DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

Today was kind of crazy and amazing. I decided not to use DAS and to only use Genie+ to see if it would work for me. From the 1st ride, when a CM saw me, probably because of my rollator, they insisted on putting us in the lightning lanes. They asked if I had DAS and I told them yes but that we were using Genie+ today and they said, " Oh but DAS will work better for you." They offered to either put me and my group immediately in the lightning lane or to give me a return time. I took the return times because I was feeling awestruck. Not expecting this treatment for the rest of our trip but DANG today was fantastic! Forgot to say we received this bonus in 2 parks!!! And I still don't know if Genie+ would work.
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Whelp. Just got banned from a DAS FB group for trying to tell people the new accommodations, what has worked for some people (trying those then going back to Disney and getting approved based on evidence), that people need to explain the “why” instead of the disability, and my opinion that medical documentation is not the answer. It seems like some groups don’t want to look at what to do next and possible solutions. I guess giving people information I’ve read and seen from others is “mean”.

Honestly, could you have been banned for trying to cheat the system? To me, if you're trying to tell people what they need to say to get DAS, my guess would be that you're banned for that, not for being mean.

Keep in mind that when you're sharing what has worked for some people, it's mostly the scammers and abusers of DAS who are taking notes. So, maybe consider this before you start going on groups and forums and telling people what "works" to get DAS.
Whelp. Just got banned from a DAS FB group for trying to tell people the new accommodations, what has worked for some people (trying those then going back to Disney and getting approved based on evidence), that people need to explain the “why” instead of the disability, and my opinion that medical documentation is not the answer. It seems like some groups don’t want to look at what to do next and possible solutions. I guess giving people information I’ve read and seen from others is “mean”.
Ouch, that can really hurt your feelings but try not to take it personally. There's a lot of panic mode right now. I've been biting my tongue a lot about wanting to remind people it's only been a couple years that anyone got a DAS before arrival at all, you used to plan a whole trip, arrive, and then have to go ask. People are too busy panicking to think about it or consider the possibility of a change not being horrific. (I understand the panic and anxiety, but I can both understand that and recognize that it isn't helping as SOME will inevitably find they didn't NEED it as much as they thought)
Honestly, could you have been banned for trying to cheat the system? To me, if you're trying to tell people what they need to say to get DAS, my guess would be that you're banned for that, not for being mean.

Keep in mind that when you're sharing what has worked for some people, it's mostly the scammers and abusers of DAS who are taking notes. So, maybe consider this before you start going on groups and forums and telling people what "works" to get DAS.
No, it’s not that big group. This is a smaller group that promotes people sharing…. I mentioned being worried about scammers and it was stated that they do not care about scammers, that is disneys problem. I was banned because they did not like that I was offering alternative suggestions that Disney has put out and that I disagreed with peoples stance on medical documentation. Definitely not a group where you can’t say diagnosis or what was discussed.

ETA - the things I was sharing is what disneys new alternatives are, that people should state why they can’t wait in line instead of diagnosis; and that I heard some people tried the alternatives which didn’t work, so they went back to DAS CM to discuss. Things that have been shared here as well. They seem to only want DAS and anyone who brings up alternatives is being an “ableist” or so I was called.
Ouch, that can really hurt your feelings but try not to take it personally. There's a lot of panic mode right now. I've been biting my tongue a lot about wanting to remind people it's only been a couple years that anyone got a DAS before arrival at all, you used to plan a whole trip, arrive, and then have to go ask. People are too busy panicking to think about it or consider the possibility of a change not being horrific. (I understand the panic and anxiety, but I can both understand that and recognize that it isn't helping as SOME will inevitably find they didn't NEED it as much as they thought)
Yes this is most likely it. People are far too panicky and anxious and don’t want to consider other options right now. I get it, but in my head I was trying to help better explain to people and it obviously was perceived differently. It’s ok though as it’s not the group for me. I can get my info elsewhere!
If it’s feasible for you and you don’t get DAS, you might want to consider the international parks for future trips/check if your daughter would be eligible at one of those. Not ideal but a way to still experience the magic :)
Right now Tokyo costs less than Disney World because of how weak the Yen is.
No, it’s not that big group. This is a smaller group that promotes people sharing…. I mentioned being worried about scammers and it was stated that they do not care about scammers, that is disneys problem. I was banned because they did not like that I was offering alternative suggestions that Disney has put out and that I disagreed with peoples stance on medical documentation. Definitely not a group where you can’t say diagnosis or what was discussed.

