DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Why is it called the Banjo Bowl?
It started back in 2003. Our kicker, Troy Westwood, made a comment that hit the news and went viral. He said that everyone who lived in Saskatchewan were banjo playing inbreds.
Of course there was an uproar from next door, so a few days later he issued an apology.
He said, and I quote:

"I had referred to the people of Saskatchewan as a bunch of banjo-picking inbreds," Westwood said. "I was wrong to make such a statement, and I'd like to apologize.

"The vast majority of the people in Saskatchewan have no idea how to play the banjo."

And the Banjo Bowl was born.

:rotfl2::rotfl2: Hilarious. Now that's how you trash talk.

9-11 is normally tough for me. I was living in NY at the time and DD and I visited the towers less than a month before the attack. I worked Downtown and would often have lunch there, they had a great bookstore and I bought discount theater tickets at the TKTS booth on the 2nd floor of the lobby. No one I knew lost their life in the attack, but friends lost friends. Plus, I miss the buildings. With time comes perspective but I will never forget that day or the months that followed.

I have a similar eerie photo. We were up at the top of the WTC in May of that year, so only 4 months before the attacks. I got to visit the memorial for the first time this year and thought it was really moving. We'll definitely never forget that day.

I expect it's a day none of us in this generation will forget. There was a big impact here on the east coast of Canada as well. When US airspace was closed, all those planes had to go somewhere and most of them came to our airports. The small town of Gander (pop. 10,000) had almost as many stranded passengers at the airport. It was a horrible day, but at the same time some inspiring stories came from it. If you'll indulge me, I've linked a recent article about it.


Thanks for sharing. I read a similar article about Gander this weekend. Amazing how well that community took care of so many people. Tragedies seem to bring out the best in us.

I forgot you lived in NY at the time. Sadly, it's effects have lingered in our country so many of these years later where people are no longer unified, but polarized so vehemently against one another.

It really is sad. 9/11 was the last time the left and the right seemed to remember we were all on the same side.

Morning folks. Just two more days until Disney!


:lmao: Very few people can say their house smells like butt and like it.

I was going to say the same thing!
It really is sad. 9/11 was the last time the left and the right seemed to remember we were all on the same side.
Agreed. For that short period of time, right and left, black and white, rich and poor, gay and straight were all locked arm and arm ready to help each other. Now, we're just ready to tear each other down. I'm glad we keep politics and religion out of this group and focus on what's important in life, Disney, family, beer and bacon.
:rotfl2::rotfl2: Hilarious. Now that's how you trash talk.


I read a similar article about Gander this weekend. Amazing how well that community took care of so many people. Tragedies seem to bring out the best in us.

Gander airport 9/11

Halifax airport 9/11

This is a good read on Canada's role on 9/11
Hey all, my name is Chris, and I'd like to be an official Dis Dad. My Dis obsession started last year when we took our first family trip to WDW with my parents, DW, DS7, and DS4. That was followed by another trip this year with just my wife and kids, which will be followed by a trip next year, annual pass purchase, etc, etc, etc. I enjoy reading the threads on the board and thought this might be a good place to hang out in between what will hopefully be more frequent WDW trips. If any other info is required, let me know and I'll be happy to share!
Hey all, my name is Chris, and I'd like to be an official Dis Dad. My Dis obsession started last year when we took our first family trip to WDW with my parents, DW, DS7, and DS4. That was followed by another trip this year with just my wife and kids, which will be followed by a trip next year, annual pass purchase, etc, etc, etc. I enjoy reading the threads on the board and thought this might be a good place to hang out in between what will hopefully be more frequent WDW trips. If any other info is required, let me know and I'll be happy to share!
Welcome Chris. Randall will be by later to provide you with an official member number and Norm usually discusses the dues. In the meantime, be sure to settle in and join in the conversation. You'll find we talk about all sorts of things, both Disney and non-Disney.
Well back to the grind and fighting off some jet lag. Delays here in the U.S. got me home about 3 hours later than planned Saturday night. Was able to get my dead a$$ up this morning to book some dining for our March trip so still able to fulfill my DisDad roles & responsibilities though. Got some catching up to do so congrats, prayers where needed, bacon and dole whips for all.
It really is sad. 9/11 was the last time the left and the right seemed to remember we were all on the same side.
Agree, and it's a shame that we require an event of that magnitude in order to all be pulling on the same end of the rope.
Hey all, my name is Chris, and I'd like to be an official Dis Dad. My Dis obsession started last year when we took our first family trip to WDW with my parents, DW, DS7, and DS4. That was followed by another trip this year with just my wife and kids, which will be followed by a trip next year, annual pass purchase, etc, etc, etc. I enjoy reading the threads on the board and thought this might be a good place to hang out in between what will hopefully be more frequent WDW trips. If any other info is required, let me know and I'll be happy to share!
Hey all, my name is Chris, and I'd like to be an official Dis Dad. My Dis obsession started last year when we took our first family trip to WDW with my parents, DW, DS7, and DS4. That was followed by another trip this year with just my wife and kids, which will be followed by a trip next year, annual pass purchase, etc, etc, etc. I enjoy reading the threads on the board and thought this might be a good place to hang out in between what will hopefully be more frequent WDW trips. If any other info is required, let me know and I'll be happy to share!

