Disboutiquers Part 12 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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This is amazing - I'm not sure what I love more the dress, the fabric or the applique. You definitely have an eye for matching fabrics it's just stunning.

Thanks so much!! I AGONIZED over the fabrics on this set. The whole time I was putting it together I thought it was going to turn out horrible and too bright, but I think the white (there's alot of white!!) tones it down alot. I wanted fabric that was bright and the colors that the Steps wear, so when I found the fabric I thought it was perfect, but was second guessing myself the whole time. ;)
Oh, BTW, does anyone have any ideas for something Peter Pan or Captain Hook for my son to wear? I went to the Disney store and they don't have one shirt with Peter Pan on it and I have not been successful in finding and fabric with them either. My girls are doing a tink/faries day and I don't have anything for my son to wear. I appliqued once (the hat from cat in the hat last month) and that was the only thing I have done (so it can't be too complicated). Maybe just a hook? Any suggestions or easy clip art links?....maybe if they are very easy :lmao:......Thanks!

What about something like this maybe without the shadow?


I have some Peter Pan iron on designs if you want to go that way.

Oh, BTW, does anyone have any ideas for something Peter Pan or Captain Hook for my son to wear? I went to the Disney store and they don't have one shirt with Peter Pan on it and I have not been successful in finding and fabric with them either. My girls are doing a tink/faries day and I don't have anything for my son to wear. I appliqued once (the hat from cat in the hat last month) and that was the only thing I have done (so it can't be too complicated). Maybe just a hook? Any suggestions or easy clip art links?....maybe if they are very easy :lmao:......Thanks!

Ohhhh - love the hook idea - maybe a shadow of captain hook??? (just the dark image - like the Walt/mickey one someone did??)

Love those piratey outfits!! What poses - boy your little one loves to pose!! Are they high heel flip flops too????? lol - love their long hair - so pretty - that son is handsome too - love the "accessory" with his outfit!!! lol!!!

The top is cute, wouldnt it be pretty easy just to make it so someone could sew up the back if they wanted to? ooooh, I see a new Ebook in our future!!! You can do it!!!!!!

I made my first taggie blanket today - will post later!!

Daniels fundraiser on Friday went GREAT!! Thanks to those who donated things to be auctioned. I have no idea how much anything went for and didnt even really get near the auction stuff that night!!! I was in the kids room most of the night - man there were 300 people there!!!! Daniel was able to attend, and his parents let him hang out with his friends, which was cool. I felt soooo bad for him though - he has gotten really really thin and that makes his face just look so different. He also wanted to walk out without his walker, so his dad just stood really close by - but he almost fell - poor guy - I just pray it all really does end by this time next year. Its so hard to see him (or anyone ) struggle like that. But the good news is - about $25, 000 was raised!!! Can you believe it!! And we are still selling the bracelets and stuff, so it should keep growing for a while anyways!!!! Here are a few pictures from the Daniel Day Parade (firetrucks and stuff rode through the neighborhood and then to his house) - lots of people signed the banner on the back of the firetruck....



So we came home from church, and somebody, who usually naps - had gotten into the TRASH!!!!!!! The was baked Ziti everywhere!!!:rotfl: fortunately, none on our light colored carpets!!
Oh no - wasnt me!!

What about something like this maybe without the shadow?


I have some Peter Pan iron on designs if you want to go that way.


Thank you! That would make a great shirt!
I might have to go the iron on route. I have a t-shirt, I just have to decide what to do with it! Do you have more in your photobucket? I can't believe Peter stuff is so hard to find. Especially with all of the girls tink stuff around you would think it would be easy :). I appreciate you taking the time to do that for me. Thanks again!
Cathy, you were so busy today! You are always going, going and going. I don't know how you do it all. Love the big give outfit! And Bambi was amazing. Can't remember whether or not I said anything.

Wendy, I am so glad it went well. Poor Daniel. I am glad he was able to attend though. Let us know if there is anything else we can do to keep helping out. Does he just have one other sibling? A brother? Can't wait to see your taggie blanket! I am so excited that I might get to make another. My somewhat cousin just had a baby! Whoo hoo! I gotta figure out how they spelled her name. I think it is Sophia but I am not positive. I need to buy some girly ribbon too.

I also love the pirate outfits! I think a hook would be great or just his hat and attach a real feather somehow or you just sew one on. Cute idea.
I don't have a lot of peter pan or hook, just basic. But let me see what I can find . I found the shdow clip art pretty fast. I think in photoshop I can make it big enough to cut out each part out to iron on.

Ohhhh - love the hook idea - maybe a shadow of captain hook??? (just the dark image - like the Walt/mickey one someone did??)

Love those piratey outfits!! What poses - boy your little one loves to pose!! Are they high heel flip flops too????? lol - love their long hair - so pretty - that son is handsome too - love the "accessory" with his outfit!!! lol!!!

The top is cute, wouldnt it be pretty easy just to make it so someone could sew up the back if they wanted to? ooooh, I see a new Ebook in our future!!! You can do it!!!!!!

