Dis Breast Cancer Survivors Part IV - GAGWTA

LMP, it was great to finally get the first vaccination. It was a breeze. I got the Pfizer. My arm is just a little sore, but no other issues. In Florida, they are about to open up to teachers and first responders over 50. No idea when younger folks with underlying conditions will be able to get vaccinated. I would love for Kendall to get the vaccine.

My scan was okay. Slight decrease in the affected nodes. My tumor markers are holding steady. There is some activity in the bone, but the doctor said it hasn't changed and that it could be misleading. So, all in all, everything was good. I will just continue my current treatment.

Kendall's rheumatologist sent her to a new neurologist. He has scheduled a bunch of new tests. He thinks she may have myasthenia gravis on top of the lupus. Is it to late to trade her in for another model? lol. I guess it isn't that much worse. The treatment is about the same for both.

Tomorrow, I will be scheduling an appointment with an orthopedist. While trying to put an uncooperative, 100 pound golden retriever in the car to go to the groomer, I messed up my back. It's always something!

LMP, I am so sorry to hear you're in pain. Remember those days, when we actually felt good the majority of time? Oh, to go back in tiime and appreciate good health! I'll be praying that things improve for you!

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well! Today is my 69th birthday! Every day is a gift!
I too am sorry about your pain, LMP. No more bending over!

Happy birthday Peg! My husband will be 69 in 5 months.

RobinB, I hope you get a vaccine appointment soon. It took hours for me refreshing but we both got the first one in late January and the second mid February. The governor added 65 and over about 3 weeks ago and just added younger people with underlying conditions. We don’t have a central site to register with, it’s up to each person to call around. There are over 2000 sites, mostly pharmacies. It does seem like there are more dosages on the way. My sister had her first about 10 days ago. The pharmacist had so many no shows in the past he personally calls everyone to confirm. And this was at Walmart. We both got Pfizer and little no side effects. They finally resumed visits at my mom’s senior facility. Every resident on assisted has been vaccinated so they are also resuming communal meals. Mom has been eating all her meals in her apartment for a whole year, she’s nervous about going back to the dining room. It’s funny and sad at the same time.
I am 77 but because I am on chemo pills I can not have the vaccine. I have eaten out in restaurants, gone to Disney, Sea World. i will go as long as I can. I am enjoying my 4 great-granddaughters.
I am 77 but because I am on chemo pills I can not have the vaccine. I have eaten out in restaurants, gone to Disney, Sea World. i will go as long as I can. I am enjoying my 4 great-granddaughters.

Sorry that you can’t take the vaccine. Enjoy those 4 little treasures!
Sorry that you can’t take the vaccine. Enjoy those 4 little treasures!
Thanks Snappy! I try not to think too much about the cancer. I have it in my pelvic and spine. But I still enjoy life to the fullest even with pain every day. I did get myself a little collie puppy to take my mind off pain last Aug.
Thanks Snappy! I try not to think too much about the cancer. I have it in my pelvic and spine. But I still enjoy life to the fullest even with pain every day. I did get myself a little collie puppy to take my mind off pain last Aug.
Seahorse17, I bet that pup is very much loved. We adopted a mixed breed 1 year old back in 2000, pretty sure she was part colllie and part golden retriever. Best disposition that you could possibly ask for. I wonder if that disposition is a collie thing. There is some essence that dogs have that you can’t find anywhere else. I believe they love us as much as we love them. I am glad you found a great anecdote to your pain.
GAGWTA! Great to hear from people here, hope everyone is doing well.

Peg, glad to hear your scans were good, and Happy Birthday! Sorry Kendall is still having so many health issues. I hope she can find some answers soon. It seems like she’s been at it a long time.

LMP, I’m glad you got appointments. I read recently something about cancer patients requiring the vaccine, but only if cancer was recent? But like with @Seahorse17, depending on what treatment they’re on, they may not qualify to get it. It’s been tough all around trying to get appts. I got Moderna back in December and January. DH just got Pfizer on Sunday. DD and I had to hunt down an appt for him, but we finally found one at CVS. It’s too bad they didn’t let hospitals and clinics handle the vaccines instead of venues that aren’t used to dealing with things like that. And with government involved, well... 😅

Robin, I hope you and everyone who wants to go can get in a trip to Disney! I miss it so much right now.

Seahorse, you have an amazing attitude. Stay well and keep fighting !
Hi everyone. Not on the DIS much as we don't go to WDW anymore, but checking back through the posts.

Janet, how is your husband doing? Don't see a post since you talked about his stents.

