Disboutiquers Part 27 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

Phew! I finished this last night!
What a pain in the but...the directions were so confusing!
Next time I'm doing it my way!
I'm not happy w/Alice's one eyeball...I've ripped it out and resewn it a million times...so it's staying. I can never get the eyes right!

Working on some pirate skull pants for my little guy now. Trying to finish up before we head to WDW tomorrow!! :banana:

Very pretty! What pattern was this? Your description of ripping out Alice's eye made me chuckle.

I wish I could get away with charging that... but I really don't think any of my outfits would sell at $200 each. :rotfl2:

I was just trying to figure out how much I would have to raise my prices if I charged $20 an hour too!

All great stuff...love seeing all the PC pics!

Just wanted to take a break from sewing and say HI!

OMG! Look at that ticker!!!! UGH!

:wave: Hi!

I am waiting, not so patiently for the newest creation form Lisa Zoe. It should be listed within the month at YCMT. I can hardly wait to get my hands on this pattern. My daughter has already decided it will be the dress she wants for CRT this trip. And YES... that is the same daughter that did not even want t shirts this trip. She said she felt strange without a dress that night! She will be 12, so it is probably the last time she will let me make her a dress for Disney. I have to take advantage of it as long as I can!


I'm excited about it too!! It looks so cute! I need to have Lydia look at it and get some ideas of what she will want.

Hmmm, since he has stories about me, I'm just going to say "what happens at Tech, stays at Tech." :rotfl2:

hmm....I think we need to chat..


The tutus were lots of fun - and yes, we each made our own . . . but if you look closely you'll notice mine is a LOT more full than theirs. In this case, I wish it WAS my first tutu and I didn't know to keep mushing the tulle together as you work your way around the elastic . . . theirs didn't make them look nearly as wide as mine did to me (and it doesn't help that Dannielle is a size 2 and Amber is a size 4 while I'm more of a 7 (between size 6 & 8 - NOT the Juniors size :sad2: ).

I see nothing wrong with blue hair for the week!!!
When Corey saw your picture he said, "oh look, he's underwater." :thumbsup2 (don't be too impressed, he's 19)

Umm, honey, size 7 is thin! You look wonderful!

Why not break it down for people...."The fabric will cost $30, the pattern $10, and it will take me six hours to sew and I charge $15 an hour for my time, so your total will be $130". I think many people don't realize the cost of fabric and the amount of time involved. Spelling it out may help them see that it's a reasonable cost for the work and materials involved.

I'm on another board about Disney and the custom clothings gets dissed a lot as being ridiculously expensive on ebay etsy, etc, but these are folks that will use the transfer paper to print out their own copied characters onto a Tshirt and call it their fancy clothes for Disney, lol.

Most people seem to think that I sew my kids' clothing because it saves me money....not even close. But, by sewing them we get to pick fabrics that none of their friends have and that often have their favorite characters or that they get to mix and match the fabrics. Plus, I have teenagers and they are simply not comfortable wearing a lot of today's "fashion"....they are very modest in their clothing choices by their own choosing, so we simply cannot find clothing they are happy in. Especially dresses, we haven't bought a dress off the rack in probably 6 years, not since they hit the preteen sizes, lol.

:rotfl: That would be funny! People often to not put any value at all on the time it takes to make things.

Good for your girls wanting to wear modest clothes!
If it is costing you anywhere from $30-$55 to make the dress, then $75 is not enough! Someone told me they charge $20 for each hour of sewing, in addition to cost of materials.

Eeek, $20/hr. I definitely don't think my stuff is up to that level, lol. But, perhaps $10-$15ish.

I have the same problem! People ask me to make things for them, and I really undercharge because they are friends! Bottom line though...our time is valuable so I would charge what you think your time is worth over the cost of the supplies. I think people are more willing to pay the higher prices than we sometimes realize. Good luck!

Thanks! This is the first time I've had this happen, so it caught me totally off guard.

Why not break it down for people...."The fabric will cost $30, the pattern $10, and it will take me six hours to sew and I charge $15 an hour for my time, so your total will be $130". I think many people don't realize the cost of fabric and the amount of time involved. Spelling it out may help them see that it's a reasonable cost for the work and materials involved.

I'm on another board about Disney and the custom clothings gets dissed a lot as being ridiculously expensive on ebay etsy, etc, but these are folks that will use the transfer paper to print out their own copied characters onto a Tshirt and call it their fancy clothes for Disney, lol.

