DIS writers - a place for us.

Filled out my W-9 for MeeGenius last week. I begin working with the editor in the next couple of weeks. Then, they assign the illustrator to illustrate my book. Things are coming along!
Do you really feel 1st person is the way to go in YA? everything I do is third person, I just had a book club at work read it and they really liked it, but most of the people I have feedback from are adults. Is third person not liked by YA audiances.

I read a ton of YA novels. The majority are in third person. It's not a problem. There are some in first person. "Mick Harte Was Here" is my favorite YA in first person. Wonderful book!
Just wanted to update you guys putting out the Paperback tomorrow.
Using Createspace found it to be the best site for it. I don't know excatly what the unit cost is going to be yet. Estimate showed it at $3.30, but I am not sure how accurate that is.
I was going to have someone at work help me with th cover, which is one big sleeve like page for front and back, but I was able to get something I can live with from there automatic tool. Their tool seem to be getting better, though I still they they make it a little diffucult hoping you would opt for their pay service.

Going to give away one copy or original illustration a month to random member on the Facebook site. Going to use that to hopefully build the Facebook site.
I just wanted to drop in and update on what's been going on with me. I submitted my MS to 3 different ebook specific publishers that I felt my MS would fit in with. One got back to me so quick with a rejection (one day) I doubt they got further than the Synopsis. One I haven't heard back from yet. The last one liked my query & asked to see the full. I just heard back from them and was rejected. They just said it wasn't a good fit for them. That was also what the other rejection said.

So, I'm really considering self publishing as an ebook only. The reason being, my MS doesn't really fit into one particular genre. It's paranormal romance, but not traditionally so. It can be considered urban fantasy or borderline erotic romance. See what I mean, it doesn't fit into any one mold. I really feel it will be a tough sell for most traditional publishers.

I already have a website, twitter and facebook pressence. My DH is a web designer and has his degree in business management and marketing. He is ready and willing to do my marketing so I can concentrate on my writing. I have no issues with my stories not being on book shelves. I just want them out there and feel ebooks is the way to go for the stuff I write. I'm starting to feel like I can't find a reason not to self pub. Any opinions?
I just wanted to drop in and update on what's been going on with me. I submitted my MS to 3 different ebook specific publishers that I felt my MS would fit in with. One got back to me so quick with a rejection (one day) I doubt they got further than the Synopsis. One I haven't heard back from yet. The last one liked my query & asked to see the full. I just heard back from them and was rejected. They just said it wasn't a good fit for them. That was also what the other rejection said.

So, I'm really considering self publishing as an ebook only. The reason being, my MS doesn't really fit into one particular genre. It's paranormal romance, but not traditionally so. It can be considered urban fantasy or borderline erotic romance. See what I mean, it doesn't fit into any one mold. I really feel it will be a tough sell for most traditional publishers.

I already have a website, twitter and facebook pressence. My DH is a web designer and has his degree in business management and marketing. He is ready and willing to do my marketing so I can concentrate on my writing. I have no issues with my stories not being on book shelves. I just want them out there and feel ebooks is the way to go for the stuff I write. I'm starting to feel like I can't find a reason not to self pub. Any opinions?

If you don't mind me asking, who did you sub to? I have many friends that write erotica, and I can give you some names of some places that love genres like yours.
This is great! Count me in as well. Thanks so much, Big Cuddly Bear.
That is why you will not find the word "writhing" in my stories. That word drives me crazy!:headache: :rotfl:

:lmao: I know ...Everyone tends to be writhing these days! Ssh ... I'm going to skim through my copy of Fifty Shades and see if "writhing" appears anywhere. ;)
deslink There is a community site at KDP site. You could check out some of the writers to get an idea of self-pubbing would be worth it. Site is similar to disboards and I have started thinking of them as Dissies crazy relatives. A lot will post links to their Amazon page and there are a lot of romance writers so you can get a feel of for how they sell.
I wanted to go the regular pubbing route but my reason for going this route is a story in itself. Now that I am here, I am not sure if I would recommend or not. But if you have anybody with marketing experience you got a big headstart. Just do everything the free way.
I bought an ISBN, and have spent about $100 advertising so far. All told I spent about $300 self-pubbing but I know those who have spent much more. You can spend it fast. And I am fairly sure the object is to make money. I almost spent as much running copies for rejections so the fact that I am close to breaking even gives me solace. If you decide to come to the dark side, feel free to contact me for advice.
AS a side note I have often joked that when George Lucas came up with the ideas of the Dark side, he had his publisher in mind, so maybe in reality we are the rebels, the jedi, the Ewoks.
If you don't mind me asking, who did you sub to? I have many friends that write erotica, and I can give you some names of some places that love genres like yours.