Welcome to the Club!
Hey all, my name is Chris, and I'd like to be an official Dis Dad. My Dis obsession started last year when we took our first family trip to WDW with my parents, DW, DS7, and DS4. That was followed by another trip this year with just my wife and kids, which will be followed by a trip next year, annual pass purchase, etc, etc, etc. I enjoy reading the threads on the board and thought this might be a good place to hang out in between what will hopefully be more frequent WDW trips. If any other info is required, let me know and I'll be happy to share!

Welcome. Dues are payable in dole whips, beer, bacon, or cake. You mail 800+ of them to me and then I mail to all the guys. This plan is foolproof.

Feel free to post away or ask any questions. Did you stay on property? Favorite resort?
Hey all, my name is Chris, and I'd like to be an official Dis Dad. My Dis obsession started last year when we took our first family trip to WDW with my parents, DW, DS7, and DS4. That was followed by another trip this year with just my wife and kids, which will be followed by a trip next year, annual pass purchase, etc, etc, etc. I enjoy reading the threads on the board and thought this might be a good place to hang out in between what will hopefully be more frequent WDW trips. If any other info is required, let me know and I'll be happy to share!

Hey all, my name is Chris, and I'd like to be an official Dis Dad. My Dis obsession started last year when we took our first family trip to WDW with my parents, DW, DS7, and DS4. That was followed by another trip this year with just my wife and kids, which will be followed by a trip next year, annual pass purchase, etc, etc, etc. I enjoy reading the threads on the board and thought this might be a good place to hang out in between what will hopefully be more frequent WDW trips. If any other info is required, let me know and I'll be happy to share!
:welcome: Chris. Pull up a chair and fry some bacon! Where are you from?

I'm out of it a little while and you guys let the below costume change at DaWorld get implemented?!?!
Yeah. the kids didn't take care of the house while you were gone...:guilty:
Hey all, my name is Chris, and I'd like to be an official Dis Dad. My Dis obsession started last year when we took our first family trip to WDW with my parents, DW, DS7, and DS4. That was followed by another trip this year with just my wife and kids, which will be followed by a trip next year, annual pass purchase, etc, etc, etc. I enjoy reading the threads on the board and thought this might be a good place to hang out in between what will hopefully be more frequent WDW trips. If any other info is required, let me know and I'll be happy to share!

:welcome: WELCOME TO THE DISDAD'S CLUB Chris! :welcome:

You have been added to The Official DISDad Members List on Page 1, Posts 8 & 9!:thumbsup2

Your Official Member Number is #826!


To see where else you can find the DISDads on the internet, please check out Post 3 on Page One!

If you would like anything added to Page One about yourself, please send me a PM. FYI, I do not add anything to page one about you without your permission.​
Welcome. Dues are payable in dole whips, beer, bacon, or cake. You mail 800+ of them to me and then I mail to all the guys. This plan is foolproof.

Feel free to post away or ask any questions. Did you stay on property? Favorite resort?

OK, the 800 Dole Whips have been purchased. Just let me know where to send them. I don't have any spare coolers or ice, but I packed them all in a cardboard box with several pounds of freshly fried bacon and I assume they'll be in good shape when they get to you! :D We've been off-property up to this point and are planning on doing so again next summer. However, I am thinking about a surprise trip once we get our annual passes that would be a shorter one where we would actually fly instead of driving. If we do that, then I'll be asking you guys for recommendations on the resorts.

:welcome: Chris. Pull up a chair and fry some bacon! Where are you from?