Most people seem to think that I sew my kids' clothing because it saves me money....not even close. But, by sewing them we get to pick fabrics that none of their friends have and that often have their favorite characters or that they get to mix and match the fabrics. Plus, I have teenagers and they are simply not comfortable wearing a lot of today's "fashion"....they are very modest in their clothing choices by their own choosing, so we simply cannot find clothing they are happy in. Especially dresses, we haven't bought a dress off the rack in probably 6 years, not since they hit the preteen sizes, lol.

That's what my husband and I discussed. I think she's going to have sticker shock. I really think that she thinks it's going to be cheaper to have me do it than to buy it off the rack. She's getting her vows renewed next year and wants me to make the dresses for her girls and her wedding dress. She's a bigger girl (not knocking her weight, I am too, lol - just made my Halloween costume and am the largest size they make) and is beyond pattern sizes. I am going to tell her that I cannot make her dress. I have no knowledge of how to expand a pattern. Beyond that, I hated every minute of making my costume and having to deal with all that fabric. I also am terrified of being in charge of such an important dress.

I'll break it down and discuss the possibilities for her girls, but I don't think it'll pan out.

Thanks for the advice everyone!

I just scanned the last few pages and I LOVE the Alice dress. My second daughter's name is Alice and I would love to make that for her when she's bigger. Hopefully my skills will have expanded by that time so I can do it ;). I'm always disappointed by the lack of the classic character fabric out there.
I had to quote this, since I wore a custom with ruffles in August! At least you won't be the first (nor the last since that dress is coming with us for the next trip, whenever that will be)

I missed this one... Did you post pictures??? :lovestruc

Just think if you charged $200 each you could actually stay at the Polynesian and bring some close disboutique friends:rolleyes1

Now, this is a novel idea.... popcorn::

Why not break it down for people...."The fabric will cost $30, the pattern $10, and it will take me six hours to sew and I charge $15 an hour for my time, so your total will be $130". I think many people don't realize the cost of fabric and the amount of time involved. Spelling it out may help them see that it's a reasonable cost for the work and materials involved.

I'm on another board about Disney and the custom clothings gets dissed a lot as being ridiculously expensive on ebay etsy, etc, but these are folks that will use the transfer paper to print out their own copied characters onto a Tshirt and call it their fancy clothes for Disney, lol.

I agree about breaking it down for people - a lot of people don't understand the cost or the time. I remember once, a few years ago, before I learned to sew. I wanted to make dd#1 a halloween costume that involved a cape... I thought velvet would be cool. So, I asked my MIL to make it for me, and she said sure - but you need to pick up all the supplies. So, I went to JoAnn's - and the cost for everything to make this costume would be about $120... I opted not to do it. I couldn't believe how expensive everything was. :eek:

I also agree that I don't make these outfits because it's a cost saving measure (like I used to believe) - I grew up in the generation that it was "cheaper to make your own clothes", and if you made your own clothes, you were poor. Again, when I first started sew, I thought it would be cheap - but I still can't believe how expensive it is. I love your comment about people's "fancy clothes" for Disney.

Very pretty! What pattern was this? Your description of ripping out Alice's eye made me chuckle.

Thanks to everyone. Here she is in the dress.

The Alice dress pattern is Emily from Mamu. I thought it was great since that is DD's name :goodvibes.

I really like it...but you know how those euro pattern directions are. I was sooooo confused. I didn't realize they had you line the front skirt. So I had an extra piece.

The dress seemed really short. I'm so glad I added length to it! I like to make everything longer so the clothes last longer.

As for poor Alice's eye. I told my husband that I was trying to be Monet. Her eyes look great far away..just not up close :lmao:

Here is my little guy's "pirate" outfit

I was just trying to figure out how much I would have to raise my prices if I charged $20 an hour too!

It's so hard to figure out what to charge. With friends it's even harder to charge them. I told my husband I will need to start a sweatshop in order to compete with ready to wear stuff.

I'd like to charge more! But I just don't know how much more people are willing to pay. Especially around here.
It's so hard to figure out what to charge. With friends it's even harder to charge them. I told my husband I will need to start a sweatshop in order to compete with ready to wear stuff.

I'd like to charge more! But I just don't know how much more people are willing to pay. Especially around here.

Know exactly what you're talking about! I used to make and dress porcelain dolls. I had to pay retail for all of my supplies and fabric, which would end up costing me about $100 to $150 a doll. Then people would complain if I added $25 to my cost just so that I could make a "little" profit. They had no idea what the supplies were costing me even after I tried to explain it to them. Wanna take a guess why I don't make dolls anymore? LOL:lmao:
ME EITHER!!! Kinda wish I hadn't cut EVERYTHING out already! :lmao:Isabelle is the same way! What are we going to do with these girls? They are growing up WAY too fast!:headache:

:sad2: I know. There are so many cute girl dresses I want to make too. I wish I had started earlier when she was a baby.