I made my first taggie blanket today - will post later!!

Daniels fundraiser on Friday went GREAT!!

Thanks Wendy! Yes, Julia has high heel everything! She makes up for her little size with heels and attitude! LOL! She is just 39 1/2 inches tall so she is hoping to make the 40 inch rides this year with shoes. I hope she does. She has been so tiny for so long that it seems she is waiting for ever to get on the bigger rides! My older daughter was riding them at 3 years old!

Julia had a fight her first year of life and lost a few inches of growth because of it (she was born 21 1/2 inches so she should have been taller like my D8). It doesn't bother me at all (I thank God all of the time that I have her) but she has missed out on some things because of it and it's hard for a 4 or 5 year old to understand.

Thank you for the compliments! Yes, my son had to take out his Peter Pan dagger for the pics! :rotfl: They are just too funny!

Ebook....sounds like an idea :thumbsup2: Although I couldn't imagine putting one of those together, I am not to computer literate :lmao:.....maybe someday!

It's sooo nice to hear that all of that money was raised for Daniel. He is such a fighter but it is so sad to see children going through that. It is so heartbreaking. I hope he recovers quickly and can enjoy just being a kid soon.

Can't wait to see the blankie! I am sure it turned out great!

LOVE the doggie pics!!! I have a little stinker like that too!
I also love the pirate outfits! I think a hook would be great or just his hat and attach a real feather somehow or you just sew one on. Cute idea.

I love all of the amazing ideas! Thank you! I knew I could count on my disboard crew! That is a great idea too!

I don't have a lot of peter pan or hook, just basic. But let me see what I can find . I found the shdow clip art pretty fast. I think in photoshop I can make it big enough to cut out each part out to iron on.


Thank you! I really appreciate it! I do so much for my girls and I feel like my son loses out a bit (creatively speaking) so I will definitly take your ideas and do something with them. He loves Peter Pan so I can't wait to make something with him.
Wendy, I am so glad it went well. Poor Daniel. I am glad he was able to attend though. Let us know if there is anything else we can do to keep helping out. Does he just have one other sibling? A brother? Can't wait to see your taggie blanket! I am so excited that I might get to make another. My somewhat cousin just had a baby! Whoo hoo! I gotta figure out how they spelled her name. I think it is Sophia but I am not positive. I need to buy some girly ribbon too.

I also love the pirate outfits! I think a hook would be great or just his hat and attach a real feather somehow or you just sew one on. Cute idea.

Hi - Thank YOU :) for helping out!!! Daniel is one of 5 kids - he has 2 sisters, and then 2 adopted brothers who were originally foster children - they had both been prenatally exposed to drugs and both have very special needs - one is cognitively challenged/ADD possible Autism, and the other is severe ADHD, cognitive challenges, with severe behavioral issues (with known mental health issues in his family) - the kids are 15, 11, 9, 7, and 1. Hoss (Daniels Dad) wrote a beautiful thank you that he read at the dinner - it was so emotional - very moving - it was so cool because the host of the night - Don Tollefson (if anyone is in the Philly area they would know he is a TV news/sports guy) stood right there with Hoss with his arm around him helping him through his speech - it was something....Matt ( my 15 year old nephew, big brother to the little ones I sew for) was sitting next to me and he leaned over and whispered to me - "who would have thought a year ago that we would be here doing this tonight" ....
UGH!!! I"ll never knit like that!!! I want so badly to enjoy knitting but I have no patience to learn how and get bored w/ knitting scarfs and blankets LOL I should break the needles out again. I have a huge tub of yarn on my stash.

Of course you can :) see I'd get bored of scarves and blankets too. I knit in the round so no seaming and because it's all mostly knit stitch they grow quickly and finish quickly. I've only been knitting as long as I've been sewing so coming up to 2 years now :)

THAT'S IT! YES! I want that fabric! I've convinced myself that I NEED that fabric! Thanks for posting the link - I'm off to find fabric.

Yummmmm I have that fabric - Amy Butler (is it belle??) Duck Egg Wallpaper I half made a bag out of it but had to stop to concentrate on my sisters wedding - I should find out where it's buried and finish it off :)
Hi - Thank YOU :) for helping out!!! Daniel is one of 5 kids - he has 2 sisters, and then 2 adopted brothers who were originally foster children - they had both been prenatally exposed to drugs and both have very special needs - one is cognitively challenged/ADD possible Autism, and the other is severe ADHD, cognitive challenges, with severe behavioral issues (with known mental health issues in his family) - the kids are 15, 11, 9, 7, and 1. Hoss (Daniels Dad) wrote a beautiful thank you that he read at the dinner - it was so emotional - very moving - it was so cool because the host of the night - Don Tollefson (if anyone is in the Philly area they would know he is a TV news/sports guy) stood right there with Hoss with his arm around him helping him through his speech - it was something....Matt ( my 15 year old nephew, big brother to the little ones I sew for) was sitting next to me and he leaned over and whispered to me - "who would have thought a year ago that we would be here doing this tonight" ....