We live in Omaha, Nebraska

Thanks for the welcomes!
Quick question for you. Is it normal to shutdown this early before a Disney trip. It's been a long year so far and I have little to no motivation to do anything other than dream about Disney. 53 days to go.
As The Honorable Governor William J LePetimane would say…
Work, work, work, work work…
(I’m sure y’all can fill in the rest)

Time for a bit of a break though

Hey all, my name is Chris, and I'd like to be an official Dis Dad.

Declaring that you actually want to associate with rabble such as us is pretty much all that is requied.
Once associated, there no way to be redeemed anyway.

Glad to have you here and may your next Dis trip be closer that you expect.

I'm out of it a little while and you guys let the below costume change at DaWorld get implemented?!?!
Fairly certain we weren’t consulted.
Otherwise there no way this aberration would have made it to fruition.

Quick question for you. Is it normal to shutdown this early before a Disney trip. It's been a long year so far and I have little to no motivation to do anything other than dream about Disney. 53 days to go.
My expert opinion on the normality of this ailment would be as follows:

Yes… yes it is.

Top O the Mornin Dads! Have a good Tuesday, that is all.
If I can pull off a good Tuesday (especially compared to the past Monday)
Then that will be enough.
Whoa! She's doubled in height!

I know, right?? She wore something with heels yesterday and I told her to promptly take them off. :lmao:

Gorgeous! And unedited? Impressive.

And no two sunsets ever the same! It was a great week.

when Don was posting family pics I thought he was going to post one of his brothers. nope he dint so I did it for him

:cool2: Thanks for the backup, Carl!

see I am a slow eater. Everyones
Dole whip is half eaten or almost gone Mine still has the whip on the topView attachment 193428

Yeah... and that is your third one.... :drinking1

Home from the car auction empty handed. A 2005 Mercedes convertible went for $6K. If only I had an extra $6K.

$6K sounds like a steal to me!

I've thought about getting my tennis pro certification, which just means I'm able to intentionally hit every type of shot on demand. I could then teach for extra $.
Well there's your answer to the $ problem! :thumbsup2

Right in between my two dds. One more year before HS. :scared1:
Sigh. Thanks for the reminder

Well, it's probably for the best. That way, she doesn't have to tell you how right she is all day long. :lmao:
:rotfl2: Just in the evenings is just fine for me. ha!

And maybe Don in the back, although I can't make it out thru the shadow on the raised arms. I missed a few, and didn't put them in order or from the two different pictures. I got most of them though.

Yep... That's little old me back there... DDCC1. The good ol' days

Yea, you are just a little wall flower.

Happens quick. She has grown into a beautiful young lady.
Thank you, CJ. And she is starting to notice boys... ever so shyly.

9-11 is normally tough for me. I was living in NY at the time and DD and I visited the towers less than a month before the attack. I worked Downtown and would often have lunch there, they had a great bookstore and I bought discount theater tickets at the TKTS booth on the 2nd floor of the lobby. No one I knew lost their life in the attack, but friends lost friends. Plus, I miss the buildings. With time comes perspective but I will never forget that day or the months that followed.

Wasn't going to post any pictures this year but decided on just this one,,,

Lady Liberty is in the background.

That is really a great pic. Hard to believe that is your DD!

Hey all, my name is Chris, and I'd like to be an official Dis Dad. My Dis obsession started last year when we took our first family trip to WDW with my parents, DW, DS7, and DS4. That was followed by another trip this year with just my wife and kids, which will be followed by a trip next year, annual pass purchase, etc, etc, etc. I enjoy reading the threads on the board and thought this might be a good place to hang out in between what will hopefully be more frequent WDW trips. If any other info is required, let me know and I'll be happy to share!

Welcome! :welcome:
Morning all. Got a quick errand downtown and hoping... hoping.... HOPING... my replacement credit card arrives at the bank today before I leave for WDW tomorrow morning. Crap this sucks.

That Halifax photo is nuts.

I know, right? Looks like one of those dessert abandoned planes photos.

Quick question for you. Is it normal to shutdown this early before a Disney trip. It's been a long year so far and I have little to no motivation to do anything other than dream about Disney. 53 days to go.

It's perfectly fine. I believe anything less than a year and a half is fine.

I know, right?? She wore something with heels yesterday and I told her to promptly take them off. :lmao:

Totally get that. One minute you're holding a baby in your arms, the next... "Who is this giantess?"

I have the honorable pleasure of taking 1/2 day off from work and take DD to Bow Creek Golf Course in an hour. Weather forecast - 81 and sunny. :cloud9: Making memories... priceless.



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