turned out and I hope they will be too! I will have another skirt to share tomorrow. Parker's preschool class is having a teddy bear picnic and I made her a skirt to match a Gymboree top. I even made the bear a matching skirt!
That is very pretty. She should be happy with it.
Wow those are super cute!!!


BTW, I will soon be coming out of lurk mode as well. I just started sewing, but I figure y'all will be fairly nice. I am very proud that none of my dresses for my 2 dd's have yet disolved or fallen off of my 2 girls...
:hug: That has got to be so frustrating for you. Ranting is ok it is good to get it off of your chest. :hug:

Thank You!

I finally have another outfit to post. I don't know if some of you remember but a month or so ago I asked the question about pricing an outfit. A lady that is part of another message board with me was really wanting me to make an outfit for her little girl too (she's 3 too). I finally said "yes" and here is the finished product.




I am really pleased at how it turned out and I hope they will be too! I will have another skirt to share tomorrow. Parker's preschool class is having a teddy bear picnic and I made her a skirt to match a Gymboree top. I even made the bear a matching skirt!

Very cute! I'm sure they will love it! Can't wait to see the other outfit!


BTW, I will soon be coming out of lurk mode as well. I just started sewing, but I figure y'all will be fairly nice. I am very proud that none of my dresses for my 2 dd's have yet disolved or fallen off of my 2 girls...

Glad you're coming out of lurkdom! Not having them dissolve or come apart is an accomplishment and you should be proud!
:surfweb: I am just catching up..... Again
I wanted to share what I did with a story book-
For my dd

And my ds- It still needs elastic.

I am planning to do shirts for them that say I Dream. It was a storybook that was on clearance at hancocks and it is St. Judes fabric. I have a few more storybooks I got a nemo one at Mill End fabrics that I have not seen anywhere else. I also have a princess and cars ones. I am planning to do the matching thing again with the cars and nemo cuz I know in a few short years they will not cooperate!!
Since it has finally melted around here we have been outside alot and been busy with mothers day projects. My ds loves to fish and the other night it rained alot and the night crawlers (Big Earthworms) were out everywhere so we put on the rain gear and went out collecting. He had such a great time. He even caught toads!! He was in heaven!! When were done he had to call grandpa to let him know he had the bait so they could go fishing!! We let the toads go by the way. And we also washed our hands very well!!
Here is DS in his gear with the bucket o worms and the toad house:
Oh and I just bought a ruffler from :wizard: I am really excited to try it out!! I'll be checking out that tutorial on ycmt!

And the weather lady said it will make it into the 70's this weekend :woohoo: :yay: :banana: So michigan should be getting warmer too!!
someone posted with cow print, farm animals and something else. Was something actually made with that? The fabric was really cute! I'd love to see the finished project.

also what does CASE stand for?

I did not see if anyone answered your question soooo.....CASE: Copy and Steal Everything
LOL Nana
I think I am going to break down and buy a machine this weekend! But I need suggestions for a very basic, beginner friendly machine. I was thinking of one of the Brother models from Wal-Mart to get me started. Any thoughts?

And I cannot remember who posted about it, but someone mentioned taking CarlaC's peasant top and making it more of a swing top. Did you just trace an "A" line top you had or do something different?
Come on Miss Cammie, Sally NEEDS ruffles! You can do it!! Just fold a strip of fabric in half and stitch with a long basting stitch. It practically ruffles itself.

I'm definitely THINKING about it!!!:lmao: Thanks for the encouragement though!

And I really don't want to do a lot of bodily harm to him, I would maybe just like it if he stubbed his toe or had a hang nail that hurt!

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao:

if our husbands would only do as we say their lives would be MUCH easier!:confused3 ;)

I finally have another outfit to post. I don't know if some of you remember but a month or so ago I asked the question about pricing an outfit. A lady that is part of another message board with me was really wanting me to make an outfit for her little girl too (she's 3 too). I finally said "yes" and here is the finished product.




I am really pleased at how it turned out and I hope they will be too! I will have another skirt to share tomorrow. Parker's preschool class is having a teddy bear picnic and I made her a skirt to match a Gymboree top. I even made the bear a matching skirt!

that is SOOOO cute!!! I love it!

Hi everyone! I wanted to share my newest creation and my BIG news! Well here is the newest dress that I made for Roseanna:


and the news is......that I have finally decided to try to start selling my bows and creations on ebay. i have spent months trying to perfect my skills and this dress and the comments that it has recieved out and about was the last push to get me started. I have one listing up and need to take pictures of 2 more sets and create listings for them tomorrow. Wish me luck ladies, this my be my last way to fund our Disney trip this fall for Mark's homecoming.

What a dolly!!! Darling dress!!! I'll keep an eye out for your STUFF!!!

