Dis Breast Cancer Survivors Part IV - GAGWTA

First time visitor on this thread. It took me quite a while to find it even though I am a long time DISer. I was determined to find this thread as I remember scrolling past it for years.

Please bear with me as this is all very new for me. I also do not know the "rules" for this thread for information to share/not share so here goes.....

Two weeks ago I had my annual mammogram and they noted a suspicious calcification in my left breast. I was called back for a second mammogram with extra scans on the left breast area of concern. It was read immediately and determined a biopsy was needed. The biopsy was scheduled for the next business day which was this past Monday.

The pathology came back on Wednesday that it is malignant and aggressive. I had a bilateral MRI yesterday that confirmed left breast diagnosis with no changes since biopsy and no sign of malignancy in the right breast. They are going to order an ultrasound of the left axillary lymph node to determine if biopsy is needed. My DH and I are meeting with the surgeon on Wednesday but I do not yet have an oncologist assigned. The breast care nurse advised they would probably be getting genetic testing set up for me.

I have been an emotional mess as is my DH. I went to see my GP to get a script to help with the anxiety and inabiity to sleep and "turn off my brain." The lorazepam has worked wonders for that. I am trying to only take it at night and for yesterday's MRI.

Feeling hopeless as the little information I have so far includes some good but a lot of bad. I am both hopeful and anxiety-ridden over the upcoming meeting with the surgeon. I know information is power and it will help me get a grip on my emotions to bring me back to a more positive state so that I can function and take ahold of my life and my health. I look forward to talking with this group for both encouragement and tips.

I have so much more to say but for now I will wait. Thank you all for listening. I am so tired of crying and seeing my husband crying. I need a rainbow....KWIM???
First time visitor on this thread. It took me quite a while to find it even though I am a long time DISer. I was determined to find this thread as I remember scrolling past it for years.

Please bear with me as this is all very new for me. I also do not know the "rules" for this thread for information to share/not share so here goes.....

Two weeks ago I had my annual mammogram and they noted a suspicious calcification in my left breast. I was called back for a second mammogram with extra scans on the left breast area of concern. It was read immediately and determined a biopsy was needed. The biopsy was scheduled for the next business day which was this past Monday.

The pathology came back on Wednesday that it is malignant and aggressive. I had a bilateral MRI yesterday that confirmed left breast diagnosis with no changes since biopsy and no sign of malignancy in the right breast. They are going to order an ultrasound of the left axillary lymph node to determine if biopsy is needed. My DH and I are meeting with the surgeon on Wednesday but I do not yet have an oncologist assigned. The breast care nurse advised they would probably be getting genetic testing set up for me.

I have been an emotional mess as is my DH. I went to see my GP to get a script to help with the anxiety and inabiity to sleep and "turn off my brain." The lorazepam has worked wonders for that. I am trying to only take it at night and for yesterday's MRI.

Feeling hopeless as the little information I have so far includes some good but a lot of bad. I am both hopeful and anxiety-ridden over the upcoming meeting with the surgeon. I know information is power and it will help me get a grip on my emotions to bring me back to a more positive state so that I can function and take ahold of my life and my health. I look forward to talking with this group for both encouragement and tips.

I have so much more to say but for now I will wait. Thank you all for listening. I am so tired of crying and seeing my husband crying. I need a rainbow....KWIM???
So sorry, I hadn’t seen this before I posted above.
I’m so glad you found us! We have all been where you are now and it isn’t a fun place to be. But we are good at hand holding, so know that we will be here with you as often as you need us! It is terrifying to get this diagnosis, and scary to think of what you’re about to go through, but once you have a treatment plan in place, it usually feels more manageable. I’m glad the lorazepam is helping you. :grouphug:
G&CsMom, So sorry that you have to join our club, but know that we have been in your shoes and we are here for you. Knowledge is power, so get through the tests and the meeting with the doctor. You may feel better once you know exactly what you are facing. On the positive front, many of us have been dealing with the beast for many, many years. Not fun, but we are still here and making the best of every day! Prayers coming your way!
Thank you both so much for the warm welcome. Of course I am crying while typing....DARN it! My emotions are just so quick. I can be feeling strong and as soon as I read something or start to say words, emotions just start pouring out, literally. ACK!!

It makes me feel happier seeing strong women like yourselves taking it day by day and persevering. I am used to being the rock for everyone else and now being on the other side, it is much harder than I expected and this is just the beginning.

I am going to keep taking deep breaths and work on recentering my energy to more positive thoughts. Hoping Wednesday brings me a better understanding of my diagnosis and what my treatment plan going forward will look like.