Peg, thanks for telling us about your scar. I have a big scar too, will definitely keep an eye on it. It's my other breast with a lumpectomy that itches sometimes, but not always. Did getting off of the P med help Kendall's cough?

LMP, was looking for your post. Glad it went well, sorry about the wedding!

Snappy, looks like you found a great way to hole up during the lockdown.

Melissa and Taz, please keep us posted.

Well, I just spent about 15 months being overwhelmed with moving, estate sales, selling ABQ house, and getting settled in Portland. Did not see DH from Feb to early Oct, because he stayed in ABQ to get that house ready and we couldn't fly to see each other. He's here and waiting for another hip replacement. Not happy that he will have another long anesthetic surgery since I think it affects him neurologically.

Other than that, doing ok. DD is here, not working, still holing up, but we are all pretty introverted so it seems kind of normal. Relief is in sight! Oh, and I got a toy poodle puppy in May. He keeps us laughing.
He is SO cute!! I can’t believe I have been away from here for so long! Linda has your husband had his hop surgery yet?
my husband had his double bypass on Oct 28, it was a hard surgery and he had some serious problems with elevated heart rate, but eventually we got back home. He is doing a lot better but the heart racing is still an issue once in a while. He may end up with a pacemaker, he has 2 uncles snd an aunt with them, for yhe same condition. Staying in a hotel in the city, only allowed to see him for an hour per day, all the covid protocols, it was pretty horrendous and I sure hope we dont have to do it again soon. I struggled with some depression and anxiety, but have it under control now sort of. Really glad spring has arrived! Sadly we lost my husbands dad just a couple of weeks ago, unexpected. Thank goodness husbands brother is in good health and able to deal with everything! He left his house to the 2 of them, but it is in another town, a half day travel away, so its been hard for him going back snd forth taking a one hour ferry each way as well.We are still being in isolation because of hubbys heart and my battered immune system from my cancer trymt do we are unable to do the travelling and helping him. We should be getting our vaccines by may judging by the protocols in place, we are really hoping this summer can be more normal with the grand daughters coming to stay again! We have a hot tub going in soon, we are making a tropical paradise in our own backyard because who knows when we will actually be able to travel to Hawaii again! I am betting a couple of years!
About a month ago, I injured my back. I was trying to lift an uncooperative, 100 pound golden retriever into the car to go to her grooming appointment. After 3 weeks with little improvement, I went to an orthopedist. He did an x-ray, but found it difficult to read due to the lack of calcium in my spine. He suspected a stress fracture and ordered MRIs with and without contrast.

I was supposed to see him again on 3/25 for the MRI results, but I got a call yesterday saying he wanted to see me that afternoon. Never a good sign.

I do have a stress fracture. Unfortunately, also have cancer in my spine affecting five vertebrae. Not what I wanted to hear.

Oddly, cancer in the bones doesn't show up well in a PET scan. My oncologist had mentioned that they thought there could be something, but it was misleading. I'm not sure why they didn't order an MRI to be sure.

Anyway, my guess is that the cancer in my spine has been there for some time as they mentioned the whole possible activity thing almost a year ago. On the positive side, my tumor markers have gone down. This leads me to believe that my current treatment has had some positive results with not only the affected lymph nodes, but also with the cancer on my spine.

I will see my oncologist next Wednesday to discuss everything. I called immediately after I left the orthopedist office to relay the results of the MRI. Today, I got a call from Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy saying they received a prescription from my oncologist for a monoclonal antibody treatment drug that is designed to fight cancer in the spine. I am assuming I will also continue the treatment I've been on. So, while not good news, there is still some fight left in this old girl! Just another speed bump in what is my crazy life!

Thank you, Luna, for making me hurt my back. Heaven knows how long I would have gone with this not knowing if I hadn't!

Hope things are going well for you all! I am so happy to have this group where I can share what is happening and know that you all understand. As always, thinking of you!
About a month ago, I injured my back. I was trying to lift an uncooperative, 100 pound golden retriever into the car to go to her grooming appointment. After 3 weeks with little improvement, I went to an orthopedist. He did an x-ray, but found it difficult to read due to the lack of calcium in my spine. He suspected a stress fracture and ordered MRIs with and without contrast.

I was supposed to see him again on 3/25 for the MRI results, but I got a call yesterday saying he wanted to see me that afternoon. Never a good sign.

I do have a stress fracture. Unfortunately, also have cancer in my spine affecting five vertebrae. Not what I wanted to hear.

Oddly, cancer in the bones doesn't show up well in a PET scan. My oncologist had mentioned that they thought there could be something, but it was misleading. I'm not sure why they didn't order an MRI to be sure.