I agree about breaking it down for people - a lot of people don't understand the cost or the time. I remember once, a few years ago, before I learned to sew. I wanted to make dd#1 a halloween costume that involved a cape... I thought velvet would be cool. So, I asked my MIL to make it for me, and she said sure - but you need to pick up all the supplies. So, I went to JoAnn's - and the cost for everything to make this costume would be about $120... I opted not to do it. I couldn't believe how expensive everything was. :eek:

::yes:: I was one of those people. I wanted some custom outfits for our trip in 2009 and couldn't believe the prices they were charging for those outfits. But after spending $50 just on fabric for one of DDs disney outfits and the time I put in the prices don't seem so far off:lmao:

Thanks to everyone. Here she is in the dress.

The Alice dress pattern is Emily from Mamu. I thought it was great since that is DD's name :goodvibes.

I really like it...but you know how those euro pattern directions are. I was sooooo confused. I didn't realize they had you line the front skirt. So I had an extra piece.

The dress seemed really short. I'm so glad I added length to it! I like to make everything longer so the clothes last longer.

As for poor Alice's eye. I told my husband that I was trying to be Monet. Her eyes look great far away..just not up close :lmao:

Here is my little guy's "pirate" outfit

It's so hard to figure out what to charge. With friends it's even harder to charge them. I told my husband I will need to start a sweatshop in order to compete with ready to wear stuff.

I'd like to charge more! But I just don't know how much more people are willing to pay. Especially around here.

Your DD is darling and love the pirate outfit. I actually purchased some of that pirate fabric.:goodvibes
Why not break it down for people...."The fabric will cost $30, the pattern $10, and it will take me six hours to sew and I charge $15 an hour for my time, so your total will be $130". I think many people don't realize the cost of fabric and the amount of time involved. Spelling it out may help them see that it's a reasonable cost for the work and materials involved.

I'm on another board about Disney and the custom clothings gets dissed a lot as being ridiculously expensive on ebay etsy, etc, but these are folks that will use the transfer paper to print out their own copied characters onto a Tshirt and call it their fancy clothes for Disney, lol.

Most people seem to think that I sew my kids' clothing because it saves me money....not even close.
But, by sewing them we get to pick fabrics that none of their friends have and that often have their favorite characters or that they get to mix and match the fabrics. Plus, I have teenagers and they are simply not comfortable wearing a lot of today's "fashion"....they are very modest in their clothing choices by their own choosing, so we simply cannot find clothing they are happy in. Especially dresses, we haven't bought a dress off the rack in probably 6 years, not since they hit the preteen sizes, lol.

I know, everyone thinks that sewing saves you money, its pretty hard in a day of $1.50 RTW tshirts (made in china) at Walmart to make your own tshirts for less than that, but at least they fit! Everyone assumes that I save a ton sewing for DD, I don't make much for DS (though I'm waiting on the Jalie mens dress shirt pattern to work on for winter sizes 2-mens 50 something) except PJs. Really as far as the $ goes I try to upcycle thrift store finds but around here there aren't many good thrift stores. I guess I do save money compared to full on boutique retail but its not as much as people think, and also to make it and not pay myself minimum wage I would have to charge as much as the folks getting dissed would, so I don't sell online, only to friends that can see my work. I actually sell more heirloom dresses than anything, but that's because of where I live. The heirloom dress I posted in part 25 cost me $100 in materials, and took me over 25 hrs of sewing to finish, I wouldn't blink an eye charging $450 if someone wanted a similar dress....and people do pay it, course that's about the price of a RTW heirloom dress similar to it. Hopefully now people reading this will now understand why those customs cost so much.

I applaud your kids for being modest and not buying into current culture. Hope mine do the same when they are old enough.
I've been popping in and trying to keep up with everyone's posts. Love the new outfits showing up. For those of you having car problems I feel your pain -- I just had to pay $1100 to have a new drive shift put in my Volvo XC! :headache:
My goal for today is to setup an account so I can post photos of some of the dresses I've made for my granddaughters. Now to just figure it all out. My daughter laughs at me when I have a computer question.:surfweb:
Thanks to everyone. Here she is in the dress.

The Alice dress pattern is Emily from Mamu. I thought it was great since that is DD's name :goodvibes.

I really like it...but you know how those euro pattern directions are. I was sooooo confused. I didn't realize they had you line the front skirt. So I had an extra piece.

The dress seemed really short. I'm so glad I added length to it! I like to make everything longer so the clothes last longer.

