DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

How would you like to be the anchor leg of the US 4X100 team going against Bolt? "Don't worry guys, I got this." I'm sure the other three guys burst out laughing.
No kidding. Hard to believe an entire planet sends their best talent and he makes them look like fools.

What a class act. Wish him the best in retirement
What! No down time and Disney. You better vacation like you're not on vacation. Go till you drop everyday.
They were at 8AM EMH, and then we've just got back from Capa at the 4 Seasons. I had to eat my steak with one hand, as the little one had completely crashed out.
Work hard, play hard. Saw all 3 parks fireworks from the terrace. Very nice.
So, a late night up for me (10:00 PM Friday, really?) to wait up for oldest dd who had her first HS football game and first date. Well, she went with two of her girl friends from the swim team and she met up with a guy she's been talking to in PE class. I think in some countries, that might be a marriage qualifier. :lmao:

Anyway, she tried to play it off like she was just going with friends, but her swim team mates gave her up. She's showering now, and I'll get to question her in a few minutes.

That's too bad. I was wondering. I was trying to find where you click to see the stats. Oh well.

Like i said, I plan on being here more. The other side has become too much focus on certain people. I don't go on the FB page very often anyways, won't go to the other forum, and I wanted a Disdad Home again. There's no place like the original. Where no one person is in charge. Because we are all Disdads and are all an equal part.

The only other forum I get to is the FB one, which isn't terribly often, but I do have a easy phone App for that. I tried the other, but this place just felt like home.

How would you like to be the anchor leg of the US 4X100 team going against Bolt? "Don't worry guys, I got this." I'm sure the other three guys burst out laughing.


No kidding. Hard to believe an entire planet sends their best talent and he makes them look like fools.

What a class act. Wish him the best in retirement

Still not better than Michael Phelps. Can't believe how many golds (23) and medals (28) overall. He individually ranks higher than like 75% of the other countries in a lifetime. Amazing talent and longevity. It would be cool of Bolt could come back for another.

They were at 8AM EMH, and then we've just got back from Capa at the 4 Seasons. I had to eat my steak with one hand, as the little one had completely crashed out.
Work hard, play hard. Saw all 3 parks fireworks from the terrace. Very nice.

That's better. We used to do that on all our trips, and tried it again this last April. I prefer the every other day park visit plan.
Top O the Mornin Dads! Would be nice to sleep in a bit on a low key Saturday but noooooooooo. Have a good one and those at DaWorld do us proud.
How would you like to be the anchor leg of the US 4X100 team going against Bolt? "Don't worry guys, I got this." I'm sure the other three guys burst out laughing.
No kidding, Bolt is something else but a bronze for the U.S.? I know it's the worlds best and I get not being able to beat Jamaica but a bronze?
So, a late night up for me (10:00 PM Friday, really?) to wait up for oldest dd who had her first HS football game and first date. Well, she went with two of her girl friends from the swim team and she met up with a guy she's been talking to in PE class. I think in some countries, that might be a marriage qualifier. :lmao:

Anyway, she tried to play it off like she was just going with friends, but her swim team mates gave her up. She's showering now, and I'll get to question her in a few minutes.
And so it begins, pull up a chair CJ popcorn::
Saturday morning. Work. But slow... so it's all good.

Thanks for that. Interesting read.

Could be worse. You could be dealing with a menopausal spouse and hormonal daughters. Don't ask me how I know.:headache:

Same way I know.


I think I've broke the kids, they are laying on the sofa in some kind of trance.


Broke DW when we were there last. She was actually happy to stay at the resort and do laundry by day 3 or 4.

Anyway, a call came in from Amarillo, TX and I sent it directly to voicemail where they left a message. A recorded voice informed me that as of now, MY SOCIAL SECURITY ACCOUNT WAS SUSPENDED! They directed me to call a number back IMMEDIATELY. Panic ensued. Suspended? Since I am self employed, does that mean I don't have to send in my estimated SS taxes next quarter? Better call them back and give them my SS# so they can straighten it out, right?