Anyway, my guess is that the cancer in my spine has been there for some time as they mentioned the whole possible activity thing almost a year ago. On the positive side, my tumor markers have gone down. This leads me to believe that my current treatment has had some positive results with not only the affected lymph nodes, but also with the cancer on my spine.

I will see my oncologist next Wednesday to discuss everything. I called immediately after I left the orthopedist office to relay the results of the MRI. Today, I got a call from Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy saying they received a prescription from my oncologist for a monoclonal antibody treatment drug that is designed to fight cancer in the spine. I am assuming I will also continue the treatment I've been on. So, while not good news, there is still some fight left in this old girl! Just another speed bump in what is my crazy life!

Thank you, Luna, for making me hurt my back. Heaven knows how long I would have gone with this not knowing if I hadn't!

Hope things are going well for you all! I am so happy to have this group where I can share what is happening and know that you all understand. As always, thinking of you!
Sorry to hear about this new bump in the road, Peg. Hugs to you and give Luna a good scratch behind the ears for me too!
Checking in here. It’s been a month. Hope everyone is enjoying warmer weather and feeling well. My mom fell about a month ago and hit her head, but did not break any bones. We were fortunate. Our dog became sick about 2 weeks ago, but the vet immediately diagnosed her with old dog’s syndrome and stabilized her so the dog only had to stay one night overnight for nursing care. She is slowing getting back to her walks. Today she grabbed her toy and teased me into chasing her. It’s nice to see the old spark. She is 13 and half and is a medium large chow/German shepherd mix with some issues in the liver. We enjoy her every day. One upside of the pandemic is that we had a lot of time home with her this last year. She is just a little bit spoiled and has let us know exactly how she likes her chicken cooked!
Hi, ladies. Snappy, glad your mom wasn't badly injured and that you puppy is do8ng better. Even when these things work out, the stress takes its toll!

The last time I posted, I mentioned about finding the cancer lesions on my spine. A lot has happened since.

It turned out that the lesions are old and inactive. The oncologist knew about them. I didn't. They gave been keeping an eye on the situation and are not concerned.

I had a kyphoplasty on my T7 vertebrae. This is where the put a cement like substance into the vertebrae via a needle to stabilize the fracture. The procedure went well. Unfortunately, the pressure of the repair on the T7 vertebrae caused a lower vertebrae to collapse. It is because I now have severe osteoporosis.

Tomorrow, I will have another MRI so they can decide what to do about my current back issue. I have to say, out if all the things I have gone through in my life, this back thong is the worst. I just can't get comfortable. Sleeping is so difficult. I can't wait to get this fixed.

They started me on zoldronic acid infusions once a month to help build my bone mass. The irritating thing is that I had a Dexa Scan at the beginning of 2020. I had mild osteopenia. Now, I am full blown osteoporosis. The oncologist said it is because the chemo meds have leeched all the calcium from my bones. When I asked why they didn't proactively start something that would have prevented this, she told me the insurance would not have approved it and the drugs are very expensive. So, you have to fall apart before insurance will approve a repair treatment. As it stands, she tried Prolia and Xgeva but the insurance denied them. I have to do the zoldronic acid infusions first. If that fails, they will approve one of the others.

So, all in all, better news on the cancer front. Slow go on my back. But, I'm hanging in there!

Thinking if you all!
Sorry to hear about the severe osteoporosis, Peg, along with the pain and discomfort. Mom has had it for awhile, all the oral drugs stopped working over the years so she had to give herself Forteo injections in her stomach for 2 years 2013-2016, with a year off when she had a large growth on her soft palate. After the Forteo, she had more spinal fractures, had the kyphoplasty as well in 2018. Her internist was able to get Prolia every six month injections approved since she could document that all the previous treatments failed. I would ask about Prolia. I remember that her doctor said Prolia injections were expensive but she was determined to demonstrate they were necessary. Mom also uses ice packs on and off throughout the day. She used one of those horrible braces for awhile when she fell and broke her wrist in 2015. She was one grumpy lady.
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Hi everyone!
Seashore17 - Wishing you all the best. Love your positive attitude and zest for life
Peg - you are such a warrior! Hope your treatment is going well and that Kendall will be able to get a vaccine soon
Laurie - hope your fur baby recovers soon and that your mom heals and recovers.
Linda - glad your family is vaccinated
Janet - Wishing your Dh all the best and that you can get vaccinated soon
Robin - Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a great Disney trip!

