Denise's New Focus on Fitness-Friends and Support Welcome!

18 days till Spring!!!!

I've been among the missing again, but I'm hanging in there and taking one day at a time. As I sit here, I'm waiting for my gyn/onc to call and discuss the results of my CT scan. He was out of town last week and today is the first day that he is back in his office. I did get the results from the med/onc but he was hesitant to discuss anything with me because he is not the head doc on my case. I will say that things look encouraging, but I need to speak with my gyn about everything. I'll let you ladies know soon!

I don't think that I mentioned anything about our visit to the Ronald McDonald House. Its such a wonderful facility and a perfect place to stay with a sick child. Each room is decorated with a kid's or local theme (think Jersey Shore but not like the tv show. LOL!) It has 20 plus rooms and serves the southern NJ and Philadelphia area. Philly is about a mile or so over the bridge and then you're in the downtown historic area where several of the great hospitals are located. I got a bit emotional after being there. It kind of put things in perspective for me with my illness. No matter what I'm going thru right now, I can't even begin to imagine what it would feel like to have a child fighting cancer or some other major illness or the need for life-saving surgery. So I'm going to continue to make the welcome bags and probably volunteer in some other way also when I'm totally back on my feet again.The Give a Day program responded quickly with my vouchers. I had them 4 or 5 days after we visited the house.

I have to work on my messy desk and bills now. I'll post again when I hear from the doc.

Make it a healthy day!!!!!
I'm so relieved & thrilled the news is encouraging, Dee! Teary I am!!

Hoping & praying that from here on you get only good news!
17 days till Spring!!!!!

I heard from the doc yesterday and the news is good! The CT scan showed no evidence of cancer! He was concerned that the scar tissue from the 2 surgeries might not give a clear picture, but that was not a problem at all. I am done with the chemo!!! He told me there is no clinical data that shows that continued treatment and toxicity to the body is helpful when there is no evidence of cancer. The normal course of treatment is 4-8 sessions so I got lucky and was able to do 4. My last treatment was 4 weeks ago, and other than the muscle weakness/fatigue, and some mouth/gum issues, I'm slowly getting back to normal. I just wish I had some energy.

Thank you Julie! Yesterday was very emotional for me. I cried for a good part of the day. I'm still in the process of letting everyone know and I try to keep my cool, but my emotions are right on the edge.

I think Gary and I need to plan a really nice weekend away in May to celebrate our anniversary. I'll have to start planning that. You know me and my vacation planning.

Once again, thanks for reading and being my Dis friends!
Oh Denise, that is such wonderful news! You and your family must feel so relieved, because I know how happy I am so I can only imagine how you guys all feel! :grouphug:

Your attitude through all of this has inspired me so much!:goodvibes

I know your time and effort will be something the Ronald McDonald House will so appreciate. Its a wonderful organization.

Plan that vacation, you have earned one for sure and I can sure relate to how much the planning is part of the whole process!
Praise the Lord!!!!!:banana: That is WONDERFUL news, Denise!!!!!:cool1: I am so happy for you!:hug: I definitely think that you should plan a vacation in May to celebrate the good news!!!!!:thumbsup2

Denise, you have truly been an inspiration through all of this. :hug: I am so very happy to be able to share in your good news!:hug:

Have a wonderful day, my friend!!:hug:
Good morning friends!

I'm feeling a little stronger and more normal as the days go by. I've been to the pool a couple of times and did some walking, paddling and PT stuff, and I'm amazed at how stiff and sore I became afterward. It really proves how weak I became thru all of this but I am determined to get strong again! I was able to get an extension of my time at the gym for both medical and for the 3 free months that they gave me when I joined, so I don't have to pay again till Nov.

DH had to have more surgery on his eye. He went for a follow-up visit last Fri. and the retina had detached again, so we were back at the hospital on Tues. for another more extensive type of of re-attachment surgery. He's having a really tough time with pain and nausea, so I think we'll be calling the doc this morning to see what he can do for him.

We both need a vacation...a real one , not a long weekend but an escape to some tropical island where we can just forget about everything and have some fun!!!! Gary's not able to fly until his eye heals due to the change in pressure in the plane. So, we'll be waiting for at least a couple of months before we can do anything.

