DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

I’d drive down for some. If it was legally allowed.

I'd be happy to host you, if it was legally allowed.

Public Notice:

I ate beans for lunch.
I ate tacos for supper.

I suspect the bed tonight will be more like a flying carpet.
I also suspect my wife will not appreciate discovering my whole new world.

If I have a bad back tomorrow, it will be from sleeping on the couch.

:rotfl2: Whatever you do, don't light a match.

Well then...
I'll just have to make sure I warn you in advance if I ever get the chance to head up in that direction.

I'll be sure to hook you up!

We actually stayed at a place on St Charles Ave, a bit away from the Quarter, and used the street cars to get around…

I bet the street cars were fun.

You still had to kind’a look past some of the -shall we say “more intriguing” - entrepreneurs, but then again the explosion of live music to be encountered at every turn was a definite enhancement to the experience.

The "entrepreneurs" were what we liked least. The music was what we liked most.

Turns out that while were we’re down there, it was during “Navy Week” and the city’s 300th anniversary. As such, the USN kindly dispatched a couple ships to the party and opened them up to the public. As such I also got to spend a little bit of time aboard this lady…

Did you plan that? I'm guessing you planned that.

Apparently my particular brand of nonsense has been recognised by the overlords, as I am now another foot up the greasy pole. Just negotiating dough.

Hey, congratulations! Welcome to middle management!

Good. Head of department, but we don't call it that because we are all super danish and fluffy.

Now you can join me in cringing at actually being one of the people we complain about regularly.
That could be a whole other experience if they were girls in them suits. Or out of them.
That it would…
That it would

Depending on the “girls”, that is.

Huh! I didn't know they had street cars still.
There are still a few lines in operation there with the one that runs along St Charles up to the edge of The Quarter being the most established.

Of course, the one named “Desire” is long gone but there are still folks that look for it.

As in... ladies of the evening? Or something else?
There is a bit of that, but not quite as overtly as you’d think.

The interesting ones are more of the couple-of-sandwiches-short-of-a-picnic-basket verity.

A good example would be the obviously homeless bloke who was (somewhat belligerently) attempting to sell folks used cross-trainer shoes out of his shopping cart that were previously “owned” by one famous NBA player or another. I mean, just how could one pass up an opportunity of such magnitude?

Definitely a win. I can't make out the name, if that's what that is in one photo. Which ship is she?
The one we got to tour was the USS Kearsarge; an amphibious assault ship of the USN.

The auditors came into the stockroom to audit, which meant I had to sit around and wait until they found a mistake.
Now don’t be using such profanity ‘round here.

As visit from a pack of those fiends can be about as dangerous (and “unexpected”) as having a Grand Inquisitor show up at your door.

Let's hope no one else gets sick. Stay healthy, my friend.
Working on it.
And may those folks dealing with it come through as best as possible.

Who doesn't love an intriguing entrepreneur?
Depends on just how much position and power the "entrepreneur" in question has amassed.

Such individuals can be right troublesome.

That's gotta be a film there, I'm sure Rob's ladies of an intriguing nature would like to make a bit of extra cash on the side, starring in Pkondz Productions "Monster Size, Inc", where a Company gets power sources from screams in pleasuring ladies being visited through an automated door system. It practically writes itself. I'm just not sure if we could get it past Disney legal.
I knew if anyone could effectively tie all that together and wrap it up in a nice bow, it’d be you sir.

And I'd trust it to no one else to get past the Dis-Legal team if it were possible.

Apparently my particular brand of nonsense has been recognised by the overlords, as I am now another foot up the greasy pole. Just negotiating dough.
Good. Head of department, but we don't call it that because we are all super danish and fluffy.

Of whatever phraseiology may be more appropriate when translated into Fluffy Danish.

Morning all. Another interview scheduled for Friday, this time with a former employer that I did PRN work for a decade ago. They said I had to wear a mask, but didn't mention any hazmat suit cleanings.
Good to hear.
Hopefully this one won’t run a foul if the previous pension issues.
(and may folks in hazmat suits not come into play)

Good pictures (again). I read that Mardi Gras parades have already been cancelled, so it was good that you were able to make the trip before the lockdowns.
Have heard that, and it’s unfortunate.
Personally, I wouldn’t go down there during the season (just not my cup-o-tea).

