Dealing with post-vacation depression?

nancy drew

DIS Veteran
Apr 12, 2005
Hi all. It seems like so many of you live near enough DLR to visit several times a year, and I am so envious of your low cost flights and AP discounts. I am sitting here at the HoJo, we leave today and I am miserable over this. Yeah, I could try to extend our vacation but it would cost too much, and we pretty much have to go home today. I have some regrets about how this trip went, and it is really affecting my ability to just say "Hey, what a great vacation! Can't wait til next time!" Also I don't know when "Next Time" will be, as DD is starting kindergarten in the fall and I always swore I wouldn't pull the kids once they were done with preschool. It's partly because I was a teacher and it was annoying when people took their kids out of school and partly because I don't want the kids' dad to start pulling them out of school for whatever he wants. If I take them out for a trip then I won't be able to tell him he can't do that, KWIM? (I don't want to start any arguments about taking kids out of school, this is how I feel about that and it isn't going to change at this time).

So anyway, how do you deal with the post-vacation depression if you don't know when you will get back? Especially when you have regrets about part of your trip (not riding a ride more times, not seeing a show more times, etc.)? I wrote this post last night and thought I might feel better today, but I don’t. I still want at least one more day here and am still so sad that we are leaving. It's not like home is so bad, either. I mean, the weather is nice there, I need to get back to my exercise and healthy eating, the kids need to see their dad etc. But I just want that one more day to do a couple of things differently.
I have this problem too. I have this vision of how things should go and it's hard when things don't work out. When we went for the 50th we missed the fireworks - they were canceled every single night we were there due to wind. I was so disappointed, but my kids didn't even notice. We still have great memories from that trip.

Get a notebook or journal and write down you and your kids favorite memories, as many as possible (otherwise you'll forget). Make a scrapbook if you want. It's hard now, but you really will remember the good stuff and the frustrating stuff won't seem as important.

You may get back, you never know, so try to stay positive. :grouphug:
I'm there too.

Our trip was insanely perfect and magical (except one day) tho..and now we're unemployed. My 'depression' is based on the fact that we won't get to go back for a LONG TIME now.. It was my kids first time and they're smitten.

But I try to counteract it with..we DID get to take them. We didn't think it'd be possible for a few years (and it wouldn't have been) so I'm trying to think positive.
Mine has not even started nut I am right there with you. Our APs are expiring and we cant afford to renew them this year. I own a business that is suffering and I wonder when we will be able to go again. This trip is only happining because we got more in the tax refund then expected and wanted to use the ap's one last time. We never do all that is planned but hey isnt real life that way too?
If you have ever watched the show 'Everybody Loves Raymond', there was one episode where Ray's brother gets married and the wedding is a complete disaster. It is then Ray's job to offer up a toast and he has a speech about 'editing'. For a sitcom speech, it's actually good advice for when things go bad. In your head and in your photos, edit out the bad parts, and focus on the good parts.

Some events happened on our most recent trip that soured it some but looking back, I'm focusing on the good parts. I took a lot of pictures this past trip and the ones I picked to display are the ones that made me smile the most (I have a digital picture frame at work and took over 300 pics this past trip so I have plenty of images to smile about :) ). I'm reminiscing about the good times and choosing to push aside the not so good times. Plus, I know that I will visit DLR again so there is always next time to apply any lessons learned. Even if you have to make yourself do it, look at it with a glass half full perspective and it will be. :thumbsup2
I love using DIS Board to help me get over the blues of my vacation ending. Then when I go on my next one I'm full of new ideas and helpful hints!
I read the front page of the newspaper, murders, missing kids, economy, people out of work and suddenly I don't feel so bad about my little life.
You have this idea in your head that this trip will be amazing. I mean, it's Disneyland after all. Disney is where you escape and everyone is happy right? eh...not so much, at least not all of the time. We just got back last week, had a group of 13. Two of the adults and all of the kids were first time visitors. I feel bad because people in our group made it so that we missed out on a lot of things, many things that I think first timers should see. And they wont be back for some time. We are all going to WDW in dec though so I guess it is different, but I get that feeling that you have...that the trip could have been better. Should have been better. But I stop and smile because at least they were finally able to visit. And they dont know what they were missing...they were just thrilled to have been there at all. :thumbsup2

