DCA info..


Apr 14, 2000
I was walking by a co-workers desk, and saw a DCA brochure on her desk. I assumed it was the same one I'd picked up at Disney Store, so I asked if she was going soon.

Nope. She just went last week, and this was the full park map. I pulled up a chair to see if her impression matched what I've been hearing on the net.

I asked if it was rainy. She was there last Thursday/Friday. Thursday was a steady drizzle, but that wasn't too bad at Disneyland. Friday morning they got up to be at DCA when it opened. Right at 8, the sky cleared, and they had great weather all day.

She added her husband decided to sleep in, and they agreed to meet back at the RV (they stayed across the street in their RV) at noon.

I asked If they'd done DCA by noon. Well, they'd done most of what they really wanted to do. They'd done Soarin' twice, Screamin' several times, Boomer, Stinger, GRR, Bugs, Muppets, and several other things. MM was closed the whole day. Zephyr only opened a couple times, for about half an hour each time.

They met the husband at noon, had lunch, then went back and re-did Soarin', Scremin' and GRR, then did animation toward evening.

Her impressions were that she was glad she did it once, but wished she could have hopped to DL by 2:00PM. Of the 6 people inher group that had been on RnRC, all 6 said it was better then Screamin' in both theme and thrill. The best thing about Scremin' for them was that you could take a picture of the people as they launched, instead of having to pay for an on-ride photo.

Only Soarin' stuck out in her mind as really good.

They checked out the whinery, but left thinking they'd buy a whole bottle later for what it would have cost for a couple glasses.

In short, her famliy had a fun day. HOWEVER, while leaving WDW last year, they were plotting when they'd be able to go back. While leaving DLR this year, they were plotting when they could go back to WDW. Even at 3 times as far, they'd much rather go to WDW than DLR again. In fact, they'd rather stay home and camp in the Colorado mountains than go back to DLR anytime soon.

In all, she really confirmed all the negative things I'd heard about DCA. More stores and restraunts than rides, and if you aren't into shopping and dining, then you'll be ready to leave after half a day. A couple cool things to do once, but little to no repeat value.

Dang I wish they sold hoppers without having to spend $250+ a night for a hotel room.
Or did you really mean to call it a "whinery"?


<font color=blue>
<font face="Alaska">"It's the time of your life, so live it well..."

Greg K.
Forest Hills, NY
<font color=maroon>
Grand Floridian: '96,'97,'99
Disneyland Hotel: '00 </font>
I got my room at DLPP for $150 a night, you can get hoppers if you stay there. It is right across the street from GC and DCA, easy 4 minute walk to DD and Monorail and 8 minutes to Disneyland through DD. But we have APs at DL, so the hopper wasn't an issue for us, just the price of going to DCA.


"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
For June, I was quoted $200-250+ a night for each DL Hotel or PP Hotel. GC was $300+.


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