This was an anniversary road-trip in late April of 2018 and those crowds had already dissipated by then.

The "entrepreneurs" were what we liked least. The music was what we liked most.

Did you plan that? I'm guessing you planned that.
Believe it or not…

You're stunned, I can tell.

That one was completely serendipitous. I only read about its' going on after the fact and as we were traveling for our anniversary in this instance I needed to make sure she was able to get into everything on her bucket list as well (a carriage ride, the Café du Monde, touring St Louis Cemetery No1, good dinners while there - not that I was unhappy with any of that). Once I learned about the ships, I figured I’d be lucky to just walk around the water front and maybe see a couple of the tall ships. I had no idea that a major USN vessel was going to be there and be open to the public, so that was something that got stuffed into an already busy day.

Now, I did have every intention of dragging her on a ship during this expedition, but that was going to be a different ship (or two) and on a different day.
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Nice pictures, especially the USS Kearsarge and the Tall-Ship.
Thanks, but you shouldn’t a done gone and said that…
Now you’ll have to deal with even more pictures.

They sail cruises out of there... :rolleyes1
Yes they do.
And that just adds into my now having to post more images, so you’re also at fault here.

Hope both of ya' are proud of yourselves.


That’s the Elissa, the tall ship we passed on the river earlier, being helped up to the quay by one of the local tugs (the Port Hudson to be particular).

There were several other tall ship in port for Nola’s 300th birthday party that week.


Picton Castle


Oliver Hazard Perry (Rhode Island)


And the Oosterschelde

Keeping station just behind her is the Coast Guard cutter/ buoy tender USCGC Cypress (WLB-210) which was also dispatched to join the party.

It was fairly busy along that stretch of the river at the time. As we were steaming up that direction the Carnival Triumph was just pulling away to begin a cruse down toward Cozumel. The Kearsage had not arrived yet as she was waiting for Triumph to clear that spot along the docks.


The frigate that you see on up the way is HMCS Charlottetown; the Canadian Navy’s contribution to the festivities.

All of these ships were going to be open to the public, but I only had time to board the Kearsage. I’d have enjoyed getting to know all of them a bit better, but we were leaving the Crescent City that afternoon so it was best not to push my advantage too hard in this instance. Truth be told, I did marry an absolute saint of a gal or I’d never have got that much nerd time.

And besides…
I was already planning to drag my unfortunate bride up, down and all around a battleship and a sub the next day.
I did a lot of goofing off online/reading.
Sounds like a nice easy day.
Something else...as in the ladies knitting club. Those knitters can be mean.
But they have those stabby, stabby things...
Apparently my particular brand of nonsense has been recognised by the overlords, as I am now another foot up the greasy pole. Just negotiating dough.
I love the best part of that how you can get all your DISdads pals free Lego now.
That's gotta be a film there, I'm sure Rob's ladies of an intriguing nature would like to make a bit of extra cash on the side, starring in Pkondz Productions "Monster Size, Inc", where a Company gets power sources from screams in pleasuring ladies being visited through an automated door system. It practically writes itself. I'm just not sure if we could get it past Disney legal.
It'll fly. Disney once put out a show called Song of the South that was about as risque.
I'd be happy to host you, if it was legally allowed.
You say that knowing I can't show up on your doorstep.

:rotfl2: Whatever you do, don't light a match.
"Entire East coast of Canada was rocked by an explosion rivalling the Halifax explosion of 1917"
That it would…
That it would

Depending on the “girls”, that is.
Well, yes. There is that.
There are still a few lines in operation there with the one that runs along St Charles up to the edge of The Quarter being the most established.

