Disboutiquers Part 27 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

My sewing machine is acting up. Not happy since I have lots of sewing to do. I may need to bring it in for service.

Must be going around... I'm about to set mine on fire and toss it out a window. :mad: :headache: Halfway through DD3's Halloween costume and it decides to go all wonky on me! I doubt I'll take mine in for service, though - it is a 6yo Brother that only cost me $100 new so if I can't get it going myself I'll start shopping for a new machine.
Phew! I finished this last night!
What a pain in the but...the directions were so confusing!
Next time I'm doing it my way!
I'm not happy w/Alice's one eyeball...I've ripped it out and resewn it a million times...so it's staying. I can never get the eyes right!

Working on some pirate skull pants for my little guy now. Trying to finish up before we head to WDW tomorrow!! :banana:
If it is costing you anywhere from $30-$55 to make the dress, then $75 is not enough! Someone told me they charge $20 for each hour of sewing, in addition to cost of materials.

I wish I could get away with charging that... but I really don't think any of my outfits would sell at $200 each. :rotfl2:

I have the same problem! People ask me to make things for them, and I really undercharge because they are friends! Bottom line though...our time is valuable so I would charge what you think your time is worth over the cost of the supplies. I think people are more willing to pay the higher prices than we sometimes realize. Good luck!

Welcome! :lovestruc

Phew! I finished this last night!
What a pain in the but...the directions were so confusing!
Next time I'm doing it my way!
I'm not happy w/Alice's one eyeball...I've ripped it out and resewn it a million times...so it's staying. I can never get the eyes right!

Working on some pirate skull pants for my little guy now. Trying to finish up before we head to WDW tomorrow!! :banana:

I think it turned out adorable!!

PatchPixie: Welcome! :lovestruc

D~ <--- still sewing for her trip... :rolleyes1
All great stuff...love seeing all the PC pics!

Just wanted to take a break from sewing and say HI!

OMG! Look at that ticker!!!! UGH!
okay I am very happy. I was able to get my machine working again. so I am hoping I can finish the skirt tomorrow morning after I get the boy to school if I don't sew after support group tonite.
I am having a MONDAY on Monday! had to work { even though i am pre-k asst. and we are out today/tomorrow for fall break,was asked to pitch in so i did,extra money!} only had to work 2 1/2 so i headed to Joann and got me and sil each 4 pj patterns to cover all family sizes! Mccalls for 99cents!:) also a cute jacket/coat pattern for my dgd's.:thumbsup2 picked up a fleece remnent { makings hatsscarves for xmas gifts} and a long blonde wig {$5} for Elli for her goddess costume { 60% off halloween}. I was so happy drivng home enjoying the beautiful weather ,looking forward to making a sammich and watching bridesmaids on the dvr! :love:
then my dadblamed car decided to DIE!:headache: thank GOD i got it pulled into a Church parking lot before it went!! Called dh who thangoodness was on his lunch break and could hear his phone.he came and got me and we cleaned out all the junk n the car,g'kids booster seat,books,toys etc...and he brought me home ,went back to work and we will have to see about the car later...he can usually figure out whats wrong but not this time i think it bit the dust...but it's been an ok car for the past 6 years,it's a 91* camry with 220,000+miles on it! so i think she is done!:sad2:
so now i am waiting till this evening when he gets off to see if he and his nephew can figure out whats wrong and if i will be carless for a bit...i hate being w/o my car,feels like my wings have been clipped!
thanks for letting me vent...prayers for either a fixed car are a blessing to get a new one...he could ask his momfoor $$$ and pay her when we get taxes { planning to get me another car then anyways} but he will never ask...aaarrrggghhh....always somehting...but we are all safe and healthy so alls good wiht the world:littleangel:

ugh! :headache: I hope your car is okay :hug: We drive our cars 'til they die and I'm scared one might go soon . . . DH actually drives MY car (in my name, purchased my senior year of college with my parent's help) and he is HARD on cars! :sad2: I drive a station wagon and even though we bought it a little over a year ago, that thing needs to GO! It's been a money pit!:sad2: It also isn't big enough to take friends with us unless they only have one child, which doesn't work for us in most cases.

Such a cute little Guppie!!!!

I love you guys in your tutus!!! You are all so cute!!

LOVE Savannnah!!!! Such a beautiful little girl! I can't believe how old she's getting!! It seems like Amber was JUST pregnant with her!

