Deciding between the PB or HRH........


DIS Veteran
Jan 22, 2001
We stayed at the PB last summer and I thought we had decided the same for this summer but now I'm not sure. I was considering club level at the HRH but I'm curious what the rack rate is and do they offer AP discounts on these rooms?
For those who have stayed at both, what do you think? We will recieve a nice upgrade if we go with the PB due to bad service last summer with the butler service. What way would you go considering the above mentioned circumstances?


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Hello SnowWitch,

There were club level discounts available at HRH when I made my ressies a few week ago. ($219, if I recall correctly, using Entertainment club) I'm sure one of the many experts on this board can be more precise.

Given your circumstances, I believe I would use the excellent upgrade you have at PBH. You can always stroll over to HRH and enjoy both resorts. Or better yet, why not try using your upgrade at HRH? It is, afterall, the same company.

Good luck!
Thanks, that is what I have decided to do. I got a great rate on a pool view at the HRH now I will call Nigel at the PBH and see about that upgrade.
Nigel is the member of management I dealt with last summer when I was less than satisfied with the level of service I recieved in a butler villa at PB. I assured me on my arrival on my next visit I would be treated rather well.
Hey SnowWitch,

Try to get him to check out this message board! It would be nice if an official employee posted here.


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