DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Morning all...
From an unusually chilly South.
(of course, compared to what most of y'all deal with, it really doesn't even rate the mention).

Trying to stay positive here and engaged with the rest of the world when I'd much rather retreat form life and be a hermit.
Dealing with humans is exhausting. I don't see how all y'all more "normal" folk do it day in, day out.

How is this possible??
Guide us oh wise one.
Everybody already knows the truth of it, we just collectively don't like admitting it...
If your belly ain't complaining, then you'll be gaining.

Gonna give this Keto thing a go, so Parma ham and an egg for lunch. I may just buy a couple of cows and a few chickens, that should get me through. Hopefully 20 pounds will come off, as the physio cleared me for everything apart from jumping and running in the dark (because of pothole potential), so the exercise regime is now back to almost pre-injury levels.
Glad to hear that the injuries are healed.
May they stay healed.

Good luck with the rest of the plan.
It sound's like what I'm doing is similar to what your talking about.
I'm not following a specific type of diet per-say, just a few "Guide Lines".
in order of importance...
- No sugar, no bread.
- Reduce starches as much as possible.
- Nothing to eat before 10am of after 8pm
- Seconds is not an option
- if you don't need breakfast, don't eat breakfast.
- Fasting about once a week or so, will not kill you.

I started on this in September, and as of today I'm down 27 pounds and averaging a bit better then a pound a week.

::yes:: I often find that those with the most to say have the least amount to input.
He who talks the most, says the least.

:thumbsup2. I like this. So technically its the American guys fault, right?
I do believe that can be taken as a general rule of thumb in most situations.
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Morning all...
From an unusually chilly South.
(of course, compared to what most of y'all deal with, it really doesn't even rate the mention).

Trying to stay positive here and engaged with the rest of the world when I'd much rather retreat form life and be a hermit.
Dealing with humans is exhausting. I don't see how all y'all more "normal" folk do it day in, day out.

Everybody already knows the truth of it, we just collectively don't like admitting it...
If your belly ain't complaining, then you'll be gaining.

Glad to hear that the injuries are healed.
May they stay healed.

Good luck with the rest of the plan.
It sound's like what I'm doing is similar to what your talking about.
I'm not following a specific type of diet per-say, just a few "Guide Lines".
in order of importance...
- No sugar, no bread.
- Reduce starches as much as possible.
- Nothing to eat before 10am of after 8pm
- Seconds is not an option
- if you don't need breakfast, don't eat breakfast.
- Fasting about once a week or so, will not kill you.

I started on this in September, and as of today I'm down 27 pounds and averaging a bit better then a pound a week.

He who talks the most, says the least.

I do believe that's can be taken as a general rule of thumb in most situations.
It’s good to have you back buddy.
More good news on the university front, DS has been accepted in the Bachelor of Science program at the University of Prince Edward Island. That was originally his first choice, not sure if it still is but he now has a choice to make.

Morning boys from a soggy London. Picked up Lady K's birthday present this morning, fixed the shower, been for a run, so all in all not too shabby. Gonna give this Keto thing a go, so Parma ham and an egg for lunch. I may just buy a couple of cows and a few chickens, that should get me through. Hopefully 20 pounds will come off, as the physio cleared me for everything apart from jumping and running in the dark (because of pothole potential), so the exercise regime is now back to almost pre-injury levels. Seems to be holding OK thus far, but its only been just under a week.

Running and jumping in the dark...isn't there a song about that? Good luck getting back on the horse.
In the cab, heading to the airport. Couldn’t check in online. Guess I’ll find out what the problem is when I get there.
Hope all went ok for you.
Morning boys from a soggy London. Picked up Lady K's birthday present this morning, fixed the shower, been for a run, so all in all not too shabby. Gonna give this Keto thing a go, so Parma ham and an egg for lunch. I may just buy a couple of cows and a few chickens, that should get me through. Hopefully 20 pounds will come off, as the physio cleared me for everything apart from jumping and running in the dark (because of pothole potential), so the exercise regime is now back to almost pre-injury levels. Seems to be holding OK thus far, but its only been just under a week.
Good to hear you are back to pre injury capabilities. No bourbon, beer, scotch or wine with that Keto ?????????????
Morning all...
From an unusually chilly South.
(of course, compared to what most of y'all deal with, it really doesn't even rate the mention).