Of course, the one named “Desire” is long gone but there are still folks that look for it.
Too bad. But then again... it'd probably be rendered unusable by the locals due to all the tourists screaming "Stella" at it or while on it.
The interesting ones are more of the couple-of-sandwiches-short-of-a-picnic-basket verity.
A good example would be the obviously homeless bloke who was (somewhat belligerently) attempting to sell folks used cross-trainer shoes out of his shopping cart that were previously “owned” by one famous NBA player or another. I mean, just how could one pass up an opportunity of such magnitude?
It's not just an opportunity, but an investment!
The one we got to tour was the USS Kearsarge; an amphibious assault ship of the USN.
So, now I've gone and learned what an amphibious assault ship is. Bless Google and Wiki.
That’s the Elissa, the tall ship we passed on the river earlier, being helped up to the quay by one of the local tugs (the Port Hudson to be particular).
That interests me. I've never seen a tug perform those maneuvers in real life.
Morning chaps from a autumnal London. Stood in a queue today for an hour, picking up the young 'uns PS5, as this is the only day they are open in Lockdown, for the launch day. Not got much else for ya.

I love the best part of that how you can get all your DISdads pals free Lego now.
Indeed. As part of the Senior Deputy Mayor Role, I can nominate 10 people to receive a 2x2 brick each.
All you guys need to do is cover the postage, packing and various administrative charges. Don't worry if the paperwork looks like Bourbon Stockist reciepts, that's just a computer error.
Just let me know what colour Brick you want, send over your $40 US, and I will make it happen.

It pays to know people, right? You're welcome.

Have a great day fellas.
Morning, Gents! Well, yesterday was filled with long hours of nothing to do with short bursts of, "OMG! Here, quickly find this, count it and get back to me!" So I would be done in under five minutes and back to doing nothing. Got some Christmas shopping done, though...so something productive was done. That's all I've got.


Season 5 Episode 6 GIF by Workaholics - Find & Share on GIPHY

:thumbsup2 :lmao:

Good. Head of department, but we don't call it that because we are all super danish and fluffy.

Congrats! So you're the man that people now complain about. Nice. And fluffy Danish stuff...of course. :teeth:

Morning all. Another interview scheduled for Friday, this time with a former employer that I did PRN work for a decade ago. They said I had to wear a mask, but didn't mention any hazmat suit cleanings.

May it go well, my friend.

That it would…
That it would

Depending on the “girls”, that is.

Oh yeah, it depends on the girls.

The interesting ones are more of the couple-of-sandwiches-short-of-a-picnic-basket verity.

A good example would be the obviously homeless bloke who was (somewhat belligerently) attempting to sell folks used cross-trainer shoes out of his shopping cart that were previously “owned” by one famous NBA player or another. I mean, just how could one pass up an opportunity of such magnitude?

I hope you jumped on the chance at those shoes that were "owned" by a famous NBA player. Thems are valuable.

Now don’t be using such profanity ‘round here.

As visit from a pack of those fiends can be about as dangerous (and “unexpected”) as having a Grand Inquisitor show up at your door.

Normally I'd agree, however, one was pretty cute. I'd hear her call for me from the back, "Steve? Can you come here for a minute?" I'd reply, "Of course! I'm coming!" :teeth::lmao:

Working on it.
And may those folks dealing with it come through as best as possible.


Believe it or not…

You're stunned, I can tell.

That one was completely serendipitous. I only read about its' going on after the fact and as we were traveling for our anniversary in this instance I needed to make sure she was able to get into everything on her bucket list as well (a carriage ride, the Café du Monde, touring St Louis Cemetery No1, good dinners while there - not that I was unhappy with any of that). Once I learned about the ships, I figured I’d be lucky to just walk around the water front and maybe see a couple of the tall ships. I had no idea that a major USN vessel was going to be there and be open to the public, so that was something that got stuffed into an already busy day.

Now, I did have every intention of dragging her on a ship during this expedition, but that was going to be a different ship (or two) and on a different day.

You mean you just happened to show up and there was Navy Week? Mhmmm :laughing:

Thanks, but you shouldn’t a done gone and said that…
Now you’ll have to deal with even more pictures.

Like I'd stop you? I'm planning on posting some of my own now.

Yes they do.
And that just adds into my now having to post more images, so you’re also at fault here.

Hope both of ya' are proud of yourselves.

View attachment 539074

That’s the Elissa, the tall ship we passed on the river earlier, being helped up to the quay by one of the local tugs (the Port Hudson to be particular).

There were several other tall ship in port for Nola’s 300th birthday party that week.