Thanks! And thank you to all the other nice comments on my Bubble Guppies costume! :hug: We went to Sally's today for blue hair spray . . . I'm thinking I'll just spray him on Monday when he has to wear his costume to dance and he can have blue hair all week - that isn't weird, is it? :rolleyes1

The tutus were lots of fun - and yes, we each made our own . . . but if you look closely you'll notice mine is a LOT more full than theirs. In this case, I wish it WAS my first tutu and I didn't know to keep mushing the tulle together as you work your way around the elastic . . . theirs didn't make them look nearly as wide as mine did to me (and it doesn't help that Dannielle is a size 2 and Amber is a size 4 while I'm more of a 7 (between size 6 & 8 - NOT the Juniors size :sad2: ).

I can't get over how big Savannah & Finn are either . . . the picture on the back of Finn's wagon is them from LAST YEAR and they look like such BABIES in it :eek: where'd these big kids come from???:confused3

What a cute little gumpie. I was wondering why the background was like that. It almost looked like you cut him out of a magazine:rotfl:

Love the tutus and the cutie pie Savanah

hehehe "cut him out of a magazine" :rotfl2:

OMG! Look at that ticker!!!! UGH!

I'll freak out right along with you about MY ticker . . .

I did find a new to me Salvation Army store today . . . scored 3 skirts, a dress and a pair of grey jeans for Phalen and paid $15. One of the skirts is black corduroy and I'm going to sew a red & white minnie dot ruffle to the bottom and add the wide yellow ricrac between the black & the ruffle . . . I think it will make an awesome Minnie skirt :lmao:
All great stuff...love seeing all the PC pics!

Just wanted to take a break from sewing and say HI!

OMG! Look at that ticker!!!! UGH!

WOW you have less time than I do! I've been appliqueing shirts and not posting, though I have been reading! trying to finish tshirts first so then I can sew one pair pants and a shirred tunic for DD. After that I have one more outfit in mind that is Disney, but if I finish it after our trip DD will still love it.:hippie:

18 days for me.
Semi productive day, but nothing Disney related!

I managed to get a couple of my onesies posted on Etsy, but am having a problem coming up with decent prices on the rest of my stuff. Some of these people charge less than it takes me to get supplies! I know you don't want to be the lowest price, but you don't want to be the highest either LOL! (thinking about hiring my oldest daughter as my manager...let her do the pricing and all the computer work!)

I finally got the quilting done on a bear of a project... (better known as the quilt from Heckie poo!) Now to bind it and send it on its way ...ANYWHERE as long as it is out of my house!

And, I've been monogramming some napkins for Thanksgiving. I've had the napkins forever, but decided to monogram them for this year. So far so goo...I've done 5 out of 18. I think I'll be at it for a while longer! (although, last year I had 20, have no clue what happened to the other 2..)

I guess I need to get my ticker changed. I mean I only have 345 days left!

I am waiting, not so patiently for the newest creation form Lisa Zoe. It should be listed within the month at YCMT. I can hardly wait to get my hands on this pattern. My daughter has already decided it will be the dress she wants for CRT this trip. And YES... that is the same daughter that did not even want t shirts this trip. She said she felt strange without a dress that night! She will be 12, so it is probably the last time she will let me make her a dress for Disney. I have to take advantage of it as long as I can!

So many cute Halloween costumes made lately. My kids are a little upset with me...seems I somehow managed to forget about it! OOOOOPS!

Time to get busy!

I finally got the quilting done on a bear of a project... (better known as the quilt from Heckie poo!) Now to bind it and send it on its way ...ANYWHERE as long as it is out of my house!

And, I've been monogramming some napkins for Thanksgiving. I've had the napkins forever, but decided to monogram them for this year. So far so goo...I've done 5 out of 18. I think I'll be at it for a while longer! (although, last year I had 20, have no clue what happened to the other 2..)

I guess I need to get my ticker changed. I mean I only have 345 days left!

I am waiting, not so patiently for the newest creation form Lisa Zoe. It should be listed within the month at YCMT. I can hardly wait to get my hands on this pattern. My daughter has already decided it will be the dress she wants for CRT this trip. And YES... that is the same daughter that did not even want t shirts this trip. She said she felt strange without a dress that night! She will be 12, so it is probably the last time she will let me make her a dress for Disney. I have to take advantage of it as long as I can!

