Disboutiquers Part 28 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

Welcome! Where in VA do live? We might be able to go down together and I'll just bring my dd and we can leave all the boys at home!

I am in Smithfield, so I am sort of right on the way to Disney for you. Can we all say road trip buddies :yay:
Welcome! I look forward to seeing your creations. Some of us make quilts too. I hope your DH will go on the trip and see why we all like Disney so much! I was an adult before I went to Disney World for the first time and let's just say I was very hesistant to go before my first trip. It only took 1/2 day for me to be hooked!

He has to go this time, since its a just me and him trip.. He doesn't like to fly, and on previous trips we would fly. This trip we are driving since we are staying at FW and will have all the camping stuff with us. He is a truck driver and driving to Disney will make him feel comfortable. If he would have confessed that long ago he wouldn't have missed so many great trips.
If you are still around, will you post a pic of your canada shirts? I'm hoping to do something when we go in May for our Epcot day.

I'm still around, lurking mainly as we have been super busy at work and race season just started and that means 5.5 months of crazy time. No problem with pictures. Here is a picture of the shirts and one of them in action as we wait for the bus on the first day!

If you are still around, will you post a pic of your canada shirts? I'm hoping to do something when we go in May for our Epcot day.

I'm still around, lurking mainly as we have been super busy at work and race season just started and that means 5.5 months of crazy time. No problem with pictures. Here is a picture of the shirts and one of them in action as we wait for the bus on the first day!


Those are awesome.

Nannye - I don't remember if you have an embroidery machine or not, if not, last time I was at Disney I didn't have one either, and I did these.

I will tell you that sometimes when I do a lot of lettering I will float a piece of water soluable stabilizer where I am doing the lettering so it doesn't sink into the shirt.


I went to a floriani seminar and it was really very good. They mentioned that you should "always" use a water soluable on the top. And not to press, as the stitches will be pressed down. You should use your steamer a few inches away and use steam to fluff up the stitches.

Has anyone used this Simplicity pattern for princess clothes for an AG or other 18 inch doll?


if so just wondering on your thoughts of it, level of difficulty etc...

I have, but not for awhile. Our dear sweet Beddy, is smaller then an AG and I had to shrink the pattern. I didn't think they were difficult, but I also hate to work with small stuff like that. At least it wasn't a barbie outfit.
I am Sally, and I am a long-time lurker, first time poster on this thread.
I am a quilter at heart, and a slow sewer. I have totally enjoyed reading the multiple parts of this thread. I feel very inspired each time I read the new posts.
I am working on my and my hubby's clothes for our upcoming trip and hopefully I will get to post pictures soon. I believe this time he will wear the shirts.. he generally chickens out of our trips and just sends me and the girls. This will be his first Disney trip. Yes, I do create his shirts for the trip and then he doesn't go :confused: I end up re-sizing his shirts for myself.
I do my appliques and embroidery work by hand, and I am slow :).

He has to go this time, since its a just me and him trip.. He doesn't like to fly, and on previous trips we would fly. This trip we are driving since we are staying at FW and will have all the camping stuff with us. He is a truck driver and driving to Disney will make him feel comfortable. If he would have confessed that long ago he wouldn't have missed so many great trips.

Hi and WELCOME! I am a VEEEEERRRY slow sewer too. Some of these gals sew circles around me! Can't wait for you to post pictures of your outfits! Oh I hope you have a fantastic time together! I am a little on the crazy side, but I am hoping that one day we can do a camping trip at FW!!! it sounds like so much fun!

Okay Ladies (And Gentlemen.. are there any gentle men on here)

My birthday is coming up and I was going to gett a new sewing machine for myself, yay me. Anyways, I have a sewing repair shop near me that sells used/ refurbed machines.

I know everyone had been asking for ideas lately but I have it down to two choices.

A. A 1945 Singer that has been completly restored to its orginal beauty and works perfectly. or...

B. A Brother SE400 computerized embroidery/sewing machine.

See I have a soft spot for all things vintage but man, the Brother SE400 is so nice. :confused3

Anyways, What would you get? Give me your thoughts ladies!

Please and Thank you

I am no help on picking out a machine, but just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

I'm picking my Grandma's Elna Supermatic tomorrow! She's all clean and tuned and ready to sew up a storm! She needs a name though. Grandma's name was Lydia, but that doesn't seem to fit. I kind of like Prudence. Any other suggestions?

#2 fantastic news: I'm ordering my PE770 on Friday That's so I can find out what sort of bobbins I need for the Elna and order them at the same time. BTW, do I need special embroidery needles other than ball points for knits? There was a little ad off to the side on my Amazon cart page for embroidery needles, so I wondered. I'm so glad I have y'all to ask about these things. It takes the worry out of it all.
Thanks, fellow Dis-noids!

