Defective Atlantis DVD's?


Earning My Ears
Mar 10, 2000
We rushed out and bought Atlantis on DVD today for our DD's good report cards. They were so good all evening, got ready for school, we put it on, and ALL WE GET IS PREVIEWS!!!! NO MOVIE!!!!!! I'm fuming mad, my poor girls are crushed! Is this happening to anyone else?
Ours is fine....did you double check the menu, when the movie starts? I've watched lots of DVD's and I still get confused sometimes! Good Luck
lol snow! We have a few we've seent hat were almost impossible to actually play. Anyways go to walmart and exchange it sounds deffective to me. We didnt get it yet EECKK!!!! But its a great movie we saw it at the drive in this summer!
Boy, am I glad to hear this! My first one I could not even complete the installation, so I sent it back and received a replacement. This CD behaved exactly the same way. I called and they told me to upgrade my drivers. It did not work, so I am returning it and asking them to swap it for another title. They said this would be OK

We bought ours at BEST Buy and it did not work, only previews. Will try again.
We bought ours at BEST Buy and it did not work, only previews. Will try again.
Second DVD did they same, preview worked and movie did not work!!!!!! Kids are not happy, We have 20 DVD"s and this has never happened.
Thank you, MICOL! We did exactly the same thing - took back the first one, bought a second one and tried again, and no movie, only previews. Every time you hit the menu button, the previews start all over. So now I'm wondering, is it our DVD player (ours is a Phillips), or is the DVD itself defective? We have other DVD's also, & never had any problems with any of them. I think I'll try & call the company, see if they have any info. By the way, we gave up and bought the video. Girls couldn't wait any longer!!!!
We had the same problem!! We even rushed out and exchange it.....We called them directly and they said " They know they are having problems with this CD........The CD will NOT work on all DVD players.......and they are in the process of trying to make new ones or correct this problem.........They took our address and email.......they will email and send us a new CD when they correct this give them a call..........the phone no. 1-800-723-4763 this is on the paper inside the case.......So, we are going over some else house to watch it......

What kind of DVD player do you have???

Ours is Toshiba SD-2705 so if you have this don't will not work
We have a Phillips and a Sony DVD player. Our works on both machines. I'm so glad! I can't imagine my children's disappointment if it didn't work. On Tuesday morning I must have been reminded 10 times to pick it up while I was at lunch!
We play our DVD's on a Playstation 2. We bought ours at TDS. (CMFrannie wouldn't have it any other way!)
I bought the single disk DVD and this is not a DTS DVD and for some reason on my Denon Receiver it will not work. I was told its an issue they are aware of. In fact we own Pearl Harbor and you have to set it to DTS in set up but it will not work in Dolby. Was told they are many Receivers that are acting this way, Sony, Onkeo. I was told I have to buy the two disk set as it has one that is DTS. I want to make sure its only a Disney thing. As I can change my receiver.
Thank you, MICOL! We did exactly the same thing - took back the first one, bought a second one and tried again, and no movie, only previews. Every time you hit the menu button, the previews start all over. So now I'm wondering, is it our DVD player (ours is a Phillips), or is the DVD itself defective?

It's your player. :( DD's friend got this movie yesterday, and it works fine on her player. We have a Philips DVD player and she brought it over here to watch today, and all we get is previews. I was planning on buying it this weekend too. What a bummer. :(
I'm so glad I ran across this post. I bought Atlantis at Best Buy yesterday and was going to give it to my son in Wednesday to watch on my laptop on the plane on our way to WDW. Guess I better check it at home first!!!!
Actually, it's not the players, which is good news for me! I called the 1-800 number inside the case, like ang suggested. They did admit they are having a problem with this DVD, it's not the players, and they will send a replacement as soon as they work out the bugs. Apparently, they work in some players, but not all. So if it doesn't work in yours, call! Thanks for all the inupt, everyone!
Thankfully mine worked. I bought mine wed. and read this post after I got home. I warned the kids tonight before we watched it that there might be a problem but none so far.

Hope they get this worked out. It's frustrating.
Originally posted by mlj'smom
Actually, it's not the players,

Actually, it is the players and in part the DVD.

Unfortunately, the standards associated with DVD's are still evolving, and some manufacturers have produced players that conform to certain aspects of the standard but cannot handle newer features. Usually in a situation like this the software on the player is expected to be compatible but, it can happen that it may not be if the software on the player can't "ignore" future features (which means that the player is really at fault).

Disney's mistake was trying to take advantage of some of the newer features that are offered under the standard(s), and they didn't do enough testing to make sure that older players wouldn't have a problem. It's what programmers call the "lowest common denominator" syndrome.
I wish I would have read this thread earlier. I went to TDS today and bought the 2 disc Atlantis in the Collector's Edition. I tried playing it about an hour ago and could only get the previews. I called TDS and they told me to bring it back in for a refund and call the 800 number. I'm glad to see I am not the only one with this problem.
and got the FREE Atlantis the lost games for the PC

we have a Toshiba DVD and the DVD works fine.Also son loves the Game he is 4.5 yrs old and best of all it was FREE.

We bought the movie and the movie works but the extra disk that comes with it for the computer did not work. I must of tried installing it for half hour or so, just could not get it to work. Has anyone had any problems with the extra disk?


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