Okay- so Im thrilled! Kayla my foster got adopted Friday night, and my 2 GA dogs (brother and sister) are getting adopted this week! Hooray! Now I have a nice chocolate labbie boy in GA I have to find a nice home for.....

The butterfly dress was a big hit at the birthday party-heres an action shot-

and my cousins stopped in yesterday for lunch and wanted to see all the outfits I've made. Felt so good to have someone admire my sewing.
Guess what I made them???
Canadian Chedder Cheese Soup (recipe from Mickey Monitor)

It was a big hit- turns out I didnt fare so well though- I just cant eat onions any more.
Up for tomorrow- something with pooh fabric I think
oh and I made this yesterday-
travel sized pillow- perfect for a 2yr old

custom bows to match my outfits from waughzee- got these a week ago, but havent shared yet

You have been a BUSY bee lately!!! Finding homes for gorgeous labs...making dresses and pillows and Canadian cheddar cheese soup!!! WOW!!

I LOVE that pillow!!! I want to make travel pillows for the kids this summer.

maybe if I took a xanax before sewing I wouldn't be so afraid of making a mess...but then I might sew the fabric to my hand or something...


I didn't post a picture of my Snow White. I just threw it together after we got here. Like I said, it was not real flattering, but for you guys, I'll post a picture!

The pants were long, but I cut them off for capris and I tacked red ribbon on the sleeves of the shirt.

SOOOO cute!!! You are so creative!!! Hope y'all have a good time at the Space center!!!!:goodvibes :goodvibes To infinity and BEYOND!!!!:lmao:
I finally have another outfit to post. I don't know if some of you remember but a month or so ago I asked the question about pricing an outfit. A lady that is part of another message board with me was really wanting me to make an outfit for her little girl too (she's 3 too). I finally said "yes" and here is the finished product.




I am really pleased at how it turned out and I hope they will be too! I will have another skirt to share tomorrow. Parker's preschool class is having a teddy bear picnic and I made her a skirt to match a Gymboree top. I even made the bear a matching skirt!

I love this outfit! I too have a daughter with an "A" initial, so I am very partial!!

Jacob is on my lap while reading this (and he is too big to be on my lap, ouch!) and asked if that was snot on Jenna's face. I read him what you wrote and he said, "owww, poor baby, I don't remember seeing it on her face before."

I think her curls are just adorable! What a sweet face!

I'm having a bad night though, thinking of strangling my DH. Good thing he is 300 miles away and my arms aren't that long!

That is frustrating! :hug:

I love that! What font did you use for the initial? I made initial shirts last night for some friends and wished I had a different font but was too lazy to look for one.

My old boss at the YMCA has a daughter named Ainsley, it's such a cute and different name. Your friend will love the set I am sure!

BTW, I will soon be coming out of lurk mode as well. I just started sewing, but I figure y'all will be fairly nice. I am very proud that none of my dresses for my 2 dd's have yet disolved or fallen off of my 2 girls...

Welcome! We are fairly nice, but nosy! So we would like to see the dresses for your daughters as soon as possible!

Cute matching brother/sister outfits! That is a great idea. And your fishing son is so adorable.

And I cannot remember who posted about it, but someone mentioned taking CarlaC's peasant top and making it more of a swing top. Did you just trace an "A" line top you had or do something different?

That was me, but I think Heather does it too. I take both patterns, the portrait peasant and a-line and attach them right under the arm part, so the top is the peasant and the bottom is the a-line.
That was me, but I think Heather does it too. I take both patterns, the portrait peasant and a-line and attach them right under the arm part, so the top is the peasant and the bottom is the a-line.

That's it! Thanks! I was thinking of using the A-line part of the square neck tops I did with the peasant top.

I did a quick search on Jo-Ann's as well and saw this machine: http://www.joann.com/joann/catalog.jsp?CATID=cat3199&PRODID=prd59910 and wondered if anyone has it. I figured a 1 step button hole was a good thing.
I love that! What font did you use for the initial? I made initial shirts last night for some friends and wished I had a different font but was too lazy to look for one.

My old boss at the YMCA has a daughter named Ainsley, it's such a cute and different name. Your friend will love the set I am sure!

I am not sure where I saw the font. I just searched for free fronts and started looking. My printer is out of ink, so when I found it I had to draw it free hand. I'll see if I can find where it was.
I finally finished my DD2's birthday invitations! Yeah!:banana: :banana: :banana:

I'm having a bad night though, thinking of strangling my DH. Good thing he is 300 miles away and my arms aren't that long!

Long off topic RANT to follow!