Lori in East Podunk

Congrats Lori on the new machine! I'm no help on names, I'm just not creative enough! My machines name is Lil'Blue and thats cause a) it's a 3/4 size machine and b.) it's blue! See, Mrs. Creative over here!


Except centered of course. It worked out much better, but only after my machine tried several times to eat my shirts, and succeeded a couple times. I realized I needed to start doubling up my stabilizers, and that helped. So, after several days and 2 ruined shirts, I managed to get 4 shirts embroidered out of 12. I will include a photo, but remember there will be more on each shirt. This is just the top section of the front. We are putting a Mickey design on the front, everyone's nicknames on the back, Mickey balloons on the back as well, and our top ten reasons for visiting WDW. The top ten reasons will be a transfer. No way am I trying to embroider that. They would have to put me in a straight jacket.

So, here is the first one that was semi-successful. This was before I realized I needed better stabilizers, so the D in Disney was a little iffy, but passable.

Oh yeah, at one point today my needle fell out as I was trying to put it back in and went down in the machine. Hopefully that won't screw everything up, but I took it apart (probably the 5th time I did it in one day), and was not able to find it. So far it isn't bothering anything. Fingers crossed. It has been a comedy of errors for sure, except everyone is laughing but me.

Hope you are able to fish the needle out of your machine. i think the design looks great! Oh and what about trying to salvage those "eaten" shirts by doing some sort of reverse applique on them???

I am taking v to hoop dee doo in July and I want her to have a somewhat hoop dee doo themed outfit. I know a lot of people do Jessie from toy story, but I want something different any suggestions anyone?

There was someone (maybe Diane??) who did Gingham western style shirts with the bullseye (with the grass stained hooves) on the back that turned out SUPER cute. Right now Hobby Lobby also has some "cow poke" children's fabric that is cute. AND I know that Riley Blake put out some super cute western type fabric. i think it's been discontinued, but there should still be some floating around etsy or ebay. HTH!

Not Disney, but I put this together for My MIL. (DH is in the Navy) I went to Andrea's and she did the NAVY MOM wording. If it's off center it's because I have the hardest time with the Aivilo tote and putting the zipper on. I find that it's not 100% accurate at that point... or I measure way off. I can never get the zipper to line up right with the exterior lining. SO tonight I folded the interior lining down (a little too much) before sewing the zipper on. It worked better, but still not perfect. And Zippers are not my machines friend.. i break a needle everytime!!


Anyone have any suggestions on the zipper? I plan to make 2 teacher bags tomorrow, but will use the magnetic snap.. wish me luck!

No suggestions, as I've never made that bag, but I think it looks great! love the Navy seal fabric!


Ok ladies,

I have never done the planning of outfits before. I have Hollywood studios planned for the boys Cars outfits. And Magic Kingdom they have Mickey and Peter Pan themes. Christopher has one for Animal Kingdom, but I am at a loss for Jonathon. He is 5 and Christophers is to babyish for him too. AND I have no clue for Epcot. I am planning to do shirts for the 3 older kids too.

I want to do a shirt for all of us to wear when we get to go back to GIVE KIDS THE WORLD to volunteer. It was such an amazing experience when we stayed there, and I want to thank them too. Anyone have any wonderful ideas???

Allison just told me I have 24 days left to get done. UGH!!!

OK, Thanks!

Okay, one of the ideas I tossed around for our Epcot day was doing Finding Nemo themed outfits. I ended up scrapping that and going with the traditional "Fab 5/Sensational 6" themed outfits because I want my kiddos to do the character spot that day so we can knock out all those characters with only one line. Chiara had a super cute "Duffy" outfit for her son, and also did a Test track outfit for her DD. Even though test track will be closed, you could always pick either you other favorite ride OR world showcase nation and do something based off that.

For AK: what about some "safari" type theme? Like the kahki cargo shorts. i also really like the "I'm WILD for...." shirt designs I've seen used recently.

It won't be long now! They are sitting on top of each other!


HA HA! that one made me LOL! so cute to see them all stuffed in there.

I worked on my stuff for the big give tonight,

Things I learned tonight:

my seam ripper is my new best friend.

irons will indeed melt the tops of your pins.

sewing with a 4 yo hanging on each arm is a challenge

the tension knob does indeed need to be adjusted when going from a heavy fabric to a light one. bonus to this...I learned how to make ruffles :rotfl:

your bags look great! And EVERY sewing experience is still a learning lesson for me, so don't feel bad there! Great job!