Covid is sadly still alive and well here. Dh got a work report that there are 12 active cases from his work. Over 200 total from last year and 3 deaths from his building. I am glad he mostly works from home or another remote location.
Dh and I and ds2 and dil are all vaccinated. What a mess We all ended up changing locations and I was done before my 1st original appointment. We all got Pfizer and had various side effects. They went to the racetrack from the state and Dh and I went to a indoor soccer place given by the university hospital only for their patients. Ds3 logged on quickly and got them for us. The dr. there only talked about it could effect chemo.
Ds1 and dil are not getting vaccinated because they heard there could be fertility issues??
Ds1 has to go to a trade show in Orlando in July and dil is tagging along. It’s the honeymoon they couldn’t have. After the conference they are going to stay at the Wilderness Lodge and maybe universal one day.
Ds2 went to work 1 day for a meeting. Still over a year working at home.
Ds3 is the adventurer. In the last month or so he has been to a birthday party in Killington, Vt. A bachelorette party in upstate NY. The mom went too and now the wedding is next month in Vermont on a farm. Glad he is vaccinated. He said the infectious disease dr. at work said most likely everyone will need a covid booster shot. Also they are looking at blood types a lot. Of course it’s A as I have.
Going to the grandpups 2nd Birthday fiesta this weekend. Being with her unmasked and also not going to get vaccinated family. Sigh!
Dh went to Massachusetts and had to show proof of a negative covid test. Glad he is not traveling much.
Sorry so long!
Checking in here. It’s been a month. Hope everyone is enjoying warmer weather and feeling well. My mom fell about a month ago and hit her head, but did not break any bones. We were fortunate. Our dog became sick about 2 weeks ago, but the vet immediately diagnosed her with old dog’s syndrome and stabilized her so the dog only had to stay one night overnight for nursing care. She is slowing getting back to her walks. Today she grabbed her toy and teased me into chasing her. It’s nice to see the old spark. She is 13 and half and is a medium large chow/German shepherd mix with some issues in the liver. We enjoy her every day. One upside of the pandemic is that we had a lot of time home with her this last year. She is just a little bit spoiled and has let us know exactly how she likes her chicken cooked!
🤗 good to have an email notification of a new post! We have been wanting to get a dog to help hubby with his ptsd but we should have done it precovid, we can not find a dog for under $2500 😭 so unless a miracle happens and we stumble across a rescue or rehoming situation, we will just have to settle for weekly visits from our grand dog, thank goodness your mom is ok!!
I have a checkup, bloodwork happeningvon friday and I am nervous! I am going for a bone scan soon because of some issues with my neck. Thank goodness we got our phyzer vaccinations 3 werks ago now, our daughters are both vaccinated now too so we can rely on them for help. Hubby is doing really well now with his heart. We have been able to get back to our landscaping that got put on hold because of his increasing symptoms last year. I thought he was just getting lazy, oops. Canada is going a lot slower than the US in vaccinations and in my province we have gone into a pretty tight lockdown again. They will even have police on the ferry checking to make sure people are travelling for serious needed reasons. Our one daughter is a part time server at a resort and had some nasty toyrist woman yell at her yesterday, called her a name I can not put here, because she was not allowed in without a mask 🙁 stupid entitled people everywhere sadly.
Lmp, thankyou for asking about him! He is doing So much better! Glad you are almost all vaccinated! I have heard nothing at all about fertility issues!! I do know younger people are more hesitant. I hope they do research and get it!
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Hello all,

I posted on one of these threads several years ago when I was first diagnosed with stage IIb breast cancer. I had a bilateral mastectomy and chemo and had hoped that it would be the end of the breast cancer journey for me. Unfortunately in March of last year (7 and a half years since my initial diagnosis) after ignoring pain in my back for several months, a CT showed numerous lesions on my spine and other bones in my body that were a metastatic recurrence of my breast cancer. I had kyphoplasty on my L4 vertebra and had a rod and screws placed in my right femur that helped mitigate the pain and stabilize the bones. I was on capecitabine for almost a year before it stopped being effective and have now had 2 treatments with docetaxel in the hopes that it will be more effective in controlling progression. So far the metastatic disease has been limited to my bones, so obviously hoping it continues to stay isolated there for as long as possible.