Prayers to all :angel:
First time visitor on this thread. It took me quite a while to find it even though I am a long time DISer. I was determined to find this thread as I remember scrolling past it for years.

Please bear with me as this is all very new for me. I also do not know the "rules" for this thread for information to share/not share so here goes.....

Two weeks ago I had my annual mammogram and they noted a suspicious calcification in my left breast. I was called back for a second mammogram with extra scans on the left breast area of concern. It was read immediately and determined a biopsy was needed. The biopsy was scheduled for the next business day which was this past Monday.

The pathology came back on Wednesday that it is malignant and aggressive. I had a bilateral MRI yesterday that confirmed left breast diagnosis with no changes since biopsy and no sign of malignancy in the right breast. They are going to order an ultrasound of the left axillary lymph node to determine if biopsy is needed. My DH and I are meeting with the surgeon on Wednesday but I do not yet have an oncologist assigned. The breast care nurse advised they would probably be getting genetic testing set up for me.

I have been an emotional mess as is my DH. I went to see my GP to get a script to help with the anxiety and inabiity to sleep and "turn off my brain." The lorazepam has worked wonders for that. I am trying to only take it at night and for yesterday's MRI.

Feeling hopeless as the little information I have so far includes some good but a lot of bad. I am both hopeful and anxiety-ridden over the upcoming meeting with the surgeon. I know information is power and it will help me get a grip on my emotions to bring me back to a more positive state so that I can function and take ahold of my life and my health. I look forward to talking with this group for both encouragement and tips.

I have so much more to say but for now I will wait. Thank you all for listening. I am so tired of crying and seeing my husband crying. I need a rainbow....KWIM???

Glad you found the GAGWTA thread, ongoing for 16 plus years. I do think Encouragement and info help. Waiting is the hardest so I second what Pea said that after you meet with the surgeon, just having a plan will help. I also found that local face to face support meetings helped. For me that was through a non-profit here by the name of Cancer Services.

Please update us after your meeting Wednesday.

Prayers sent your way.
Just a quick update- I saw the vascular surgeon today. He said the ct’s showed that my kidney aneurysm has shrunk and the mammary artery aneurysm is stable so I don’t have to see him again until next June. PTL! Next up in a few weeks is the pcp visit and 6 month cancer check up.

Hope everyone is doing well. Happy 4th of July to all.
Sounds like a good report, LMP. PTL for sure.
LMP, that's great news! So happy for you!

My next Keytruda infusion is July 9th. I'm having more side effects with this drug than I had with the Ibrance, but I'm hanging in there.

Happy 4th of July!
You've always done a very good job of that, Peg. Keep it up. Hoping Kendall is also doing well.
Thanks for sharing the good news, LMP!

Peg, hope the side effects subside.

All is well here. Mom needs more of my time these days. I am fortunate to be close to her senior retirement. facility and a lot of time on my hands.
Good to hear that, snappy! Your mom is fortunate to have you so close by.
First time visitor on this thread. It took me quite a while to find it even though I am a long time DISer. I was determined to find this thread as I remember scrolling past it for years.

Please bear with me as this is all very new for me. I also do not know the "rules" for this thread for information to share/not share so here goes.....

Two weeks ago I had my annual mammogram and they noted a suspicious calcification in my left breast. I was called back for a second mammogram with extra scans on the left breast area of concern. It was read immediately and determined a biopsy was needed. The biopsy was scheduled for the next business day which was this past Monday.

The pathology came back on Wednesday that it is malignant and aggressive. I had a bilateral MRI yesterday that confirmed left breast diagnosis with no changes since biopsy and no sign of malignancy in the right breast. They are going to order an ultrasound of the left axillary lymph node to determine if biopsy is needed. My DH and I are meeting with the surgeon on Wednesday but I do not yet have an oncologist assigned. The breast care nurse advised they would probably be getting genetic testing set up for me.

I have been an emotional mess as is my DH. I went to see my GP to get a script to help with the anxiety and inabiity to sleep and "turn off my brain." The lorazepam has worked wonders for that. I am trying to only take it at night and for yesterday's MRI.

Feeling hopeless as the little information I have so far includes some good but a lot of bad. I am both hopeful and anxiety-ridden over the upcoming meeting with the surgeon. I know information is power and it will help me get a grip on my emotions to bring me back to a more positive state so that I can function and take ahold of my life and my health. I look forward to talking with this group for both encouragement and tips.