It was Crimson and Evernight that rejected me and I haven't heard back from Carina Press yet. I am also debating on Subbing to Samhain. But Carina & Samhain have a really long wait time to hear anything, so I've been told. I would love some suggestions of ebook publishers for my genre, thanks!

:lmao: I know ...Everyone tends to be writhing these days! Ssh ... I'm going to skim through my copy of Fifty Shades and see if "writhing" appears anywhere. ;)

I bet it's in there lol. Frm what I've "heard" about it the writing is terrible, the characters are unlikable but for some reason it's addicting.:rolleyes:

deslink There is a community site at KDP site. You could check out some of the writers to get an idea of self-pubbing would be worth it. Site is similar to disboards and I have started thinking of them as Dissies crazy relatives. A lot will post links to their Amazon page and there are a lot of romance writers so you can get a feel of for how they sell.
I wanted to go the regular pubbing route but my reason for going this route is a story in itself. Now that I am here, I am not sure if I would recommend or not. But if you have anybody with marketing experience you got a big headstart. Just do everything the free way.
I bought an ISBN, and have spent about $100 advertising so far. All told I spent about $300 self-pubbing but I know those who have spent much more. You can spend it fast. And I am fairly sure the object is to make money. I almost spent as much running copies for rejections so the fact that I am close to breaking even gives me solace. If you decide to come to the dark side, feel free to contact me for advice.
AS a side note I have often joked that when George Lucas came up with the ideas of the Dark side, he had his publisher in mind, so maybe in reality we are the rebels, the jedi, the Ewoks.

Thank you for the advice and info! I'm going to check out the KDP forums. I do feel like I have a leg up for self publishing. My DH also is a web developer so he did my site and I have to say I love it! He can easily do the cover art for my book and upload it to KDP and Smashwords. Marketing is what he's really good at and he is ready and willing to put in the work (and money ;)) to help me. The only think that is holding me back is the stigma of self publishing. It's like people automatically think you're writing isn't good if you didn't try to have it published by one of the big 6. :confused3
It was Crimson and Evernight that rejected me and I haven't heard back from Carina Press yet. I am also debating on Subbing to Samhain. But Carina & Samhain have a really long wait time to hear anything, so I've been told. I would love some suggestions of ebook publishers for my genre, thanks!

Samhain only accepts 1 - 2 % of the thousands of submissions they receive, and it takes 12 to 16 weeks to hear anything from them. Off the top of my head, the pubs I know (and know friends have subbed a genre very similar to yours you describe) who are accepting right now that you would have a good chance/fit with:

Liquid Silver
Ellora's Cave
and Noble

I have many many author friends that have had good luck with all of them.

I bet it's in there lol. Frm what I've "heard" about it the writing is terrible, the characters are unlikable but for some reason it's addicting.:rolleyes:

You know... I've always wondered how books with "bad" writing make it. Take the twilight series, the hunger games, and now the fifty shades books. I don't get it.

Thank you for the advice and info! I'm going to check out the KDP forums. I do feel like I have a leg up for self publishing. My DH also is a web developer so he did my site and I have to say I love it! He can easily do the cover art for my book and upload it to KDP and Smashwords. Marketing is what he's really good at and he is ready and willing to put in the work (and money ;)) to help me. The only think that is holding me back is the stigma of self publishing. It's like people automatically think you're writing isn't good if you didn't try to have it published by one of the big 6. :confused3

don't forget to check out the absolute write forums!
ETA: UGH, my reply somehow got in the quotes above. I will bold them.
Thank you for the advice and info! I'm going to check out the KDP forums. I do feel like I have a leg up for self publishing. My DH also is a web developer so he did my site and I have to say I love it! He can easily do the cover art for my book and upload it to KDP and Smashwords. Marketing is what he's really good at and he is ready and willing to put in the work (and money ;)) to help me. The only think that is holding me back is the stigma of self publishing. It's like people automatically think you're writing isn't good if you didn't try to have it published by one of the big 6. :confused3

I agree with you about the Stigma, but good books will get good reviews for the most part. Also have you let the publishers now about your site and commitment, I really do feel that with budgets pulling back knowing they got extra help might be a real kicker. I think they want to see you are going to work it and not be spending alll your time writitng:)
don't forget to check out the absolute write forums!
ETA: UGH, my reply somehow got in the quotes above. I will bold them.