Absolutely! You don't want to take chances!


Thought about calling them back to mess with them but will instead try to report it. What a bunch of leaches. I can only imaging an elderly person actually panicking and calling them back because they need their check. Special place in hell for people like that.

Good point.... and, yes.

Have to run, a Nigerian Prince just sent me an email saying he needs help getting money into the country.

Oooh... Good luck! Sounds promising!

How would you like to be the anchor leg of the US 4X100 team going against Bolt? "Don't worry guys, I got this." I'm sure the other three guys burst out laughing.


Anyway, she tried to play it off like she was just going with friends, but her swim team mates gave her up. She's showering now, and I'll get to question her in a few minutes.

And so it begins...

It would be cool of Bolt could come back for another.

And judging by how much of a margin he wins by... he probably could.

No kidding, Bolt is something else but a bronze for the U.S.? I know it's the worlds best and I get not being able to beat Jamaica but a bronze?

Er.... uh... Ya might want to recheck the final standings on that one....

And I must admit... Japan? Japan?!?!?
Happy Saturday morning. Nice relaxing morning and going to play tennis this afternoon. Oldest at swim. Quizzed her a little on her new friend, but she's not talking much.

Top O the Mornin Dads! Would be nice to sleep in a bit on a low key Saturday but noooooooooo. Have a good one and those at DaWorld do us proud.

And so it begins, pull up a chair CJ popcorn::

Woke up again at 6:30 AM and just can't stay on schedule. No need to worry as much about pulling up a chair. It won't really hit home until she brings one of the creepers around.

Broke DW when we were there last. She was actually happy to stay at the resort and do laundry by day 3 or 4.

Yeah, one of us does laundry as well while on vacation. We had a 1 BR once that had its own unit inside. That was especially nice.
Woke up again at 6:30 AM and just can't stay on schedule. No need to worry as much about pulling up a chair. It won't really hit home until she brings one of the creepers around.

But isn't that where the worrying should be? When they meet and you don't get to meet him? :stir:
Back from the funeral visitation for my co-worker's son. Parents should not have to bury their children. Even if they are driving you nuts give them an extra hug tonight.

So, a late night up for me (10:00 PM Friday, really?) to wait up for oldest dd who had her first HS football game and first date. Well, she went with two of her girl friends from the swim team and she met up with a guy she's been talking to in PE class. I think in some countries, that might be a marriage qualifier. :lmao:

Anyway, she tried to play it off like she was just going with friends, but her swim team mates gave her up. She's showering now, and I'll get to question her in a few minutes....
Happy Saturday morning. Nice relaxing morning and going to play tennis this afternoon. Oldest at swim. Quizzed her a little on her new friend, but she's not talking much....

Not looking forward to that. Remember I have access to 10,000 acres in the heart of Appalachia and heavy equipment if you need.

Top O the Mornin Dads! Would be nice to sleep in a bit on a low key Saturday but noooooooooo...

Sleep is over rated.

...Same way I know. :hug:
My condolences. My the changes pass quickly and with as little turmoil as possible. I've had to pull out the heavy blanket already because SWMBO keeps the bedroom like a meat locker.
Evening boys, from Sunny Orlando. Just checking in. I think I've broke the kids, they are laying on the sofa in some kind of trance. That's what 5 days of park will do for ya.
I hope you're enjoying your trip. By the way, thanks for your suggestions on what to do during my layover in London. Unfortunately, it was a complete bust. It was raining all morning for one (shocking for London, I know) and I didn't feel like getting soaked and then spending another 16 hours travelling in soggy shoes. Plus, I got a project from work that I needed to get started on. So I just ended up staying at Heathrow.

So, a late night up for me (10:00 PM Friday, really?) to wait up for oldest dd who had her first HS football game and first date. Well, she went with two of her girl friends from the swim team and she met up with a guy she's been talking to in PE class.
And so it begins. I had my first experience with it at the end of last year. They don't talk about it, certainly not to their fathers. My wife got a bit of info out of her but not much. Just wait until he comes around to the house. Just be sure you're sharpening the kitchen knives when he comes in the room.
Just saw Brazil over Germany on penalty kicks. Hot time in Rio tonight.