I asked him to fly (instead of driving 500 miles today from Tulsa, OK to Midland, TX) tomorrow to Midland from Dallas. This would have meant that he would have had to drive home today from Tulsa (about 210 miles) and fly out tomorrow morning. I wanted this for two reasons.....one, he was gone last night and two, we can use the airmiles. The airline tickets do not come out of our money (and neither does the car or gas - he has a company car) but he does have a travel budget. The tickets on Sunday night were $230 round trip. I figure that with driving 500 miles today and about 300 miles tomorrow (for 800 total) his gas has to cost him (I mean his company) $90-100. He has to stay the night in a hotel (minimum $90 if he stays somewhere really cheap but usually $150) and eat (maybe $25). So it works out that he is spending around $205 from his travel budget if he does everything as cheaply as possible instead of $250 for a plane ticket and parking. Not much savings and he didn't come home tonight and his daughters didn't get to see him.

Of course, he calls me around 8:30 tonight to tell me that he got a speeding ticket on the way there for doing 81 mph in a 70 mph. I am usually very understanding about tickets (I have a bit of a lead foot myself) but this is his second one this year. Since he has to drive for his job and since he has a company car where they pay for his insurance we have to pay to get the ticket taken off his record. So it usually ends up costing us around $350 for each ticket :scared1: . Thankfully he has a good job and we can afford to pay for it, but it is like throwing money out the window in my opinion. I have been doing everything in my power lately to keep our costs down since we are expecting baby #3 in 7 weeks and I know our expenses will go up once the baby arrives and I want to do bodily harm to him! The girls and I never eat out when he is gone (which we used to do as a treat - McDonald's or Little Caesars) anymore and I have been using coupons like a mad woman to save on groceries, trying to drive less since gas is up, etc. I think if I had to have my blood pressure taken right now it would be through the roof! And even though I'm not a big drinker (not at all, barely drink as it is) I need a drink but can't b/c I'm pregnant! So instead, I'm ranting and raving to everyone here. I know it's not really a big deal since he is safe and we won't end up losing our home or anything like that but I am spitting mad! Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a better outlook on this. At least I hope I do before he gets home!

Sorry for such an off topic rant and rave!

And I really don't want to do a lot of bodily harm to him, I would maybe just like it if he stubbed his toe or had a hang nail that hurt!

So sorry!

Now you've got me wondering where you live. I used to live in Odessa. I flew in and out of Midland often!

I finally have another outfit to post. I don't know if some of you remember but a month or so ago I asked the question about pricing an outfit. A lady that is part of another message board with me was really wanting me to make an outfit for her little girl too (she's 3 too). I finally said "yes" and here is the finished product.




I am really pleased at how it turned out and I hope they will be too! I will have another skirt to share tomorrow. Parker's preschool class is having a teddy bear picnic and I made her a skirt to match a Gymboree top. I even made the bear a matching skirt!

This is VERY cute! I'd love to know what font you used as well!
I am not sure where I saw the font. I just searched for free fronts and started looking. My printer is out of ink, so when I found it I had to draw it free hand. I'll see if I can find where it was.

That's ok, I probably have it already! I have a gazillion fonts, probably too many and I'm too lazy to look through them sometimes. The outfit really came out great!
I'm getting sooooooooo frustrated with my 8 1/2 yo dd. will someone please tell me this too shall pass? She tells me she hates me doing her hair, all she wants is to do it herself and put it in a pony tail. That's it. So I went and bought pretty doodads for the 6 yo dd's hair because SHE still loves everything I do :laughing: and then the 8 yo got pissy because I spent 5 min doing her sisters hair and not hers. She sat on the sofa and pouted for a good 5 min. This goes with clothes too. I feel like all i ever do is butt heads with her and I do what she wants and then she hates it too. Waaaaahhhh!

This really does tie in to disboutique and i'm getting to that LOL I know darn good and well that if I make customs for the 1 yo and the 6 yo to take to wdw she'll be mad at me, but if i make her some she'll say they are too babyish and she won't wear them because someone will make fun of her. I hate this age! She's only flipping 8, why can't she understand that she's not a teenager and that she's still a kid. I can't ask her for her help either because it's a surprise trip! We aren't going till jan but I like to plan. What are 9 yo's wearing to disney?

I think I need to find a Saint for helping raise girls or something and say a few Hail Mary's, because coffee just isn't cutting it this a.m.
Megan (DD2) recieved a fun "Sticker Club" chain sort of letter- sent to her from her cousin. The idea is there are 2 names on the list, you mail 1 package of stickers to the first name on the list, then you mail out 6 letters, you move the #2 name (that would be my Megan) to the #1 slot and then put your own child's name in the #2 slot- the idea being that they will recieve 36 letters addressed to them with a package of stickers in a few weeks.

Would anyone like to do this? If so, please PM your address and I will mail you/your child the letter. Or if you prefer I have it in a word doc- but then your child wont get a letter addressed to them.

I need 6 kids who will participate. :cheer2:
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