Trying to stay positive here and engaged with the rest of the world when I'd much rather retreat form life and be a hermit.
Dealing with humans is exhausting. I don't see how all y'all more "normal" folk do it day in, day out.
Good to hear from ya Rob. How's your young man doing? Any holiday music performances?
More good news on the university front, DS has been accepted in the Bachelor of Science program at the University of Prince Edward Island. That was originally his first choice, not sure if it still is but he now has a choice to make.
Great news and congrats to DS and his proud parents! Sounds like a nice steak dinner on Dad to celebrate?
Everybody already knows the truth of it, we just collectively don't like admitting it...
If your belly ain't complaining, then you'll be gaining.

Sad, but true.

Good luck with the rest of the plan.
It sound's like what I'm doing is similar to what your talking about.
I'm not following a specific type of diet per-say, just a few "Guide Lines".
in order of importance...
- No sugar, no bread.
- Reduce starches as much as possible.
- Nothing to eat before 10am of after 8pm
- Seconds is not an option
- if you don't need breakfast, don't eat breakfast.
- Fasting about once a week or so, will not kill you.

I started on this in September, and as of today I'm down 27 pounds and averaging a bit better then a pound a week.

Wow, that's impressive! Congratulations! I admire your willpower.

More good news on the university front, DS has been accepted in the Bachelor of Science program at the University of Prince Edward Island. That was originally his first choice, not sure if it still is but he now has a choice to make.

Sounds like a good problem to have. Congrats to Declan!
Getting better. I think i only coughed up 1/2 a lung today. :sick:

I gained 2 pounds and we don’t even celebrate it as a nation. How the frickin hell did that happen?

That sounds like an average Friday night at my house. :sad2:

Morning all...
From an unusually chilly South.
(of course, compared to what most of y'all deal with, it really doesn't even rate the mention).

Trying to stay positive here and engaged with the rest of the world when I'd much rather retreat form life and be a hermit.

I'm with you on both points. Move somewhere warmer that doesn't have many people there. Or, just the people i like, which wouldn't be many.

More good news on the university front, DS has been accepted in the Bachelor of Science program at the University of Prince Edward Island. That was originally his first choice, not sure if it still is but he now has a choice to make


Congratulations to him.

Good to hear you are back to pre injury capabilities. No bourbon, beer, scotch or wine with that Keto ????????????

I've considered switching to the all bourbon and beer diet. Maybe with a side of pizza, bacon, & cake. Wait, that's my current diet. :lmao:
Morning chaps from a relatively overcast London Town. Little bit of work today, the Lady K is off in Lisbon on a work jolly, so I see an unconscionably large Rib Eye in my dietary plan. With a couple of fried eggs on the side.
We had a change of heart last night so have switched our Portofino Bay reservation for the Hard Rock hotel, mainly due to the proximity of it. Anyone been there?

More good news on the university front, DS has been accepted in the Bachelor of Science program at the University of Prince Edward Island.
That's great news, so I guess now he just has to decide which one to choose? Wasn't the other one he was looking at where you went to Uni?
Running and jumping in the dark...isn't there a song about that?
I believe so, by the super sanctimonious Coldplay.
Everybody already knows the truth of it, we just collectively don't like admitting it...
If your belly ain't complaining, then you'll be gaining.
If there was a disdads T Shirt with this on it, I'd be a buyer.
He who talks the most, says the least.
Or this. Actually, a Disdads "Man Law" T Shirt would be pretty cool. Or favourite quotes from the Dis. Or "I read the Thread that shall not be named".
I've considered switching to the all bourbon and beer diet. Maybe with a side of pizza, bacon, & cake. Wait, that's my current diet. :lmao:
:laughing: I'm not really bothered about Cake. I think I'm gonna miss beer, potato chips and a fair bit of fruit. Hey Ho.
Good to hear you are back to pre injury capabilities.
Nearly mate, I'm still running round the court like a cat who has tubes round its legs.
Getting better. I think i only coughed up 1/2 a lung today. :sick:
Nice one. There's the mental image that's gonna hang with me all day, you hocking up loogies like they are goin' outta fashion.
I've been told I have quite the bedside manner.

Have a supercalifrajilisticexpealidocious day chaps.
Morning gents from a very foggy and rainy St. John's...but at least it's not the 30cm/12inches of snow they are getting just a few hours drive west of me. Thankfully the temperature stayed 3 degrees above freezing here.