So many cute Halloween costumes made lately. My kids are a little upset with me...seems I somehow managed to forget about it! OOOOOPS!

Time to get busy!


Yay for getting the quilt done... I hope you'll post pics. :thumbsup2

Good idea about the napkins... I am so nervous for TG this year - we are hosting and BIL & SIL are coming from The Netherlands - so the pressure is on... She has never had a real American TG before!

I am anxiously awaiting the new pattern from LisaZoe as well - it is just darling! She has some amazing patterns, and I love that she makes them with pleanty of room to applique. :wizard: I still need to friend her on FB - I keep forgetting.

ugh! :headache: I hope your car is okay :hug: We drive our cars 'til they die and I'm scared one might go soon . . . DH actually drives MY car (in my name, purchased my senior year of college with my parent's help) and he is HARD on cars! :sad2: I drive a station wagon and even though we bought it a little over a year ago, that thing needs to GO! It's been a money pit!:sad2: It also isn't big enough to take friends with us unless they only have one child, which doesn't work for us in most cases.

I know how you feel - we normally drive ourts until they die too... except this last time - they were all nearly dead, so we needed one reliable one. LOL

The tutus were lots of fun - and yes, we each made our own . . . but if you look closely you'll notice mine is a LOT more full than theirs. In this case, I wish it WAS my first tutu and I didn't know to keep mushing the tulle together as you work your way around the elastic . . . theirs didn't make the
m look nearly as wide as mine did to me (and it doesn't help that Dannielle is a size 2 and Amber is a size 4 while I'm more of a 7 (between size 6 & 8 - NOT the Juniors size :sad2: )

OK - I've met you IRL - and you are adorable!!! ANd I loved the tutus. :lovestruc

I'll freak out right along with you about MY ticker . . .

I did find a new to me Salvation Army store today . . . scored 3 skirts, a dress and a pair of grey jeans for Phalen and paid $15. One of the skirts is black corduroy and I'm going to sew a red & white minnie dot ruffle to the bottom and add the wide yellow ricrac between the black & the ruffle . . . I think it will make an awesome Minnie skirt :lmao:

Yay!!! That will be a cute skirt! Then I won't be the first adult to wear a custom with ruffles.... You should add an extra ruffle just to be safe. :banana:

Phew! I finished this last night!
What a pain in the but...the directions were so confusing!
Next time I'm doing it my way!
I'm not happy w/Alice's one eyeball...I've ripped it out and resewn it a million times...so it's staying. I can never get the eyes right!

Working on some pirate skull pants for my little guy now. Trying to finish up before we head to WDW tomorrow!! :banana:

That dress looks great. Have a great time at WDW!

Semi productive day, but nothing Disney related!

I managed to get a couple of my onesies posted on Etsy, but am having a problem coming up with decent prices on the rest of my stuff. Some of these people charge less than it takes me to get supplies! I know you don't want to be the lowest price, but you don't want to be the highest either LOL! (thinking about hiring my oldest daughter as my manager...let her do the pricing and all the computer work!)

I finally got the quilting done on a bear of a project... (better known as the quilt from Heckie poo!) Now to bind it and send it on its way ...ANYWHERE as long as it is out of my house!

And, I've been monogramming some napkins for Thanksgiving. I've had the napkins forever, but decided to monogram them for this year. So far so goo...I've done 5 out of 18. I think I'll be at it for a while longer! (although, last year I had 20, have no clue what happened to the other 2..)

I guess I need to get my ticker changed. I mean I only have 345 days left!

I am waiting, not so patiently for the newest creation form Lisa Zoe. It should be listed within the month at YCMT. I can hardly wait to get my hands on this pattern. My daughter has already decided it will be the dress she wants for CRT this trip. And YES... that is the same daughter that did not even want t shirts this trip. She said she felt strange without a dress that night! She will be 12, so it is probably the last time she will let me make her a dress for Disney. I have to take advantage of it as long as I can!

So many cute Halloween costumes made lately. My kids are a little upset with me...seems I somehow managed to forget about it! OOOOOPS!

Time to get busy!


Sounds like you have been busy. You never know about your DD and dress. I didn't wear any dresses from about 11 to 16. I then rediscovered dresses in university and I wear them whenever the weather permits (which doesn't happen that often anyway).