As for poor Alice's eye. I told my husband that I was trying to be Monet. Her eyes look great far away..just not up close :lmao:

Here is my little guy's "pirate" outfit

It's so hard to figure out what to charge. With friends it's even harder to charge them. I told my husband I will need to start a sweatshop in order to compete with ready to wear stuff.

I'd like to charge more! But I just don't know how much more people are willing to pay. Especially around here.

I have only been lurking lately because things have been horribly busy. Tons of activities and a way over-scheduled weekend left my whole family exhausted. I also had an interview first thing Monday morning but it went very poorly so I am sure that I won't get offered the job. They said I would hear yesterday and I didn't hear anything so I am sure that means that nothing will come of it. I guess the more interviews that I have, the closer I will get to finding something. It is hard to find a job back in teaching though after being out for 12 years.

Anyhow, I love all the things that were posted recently.

The Alice dress is awesome. I am sure that Alice's eyes look fine to everybody else. I am always super critical of my own work because I can see the tiny flaws. But everybody else always thinks everything looks great.

I like the length of the Alice dress. It looks like it has some elastic in it the back. I would bet that when the dress gets too short on your daughter, it would be easy to add an underskirt below the blue skirt. With the elastic back giving it stretch, you would probably get a good couple of years out of the dress.

I used the same pirate fabric to make my girls pirate costumes for a play two years ago. They looked adorable in them. I wanted them to wear them for Halloween too but being girls, they wanted to be something girly instead. I think they were Egyptian princesses that year.

I feel everybody's pain about your cars. We just spent $1300 on repairs for DH's car. It definitely needs to keep running because we can't afford to replace it right now. I'd love to get my car's side panel fixed. About 6 months ago, I came out of the store to find a huge scratch on the side where somebody scraped against my car. Of course, no note or anything. They just scratched my car really badly and left!

I tend to only make appliqued t-shirts to sell. Other stuff it too expensive and too much work. I'd have to charge so much to make it worth my time. I do a lot of sewing as gifts and Big Gives because it makes me happy.
Okay so I don't want to work today so I printed off a bunch of my patterns from ycmt and some tutorials I love. Oh and I printed them on 3 hole paper at work.

I just organized them into a looseleaf binder and they look so pretty and it was much better than actually working right ;) :rotfl2:
Okay so I don't want to work today so I printed off a bunch of my patterns from ycmt and some tutorials I love. Oh and I printed them on 3 hole paper at work.

I just organized them into a looseleaf binder and they look so pretty and it was much better than actually working right ;) :rotfl2:

Works for me! LOL!

I actually have an old catalog holder...the industrial type (from a previous life as a multi state insurance underwriter). I put all the instructions in that. It sets on my table nice and flat and I can flip through it easily. I ALWAYS print my stuff off on 3 hole punched paper!

...and since you work for family (right?) it is not like they are going to fire you.... they are LUCKY to have you!

Works for me! LOL!

I actually have an old catalog holder...the industrial type (from a previous life as a multi state insurance underwriter). I put all the instructions in that. It sets on my table nice and flat and I can flip through it easily. I ALWAYS print my stuff off on 3 hole punched paper!

...and since you work for family (right?) it is not like they are going to fire you.... they are LUCKY to have you!


They are lucky to have me since they are a bunch of loonies most days. Now I am trying to decide which of these patterns I actually am going to try next. Instead of collecting them.
They are lucky to have me since they are a bunch of loonies most days. Now I am trying to decide which of these patterns I actually am going to try next. Instead of collecting them.

Which patterns do you have and what did you print out????
I don't think I ever shared pictures of this dress I made for a customer a while back.



Well I am excited to say that I have decided to donate a custom version of this dress to the auction for Heather and Teresa's sister Barbara!! I am offering to remake this dress to help raise money for Barbara and family to go to Disney World. I am excited to be able to help out and I just love this princess dress, HeatherSue's designs are just the greatest. If you want to help out, head over to Frou Frou by Heathersue's facebook page and take a look!
Which patterns do you have and what did you print out????

These are what I put in my book.

Portrait Peasant
Bowling Shirt
Easy Fits
Audrey Ruffle
Rosetta Bag
Katelyn Skirt
BabyDoll Dress/Top

I also have a couple of tutorials
A crayon roll, 60 minute skirt and a strip skirt

I have made
Easy Fits, Katelyn Skirt and the 60 minute skirt.

I tend to collect the patterns LOL.
Thanks to everyone. Here she is in the dress.

The Alice dress pattern is Emily from Mamu. I thought it was great since that is DD's name :goodvibes.

I really like it...but you know how those euro pattern directions are. I was sooooo confused. I didn't realize they had you line the front skirt. So I had an extra piece.