I have a theatre date with youngest DD tonight to see a local production of a Christmas Carol. She's really got into musicals over the last 6 months. Not a bad thing to take an interest in I guess. Unfortunately she's got a stuffy nose and coughing up a storm now too, so everybody around us in the theatre will appreciate that I'm sure.

More good news on the university front, DS has been accepted in the Bachelor of Science program at the University of Prince Edward Island. That was originally his first choice, not sure if it still is but he now has a choice to make.
Always a big decision for a young man - leave the nest or not. Congrats and good luck to him deciding.

Getting better. I think i only coughed up 1/2 a lung today. :sick:
Well, better than a full lung I guess. Hopefully you'll be over it soon.
It's that time of year I guess.

That sounds like an average Friday night at my house. :sad2:
Very similar to my place on a Friday night too. Not that my diet is particularly good during the week, but the rails come off completely on Friday night.

Or this. Actually, a Disdads "Man Law" T Shirt would be pretty cool. Or favourite quotes from the Dis. Or "I read the Thread that shall not be named".
That would be fun. How many Friday night Princess quotes can we fit on a t-shirt?
Morning from a cool and grey Fredericton. Last day at the office this week for me and off to PEI for a basketball tournament tomorrow, first game is at UPEI so maybe it will help DS with the decision.

That's great news, so I guess now he just has to decide which one to choose? Wasn't the other one he was looking at where you went to Uni?

Yes it is, both DW and I graduated there. Somehow we both spent roughly the same amount of time there but she has two Bachelor degrees and a Masters while I just have the one bachelors and one course towards a masters degree.

Morning gents from a very foggy and rainy St. John's...but at least it's not the 30cm/12inches of snow they are getting just a few hours drive west of me. Thankfully the temperature stayed 3 degrees above freezing here.

We missed out on the storm on Tuesday, ended up being mostly rain. Seems like some of the rest of the Province and Nova Scotia are getting a mess today, lots of power outages again.
'Morning all...
Things are kind'a slow 'round here this morning.
Not that I'll let my overlords get anywhere toward realizing that fact.
Now I just need to figure out a way to grab a decent nap while still appearing to actually be productive.

More good news on the university front, DS has been accepted in the Bachelor of Science program at the University of Prince Edward Island. That was originally his first choice, not sure if it still is but he now has a choice to make.
Options are a good thing.
It will be interesting to see how the decision process works itself out.

:laughing: I like that!
I don't like the results.... but I like the rhyming line.
The never ending knot in your gut is a bit of an annoyance, but the rest of my decrepit old body pretty much hurts at one lever or another continuously anyway so I'm already fairly acclimated to the sensation.

And the fact that I'm now running out of notches for tightening my belt adds a bit of an incentive.

Good to hear from ya Rob. How's your young man doing? Any holiday music performances?
Actually, he should be graduating in a couple of weeks. At least, that's the current plan.
Then it's off to start the real schooling as he navigates the reality of making a living as a starving artist.

Bourbon and scotch are OK, as long as it’s neat. I will miss beer.
Just up the Bourbon levels in compensation.
That's my solution for the time being.

I admire your willpower.
Is it actually will power, or noting more than monumental amounts of obstinance and stupidity.?

Getting better. I think i only coughed up 1/2 a lung today. :sick:
I suppose that's an improvement.
The coughing is always the part I hate the most when I get ill.
You can just never relax or rest.

Heal up quickly, sir.

I've considered switching to the all bourbon and beer diet. Maybe with a side of pizza, bacon, & cake. Wait, that's my current diet. :lmao:
:laughing: Yep... that was the initial problem.
Compounded by the fact that it was such a satisfying problem to have.

I see an unconscionably large Rib Eye in my dietary plan.
I like this idea. And It's even allowed.
So long as I don't have the prerequisite baked potato.

or any of the add ons that make a salad worth eating.

or any kind of dessert.

"I read the Thread that shall not be named".
:rolleyes: I like this idea as well.
Good inside joke.

I'm still running round the court like a cat who has tubes round its legs.
:lmao: Now that...
That makes for quite the mental image.