That will be a cute skirt! Then I won't be the first adult to wear a custom with ruffles.... You should add an extra ruffle just to be safe. :banana:


I had to quote this, since I wore a custom with ruffles in August! At least you won't be the first (nor the last since that dress is coming with us for the next trip, whenever that will be)
Went to my support group, I always complain about going but love it once I get there.

I now have a deadline for the Halloween outfit so I will get it done since we are going to a party on Tuesday.
Quick question - Can anyone recommend a good free/cheap pattern or tutorial for a kids' witch-style cape? I seriously mis-calculated on how much of my accent fabric to buy (okay, maybe I was a little tiny bit convinced I'd mess it up so I bought extra) so I'm thinking I'll make a cape to go with DD3's costume.
Phew! I finished this last night!
What a pain in the but...the directions were so confusing!
Next time I'm doing it my way!
I'm not happy w/Alice's one eyeball...I've ripped it out and resewn it a million times...so it's staying. I can never get the eyes right!

Working on some pirate skull pants for my little guy now. Trying to finish up before we head to WDW tomorrow!! :banana:

That came out cute!

I wish I could get away with charging that... but I really don't think any of my outfits would sell at $200 each. :rotfl2:
D~ <--- still sewing for her trip... :rolleyes1

Just think if you charged $200 each you could actually stay at the Polynesian and bring some close disboutique friends:rolleyes1

I did find a new to me Salvation Army store today . . . scored 3 skirts, a dress and a pair of grey jeans for Phalen and paid $15. One of the skirts is black corduroy and I'm going to sew a red & white minnie dot ruffle to the bottom and add the wide yellow ricrac between the black & the ruffle . . . I think it will make an awesome Minnie skirt :lmao:

That will be a cute skirt

I am waiting, not so patiently for the newest creation form Lisa Zoe. It should be listed within the month at YCMT. I can hardly wait to get my hands on this pattern. My daughter has already decided it will be the dress she wants for CRT this trip. And YES... that is the same daughter that did not even want t shirts this trip. She said she felt strange without a dress that night! She will be 12, so it is probably the last time she will let me make her a dress for Disney. I have to take advantage of it as long as I can!

:yay: I can't wait for this pattern either even though DD said no dresses:sad2: for this trip.
I'll freak out right along with you about MY ticker . . .

I did find a new to me Salvation Army store today . . . scored 3 skirts, a dress and a pair of grey jeans for Phalen and paid $15. One of the skirts is black corduroy and I'm going to sew a red & white minnie dot ruffle to the bottom and add the wide yellow ricrac between the black & the ruffle . . . I think it will make an awesome Minnie skirt :lmao:

My ticker, too!! 45 DAYS!! AHHH! Hey, do what you gotta do, I say! Sounds cute!!:cutie:
:yay: I can't wait for this pattern either even though DD said no dresses:sad2: for this trip.

ME EITHER!!! Kinda wish I hadn't cut EVERYTHING out already! :lmao:Isabelle is the same way! What are we going to do with these girls? They are growing up WAY too fast!:headache:
The dresses I've made have ranged from $30-$55, including a pattern and that's obviously not paying for time. I feel like if I say $75 or so per dress, that's going to sound like I'm over charging. But if it takes me 6 hrs to sew, plus pattern and fabric cutting time, it seems about right to me. Your thoughts?

Why not break it down for people...."The fabric will cost $30, the pattern $10, and it will take me six hours to sew and I charge $15 an hour for my time, so your total will be $130". I think many people don't realize the cost of fabric and the amount of time involved. Spelling it out may help them see that it's a reasonable cost for the work and materials involved.

I'm on another board about Disney and the custom clothings gets dissed a lot as being ridiculously expensive on ebay etsy, etc, but these are folks that will use the transfer paper to print out their own copied characters onto a Tshirt and call it their fancy clothes for Disney, lol.

Most people seem to think that I sew my kids' clothing because it saves me money....not even close. But, by sewing them we get to pick fabrics that none of their friends have and that often have their favorite characters or that they get to mix and match the fabrics. Plus, I have teenagers and they are simply not comfortable wearing a lot of today's "fashion"....they are very modest in their clothing choices by their own choosing, so we simply cannot find clothing they are happy in. Especially dresses, we haven't bought a dress off the rack in probably 6 years, not since they hit the preteen sizes, lol.


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