I have so much more to say but for now I will wait. Thank you all for listening. I am so tired of crying and seeing my husband crying. I need a rainbow....KWIM???
G&CsMom, if need be, glad you found your way here. The folks on this thread are such a wealth of information, experience and comfort when needed. They are GREAT!!

Before your meeting with your surgeon, or any doctor for that matter, write your questions out ahead of time. It is so easy to forget questions you and your husband may and will have on those visits. Don't be rushed by anyone. They will give you the time you deserve.

Just an FYI, (and I have posted this more than once here on this and prior threads over the years), my wife, Marie, is soon coming up on her 23rd anniversary in a couple months of having completed her treatments (lumpectomy, chemo and radiation) for Stage III breast cancer back in 1998, diagnosed earlier that year. Actually, my reason for being here on the dis is that I was looking for a planning forum for our family's celebration of Marie's return-to-health trip to WDW in 1999. Been here since early '99. :faint:

And I, we all do, G&CsMom, KWYM, here's that rainbow for a starter............

Thank you both so much for the warm welcome. Of course I am crying while typing....DARN it! My emotions are just so quick. I can be feeling strong and as soon as I read something or start to say words, emotions just start pouring out, literally. ACK!!

It makes me feel happier seeing strong women like yourselves taking it day by day and persevering. I am used to being the rock for everyone else and now being on the other side, it is much harder than I expected and this is just the beginning.

I am going to keep taking deep breaths and work on recentering my energy to more positive thoughts. Hoping Wednesday brings me a better understanding of my diagnosis and what my treatment plan going forward will look like.

Prayers to all :angel:

I am coming up on my one year completion of chemo, radiation and a bilateral mastectomy. I had a small tumor in my left breast and one lymph node. Yes, it;s scary as heck, but treatments and science today are very advanced. I did not struggle at all during treatment with any side effects, except for hair loss. I bought a wig. Keep an optimistic attitude, pray, and you can can tackle this! PM me anytime.
Actually, my reason for being here on the dis is that I was looking for a planning forum for our family's celebration of Marie's return-to-health trip to WDW in 1999. Been here since early '99.
Same here, Dan. Planning 2004 post-treatment cruise. :earboy2:
Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement :grouphug:

I do feel a little better after my face-to-face meeting with the surgeon. He is very personable and seemed optimistic which greatly reduced my anxiety.

What I know so far.....the pathology report states it is an invasive ductal adenocarcinoma mBR grade III and it is in situ. The cancer is a triple negative receptive. They suspect a possible genetic link.

I am currently waiting on a phone call from the breast coordinator to schedule a lymph node ultrasound and possible biopsy for the swollen node seen on the MRI. As soon as that appointment is set, my medical oncologist appointment will be set up. The oncologist is likely to order genetic testing.

My surgery plan will be dependent on the results of the lymph node and genetic testing. My surgeon said the earliest date for surgery would be in 4 weeks but could change to be much later if oncologist wants to do chemo therapies prior to surgery.
Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement :grouphug:

I do feel a little better after my face-to-face meeting with the surgeon. He is very personable and seemed optimistic which greatly reduced my anxiety.

What I know so far.....the pathology report states it is an invasive ductal adenocarcinoma mBR grade III and it is in situ. The cancer is a triple negative receptive. They suspect a possible genetic link.

I am currently waiting on a phone call from the breast coordinator to schedule a lymph node ultrasound and possible biopsy for the swollen node seen on the MRI. As soon as that appointment is set, my medical oncologist appointment will be set up. The oncologist is likely to order genetic testing.

My surgery plan will be dependent on the results of the lymph node and genetic testing. My surgeon said the earliest date for surgery would be in 4 weeks but could change to be much later if oncologist wants to do chemo therapies prior to surgery.
I’m glad you felt better after meeting the surgeon. Your diagnosis sounds very much like my own, ie almost the same. Just to make you feel better, my diagnosis was in 2003. Knock on wood my treatment was successful, and I’m coming up on 20 years. Not to say it hasn’t been difficult, that wouldn’t be true. But, it’s been manageable, and it’s changed my life - for the better, in many ways. 🙏🏻 for continued good news for you.
G&C’s Mom - Welcome but sorry you have to be here. The ladies here inspire me with their courage, tenacity and wealth of information. I have thy cancer and they have adopted me here. I am glad you are moving forward and there is a good treatment plan.

