Did you miss Fawn's DIS wedding? I was there, and I have pictures!

Originally posted by snelsonbrown
I just wanted to keep this on front page so that Joanna and Ernie could see the story - it is so beautiful, I am sure they will want to make a copy of it.
Again awesome job there Dave and Sherry.
With love

I just HAVE to comment at how chic you looked for the wedding! Right down to the thumb ring ( I LOVED IT!). You are quite the beautiful woman (inside and out).
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - thanks girlfriend BUT beginning to show the wear and tear of past 68 years, but it has been fun :D
thanks for helping to keep this up front long enough for Jo and ernie to see.
Hugssssssssssssss to all
Love always
This was one of the most beautiful stories I have read good luck to the bride groom and family and hope you both enjoy many happy years together god bless
Thanks Dave! Shirley you are wonderful too!

What a wonderful experience for all who were there!
I just had to add my two cents' worth. It really was wonderful to celebrate with such a wonderful couple and family. Shirley, you did a fabulous job setting everything up! I was honored to take part in this special event. And, Dave, your wedding site truly is wonderful. I am proud to be the DW of such a thoughtful and generous man. I love you!! ---Sherry
Just another bump so that Joanna and Ernie can see this when they return - super duper couple --hummmmm in fact never have met anyone but super dupers here.
With love always
Tears are just streaming down my cheeks. What a beautiful story and a beautiful wedding. I send my dearest wishes for them to have the most beautiful life together as husband and wife.

It makes me a little sad, also, however, to realize that Fawn is not a name I recognize even though I have been on these boards for a few years. I spend too much time on my own particular cruise thread. Your post, Dave, I hope will help me change that for me and have me checking out more threads on this cruise board other than my own selfish interest. Someone like Fawn and her new husband are people worth knowing, even only virtually.

Again, best wishes to them and thank you for posting this.
Joanna, Ernie AND the big family including your driver today
Thank you for taking the time to stop by the shop - each of looked so radiant - man the smiles on everybody - it was good to see you each again and know you had such a wonderful time - since you know about this thread - I am pushing it to the top for you so when you get home.
God bless and see you next year
Dave...We just read thru the story and looked at the pictures...all 7 of us clustered around one computer! The site is SO beautiful!! I can't believe you did all that...you are something else!!

My sister had called 10 minutes after we got home to tell us about it. Shirley told us this morning on our way to the airport that we had to check it out. Barb and Tony told us while still on board that we had to see it! Word has clearly spread like wildfire that Dave is doing wonderful things online again!!

The wedding was great, and we were so glad to see some disboard families there. Meeting Shirley and Norm was the highlight of our trip...they truly are the nicest people you'd ever want to meet...genuine down to Shirley's gold sneakers! :D I am still amazed at all they did to make our special day come together so perfectly!

Having Dave and Sherry show up...WOW! I was so confused when Sherry came up to me at first and asked if I minded if she helped with the ceremony. I was in another world at that time, and trying to focus. Dave from Marietta? Here at the Radisson?? Huh??? :confused: What a blessing, tho, to have them there and have Sherry help with the ceremony!

What can I say? Shirley and Norm...Dave and Sherry...all of our new Dis friends who came to the wedding and who we met on the cruise...you have all touched our lives in such a special way. The internet sure can make it A Small World After All, eh? ;)

Thank you, everyone, for all of your kind wishes. We're booked on the same cruise next year...Jan 3, 7 day....a reunion maybe?? Hey Shirley...how do you and Norm feel about cruising?? :sunny:
Hey Fawn~
please say you booked the 7 night Western.... that's the one we're on, and after reading Dave's thread, I love to meet you...
Amy from these boards will be there too... we'll have to get a DisMeet together!!!

Jeanny :-)
wow! Dave, you are the best! It is realy neat how you wrote a story to go with the photos! Needless to say i was shocked to see you there, but glad to get together again with you and meet your wife!

Fawn, what can i say...You were a beautiful bride and i truly appreciate you sharing your special moment with my family. Once i get my photos developed, i will send them to you electronically!

Take care, Sue
We were at the ceremoney at it's conclusion - had a bit of trouble locating the party. What an honor to have met so many truly wonderful people and to now put faces to the names on this board.
I hope the rest of the cruise was as magical as the wedding.

Best Wishes,
Dawn Hope
Thanks for posting this Dave!!!

I'm sitting here all misty eyed. Its so exciting when there are stories to prove that dreams really do come true!!

Tons of love and blessings to you, Joanna and Ernie.

God bless your beautiful new family!
I missed the wedding but attended the reception. We saw the happy couple and their family many times throughout the cruise. My DH even wore Joanna's gold shoes. ;)

Joanna & Ernie... May your life together be filled with Magic.
Jeanny..not sure which cruise it is...it's the Jan 3 next year! Would love to meet you!

Sue, I'd love to see the pics..thanks! I was just looking at the one's Ernie downloaded from our cam this afternoon. Some very good ones.

Tink, now everyone is gonna be talking...thank God you didn't mention how well your bra looked on him! :eek: Well, what can I say but that it's true. And I have the pics of him wearing those shoes to prove it! ;) I'll get them out to you this week.

Thanks again for all the good wishes. The cruise was every bit as magical as the wedding...and so is being home again. Kids are watching a movie, munching on popcorn and we have a fire blazing. Life is sweet!
Joanna - glad everyone is home and safe - sounds like you all had one heck of a great time - hummmm someone wearing gold shoes and a bra - what was the occassion? Celebration huh - anyhow kiss the kids and Ernie for us ok - I know everything will be very blessed with this union also tell your sister I received her note and thank her for me :D
Until next time
Norm and Shirley
yep, 1/3/2004 is the Western... it will be my first cruise, my daughter's second... I'm looking forward to it and can't learn enough from this board. Dave~ what a great guy, and to be at your wedding..... well, let's just say, I filled the bucket with tissues after reading your posts!!!

Looking forward to 1/3!

Jeanny :-)
Thank you for sharing such a heartwarming love story. Fawn, best wishes to you all - you all look so happy! What an exciting way to begin your new life together. Wish we were going on the 1/3 cruise just so we can meet you. How exciting to have Dave, his wife and Shirley to help with this wonderful event. How Magical!!!
Hi Everyone

I've been giving some thought as to where to post this message, and I finally decided on this thread. I wanted to let you know we wouldn't be around for awhile, and I didn't want anyone to worry.

We had a call late last night that my Dad was in the hospital. My step-Mom is distraught...they just got down to Florida two days ago for a snowbird winter trip, and she has no family or friends in that area. The Nuerosurgeon has suggested we come down immediately, so my sister and I are on our way this morning. The rest of the family will join us later when we have more details.

Thank you again for your beautiful wishes for Ernie and I and the kids. If you feel inclinded to add on a prayer for my Dad, I'd sure appreciate it. His name is John. Thank you.


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