Take a day or two to be sad. It is natural to be sad when leaving the happiest place on earth. Then look through your photos, talk to your kids etc and see how much fun everyone really had. :goodvibes
it used to be we tried to top each trip, make this one more special than the last. We were pretty much always unhappy when we left. We tried to do more see the latest new ride even if standing in line for hours. Make all the AP events. We have always lived 5-7 hours away.
We were stressed and broke! For some reason felt like we were missing something. And by me I mean DH and myself, the kids were happy as clams. The things the kids remembered and talked about weren't the expensive souvies, or how many rides we got on in a day; it was the time their brothers slept on the train, their dad having to get a mint julep everyday. Just the little things. we just got caught up in the "have to get as much out of it as possible syndrome"
When we went back a few years later in 07 Nemo was brand new, we didn't ride it. We were all fine with that too.
We went back this year and rode nemo, and we laughed because of how silly we used to be. Riding nemo was sweeter not because it's a great ride, but because we had something (well quite a few somethings) to look forward too. And we weren't even feeling crazy about it :)
So we go at a slower more savoring pace now. Not that we don't hate leaving and you never know what life will pop at you, but it's just great to be there sometimes and some people never get to go at all :)
I'm kind of feeling the same way too, and we haven't even gone yet. Our APs expire in June and we won't renew them until summer 2010 (assuming I can talk DH into it again ;) ) so when I see the thread for July I feel sad knowing we can't go again for awhile. We are an eight hour drive away which is enough to make it a big trip for summers only. I keep trying to plot and plan how we can down there more, but it really is too hard. DH and I are both teachers so no leaving school for us either.

To cope with after trip blues I plan to:

organize our photos and make a slide show with them, complete with Disney music. :lovestruc

start planning (or should I say scheming? ;) ) our next trip and hope it will be next summer.
I usually feel sad and a bit let down after leaving DL, but then I stayed tuned to the Disboards to get my daily Disney fix, and eventually I get over it. I post my pictures up so I can see them and reminisce, and I look at everyone else's photos to get inspiration for the next trip. It is hard to leave when there are things left undone, but you've got to have hope that there will be a next time, and that next time will be even better. We used to do the parks commando style, but the last few years we tend to take it easy. We sleep in (heaven forbid!) since we are on vacation, and put some things off for next time instead of wrestling with 60 minute lines and endless frustration. DL is my happy place; the place where I can go to be a kid again. So we try not to let life's little aggravations get to us while there. Of course, that leaves some things undone. But there will be a next time.
Since we get to go to DL only once a year and twice if we're really lucky, I've always said that the flight home to Dallas is always the most depressing trip home. We hardly even say much to one another we're so bummed that we're leaving. We always want one more day.

Then the talk of "wouldn't it be great to move to California" talk starts for a while, then deminishes once we realize AGAIN how expensive it is to live there compared to here. Plus we need more then DL to cause us to uproot our lives and move.

Once I get home I spend a few weeks putting together a video montage and also a photo montage of each trip. It helps to relive everything we did. I put it out on youtube and when I'm at work, getting excited for an upcoming trip, I get my Disneyland fix by watching the video's and photo's.

Something that helps. :)
Actually, what happens is (and everyone should agree with this) is that while you're there you take a lot of things for granted and you're not really in the moment. Well, not until you step on the plane or get home does it hit you that it was truly a magical time. Every time I'm in the parks, I don't always feel particularly nostalgic or like "Gosh, this is so amazing!" but always trying to think about what to do next, what FPs to get, where to eat and such. It's not until I get home does it really sink in.
I usually feel sad and a bit let down after leaving DL, but then I stayed tuned to the Disboards to get my daily Disney fix, and eventually I get over it. I post my pictures up so I can see them and reminisce, and I look at everyone else's photos to get inspiration for the next trip. It is hard to leave when there are things left undone, but you've got to have hope that there will be a next time, and that next time will be even better. We used to do the parks commando style, but the last few years we tend to take it easy. We sleep in (heaven forbid!) since we are on vacation, and put some things off for next time instead of wrestling with 60 minute lines and endless frustration. DL is my happy place; the place where I can go to be a kid again. So we try not to let life's little aggravations get to us while there. Of course, that leaves some things undone. But there will be a next time.

Wow. When I read this I thought this is something I would write. This is exactly how I feel as well.

We are on our way in less than 30 days. The dream is alive and well.
Wow. When I read this I thought this is something I would write. This is exactly how I feel as well.