Well I went to the pcp today. Worrisome is that she said I lost another 10 lbs since January. My clothes are still falling off of me. She ordered some blood tests and said to talk to my endo at my visit on Thursday. I have been having a strange pain near my gallbladder area. Told the vascular surgeon too. No one seems concerned but me.
LMP, I've lost ten pounds since starting Keytruda infusions. I've had two. My appetite is just gone. I can only eat small portions and beef is off the menu completely! Now, I can definitely afford to lose the weight, but it is difficult trying to find something that I actually want to eat.

I have had a few new pains, but my oncologist seems to think they are to be expected. Keytruda causes inflammation of the back and joints. She just tells me to take the pain meds and that we will do another PET following the next infusion at the end of July. Keytruda also causes low grade fevers. More of an irritation than anything else.

Unfortunately, this treatment is also hitting me hard in the pocketbook. When I was taking the Ibrance, the specialty pharmacy hooked me up with grants that covered part of the cost of the medication. The pharmacy where I have to get the Keytruda will not do this, so it's costing me almost $600 every three weeks. It could be worse. Thank goodness I have insurance to cover the rest! I get a laugh each time I see one of the drug commercials stating that they may be able to help with the cost. Not if you have Medicare. That immediately disqualifies a person. They aren't stupid since the majority of the people needing these drugs are older and on Medicare. Oh, well. You can't take it with you!

LMP, always thinking of you!
Thinking of you Grace&Caroline’s mom, LMP, and Peg. Busy here. Having a 91 st birthday party for mom Sunday in her senior facility. My brother and middle daughter are flying in tomorrow, other daughter next week since she is traveling in Spain this week. I am behind, as I am recovering from a breakthrough Covid case. I had a mild case but the 10 day isolation wreaked havoc with my stamina. My husband is helping, and my brother has promised to help too when he gets here.

Hello everyone. I just wanted to pop in with some good news. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 8 years ago and had surgery and radiation. I just received another clear mammogram yesterday! I was somewhat concerned because the tech took more images than usual. I was afraid that she saw something and wanted a better look. But no, everything is fine *knock wood*.
First time visitor on this thread. It took me quite a while to find it even though I am a long time DISer. I was determined to find this thread as I remember scrolling past it for years.

Please bear with me as this is all very new for me. I also do not know the "rules" for this thread for information to share/not share so here goes.....

Two weeks ago I had my annual mammogram and they noted a suspicious calcification in my left breast. I was called back for a second mammogram with extra scans on the left breast area of concern. It was read immediately and determined a biopsy was needed. The biopsy was scheduled for the next business day which was this past Monday.

The pathology came back on Wednesday that it is malignant and aggressive. I had a bilateral MRI yesterday that confirmed left breast diagnosis with no changes since biopsy and no sign of malignancy in the right breast. They are going to order an ultrasound of the left axillary lymph node to determine if biopsy is needed. My DH and I are meeting with the surgeon on Wednesday but I do not yet have an oncologist assigned. The breast care nurse advised they would probably be getting genetic testing set up for me.

I have been an emotional mess as is my DH. I went to see my GP to get a script to help with the anxiety and inabiity to sleep and "turn off my brain." The lorazepam has worked wonders for that. I am trying to only take it at night and for yesterday's MRI.

Feeling hopeless as the little information I have so far includes some good but a lot of bad. I am both hopeful and anxiety-ridden over the upcoming meeting with the surgeon. I know information is power and it will help me get a grip on my emotions to bring me back to a more positive state so that I can function and take ahold of my life and my health. I look forward to talking with this group for both encouragement and tips.

I have so much more to say but for now I will wait. Thank you all for listening. I am so tired of crying and seeing my husband crying. I need a rainbow....KWIM???

Welcome here, Grace&Carolinesmom, although I'm sorry you have to join this thread. I was originally diagnosed back in 2011 and was in remission until a metastatic recurrence early in 2020. It's all very hard and scary and overwhelming at times (no matter how much you've been through or for how long). I always found it helped me to just concentrate on "doing the next thing." Focusing on just that short goal helped me to not feel overwhelmed. I think much like you found yourself feeling better after meeting with your doctor, having that plan and knowing what comes next helps you to focus on the positive. Treatments today are so much better and there are more options all the time and as evidenced by many of the lovely people on this thread, there is so much hope to be had. Keep trying to focus on the positive, but know that it's okay to let out the bad emotions too. I can also cry easily when I let myself really talk about it, but that's ok. Our emotions are valid and we often NEED to give ourselves permission to feel bad and sad and angry. No feeling is right or wrong. I wish you the best in your upcoming treatments and I hope you keep us informed as you progress.


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