Evening boys, from Sunny Orlando. Just checking in. I think I've broke the kids, they are laying on the sofa in some kind of trance. That's what 5 days of park will do for ya.

Off to Anna Maria Island tomorrow, I see a cheeky stop in Costco in my near future.

They were at 8AM EMH, and then we've just got back from Capa at the 4 Seasons. I had to eat my steak with one hand, as the little one had completely crashed out.
Work hard, play hard. Saw all 3 parks fireworks from the terrace. Very nice.

A true Dis Dad, well done sir. When you get back, I would like your opinion on Capa.

Hey, the Price contacted me first. Don't try to muscle in on my deal.
And so it begins, pull up a chair CJ popcorn::

I see you got the popcorn, I'll bring the beer.

Er.... uh... Ya might want to recheck the final standings on that one....

And I must admit... Japan? Japan?!?!?

Yep, not even the bronze.

Woke up again at 6:30 AM and just can't stay on schedule. No need to worry as much about pulling up a chair. It won't really hit home until she brings one of the creepers around.

But isn't that where the worrying should be? When they meet and you don't get to meet him? :stir:

The Pirate Princess's first real boyfriend was when she was a Senior. Before he was allowed to take her to prom, we had to meet first. I took them out to dinner, grilled him and instilled the fear of god in him. Suggest you do the same.
Well Dads, as they say all good things must come to an end. My summer vacation is done and I am now back at work. :(

I enjoyed my time off, but of course it always seems too short. One of the highlights was getting out with DD16 for a hike on the East Coast Trail not far from our house. As is probably typical of most teenagers, we don't get to do a lot with just the two of us, so it was a nice change to spend an afternoon with her. The hike was about 5 km (just over 3 miles, for most of you) and we had lunch sitting on the rocks right on the coast. As you can see from the picture below, I couldn't complain about the scenery while eating lunch. The weather was great that day, too. See, it doesn't always snow in Canada (for a couple weeks in August, anyway :D).

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But isn't that where the worrying should be? When they meet and you don't get to meet him? :stir:

Well, thankfully, it's still a lack of opportunity. There were too many spies on her swim team to allow anything to happen. Also, neither dd doesn't hang long with losers. They will meet a new friend, figure them out, and move on if they are crap. Hopefully, they have that same ability with boys.

Not looking forward to that. Remember I have access to 10,000 acres in the heart of Appalachia and heavy equipment if you need.

It would too long a drive. I've got the Ohio River right by me and I've watched all those episodes of Dexter. :lmao:

And so it begins. I had my first experience with it at the end of last year. They don't talk about it, certainly not to their fathers. My wife got a bit of info out of her but not much. Just wait until he comes around to the house. Just be sure you're sharpening the kitchen knives when he comes in the room.

Loading the shotgun here.

I see you got the popcorn, I'll bring the beer.

The Pirate Princess's first real boyfriend was when she was a Senior. Before he was allowed to take her to prom, we had to meet first. I took them out to dinner, grilled him and instilled the fear of god in him. Suggest you do the same.

Thanks. I have to realize I've done the best parenting job I can and hopefully can influence her these next four years. I'll just have to hope she makes better choices than I did.

I enjoyed my time off, but of course it always seems too short. One of the highlights was getting out with DD16 for a hike on the East Coast Trail not far from our house. As is probably typical of most teenagers, we don't get to do a lot with just the two of us, so it was a nice change to spend an afternoon with her. The hike was about 5 km (just over 3 miles, for most of you) and we had lunch sitting on the rocks right on the coast. As you can see from the picture below, I couldn't complain about worse scenery while eating lunch. The weather was great that day, too. See, it doesn't always snow in Canada (for a couple weeks in August, anyway :D).