We are on our way in less than 30 days. The dream is alive and well.
:goodvibes I hope you all have a fantastic trip! I saw that they will be showing RDTC and I was so happy for you all! I know a lot of people going in early June were really worried about the DL calendar not being posted and not having any shows. Have fun and bring back lots of photos to share with us!:cool1::goodvibes
Not trying to top anyone..., but at least y'all live on the same continent as DL!

We just came back after our first visit in 10 years and don't know when we'll get back again - it's a 16 hour flight and $$$$$ from where we live in NZ to LA, so any trip to DL takes on that special "this could be a once in a lifetime" quality.

We took our sons (9 and 6) for their first trip and I warned them, "the next time you go, you may be paying for it yourselves!" - hopefully we'll get to go again as a family, but who knows!

The boys have found it a bit odd not being able to shre their trip with their friends much- they brought little gifts and have shown a few souvenirs, but they are the only ones in their classes at school who have been to DL, so for most of the kids it's like hearing from someone who's comea back from the moon!

So, since returning home, we have been talking about the trip a lot at home, viewing our videos, looking at the park maps and going ove which wer eoutr favourite rides etc. that's all helping to keep the magic going a little bit longer! - and I'm still checking into the Disboards to get my fix!

I love reading reports about what's happening in the parks this week too, on Miceage, and seeing current photos - reminds you that DL is still there and still fab!
First , let me say that we live very close to DL and I am grateful everyday that we live so close and have the Luxury of going quite often. And for me, when we dont go for a while I, too get blue. But I know that we will be able to go again soon.
There are months that we are too busy working that we can not go at the drop of a hat.
So, here is what we do: Disney movies
2. eat at the Disney store on Hollywood blvd. which is right down the street from our house.
3.Order a little something from, even just a pin does it for me.
4. Watch LOTS AND LOTS of "live" Disney stuff on Youtube., that really really helps.
5. I usually wear some kind of Disney shirt or sweatshirt everyday until I feel better.
6. I have quite a few Disney ring tones on my cell phone, so when ever it rings, I hear something Disney.
So, there are a few things you can do to help with the Disney Depression.
It really helps me.
And for those of you that are on other continents, may I suggest that you plan a trip in the next few years for DL Paris if money allows. I know its not the same as the original DL. But it is still Disney and may be a bit closer.
:wizard:Have a magical day everyone!
I really appreciate all of the commiseration here :goodvibes. It helps me feel less loony that others feel the same way after their trips.

I'm feeling a bit better, thought I would feel a whole lot better if the HoJo would call me back and let me know if they found the memory card with all of my photos on it!! :mad:. I have them all on my computer, thank goodness, but still!

Anyway, looking at pictures has helped. I thought it would make me feel worse, but it doesn't. I hate that from now on we will have to go during school vacations, which will be crazy. But we will get back there. One way or another, we will.
Not sure if I can be of much good in the post vacation let down category. I absolutely hate leaving Disneyland. Maybe one of these days I'll try to see just how long I can stay there before they kick me out, but I'm usually so tired at the end, that I don't have the energy to try.

My parents never once took us to Disneyland when school was in session. Sure the parks were crowded, but we were just happy to be there so it didn't really matter. I cannot remember a single trip from when I was younger that we didn't get to experience every ride and attraction that was open that we wanted to. And we always managed to find a way to do our favorites multiple times regardless of how long the lines were. You'll find a way to deal with the crowds and it won't seem so bad, plus there's something special about being in Disneyland in the summer, crowds, heat, and all.
We feel the same. Once the holiday is over and we get ready for our long flight back to Australia, I get depressed. I cannot even come back to the boards cause I get sooo jealous of people discussing their next trip, knowing that it is likely that we won't be able to go for many more years. But once we start looking at photos and all the stuff we have bought, the memories come flooding back and I remember why we go there in the first place.

We seem to enjoy the memories as much and sometimes even more than the actual trip. The other thing that happens we regret the bad moods or melt downs we may have been responsible for during the trip. We usually travel for several weeks when visiting the US and with two kids 8 and 10, you can get a bit stressed. We always vow to never take anything for granted when we return and each trip tends to get better. We don't stress as much about planning every minute, which was what I tend to do. Don't want to miss out on anything as we just can't come back next week, month or year!!

I am sure that people are looking at the weird guy driving in the US constantly smiling, that would be me, just being driving along your beautiful highways is enough enjoyment for me, even love the traffic.

And I think because we appreciate it soooo much, somehow we are getting to return this year, after doing WDW last year. Something we did not expect to be able to do.

Oh, the other thing I do, is plan a future trip even if it is years away, makes you look forward to the planning.:banana:


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