Well, enough complaining from me. Have a great day everyone and thanks for being here thru all our ups and downs.
I'm glad that you're feeling better, Denise!:goodvibes That is wonderful news, my friend. :hug:

I'm sorry to hear that your DH had to have a second surgery on his eye. I hope he is feeling better soon. We'll be praying!:grouphug:

I hope you and Gary are able to take a vacation soon. A tropical island sounds very relaxing and like a lot of fun!:cloud9:

Have a nice day today!:hug:
Denise, I am so glad you are feeling better, I can well imagine that you are stiff and a bit weak from all you have been through. You'll get there, just take it one day at a time. I am so proud you are doing stuff in the water and getting right back into life and the swing of things. Just like I knew you would.

I am so sorry about Gary's eye. I hope he is feeling better, maybe he had a reaction some medication with that nausea? You need to plan something tropical and lengthy. You both deserve it!!!
Things have been busy here. I'll fill you in quickly, then go into more detail later. I returned to work on March 15. I'm so happy that I'm feeling good enough to return, but I'd rather be independently wealthy. LOL!!!

Gary's eye is slowly healing. No more nausea, but he is still getting headaches. Thankfully, they are less intense.

Remember how I said we needed a real vacation? Well, we booked one! Its not till Sept., but we booked a 7 day cruise on Freedom of the Seas out of Port Canaveral. We plan to fly down on Sat., use our Give a Day passes at Epcot then drive over to the port on Sun. morning. I also got a great Entertainment deal at the Dolphin...$119.00 per night. I figured that would be the best deal I'd find for an Epcot resort. We can take the boat or if I'm feeling up to it, we can walk over to the entrance to the World Showcase. I'm just so excited!!!!
Denise, that is good news you are back at work. But I like your independantly wealthy idea! Glad Gary is feeling better. Things are looking up for two very nice people who deserve some smooth sailing in life!:hug:

Speaking of sailing, that vacation sounds perfect! A day at Epcot before your sail is just what you need to look forward to!

How is baby Scott doing these days?

I NEED to find one of those great Swan/Dolphin deals one of these days!
Good news that you're back at work, Denise!:goodvibes I like your idea of being independently wealthy!:thumbsup2

Sending more prayers for your DH. Hope his eye continues to heal.

GREAT news about your vacation!!! It sounds perfect!:cloud9:

Hope you have a nice evening!:hug:
Denise, I didn't read my journal again so I didn't get you a map of Epcot! I am so sorry. I even went through the International Gateway one day but didn't notice whether it had a will call or not. I am sorry I couldn't be more helpful!

I hope things are going well and that you had a nice Easter.:hug:
Tracy and Amy-Thanks for checking in and being my Dis Friends! Hope all is well with both of you and your families.

Amy, Don't even worry about not getting that map. I did a search here on the Dis and was able to find the answer to my dilemma. There is a will-call window at the Int. Gateway entrance to Epcot, so that will work out perfectly for us! Too bad our trip is over 4 months away.

I'm having a really good day today! I'm off from work so I have some D-time and I've wasted quite a lot this morning which is fine by me. I do plan to tackle the house later and get it ready for the weekend. Lauren and Scott will be visiting and maybe Sean (DSIL) too. We plan to go to the shore if the weather cooperates. Steve and Sue will meet us there so it will be nice to all be together.

Speaking of Steve and Sue, I'm going to be a grandmother again! They are expecting their first baby at the end of October. We are all so happy for them.

I started a program called "Why Weight" last night at a local hospital.This hospital is supported by Kelly Ripa who donated a Woman's Center there. She is from our area and her dad is politically active in our county. Anyway, its an 8-week program for women cancer survivors. The program is part of a national study which is researching lifestyle and eating habits of survivors and how healthy eating may reduce the risk of recurrence. There are 5 of us in this class, 4 of which are middle-aged women, and one 20-something who is currently going thru treatment for Leukemia. I know it might be weird to say this, but being with other survivors is very uplifting for me. I'm really looking forward to these sessions and plan to make the most out of the program!

I've been spending a bunch of time on the Cruise Critic message boards (I know, I'm a traitor) but I do check in here every day. I'm may not post very often, but I'm reading your journals regularly.

Guess its time for me to get moving on the house stuff. I've got Jimmy Buffet music on and that always makes me smile and even dance around my living room a little. Thankfully no one can see me! LOL!

Have a great day friends!
Your post put a huge smile on my face, Denise! :hug: You sound like you are doing GREAT!!!:banana:

Congratulations!!! That is wonderful that you will be a grandmother again!:goodvibes

The "Why Weight" program sounds like a good program for you!:goodvibes I'm glad that you are looking forward to the sessions.

Have a great time with your family this weekend! :grouphug:
Denise, congratulations on grandbaby #2!!! That is so exciting and now Scott will have a new little cousin to play with.