Just hoping if I get on this thread it will motivate me to finish our stuff for the trip! We have 20some days left and I have only finished one outfit (out of like 6 eeek). Ive just not been in the sewing mood I guess.

WOW 20 days left! How exciting! FX you get all the things sewn!

Not Disney but made my nieces and nephew outfits for a trip to the zoo. I really liked the fabric. I would sew up the arm holes a little bit more on the pillowcase dresses next time. I love how easy the bowling shirt pattern is. I’m totally a newbie with sewing and it’s so easy.

Sorry for the weird pictures, I didn’t take any before dressing the kids and I’m trying not to show my sisters’ kids faces on the internet!

Dress 1:

Dress 2:


Bowling shirt:

Oh those came out really cute! looks like they had a wonderful day.

So last night I made my first cloth diaper for my niece. It wasn't perfect, but I am happy with how it turned out!

And then I made this Snow White skirt for Tori. This is the first part of my trip outfit planning!


Oh your snow white skirt came out great! glad it fits her so well too!

I am finally getting around to posting the shirts I've made for our upcoming trip. Just 10 more days until we leave. I still have a couple of more shirts to make and 2 autograph bags. I could not have gotten all this accomplished without the help and advice of several people on this board. You guys helped me from picking out the embroidery machine (PE770) to which threads to use to helping me find great digitizers and help picking out editing software. Thanks for all the great advice! I still have lots to learn and my new sewing machine arrived yesterday, but that new project may have to wait until we get back from vacation.


Wow you've been really busy! Looks great and I hope your family has a fantastic trip!

I am in Smithfield, so I am sort of right on the way to Disney for you. Can we all say road trip buddies :yay:
Now I am hungry for ham :rotfl: You're actually not too far form Amy and me. But truth be told, I don't think I've ever been to Smithfield.

He has to go this time, since its a just me and him trip.. He doesn't like to fly, and on previous trips we would fly. This trip we are driving since we are staying at FW and will have all the camping stuff with us. He is a truck driver and driving to Disney will make him feel comfortable. If he would have confessed that long ago he wouldn't have missed so many great trips.
We always drive -- I love having a car there. You will have to let me know how you like the camping. I think that is the only way I could ever get dh to go back. But I prefer a resort!

I'm still around, lurking mainly as we have been super busy at work and race season just started and that means 5.5 months of crazy time. No problem with pictures. Here is a picture of the shirts and one of them in action as we wait for the bus on the first day!

Awesome shirts -- I believe you posted some as you were making them, didn't you? They look great on -- did you get oodles of compliments?

Your name seems to keep appearing in red today. I bought some Floriani this morning. It was $12.70 for a roll of 10 yards x 12 inches. I will get 42 shirts out of that so it's less than 50¢ a shirt. I don't think that's bad at all. Again, I have no idea what the standard stabilizers at Joann's cost.

I also bought some rainbow variegated embroidery thread by Floriani to try -- my dd wants her unicorn design stitched out in -- she has been requesting this ever since last summer when I made her a blue on gray unicorn. And I bought some bobbin thread -- that was not cheap!
Not Disney, but I put this together for My MIL. (DH is in the Navy) I went to Andrea's and she did the NAVY MOM wording. If it's off center it's because I have the hardest time with the Aivilo tote and putting the zipper on. I find that it's not 100% accurate at that point... or I measure way off. I can never get the zipper to line up right with the exterior lining. SO tonight I folded the interior lining down (a little too much) before sewing the zipper on. It worked better, but still not perfect. And Zippers are not my machines friend.. i break a needle everytime!!



Anyone have any suggestions on the zipper? I plan to make 2 teacher bags tomorrow, but will use the magnetic snap.. wish me luck!

I think the bag looks great!! I was in the Navy for a few years. That is the same pattern I used last week and I wasn't thrilled with the zipper either. It's almost like the zipper is being put on out of order and in a different way. I will have to check out D's tutorial because I've looked at a few patterns and have not been happy with the zippers on any of them.
I just wanted to say that when I do the Aivilo tote as a teacher bag. (my standard gift for the past 4 years) I make it a little taller, (so it holds 8 1/2 x 14 paper) and just put a 2" piece of velcro to close it. I have never tried putting a zipper on it, but I love that pattern cause once you have it, you can adjust it to whatever size you need. The teachers have been REALLY happy with them over the past few years. This year I have a dilema, as Tyler has 2 teachers that already have bags from me, so we have to come up with something new. But then again, one of these teachers said "you know, a girl can never have too many bags". :rotfl2:
Has anyone used this Simplicity pattern for princess clothes for an AG or other 18 inch doll?


if so just wondering on your thoughts of it, level of difficulty etc...