The dress seemed really short. I'm so glad I added length to it! I like to make everything longer so the clothes last longer.

As for poor Alice's eye. I told my husband that I was trying to be Monet. Her eyes look great far away..just not up close :lmao:

Here is my little guy's "pirate" outfit

It's so hard to figure out what to charge. With friends it's even harder to charge them. I told my husband I will need to start a sweatshop in order to compete with ready to wear stuff.

I'd like to charge more! But I just don't know how much more people are willing to pay. Especially around here.

Your daughter looks so cute in the dress!!!

Monet :rotfl: Well, it looks good to me!! (I do love Monet though!)

the pirate outfit is adorable!!!

I don't think I ever shared pictures of this dress I made for a customer a while back.



Well I am excited to say that I have decided to donate a custom version of this dress to the auction for Heather and Teresa's sister Barbara!! I am offering to remake this dress to help raise money for Barbara and family to go to Disney World. I am excited to be able to help out and I just love this princess dress, HeatherSue's designs are just the greatest. If you want to help out, head over to Frou Frou by Heathersue's facebook page and take a look!

Ellen, this dress is AMAZING!!!! I love it!!

And THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hug: Our entire family (well, not David, Barbara and the girls yet, since we haven't told them!) are completely speechless over all the love being shown for Barbara. :lovestruc

and look, less that 200 days until our trip!!! :banana::banana::banana:
These are what I put in my book.

Portrait Peasant
Bowling Shirt
Easy Fits
Audrey Ruffle
Rosetta Bag
Katelyn Skirt
BabyDoll Dress/Top

I also have a couple of tutorials
A crayon roll, 60 minute skirt and a strip skirt

I have made
Easy Fits, Katelyn Skirt and the 60 minute skirt.

I tend to collect the patterns LOL.

I have some of those patterns. I have made the portrait peasant, Rosetta bag, bowling shirt and easy fit pants. I love the Simply Sweet, which you don't have. I find it to be very versatile. But maybe your daughter is a little old for it. You should try the bowling shirt for your little guy. He'd look great in it! It really isn't hard either. The directions were very clear.

I want to buy the Audrey skirt since I think it looks really cute. I've seen that cute Olivia which is made with knits so I'd like to get that too. I haven't worked with knits very much. I also tend to collect patterns.

I have a big drawer full of Simplicity and McCalls patterns that I have picked up at Joanns on the 99 cent sales. I like to give those to my DD11 when she wants to sew something. I've stocked up on some easy skirt and pajama pants patterns for her. She's done several pj pants but hasn't tried a skirt yet. I just bought the Rapunzel pattern last month for 99 cents. I don't know what I will do with it yet since my girls are too old for it. Maybe a Big Give????:confused3
I don't think I ever shared pictures of this dress I made for a customer a while back.



Well I am excited to say that I have decided to donate a custom version of this dress to the auction for Heather and Teresa's sister Barbara!! I am offering to remake this dress to help raise money for Barbara and family to go to Disney World. I am excited to be able to help out and I just love this princess dress, HeatherSue's designs are just the greatest. If you want to help out, head over to Frou Frou by Heathersue's facebook page and take a look!

Ellen that dress is so beautiful.:goodvibes
Ellen, your appliques are AMAZING!!

Here is my T-shirt dress for Fin - my sometimes princess sometimes tomboy ;)

The back:


And Marin's:


the back:


the Tiana skirts & rosette bows:


(think I put Marin's T w/ Fin's skirt, though! Oops!!)

And one for my niece Madison, too!


I LOVE how you all "gift" to kids! Gonna find out how to help out with that ;)
I'm making progress in my "sewing for Disney" list!!!!:cool1:

I finished washing & ironing all of my fabrics on Tuesday. Today while Finn was at school and then until I had to go to work this afternoon I got my easy fits patterns ready and then cut out:

Alice in Wonderland shorts for each boy
Mad Hatter "ties" to applique on t-shirts for each boy
Madras Hawaiian Plaid pants for each boy
Camo Pirate roll-up easy fits for each boy
Flags of the World roll-up easy fits for each boy
AK roll-up easy fits for each boy

Since it was raining here again, I didn't have to go to my Soccer Shots job this afternoon, so instead I packed up the laptop and went to the bookstore (since DH was home to take care of the boys) and finished the updates for my Dad's website (my other job - I'm his "IT person" :rolleyes1 ) and emailed it off to the guy that hosts the site for us. That means two things 1)I'll get a little paycheck from finishing the work finally and 2)I am free to spend all my time working on Disney outfits and I don't have the website update hanging over my head :cool1:


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