View attachment 539076

Picton Castle

View attachment 539077

Oliver Hazard Perry (Rhode Island)

View attachment 539078

And the Oosterschelde

Keeping station just behind her is the Coast Guard cutter/ buoy tender USCGC Cypress (WLB-210) which was also dispatched to join the party.

It was fairly busy along that stretch of the river at the time. As we were steaming up that direction the Carnival Triumph was just pulling away to begin a cruse down toward Cozumel. The Kearsage had not arrived yet as she was waiting for Triumph to clear that spot along the docks.

View attachment 539079

The frigate that you see on up the way is HMCS Charlottetown; the Canadian Navy’s contribution to the festivities.

All of these ships were going to be open to the public, but I only had time to board the Kearsage. I’d have enjoyed getting to know all of them a bit better, but we were leaving the Crescent City that afternoon so it was best not to push my advantage too hard in this instance. Truth be told, I did marry an absolute saint of a gal or I’d never have got that much nerd time.

And besides…
I was already planning to drag my unfortunate bride up, down and all around a battleship and a sub the next day.

Nice pictures. What battleship did you hit? Any you can share? I know, stupid question, but you knew I was going to ask it.

That's a lot of flags!

Sailors overcompensating? Never!

Sounds like a nice easy day.

Yes it was, and yesterday was even easier.

But they have those stabby, stabby things...

Just stay out of arms reach and you'd be ok.
Here are more pictures of the USS Constitution.

This is fun...you guys are in trouble now.


This is two (2) decks below the main deck.

It's cool that they have cannons with the seal of the King of England on them.


And here's a fun photo. This is at Heritage Gardens in Sandwich, MA. Even though this may look like a treehouse, it isn't. This was build around the trees.


A different view showing how they built the deck around the tree. I'm not happy with this picture, it's not in focus. I can't seem to dial in my micro adjustments on my lens. Grrrr I'll get it at some point.
"Entire East coast of Canada was rocked by an explosion rivalling the Halifax explosion of 1917"
Or the one in Texas City.
Either way...

That's a lot o' beans.

Too bad. But then again... it'd probably be rendered unusable by the locals due to all the tourists screaming "Stella" at it or while on it.
It's be like pictures of holding up the bell tower in Pisa.
Every tourist would be compelled.

So, now I've gone and learned what an amphibious assault ship is. Bless Google and Wiki.
Sorry 'bout that.
It's an unfortunate side effect of allowing me to say anything.

That interests me. I've never seen a tug perform those maneuvers in real life.
It's a bit of a dance...
Performed by an unlikely pair


Better than rivaling “Boston’s Great Molasses Flood of 1919”
Let's see, a choice between Rapid Disassembly vs Sorghum Submersion...

Are you sure you didn't work for the Inquisition?

"Steve? Can you come here for a minute?" I'd reply, "Of course! I'm coming!" teeth: :lmao:
All too easy...

You mean you just happened to show up and there was Navy Week? Mhmmm :laughing:
They're fault.
They just happened to schedule it to start on my anniversary date.

Nice pictures. What battleship did you hit? Any you can share? I know, stupid question, but you knew I was going to ask it.
That would be: N-E-M-W

and of course I'got pictures, so now you'll be getting some.
You'd expect less?

Interesting; first I've noticed the shield carved into the scroll work.

I've been aboard the Constellation, but not the Constitution
I do need to correct that at some point.

Nice composition.

It's cool that they have cannons with the seal of the King of England on them.
Certainly interesting to see.
But then again, all the guns are replicas, and the English ones were cast as the result of one officer's mistake.
Morning gents.
Whelp... SWMBO has over time trained the dogs to expect food whenever she eats. The little one barks shrilly now, incessantly when she does. Guess my days of getting any sleep at all are gone. Sooooo happy she's trained her like that.

Somehow wound up not quoting you CCT, but nice shots. That "tree house" is beautiful.

Better than rivaling “Boston’s Great Molasses Flood of 1919”
Never heard of that one, although I do think the body count is a bit different in the two cases.
Stood in a queue today for an hour, picking up the young 'uns PS5,
You got one! Impressive.
All you guys need to do is cover the postage, packing and various administrative charges. Don't worry if the paperwork looks like Bourbon Stockist reciepts, that's just a computer error.
Just let me know what colour Brick you want, send over your $40 US, and I will make it happen.
Gee! Thanks! Cheque's in the mail. Go ahead and send the brick. You know I'm good for it. Red is fine.
Or the one in Texas City.
Either way...

