December 2011 - Christmas with Mickey!! Who's Coming Along and Planning Help Thread!!

my sister and i are going nov 27-dec 3rd staying at pofq...7 days and 9 hours until we pull out of the driveway :cool1:
The kids or the adults? The kids didn't get the vaccine? In 8 days, it may very well be gone.

One kid so far, but I have 4 kids. Incubation period is 14-16 days and then 10 days of contagiousness. In my 6yo it may be gone in time, but someone else will likely get it. If we leave and go on our trip, it would royally stink to be at Disney World stuck in our room for 10 days with chicken pox. :sad1:

The vaccine does not prevent chicken pox.
Devastated. 8 days out from our trip and we are 99% we have chicken pox.

That truly sucks! This close and needing to cancel your trip. :sad2:

Maybe if you call Disney and explain they will just allow you to move your dates since I am sure they do not want you exposing countless numbers of their guests to a very virulent virus.

My kids are all up to date on their immunizations, but I know there are a lot of people for one reason or another who do not immunize and they would be at risk should they be exposed. In adults that can be a very dangerous situation.
What's the point?

um... so that if you are exposed you are less likely to get it. (like 90% chance you won't get it) And if you are among the unlucky 10% who do get it (after receiving the vaccine) it is a lesser case than you would normally have got and only happens because you did not develop enough protection when the vaccine was received.
Hey everyone! Sucks about the chicken pox!! I had them while I was in Disney World when I was 5. After the medicine made the itchiness go away, it wasn't that bad!

Anywho, my sister and I are traveling down in a short 28 days!! SOO excited! We haven't been there for Christmas since before we can remember anything, so we are totally lost! Any suggestions on what to wear/pack?!

We would also love to get a list of things to do! What are your top five Christmas at Disney must-dos!?
ugh, i had chicken pox when i was 5 years old over christmas once. i had to miss our annual trip to the nutcracker ballet and i STILL feel sad about it. good vibes that your family heals quick!

we are headed down to FL in 13 days! speaking of illness at disney, last time there (my first trip ever) in january of '09 i got the infamous norovirus our first full day there and was out of commission for 75% of the trip. :sad2:

needless to say i'm looking forward to making up for lost time!
17days!!! until our bday/ only trip!!!:cool1: We are staying at the Fort and decorating(only a little) our campsite:santa:
um... so that if you are exposed you are less likely to get it. (like 90% chance you won't get it) And if you are among the unlucky 10% who do get it (after receiving the vaccine) it is a lesser case than you would normally have got and only happens because you did not develop enough protection when the vaccine was received.


My DS had it after he had the vaccination. It was very mild but he was still contagious. None of my other kids got it at the time, but a friend of ours who had not been vaccinated did catch it from my DS.

OP, hopefully you'll be as lucky as we were and no one else will catch it. Saying a prayer for you!:goodvibes
I could have sworn I posted on this thread last week but I can't find myself (that shouldn't surprise me, I misplace a lot of things :rolleyes1).
I will be there Dec 8 -12, staying at the Beach Club along with my DD & her BFF. Both girls have graduated from college (DD with her Master's) and can't find decent jobs. DD just came in "a close second" AGAIN so I decided to cash in some FF points & our VISA $s and go have some fun.
The girls are full of :love::love: and :worship::worship: for me.

The Beach Club is beautiful (and smells heavenly) at Christmastime. We stayed there once a few years back and loved the resort. I hope they have improved the transportation since then. You are going to love it!
I want to share a little Christmas with my Disney Buddies. This is my favourite Christmas song. My most favourite version of it is performed by Selah! Here it is if you want to listen to it on YouTube.


Oh Holy night! The stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth!
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth

A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices!
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn
Fall on your knees
Oh hear the angel voices
Oh night divine
Oh night, when Christ was born
Oh night divine
Oh night, Oh night divine

Truly He taught us to Love one another
His law is Love and His gospel is peace
Chains shall He break,
For the slave is our brother
And in His name, all oppression shall cease

Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus, raise we
Let all within us praise His Holy Name
Christ is the Lord!
Oh praise His Name Forever
His Power and Glory evermore proclaim
His Power and Glory evermore proclaim

Fall (fall, fall) on your knees
Oh hear the angel voices
Oh night divine
Oh night when Christ was born
Oh night divine, O night divine​
And just for fun.................

Haul out the holly
Put up the tree before my spirit falls again
Fill up the stocking
I may be rushing things but deck the halls again now

For we need a little Christmas right this very minute
Candles in the window, carols at the spinet
Yes we need a little Christmas right this very minute
Hasn't snowed a single flurry, but Santa dear we're in a hurry

Climb down the chimney
Turn on the brightest string of lights I've ever seen
Slice up the fruit cake
It's time we've hung some tinsel on the evergreen bough

For I've grown a little leaner, grown a little colder
Grown a little sadder, grown a little older
And I need a little angel sitting on my shoulder
Need a little Christmas now

For we need a little music, need a little laughter,
need a little singing ringing through the rafter
and we need a little snappy, happy ever after
We need a little Christmas now!

And if you want to sing along: You can do it here!!


Devastated. 8 days out from our trip and we are 99% we have chicken pox.

um... so that if you are exposed you are less likely to get it. (like 90% chance you won't get it) And if you are among the unlucky 10% who do get it (after receiving the vaccine) it is a lesser case than you would normally have got and only happens because you did not develop enough protection when the vaccine was received.

Maybe this will help with some encouragement - one of my son's got chicken pox a year ago, all three of my kids had been immunized, and my other two children did not get it. After we finished the incubation period and nobody else got sick, I had a booster given to my other two children. That's being recommended now. DH and I had chicken pox as children so we were good to begin with. But my son's pox were concentrated to basically one side of his body - torso, buttocks, and thigh. Seemed all was scabbed over in about 5 days and he was released to go back to school, we just kept everything very well covered.

I'm sending you good vibes that you will have good luck! :goodvibes
Good chicken pox luck!!!

I remember the first time we went as a family to WDW and as we took our 4 year old to the play area at CBR, we overheard one mother telling another mother, "Well, he just broke out with spots this morning, so we're letting him play outside away from everyone else before taking him back to the room for awhile." :eek:

What was this lady thinking letting her kid play and run his hands etc. all over the playground equipment???

Thank goodness, DS had gotten chicken pox the summer before!
Good chicken pox luck!!!

I remember the first time we went as a family to WDW and as we took our 4 year old to the play area at CBR, we overheard one mother telling another mother, "Well, he just broke out with spots this morning, so we're letting him play outside away from everyone else before taking him back to the room for awhile." :eek:

What was this lady thinking letting her kid play and run his hands etc. all over the playground equipment???

Thank goodness, DS had gotten chicken pox the summer before!

Ack! That's terrible! Holy Smokes, I would have fallen over.
I think there are just so many people who are not educated about it...vaccines, no vaccines and diseases in general.
Thanks for the luck! :goodvibes


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