I'm doing as well as can be expected at this time, but I guess just wanted to introduce myself to the group and hope to get to know many of you better.
Hello all,

I posted on one of these threads several years ago when I was first diagnosed with stage IIb breast cancer. I had a bilateral mastectomy and chemo and had hoped that it would be the end of the breast cancer journey for me. Unfortunately in March of last year (7 and a half years since my initial diagnosis) after ignoring pain in my back for several months, a CT showed numerous lesions on my spine and other bones in my body that were a metastatic recurrence of my breast cancer. I had kyphoplasty on my L4 vertebra and had a rod and screws placed in my right femur that helped mitigate the pain and stabilize the bones. I was on capecitabine for almost a year before it stopped being effective and have now had 2 treatments with docetaxel in the hopes that it will be more effective in controlling progression. So far the metastatic disease has been limited to my bones, so obviously hoping it continues to stay isolated there for as long as possible.

I'm doing as well as can be expected at this time, but I guess just wanted to introduce myself to the group and hope to get to know many of you better.
Thanks for posting, and welcome back! Sorry to hear of your more recent issues, but it sounds like things have stabilized which is great! How are you coping with everything? :hug:
Hello all,

I posted on one of these threads several years ago when I was first diagnosed with stage IIb breast cancer. I had a bilateral mastectomy and chemo and had hoped that it would be the end of the breast cancer journey for me. Unfortunately in March of last year (7 and a half years since my initial diagnosis) after ignoring pain in my back for several months, a CT showed numerous lesions on my spine and other bones in my body that were a metastatic recurrence of my breast cancer. I had kyphoplasty on my L4 vertebra and had a rod and screws placed in my right femur that helped mitigate the pain and stabilize the bones. I was on capecitabine for almost a year before it stopped being effective and have now had 2 treatments with docetaxel in the hopes that it will be more effective in controlling progression. So far the metastatic disease has been limited to my bones, so obviously hoping it continues to stay isolated there for as long as possible.

I'm doing as well as can be expected at this time, but I guess just wanted to introduce myself to the group and hope to get to know many of you better.
Hi there! I was just in for a bone scan yesterday, been having such bad pain in my vertabrae in my neck, I am waiting on edge for the call with results. It has been 10 years 6 months since my initial Bc. Its good to hear from people who are coping with metastisies.
the weather was glorious here for most of April, record high temps, full sun! We got our patio done a hot tub set up, all the furniture and fire tables in place and hubby built the cutest bridge! We have a very beachyhouse and yard, we live about 3 blocks from the real beach. We have a firepit area thats like being at the beach then the bridge is like a dock going through my vegetable garden pots to the new patio with table and chairs, hot tub etc, my palm tree is getting bigger and the bananas have already sprouted out, they will be at least 15 feet tall this year! Now the fruit trees are all blossoming, its a real paradise.We dont have a lot of money, so its not something off a home and gardenshow but it makes us happy :) we have things to finish, some house painting and beach pebbles to go under ghe bridge. E8BA88E2-907E-42FC-AAB9-FD2979DE6E7C.jpeg27D92765-4B06-45A7-A117-0393298E7CE3.jpeg022677DC-468C-47C1-AE85-042622170EA4.jpeg1978BEB3-779A-4561-94BC-952C62A1BF96.jpeg0F14A4F9-D5A3-480C-BC5A-52C5BC8240B5.jpeg071E8AF9-7E12-4E92-AC92-A454A29E88E9.jpeg346968F2-D104-4492-A2F3-F6CB2C336034.jpeg0712DC84-756A-42B8-ABC8-5655111AA369.jpeg
Hi there! I was just in for a bone scan yesterday, been having such bad pain in my vertabrae in my neck, I am waiting on edge for the call with results. It has been 10 years 6 months since my initial Bc. Its good to hear from people who are coping with metastisies.
the weather was glorious here for most of April, record high temps, full sun! We got our patio done a hot tub set up, all the furniture and fire tables in place and hubby built the cutest bridge! We have a very beachyhouse and yard, we live about 3 blocks from the real beach. We have a firepit area thats like being at the beach then the bridge is like a dock going through my vegetable garden pots to the new patio with table and chairs, hot tub etc, my palm tree is getting bigger and the bananas have already sprouted out, they will be at least 15 feet tall this year! Now the fruit trees are all blossoming, its a real paradise.We dont have a lot of money, so its not something off a home and gardenshow but it makes us happy :) we have things to finish, some house painting and beach pebbles to go under ghe bridge. View attachment 570995View attachment 570996View attachment 570997View attachment 570998View attachment 570999View attachment 571000View attachment 571001View attachment 571002
Love that, smiley! It looks like somewhere I’d definitely love to sit and hang for a while, very cozy! You guys were so imaginative, I love all the little touches you included to make it really feel like a little oasis. :goodvibes Praying for good results from your scan, and glad you’ve had such good weather!


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