Did you rent points from a member, prior to buying DVC?

Did you rent points from a DVC member prior to buying DVC?

  • Yes, I rented points before I bought DVC.

  • No, did not rent before I bought DVC

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Driving with my Doom Buggy
May 5, 2001
I am curious how many rented points prior to buying DVC.

Do renters usually eventually buy. Or with the the lower price of renting vs CRO rack rates, consider they got a bargain and they're done.

We bought after taking the tour. Didn't even know the option of renting even existed till we found the DIS boards
Good question. I also knew nothing about "rented" points until I found the DIS sometime after we purchased 2 resales.
While we have had reports from those who purchased DVC after renting from a member, I think most renters are looking for a bargain.

The DVC Rent/Trade Board has been promoted by many other websites as THE source for rentals and many visit the board for that reason. I suspect that few actually buy DVC as a result.

It is more likely that most buy after taking the tour while staying at another WDW resort and like what they see in the tour.
Well I am one of those that did rent points first. I got interested in DVC and found these boards where I found out a LOT about DVC. In fact everything I wanted to know without having to talk to a sales guide :)

My girlfriend (at the time, now fiancee-after the trip we rented points for) would never agree to buy into DVC without actually going and staying at a DVC resort. So I found so points for rent on these boards and we took the preview (even though we learned just about everything here beforehand-what an easy sell for our guide :) ) and we put down our deposit.

I personally think it was great to rent the points first and actually stay at OKW and be in the magic before buying. We had originally planned on take DVC up on an offer for Vero, but after posting some messages here (and finding great deal on points) we decided to stay on site instead of making the drive everyday to/from WDW.

I have considered buying into BCV, so I'm renting points at BWV at the end of April to check everything out. I'll have the tour and a chat with a guide while I'm there. If everything works out I will sign for it then, since the price is going up in June. Hopefully they will allow sales to new members at $75 per point, because $80 per point is a dealbreaker for me.
I couldn't have rented points before joining, OKW wasn't open yet.:D :D

I didn't know about renting, and I didn't know that some members pay cash for weekends instead of using points.

Never rented, never paid cash.
TDC, I feel that you'd be much better served by purchasing a resale.................... unless your heart is set upon BCV.

Good Luck,
I'm one of the two yes' s so far, but I'm not sure that it really counts. I rented points for a short three day trip for my mothers birthday so she could see what I was talking about and signed the papers while I was there. I had called my guide ahead of time to let him know when I would be there. So actually I had already planned to buy but used rented points for a preview of what the next 40 years has in store.
We did not rent points, but went on a trip to WDW with a close friend who is a DVC member. She got us all a two bedroom villa on her points. We were blown away when we first stepped foot into the villa back in 1997. We did a tour while on our vacation and purchased soon thereafter.
I wished that I have brought back in 97 (our first WDW visit). Instead, waited til end of 2001 on the last day of our trip with only 1/2 hr prior to our airport shuttle pick-up (and lost plenty in the stock market, enough capital loss carryover to last for more than 20 years!). :(
We haven't rented points, but did stay at BWV on a cash resssie this last Dec. We are now anxiously waiting to buy at BCV.

Although I was already very interested in DVC prior to our stay, it was certainly the icing on the cake!
We didn't purposely seek out to rent points. It just kinda happened that we saw a personal ad in a newspaper offering an OKW studio with tickets (back in '93, passes were included with points). It was a great price and we snatched it up. We had a great time and got to enjoy the resort. It was then that we made the decision to purchase.

I should note that we first looked into DVC in '91 before OKW was open. I actually read the POS from beginning to end (yes, it was so exciting!!!!) and it was just too pro-Disney to feel comfortable buying in. We really grilled the rep with lots of questions. Our sales rep two years later mentioned he had heard about that during training!:)

We didn't rent points, we paid cash for our stays at both BWV's & OKW... OUCH!! Should have purchased after the first visit, but we didn't learn til after the second :D & we never actually sat through the presentation, everything was handled over the phone based on our own personal stays at both resorts...
We are one of the ones who rented points to check out DVC prior to buying. It was my DH and DD first trip to WDW; and I hadn't been there since MK was the only park! We wanted to rent and see first, what all the resorts were really about; and second, if a annual WDW vacation was really for us. We are both engineers and don't usually do things on impulse.

We ended up buying after my then 2 1/2 year old decided she wanted to go back "at 3 p.m. after my nap". We purchased a resale at OKW because that was the resort we liked the best.

We didn't rent before buying but have rented twice since we bought. 4 points the 1st time to finish a reservation and 48 the 2nd time to surprise my wife with a quick weekend getaway....spruce
We also never heard of renting points; went on a tour while at WL 10/01, bought into VB, then an add-on at VWL. We were convinced from the start.
We found the DIS boards and decided rent points to get a bargain, with no thoughts about buying.

We loved our stay at VWL so much that we will close soon on resale purchases at VWL and BWV.
In a way I did. About 3 years ago a member friend of mine invited me to join her for a reunion of AOL DVC Chatroom members. They had met previously with their families but this would be a "ladies only" 4 night weekend. One of the other members had extra points to use so 4 of us got a 2 bedroom at OKW. It was around 200 points for the 4 nights (Th-Sun) so she divided it by 4 and charged us $7 per point. So it cost the other 3 of us about $350 each. Before that trip, I had no intention of joining DVC even though my friend was trying to talk me into it. I had gone to WDW 4 times in 4 years and was happy with deluxe resorts. Well, I fell in love with the villa accomodations that weekend. I had stayed at Beach Club the year before and loved the Boardwalk area. My friend and I went over to Boardwalk one evening to see the model but it was closed so we just looked in the windows. We walked around the resort a little. So I never took the tour but bought over the phone about 6 months later using her guide (Bruce Ladd). I already had a trip planned staying at Dixie Landings with a great rate so I banked the points I had left after magical beginnings so I could have more nights the next year. On that trip, I took the tour and met Bruce! Talk about backwards!:)

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