How many Friday night Princess quotes can we fit on a t-shirt?
The type face may need to be right small to pull it off.
But it'd be worth it just to see the reactions caused by actually wearing such a thing down at WDW.
Good day gents, sorry for checking in late today just too much major stuff at the workplace.
'Morning all...
Things are kind'a slow 'round here this morning.
Not that I'll let my overlords get anywhere toward realizing that fact.
Now I just need to figure out a way to grab a decent nap while still appearing to actually be productive.
Ever see the Three Stooges where Curly is sleeping but has his eyelids painted with eyeballs?
Actually, he should be graduating in a couple of weeks. At least, that's the current plan.
Then it's off to start the real schooling as he navigates the reality of making a living as a starving artist.
Congratulations and all the best to him!
'Morning all...
Things are kind'a slow 'round here this morning.
Not that I'll let my overlords get anywhere toward realizing that fact.
Now I just need to figure out a way to grab a decent nap while still appearing to actually be productive.
If you figure that one out, please share.

The never ending knot in your gut is a bit of an annoyance, but the rest of my decrepit old body pretty much hurts at one lever or another continuously anyway so I'm already fairly acclimated to the sensation.

And the fact that I'm now running out of notches for tightening my belt adds a bit of an incentive.
That's why I've been so successful with keto.

Actually, he should be graduating in a couple of weeks. At least, that's the current plan.
Then it's off to start the real schooling as he navigates the reality of making a living as a starving artist.
DD wants to be an artist or a vet. I keep trying to explain to her you don't hear the term starving vet for a reason.

Is it actually will power, or noting more than monumental amounts of obstinance and stupidity.?
Or maybe that's why I've done well on keto.

I like this idea. And It's even allowed.
So long as I don't have the prerequisite baked potato.

or any of the add ons that make a salad worth eating.

or any kind of dessert.
I don't know, salad with bacon, eggs, olives and oil & vinegar is quite tasty and 100% keto friendly.
If we get a chance to meet, I'll make you some desserts that will knock your socks off without ruining your diet.

:rolleyes: I like this idea as well.
Good inside joke.
I know the joke, but unfortunately, haven't read it.

The type face may need to be right small to pull it off.
But it'd be worth it just to see the reactions caused by actually wearing such a thing down at WDW.
That would be a tiny font and yet very funny

Speaking of DD, PR's birthday is Saturday. She'll officially no longer be a minor. Making a cheesecake for.her tomorrow night and have some other plans for her 18th.
So, thanks to a Black Friday online sale, we now have a 43 or 46 inch tv in the living room - Toshiba Amazon Fire. I didn't have to continue the campus trip this week, so I spent this morning hauling the old tv and stand upstairs until we can figure out what to do with it. It was one of those old heavy, box tvs, and am certainly now sore. Everything is downloaded and I streamed a replay match of West Ham vs Man City.

That would be fun. How many Friday night Princess quotes can we fit on a t-shirt?

Just don't make it too bad that we get banned by Disney.

And the fact that I'm now running out of notches for tightening my belt adds a bit of an incentive.

Is it actually will power, or noting more than monumental amounts of obstinance and stupidity.?

Easy solution - stop wearing a belt.

As for will power, I read a study that tracked those who lost weight, including blood tests for the Biggest Loser contestants (not just winners). Apparently after your body loses weight, the body releases extra hormones to get you back to that higher weight, which is why people gain in back. See, science says I have to remain fat. I'll have another bourbon.

Hey, not sure if you noticed, but your i is upside down.

Defeating censorship one special character at a time.

Speaking of DD, PR's birthday is Saturday. She'll officially no longer be a minor. Making a cheesecake for.her tomorrow night and have some other plans for her 18th.

Happy birthday to your dd. Say hi for us.
Morning boys from a bright and breezy London Town. I'm a bit chores-tastic today, so if someone gets to the point where they wanna call it, do a Lumiere, and Be Our Guest.

I streamed a replay match of West Ham vs Man City.
Was it on the horror channel? That was a bit men against boys. Although we did have a go. They are just a completely different level to everyone.
Nice score on the tv buddy, did you get a good deal? Did you have to wrestle someone to get it?
Speaking of DD, PR's birthday is Saturday.
Happy birthday to DD.
Good day gents, sorry for checking in late today just too much major stuff at the workplace.
Priorities, man. Priorities.
Just don't make it too bad that we get banned by Disney.
I had an idea. It would definitely get banned at Disney. I'm working on a logo for the "Friday Night Princess Lounge". I'm sure many of you get the visual. Think "Bada Bing" in the Sopranos, but with Sleeping Beauty reclining and Rapunzel leaning against the pole. I'd pay top dollar for such a thing.

Have a great day chaps. Go. Follow your dream.


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