dates for next trip-what do you think??


DIS Veteran
Apr 26, 2000
As I have recently started a new job so we can't go until next year-need to earn my vacation time!! I was thinking of going March 22-April 2,2003. Would this be a good time to go? Would there be any holidays/events going on that would mean major crowds during this time?

Grover in Winnipeg
You might be o.k. then. Our march break will have just ended, and Easter is late next year, so the Easter crowds should not have started already. We are going in may of 2003 just because Easter is so late.
:D Grover that would be a GREAT time to go!!!!!as we're going to be down there at that time too although we're staying down the Gulf side for 2 weeks beginning March 22 and then up to Orlando for the last 1 or possibly 2 weeks. We're not too sure of the itinerary yet!;)
wow it sounds like you will be down there for almost a whole month!! I am envious!! Will you guys be driving down or flying?

Grover in Winnipeg
:D :smooth: :D :smooth: :D
We'll be flying down....although I'l really like to try a drive down but DH says he doesn't want to waste one precious moment of his vacation time driving down! LOL;)

Yes we have the opportunity to stay for 4 weeks (not too sure financially if that will be possible what with our little CND dollar:( ) We are very fortunate to be able to stay with my cousins from the UK as they own timeshare at Cypress Pointe resort so that's a real savings for us!

The really great thing is that next year my DB and DSIL will be going with us!! I'm already starting to plan!:sunny: :sunny:
Grover, that is practically the exact same time as we are planning our next trip. We are 50 miles west of you in Portage la Prairie. Are you flying or driving? It seems airfare will never go down (paid almost $800 per person in December with NW). I think we will drive this time, unless we hear of a great deal on airfare!!!
Palendat- Nice to see another DIS'er from my neck of the woods!! That is an obscene price to pay for airfare isn't it! Our last trip we used airmiles for our airfare, the cost was free but it meant we had to change planes in both minneapolis and detroit, took all day to get to orlando. We have considered both driving and flying and I think we will fly, vacation time is just to precious to spend in the car, I am not one of those people who enjoys the journey-just want to get where I am going! What we have considered is trying to get a nicely priced flight out of minneapolis, I could tolerate the drive there, the price would have to be right. I will moniter the various airline websites closer to our trip and hopefully something great will come up. The other option is to fly from here. I have started to debate my dates, it will be peak season, our last trip was in off season so I don't know what to expect crowd wise-I do want to enjoy the trip. The other factor is hotel prices during peak as we will definately will be staying on site. I just realized a few days ago that if I can get the swan/dolphin gov discount that it is only 20.00 more than the all-stars! To bad that our dollar is horrible right now, hopefully by this time next year it will buy us a littler more! However I do not want to wait until the fall of 2003 to go either so my options are limited!! How long will you and your family be going?

Grover in Winnipeg
:D :smooth:
Grover, we are planning for an approx 11 day stay. When we went in December, we were there 8 days, and it wasn't quite long enough, esp. considering that the crowds weren't bad until the day we left. Flying out of Minneapolis sounds like a good idea. We have some vouchers from NW from the last trip and that will lower the cost. We are planning on a large family trip in Nov '03, so we would probably get annual passes in March, and use them in November as well. This will also hopefully lower our room costs. We stayed at the ASMo in Dec, and my little son LOVED it, so we would probably spend 8 nights there, and then try 3 nights at the Coronado Springs. We have never stayed at any of the moderates, so thought we would give it a try to see if it was worth the extra $$.


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