Day 2 IOA/Mythos/Dive in Movie


If we couldn't laugh we'd all go insane
Jan 14, 2000
We arrived at IOA right at opening andheaded to Spiderman. DD was just tall enough to ride. I was measuring 2 tiems a day for weeks before the trip. She saw the ride on the travel channel and begged to ride. Well she loved it.
The rest of the day went great. We had lunch at Mythos and stayed i nthe park until closing. My niece does not like thrill rides but my sister talked her into riding the hulk. She loved it. The only bad thing that day was when one of the bad guys from sinbad wouldn't leave my niece alone. It was very clear to him that he was scaring her but he kept coming up to her until he was right in her face. I had to promise her that I would knock him out if he did it again just to get her to walk through that part of the park again
We headed over to our room to rest a little while before the Dive in Movie. It was a lot of fun but COLD. The movie was legally Blonde. The food they served was very good and the prices were better than I expected. We got back to the room and found out we were getting free turn down service (because of the problems we had). DD and DNi both received a necklace and bracelet on their pillows.
The day was a lot of fun and my nice got over the scary guy as soon as we got out of the lost contient.


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