Sounds like a good way to spend time with dd. I may have to borrow that one.
Evening gents.
I figure I'll check in now, since I'm hoping to get some sleep when I get home this morning.

Back from the funeral visitation for my co-worker's son. Parents should not have to bury their children.

Ugh. My condolences. I have a friend/co-worker who had to bury his daughter. You're right. This is not how it's supposed to work.

I've had to pull out the heavy blanket already because SWMBO keeps the bedroom like a meat locker.

Luckily for me, I love keeping it cold at night.

Just saw Brazil over Germany on penalty kicks. Hot time in Rio tonight.

Thought the same thing.

Yep, not even the bronze.

Oh, we got the bronze. Not to worry.

As is probably typical of most teenagers, we don't get to do a lot with just the two of us, so it was a nice change to spend an afternoon with her.

That's why I've made a couple of solo trips with each DD.
And so it begins. I had my first experience with it at the end of last year. They don't talk about it, certainly not to their fathers. My wife got a bit of info out of her but not much. Just wait until he comes around to the house. Just be sure you're sharpening the kitchen knives when he comes in the room.

Loading the shotgun here.

Careful, The kids now a days, you will likely scare them and they will have to run to their 'Safe Place':sad2:. Although that wouldn't be a bad thing. :rolleyes1
If he doesn't run but instead asks if he can help or speaks about the model of guns he has, there may be a keeper.o_O
Happy Sunday. Went to Mass this AM and then baked bread for the week.


I know bread isn't the healthiest, but I'm making it with all known ingredients, and should have enough to get thru Friday. So, I guess it's better than pop tarts. I'll get to the gym and tennis today before dropping off dds @ youth group to give DW 2 hours of peace. You all have a magical day.
Back from the funeral visitation for my co-worker's son. Parents should not have to bury their children.

Sorry, too sad. I don't know what I would do if something happened to the kid.

I enjoyed my time off, but of course it always seems too short. One of the highlights was getting out with DD16 for a hike on the East Coast Trail not far from our house.

Great picture, glad you had some quality Dad/Daughter time.

I have to realize I've done the best parenting job I can and hopefully can influence her these next four years.

I realized that is all you can do. A couple of days ago, she let me know she wanted to get her nose pierced. I told her, when you were 16, I would have said no, you're 22 now so it is up to you. Don't like it but I accepted it.

I figure I'll check in now, since I'm hoping to get some sleep when I get home this morning.

Hoped that worked out for you.

Oh, we got the bronze. Not to worry.

Yea, I know. Congratulations.

Happy Sunday. Went to Mass this AM and then baked bread for the week.

Fresh baked bread, I like it.
So last year we had a diskid fantasy football league. We are wondering if there is any interest (old or new) this year. Please let us know so we can gather everyone up. Then we will get you (if you are new) over to the page for the Diskid fantasy football for setup directions.
So I just ended up staying at Heathrow.
There are far worse airports in the world to stay over in, to be fair. Apologies for the weather, I wasn't there to arrange. We'll do better next time. Hopefully if you are over again soon, I'll be in the country to buy you a cheeky one.

A true Dis Dad, well done sir. When you get back, I would like your opinion on Capa.

Capa was really quite good. My kids cleaned their plates (George had the kids filet for $20, medium rare which was like butter) and my FIL's was excellent, but his starter was rubbish. Mine was good, Kath's was good. Drinks were excellent, but the soft drinks were ridiculously overpriced. $6 for a coke?
We booked for 830, and the waitress came up and told us that the fireworks were about to start, and held our courses back until we were ready, which was a nice touch.
The price was pretty steep, about $110 a head including tip, with wine, and a couple of desserts.
It was our last night in the World so nice for a special occasion. We were also checking it out for next year as a hotel, but I think we'll stay with the Grand Floridian.

Loading the shotgun here.
Looking forward to this day and dreading it at the same time.

What are those? I mean, muffins and loaves, sure. But, what kind?

Hoped that worked out for you.

Not so much.


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