I don't think its weird at all to find it uplifting to be with other cancer survivors. I think its great you are doing that. I know that being in a group of people who were caregivers to Alzheimers patients was uplifting to me and it sure helped me feel like I was not alone. Enjoy making new friends who can really relate to what you are dealing with. And that sounds like a wonderful program, keep us informed about what you learn!

I would have been very surprised if that Int'l Gateway hadn't had a will call and I am glad for your sake they did! I was right there and love that area and the nice, never crowded restroom they have!
Time to catch up again...

Life's been busy but in a good way. Lauren and Scott spent last weekend with us and we did make it to the Ocean City and spent the afternoon there with Steve too. We went to a parade on the boardwalk which was sponsored by a basset hound rescue group so we got to see about 250 dogs (some in costumes). It was a good time all around with Scott's first visit to the Jersey shore. We had a late lunch at one of our favorite restaurants and Scott slept thru the whole meal-such a good baby!!!!!

This weekend started out with the ACS Relay for Life at Monmouth U. where Steve works. I didn't realize it was a student run event called Colleges Against Cancer and that being said they did an awesome job of organizing it. They raised over 40,000 dollars!!!!! They had a great speaker at the opening ceremonies who was a cancer survivor. I just get so emotional at stuff like that and sat there with tears running down my face as he spoke. His story was like mine and so many others and really hit home. He spoke in typical "Jersey" fashion and the message he sent out was to kick cancer's a$$. After that we went back to Steve and Sue's with pizza and then stayed there for the night.

Yesterday we celebrated Sue's 30th B-day with dinner out and dessert at her Mom and Dad's. So, as you can see our socializing is revolving around food so its hard to get in control of my eating. I'll just take one day at a time and give it my best shot. I need to kick fat's a$$.!!!!

Gary and I have been tossing around ideas of something to do for our anniversary (May 11) without spending a bunch of money so we decided we'd do a mid-week night at one of the Atlantic city casinos. They really have great deals for Sun-Thur nights, so we decided we would go on a Tues. night since I'm off on Wed. and he has many vacation days to use. Found a deal at Harrah's for $79.00 with a $20.00 food credit, a room upgrade and admission to their new adult pool and fitness center. We are a casino's worst nightmare. We usually spend about $20.00 on the penny and nickel slots. Who knows, maybe we'll make some money for our cruise fund.

I suppose its time to get moving. Gary is at work and will be home in about an hour, then we need to do some stuff around here that we've been neglecting. It's raining today so we'll just hang out here and get something accomplished.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!!!
Denise, so glad to hear things are going well and that is great you and Gary are going to Atlantic City for your anniversary! Dan and I have toyed with going to one of our mountain casinos for our anniversary and like you, we are not big gamblers so they would lose money on our good deal! But that's their problem.:rotfl:

I am so envious you are so close to the shore! But happy for you. Too funny about all those bassett hounds.

Celebrations always do seem to revolve around food don't they? I guess that is what makes life tasty and diets challenging!

Hope your week is going well. Your new grandbaby is due the same time I was with my ds15. Really takes me back!
Today's my day off and I'm actually getting a lot of stuff accomplished. I've been working in our family room moving things around and cleaning cause we're getting prepared to have someone come out and take care of our water issue.We have wet carpeting when we get really heavy rain. It used to happen about 1 time a year, but now its more frequent. Gary tore up the carpeting in the corner where it comes in. Now we have to determine the exact spot and probably have a sump pump installed. We also need to address the landscaping and build a slope to help with run-off. Oh the joys of being a homeowner!

I'm also washing all my capris and summer blouses while I'm down there, trying to multi-task. I'm debating about going out and doing a little "me" shopping. I promised myself I would buy a Pandora bracelet when I finished chemo, but somehow haven't gotten around to it. I can't order on-line cause its best to try the bracelet on for the best fit. I also got a small bonus at work so I'm justifying my purchase, and I want to do it before our anniversary and Mother's Day so the family can buy me some charms. Its not like I'm telling them what to buy-its their choice and I know they are sometimes in need of ideas.

I'm doing ok with the weight loss plan. I've lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks but we all know its easy to drop that water weight in the beginning. The problem comes when trying to make it a lifestyle change.

So, I need to make up my mind...go out or keep working around here. Too many choices. LOL!

Have a great day everyone.
Sending some :wizard: your way. I hope the water issue is taken care of soon!

Did you go out yesterday and get your Pandora bracelet? I just saw a commercial for them on TV yesterday. They are really cute!:goodvibes

I hope you have a wonderful day!:hug:

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