I was approved in person and with video chat very quickly for fifteen years and likely will not qualify under the new guidelines. I will admit I'm not comfortable revealing some aspects to a CM...a complete stranger. Some things are very personal and only a very few are privy.
As I stated earlier we have annual passes, DVC, and have purchased, genie, LL, whatever, etc. It takes all the tools at this point to make it possible for us. We are a large multigenerational family of longtime experienced Disney geeks doing Disney Parks for decades. We normally visit 2-3 times annually. It's way too much money to take the gamble besides the disappointment (pain and suffering). We haven't yet shared this news with the kids but we cancelled our fall trip. DH agrees it's not doable for us under these conditions. We visited in the spring and were told all interviews would take place online as of May 20th. Originally my biggest concern was the reduction of family members included under
DAS. The reality is a huge disappointment and we were blindsided.
I sincerely wish you the best. Hope your family has a magical experience..sending lots of pixie dust!