My DM has that pattern and used it for a pink Aurora dress for DD. She said it was a bit tricking, but also added in a few of extra touches. She is a seamstress by trade and has done bridal if that helps, so she is used to working with satins, etc. I think from what I remember it was a combination of the "slippery" fabrics and the smaller doll-sized pattern. She just had to be more detailed, and importantly I noted that she didn't make more than one of the dresses... typically she just keeps on sewing. :thumbsup2

The dress turned out really great though and DD loves it. She made it for an 18" doll. As a novice sewer, I wouldn't tackle that pattern yet though. :eek:
I am Sally, and I am a long-time lurker, first time poster on this thread.
I am a quilter at heart, and a slow sewer. I have totally enjoyed reading the multiple parts of this thread. I feel very inspired each time I read the new posts.
I am working on my and my hubby's clothes for our upcoming trip and hopefully I will get to post pictures soon. I believe this time he will wear the shirts.. he generally chickens out of our trips and just sends me and the girls. This will be his first Disney trip. Yes, I do create his shirts for the trip and then he doesn't go :confused: I end up re-sizing his shirts for myself.
I do my appliques and embroidery work by hand, and I am slow :).

Hi Sally :wave2: I am new to the board too, (and to sewing).. wayyyy back I posted my first quilt, and now I have skirts, tote bags and quilts all going (yet nothing finished yet :blush: ) I have so many ideas from this board, and wish I could quit work so I would have more time ;) Welcome!
drive by posting again... gotta get dinner going!



LOVED how much easier without the zipper! So proud of this.
Has anyone used this Simplicity pattern for princess clothes for an AG or other 18 inch doll?


if so just wondering on your thoughts of it, level of difficulty etc...

I made the Cinderella dress - turned out cute. I would like to make the others, it just hasn't come up on my radar due to having too many other projects, but I made Cinderella the same time I made the Cinderella costume for Halloween a couple of years ago.

drive by posting again... gotta get dinner going!



LOVED how much easier without the zipper! So proud of this.

Those are lovely!
Thanks. And they are all hand pieced and done on my sewing machine, not the embroidery machine.

WOW... they came out extra amazing!!!:goodvibes

I am Sally, and I am a long-time lurker, first time poster on this thread.
I am a quilter at heart, and a slow sewer. I have totally enjoyed reading the multiple parts of this thread. I feel very inspired each time I read the new posts.
I am working on my and my hubby's clothes for our upcoming trip and hopefully I will get to post pictures soon. I believe this time he will wear the shirts.. he generally chickens out of our trips and just sends me and the girls. This will be his first Disney trip. Yes, I do create his shirts for the trip and then he doesn't go :confused: I end up re-sizing his shirts for myself.
I do my appliques and embroidery work by hand, and I am slow :).


So, here is the first one that was semi-successful. This was before I realized I needed better stabilizers, so the D in Disney was a little iffy, but passable.

Oh yeah, at one point today my needle fell out as I was trying to put it back in and went down in the machine. Hopefully that won't screw everything up, but I took it apart (probably the 5th time I did it in one day), and was not able to find it. So far it isn't bothering anything. Fingers crossed. It has been a comedy of errors for sure, except everyone is laughing but me.

Great job on the shirt.

:confused:As for the needle I would try really hard to find it. My sewing dealer scared me that even a small piece of the needle must be found or it can really throw off your timing on those machines.

Speaking of which CHERYL asked me how often I changed needles and the answers is: hardly ever! I milk them for all they are worth. I only change them if the stitching starts looking funky and I will change them more when I do one of the huge fill designs.

I don't change my needles as often as I should either. But I remember Aimee G saying she changes hers after every design:confused3

I'm still around, lurking mainly as we have been super busy at work and race season just started and that means 5.5 months of crazy time. No problem with pictures. Here is a picture of the shirts and one of them in action as we wait for the bus on the first day!


Great shirts.:thumbsup2

drive by posting again... gotta get dinner going!


LOVED how much easier without the zipper! So proud of this.

Love how all your bags turned out.:goodvibes
I just wanted to say that when I do the Aivilo tote as a teacher bag. (my standard gift for the past 4 years) I make it a little taller, (so it holds 8 1/2 x 14 paper) and just put a 2" piece of velcro to close it. I have never tried putting a zipper on it, but I love that pattern cause once you have it, you can adjust it to whatever size you need. The teachers have been REALLY happy with them over the past few years. This year I have a dilema, as Tyler has 2 teachers that already have bags from me, so we have to come up with something new. But then again, one of these teachers said "you know, a girl can never have too many bags". :rotfl2:
Smart that you change the size to fit the things that the teachers carry with them. They must love your bags!