How moving! I had goosebumps reading it. Let me think on the siblings. I was thinking it would be fun to send them something as I am sure they have to deal with alot since this started too.

And ...

For all you non facebookers. I made this vida yesterday to make sure I knew how it went together.



It's not funky in the back, just hanging that way!

I can't wait to make one with some appliques and funky fabric!
I have been here reading along. Everything posted has been adorable. I am sorry I haven't posted any comments. I am busy working on Abby's First Communion Dress and busy with a few appointments and work.

Abby needs glasses
Ethan had some hearing tests and he can hear just fine, so next he is having a speech evaluation.

Congratulations to the newly pregnant Mommies. I loved being pregnant and I hope you have a Happy and Healthy nine months.

I have a question for Jessica52877. I loved the Taggy Blanket you made. What font did you use for that name? I like that name a lot! William Hudson, it sounds very masculine. Anyways, I was looking for a set of boys names in a more formal script. I have a set of boys names in the Disney Print. If you have a minute PM me about that font!

I love Carla's new dress pattern. I wish she had it available a little sooner I am using a similiar McCall's pattern for Abby's dress.

I am going back to reading:surfweb: I will post a picture of Abby's dress when I get it done.
Okay, I need help. I need to know why on my blog the photos are cut off on the sides. I am trying to post a tutorial on how I do my ruffles (using dental floss) but it isn't going to help much if the sides of pictures are cut off.

I used photobucket and html to post the pictures. That is about as smart as I am with them. Any ideas? In preview it shows the whole picture. Maybe make them smaller (which I don't want to go messing with all my photobucket pictures).

Thanks for all your help! I normally go right to Teresa because she is all knowing computer mom and sure she'll be along soon but I know others are smart too. Just not me when it comes to this stuff!

I have a question for Jessica52877. I loved the Taggy Blanket you made. What font did you use for that name? I like that name a lot! William Hudson, it sounds very masculine. Anyways, I was looking for a set of boys names in a more formal script. I have a set of boys names in the Disney Print. If you have a minute PM me about that font!

PM'd you. Unfortunately I didn't really have an answer. It was just built into my machine so idea the name of it.
How moving! I had goosebumps reading it. Let me think on the siblings. I was thinking it would be fun to send them something as I am sure they have to deal with alot since this started too.

And ...

For all you non facebookers. I made this vida yesterday to make sure I knew how it went together.



It's not funky in the back, just hanging that way!

I can't wait to make one with some appliques and funky fabric!

WOW!!! I LOVE this fabric!! what a great combination Jess!:thumbsup2 I have some mushroom fabric from JA's that I want to make an Alice custom for Lily w/ and I think I want to use the Vida pattern for that. ???:confused3 ya never know though.
Awhile back I saw a stiff sheer pink daisy kingdom fabric with silver swirls on it...I am at a loss for what kind of fabric it might me...It was almost like a very stiff organza...help me...I know my description is not the greatest..:confused3 .What I am looking for it a fabric like that but in "Cinderella" blue.

ugh....lost more posts...

Love the knit top that was posted!

I have been following this board for some time and posted ever so rarely. I'd love to sew something for my getting older dd, but my first attempts have been fabric Easter Baskets for dd and her friend for our up coming trip to Disney.

This is the basket for dd:


This is for her friend:


And here are some autograph books I created for them fronts and backs:




What great stuff! I'm sure the girls will love them!

Here is my post of knitting - to show I have been crafting even if it wasn't sewing.

A wee shrug/bolero for Em - love the red in this - it's going to be her Disney one



A dress/tunic and pant set for a friends newborn

A dress for dolly

Testing a dress pattern for a friend of mine

and this one is a special one - it's my first proper adult knit (not a hat or gloves) It was my reward to myself for losing weight almost 9kgs which is about 25lb I think. I still have a wee way to go but I'm getting there.


Currently on the needles I have another shrug/bolero for Izzy and a dress like the one I made my friends bubba for em :)
WOW!!! How beautiful!!! Love it all-especially that baby 2 piece outfit.

Here is one of two outfits done for the latest Big Give....this is for cute little Olivia! She loves Aurora and ruffles! DD5 helped me make a little stretchy necklace. We put Olivia's name in there too but the pics came out kind of blurry ;)

Wow-she'll love it!

Finally finished the pirate adventure outfits! :woohoo: I have a couple minor adjustments I want to make but if I don't get them done it's no biggie.


How cool!

I agree with you that boys can be more challenging. I've been working on stuff for my DS(8). He is the one of my 3 (the other 2 are girls) that actually shows the most interest in my sewing. I made him some PJ's with applique T yesterday and was working on a bowling shirt today-just need to add the sleeves now. I'll post photos soon I hope.

Daniels fundraiser on Friday went GREAT!!

I made this vida yesterday to make sure I knew how it went together.



It's not funky in the back, just hanging that way!

I can't wait to make one with some appliques and funky fabric!
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