That's a lot o' beans.
Interesting. Hadn't heard of that, and I'm kinda surprised that I hadn't.
It's be like pictures of holding up the bell tower in Pisa.
Every tourist would be compelled.
Sorry 'bout that.
It's an unfortunate side effect of allowing me to say anything.
All good. I am one of the weird ones that actually likes learning new things.
It's a bit of a dance...
Performed by an unlikely pair

More science has hit KY with more lockdowns. The best one is only a total of 8 people are allowed inside a house at Thanksgiving. KY has declared war on Octomom.

Personally, I wouldn’t go down there during the season (just not my cup-o-tea).

This was an anniversary road-trip in late April of 2018 and those crowds had already dissipated by then.

I think I still would want to go and see all the "beads". Don't know if I could last more than 30 seconds though.

Wanna hire someone in FL to replace your former position?

Has absolutely NOTHING to do with wanting a lego discount.

I already called dibs on the do nothing assistant job.

Normally I'd agree, however, one was pretty cute. I'd hear her call for me from the back, "Steve? Can you come here for a minute?" I'd reply, "Of course! I'm coming!" :teeth::lmao:

Did it take you 30 seconds? That's what she said. :lmao:
It's be like pictures of holding up the bell tower in Pisa.
Every tourist would be compelled.

Which, sadly, I'd to trying.

It's a bit of a dance...
Performed by an unlikely pair

View attachment 539211

Definitely an unlikely pair.

All too easy...

Yes it is.

They're fault.
They just happened to schedule it to start on my anniversary date.

Of course it's their fault. It would never be yours. And of course, you just happen to take advantage of it.

That would be: N-E-M-W

and of course I'got pictures, so now you'll be getting some.
You'd expect less?

Looking forward to seeing them.

Interesting; first I've noticed the shield carved into the scroll work.

I've been aboard the Constellation, but not the Constitution
I do need to correct that at some point.

If you ever come up this way to see the Constitution, let me know and we'll have a meet up.

Nice composition.

Thanks. I try to look for different angles when I do photography, not always, but I do try.

Certainly interesting to see.
But then again, all the guns are replicas, and the English ones were cast as the result of one officer's mistake.

:thumbsup2 Still pretty cool that they replicated them.

Morning gents.
Whelp... SWMBO has over time trained the dogs to expect food whenever she eats. The little one barks shrilly now, incessantly when she does. Guess my days of getting any sleep at all are gone. Sooooo happy she's trained her like that.

Ok, I have to ask, only because its driving me crazy that I can't figure out: What does SWMBO mean?

Somehow wound up not quoting you CCT, but nice shots. That "tree house" is beautiful.

No worries. Thanks for the compliment. I love that treehouse. I try for different angles when I go there, but you start to run out of new ideas after a while.


All good. I am one of the weird ones that actually likes learning new things.

And all this learning comes in handy when you run into a trivia contest.
More science has hit KY with more lockdowns. The best one is only a total of 8 people are allowed inside a house at Thanksgiving. KY has declared war on Octomom.

This would suit me just fine. As much as I love eating my Thanksgiving meal, I'd love to have a day of just hanging out watching movies with no family obligations to worry about...except for the immediate DW and DD.

I already called dibs on the do nothing assistant job.

(quietly crumbles up the Do Nothing Assistant Job application and tosses it in the trash) "Yeah, I heard @AirGoofy call dibs on that job.

Did it take you 30 seconds? That's what she said. :lmao:

Little shorter actually. :teeth:
Loving the pics Rob, thanks.

Decided to add one for TBT. It's not that long ago but man I miss seeing this. #9 is Declan.

View attachment 539214
Nice one mate. Although I think they have a bit of work to do. Number 14 is good, Declan needs to form an M, 10 needs to form a C and number 2 is totally off. He should be in the line forming an A.
It's cool that they have cannons with the seal of the King of England on them.
Meh, all of our post boxes have that ;)
What does SWMBO mean?
She Who Must Be Obeyed

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