I have to thank you because earlier in this thread you posted about Absolute Write forums and I have joined the site and it has given me a wealth of information.

I heard that about Samhain & that's why I was debating on if it was even worth it. I'm thinking probably not. Thanks for the list, I will look into them. Some I have heard of but some I haven't.

I agree with you about the Stigma, but good books will get good reviews for the most part. Also have you let the publishers now about your site and commitment, I really do feel that with budgets pulling back knowing they got extra help might be a real kicker. I think they want to see you are going to work it and not be spending alll your time writitng:)

I did attach my website to my submissions but I guess it didn't matter. I also thought publishers would like that I have that done already. Maybe some do just not the ones I subbed to ;)
I bet it's in there lol. Frm what I've "heard" about it the writing is terrible, the characters are unlikable but for some reason it's addicting.:rolleyes:

Yes, the writing is pretty bad. Of course, I'm envious that I didn't think of the idea myself and I just had to read it to see what all the hype was about. And the other two books. :rolleyes1 Mid-way through book 2, the plot goes very Jackie Collins. I prefer the much slimmer, non-writhing-containing Nine and a Half Weeks: A Memoir of a Love Affair by Elizabeth MacNeill. ;)
And if you make a book trailer get the guy who made this one!!!

This has to be the best book trailer I will ever see.


I've known about that book and have wanted to read it but haven't had the time. That trailer was great and makes me want to go get that book right now!! My DD (14) wants to read it too. I think I need to go run out and get it because I know it has a lot of pictures of the children in it so it's not the kind of book you read on an ereader.
Yes, the writing is pretty bad. Of course, I'm envious that I didn't think of the idea myself and I just had to read it to see what all the hype was about. And the other two books. :rolleyes1 Mid-way through book 2, the plot goes very Jackie Collins. I prefer the much slimmer, non-writhing-containing Nine and a Half Weeks: A Memoir of a Love Affair by Elizabeth MacNeill. ;)

Looks like we have the same taste! ;)
Hi everyone!
I wanted to come here and tell you all that I took the plunge! My book is available on Kindle & Nook on Amazon & B&N!! I self published and it was a lot of work to get the hang of formatting but DH and I did it and I'm so excited and happy! I also finished a novelette in the same world as my novel & uploaded them both yesterday. DH did my covers and they came out amazing!

I just feel with the genre I write, and the resources available to me (my DH lol) self publishing is the way to go for me.

Currently I am working on another novelette and 2 more novels set in the same world. While I write DH is going to handle most of the marketing. Right now I have a Twitter, Facebook, website, & I'm on Goodreads. I'm looking forward to see where this journey brings me. I'm not looking to make tons of money, I just want someone to enjoy my stories.:)
Well, I missed a lot on this thread. Congrats, Desnik, for taking the plunge! Can you link to it?

The only think that is holding me back is the stigma of self publishing. It's like people automatically think you're writing isn't good if you didn't try to have it published by one of the big 6. :confused3

For much of the world, honestly, I think the stigma is imagined. Outside of us writers and publishers and agents, few people seem to know what a "Big 6" is. Today I was just talking to someone whose wife wants to get published and I mentioned my publisher was Random House, and he kind of nodded and was like, "who?"

And I adore all those people who own Kindles and Nooks and yet haven't spent a cent on books. It's because all they are reading are the freebies, which are self-published books. Most people balk at the idea of spending $10 for an ebook, but unless there's deal, that's how much traditionally published ebooks are going for. The fact is, they don't care. People just want to read cheap. And before, where traditionally-published = quality and self-published = crap, now, that's less-and-less the case. Big self-pubbing successes (though rare) are proving that theory wrong and making it a viable option even for the once-traditionally-published. And even though the playing field is crowded and it's getting more and more difficult to make a mark, like with traditional publishing, you don't know if you can make that mark unless you try it.

So do not worry about the stigma. Be proud of your book, and promote the heck out of it. Good luck!

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