Has anyone used this Simplicity pattern for princess clothes for an AG or other 18 inch doll?


if so just wondering on your thoughts of it, level of difficulty etc...
I've seen it but haven't bought it. They look pretty complicated to me. I don't know if you have the Simply Sweet pattern from CarlaC. But she has directions on her blog on how to princessify the pattern and she shows how to do it with the AG dolls.

drive by posting again... gotta get dinner going!



LOVED how much easier without the zipper! So proud of this.
That turned out great! I am sure the teacher will love it!
Also, I forgot to ask but my older dd was asking me if we could make a blanket out of some of her souvenir t-shirts. Has anybody done that? How did you make it? She probably has about 10 t-shirts now and I'd love to able to continue adding to it.
Also, I forgot to ask but my older dd was asking me if we could make a blanket out of some of her souvenir t-shirts. Has anybody done that? How did you make it? She probably has about 10 t-shirts now and I'd love to able to continue adding to it.

Here is a quilt tut:

And a blanket:

Just google t shirt blanket and a bunch show up -- I also have seen scarfs and pants made out of t-shirt pieces and they are really cute. I am saving all of my dd's horse t-shirts to make her something.
Here is a quilt tut:

And a blanket:

Just google t shirt blanket and a bunch show up -- I also have seen scarfs and pants made out of t-shirt pieces and they are really cute. I am saving all of my dd's horse t-shirts to make her something.
Thanks! I will check out the links. Saving your dd's horse shirts is a cute idea. When my girls were little I did a couple of really cute horse shirts for them with an appliqued horse and the tail was made out of ribbon pieces.

Here is another one of my scrap creations. The Hawaiian print started out as one of my t-shirts and so did the orange part of the dress. They both got little holes in them but there was a lot of good fabric left. The hot pink fabric was a nightie of mine that shrank up to be too small the first time I wore it. I only used about 1/2 of it on this dress so I will have some left for something else soon.

I too, feel the same way as my DH is a bubblehead!!! Submarines is all we know...so the planes and big ships do nothing for me!!

Thanks for the compliments on my bag!

I never got around to it, but I was always going to make a t-shirt (which of course he wouldn't have worn) with the big Superman S logo and underneath put

I'm a submariner
What's your super power?

:rotfl: I have to laugh at that b/c I know what her dh does!

Heather Sue has this applique:

Looks just like the Navy subs if you ask me :rotfl2:

SHHHHHHHHH I hope this isn't classified information, but US Navy subs DO NOT have windows!!!


I'm still around, lurking mainly as we have been super busy at work and race season just started and that means 5.5 months of crazy time. No problem with pictures. Here is a picture of the shirts and one of them in action as we wait for the bus on the first day!

Wow. So simple but so dramatic. I :love: them.

I went to a floriani seminar and it was really very good. They mentioned that you should "always" use a water soluable on the top. And not to press, as the stitches will be pressed down. You should use your steamer a few inches away and use steam to fluff up the stitches.

Good to know on both counts. I reminds me of when I went to the quilting group in the winter they told me there's difference between ironing and pressing. Don't know how I got to be this old without knowing that before.

Thanks for sharing the tips.


Your name seems to keep appearing in red today. I bought some Floriani this morning. It was $12.70 for a roll of 10 yards x 12 inches. I will get 42 shirts out of that so it's less than 50¢ a shirt. I don't think that's bad at all. Again, I have no idea what the standard stabilizers at Joann's cost.

That's not bad. Since it looks like we'll be canceling our AK cruise, I might be able to afford a roll (or 645 rolls, I just did the math).


drive by posting again... gotta get dinner going!


LOVED how much easier without the zipper! So proud of this.

I LOVE the bright colors. Looks great!


I don't change my needles as often as I should either. But I remember Aimee G saying she changes hers after every design:confused3

I have a feeling I'm being pennywise and pound foolish, but I hate to change needles.

:upsidedow <----- wallet permanently glued shut

Also, I forgot to ask but my older dd was asking me if we could make a blanket out of some of her souvenir t-shirts. Has anybody done that? How did you make it? She probably has about 10 t-shirts now and I'd love to able to continue adding to it.

I made my son one a couple years ago. Twist my arm and I'll post a photo -- from a distance. I'll see if I can find the directions I used.

NEVERMIND, was reading through a the last few threads I missed and found something I can buy from Heather Sue that will work perfectly!!

I decided to have my mom embroider a shirt for my DD that says” Star Wars" to go with a cute star wars skirt I bought her on Etsy.
Does anyone know of a lettering that is similar to Star Wars that I could use?


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