ETA - the things I was sharing is what disneys new alternatives are, that people should state why they can’t wait in line instead of diagnosis; and that I heard some people tried the alternatives which didn’t work, so they went back to DAS CM to discuss. Things that have been shared here as well. They seem to only want DAS and anyone who brings up alternatives is being an “ableist” or so I was called.
Come on, even I think there could be other alternatives to the DAS for many, I do think they may have gone too strict the other way, but I do think there are other choices that can work for many.
Whelp. Just got banned from a DAS FB group for trying to tell people the new accommodations, what has worked for some people (trying those then going back to Disney and getting approved based on evidence), that people need to explain the “why” instead of the disability, and my opinion that medical documentation is not the answer. It seems like some groups don’t want to look at what to do next and possible solutions. I guess giving people information I’ve read and seen from others is “mean”.
What? An internet discussion thread controlled by power mongers with agendas?!?!!
Right now Tokyo costs less than Disney World because of how weak the Yen is.
From the east coast the airfare is very expensive. I keep my eye out but the best deals still blow the budget. Getting back and forth and settling in takes days. Without also intending to visit Japan the time and airfare investment gets hard to justify.
From the east coast the airfare is very expensive. I keep my eye out but the best deals still blow the budget. Getting back and forth and settling in takes days. Without also intending to visit Japan the time and airfare investment gets hard to justify.
How is airfare to Paris? Disneyland Paris has 2 types of DAS, both need providing documentation.
Well I have some good news! My sister failed in her annual DAS scam and was refused. Her usual ADHD thing didn't work. She did it in person in the park.

I found out from my nephew, can't wait to gloat to her!
When you state "she did it in person" - was she directed to an iPad at GR?
When you state "she did it in person" - was she directed to an iPad at GR?
While in Florida as opposed to a video call from the UK before hand.

My nephew messaged me because I have been telling them it's vile for years! Her attitude was always that if its so easy to do everyone will be scamming it and if you can't beat them join them.
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I hate how Disney as a company rolls out changes and then basically throws CMs under the bus. It is like when the Oceaneers club on DCL lowered it's age but they were telling guests to speak to crew onboard about exceptions that might need to be made (they didn't make exceptions, the new rule took effect and crew had to deal with upset and mislead parents).

This feels similar for RTQ. Especially since we are hearing from CMs that they have been told to rarely grant it and that they will be audited and tracked and could be disciplined for granting too many. What if a CM has guests with legitimate needs but they are worried that they might be over their quota of RTQ? Also this is going to make accessing LL a mess. Guests will go up to speak to CMs manning the LL to explain their need for RTQ (and I bet in the process sharing some sensitive medical information within hearing of others) and then the CM will likely deny them and the guest will argue back and meanwhile the line is likely going to be blocked or held up. Disney should not mention RTQ if is not a likely accommodation (and from what we are hearing it will not be) just like the guest services call center should not have told guests of DCL that they could speak to crew onboard and be accommodated outside the new age range for Oceaneers.

Disney needs to stop throwing their front line CMs in front of the bus that is their new and poorly announced policies.
Completely agree...but they also know after a few weeks of initial outrage (because nobody likes change), people will settle down. They are banking on that happening here again.
Honestly, I don't think this group is as negative as some others do. All are acknowledging that the system needed changes to be sustainable. There's been much less focus on blame (thanks to the moderators). People are disagreeing, yes. People are voicing reasonable concerns, yes. Some people have chosen to cancel trips when they were denied DAS, yes - and that is their right. But the feel I get from this thread is that people are cautious but on the we hope it works out better than it seems on paper view, rather than a this is all doomed to fail. I put myself in that category. I'm sure some here think I'm nothing but negative. But I am cautious and have reasonable concerns while also hoping that even if we do get denied that we will find a way to make it work. Disney means enough to our family that it's worth that.

Other places I've read there's a lot more blaming, shaming, discounting of disabilities, telling people to stay home if they are disabled. It's truly negative and disappointing on a human level. That's not this place, and for that I am grateful.
Agree with everything here! I am following along in roughly 5 different groups right now. This one is easily the best of the 5 in terms of information sharing, discussing concerns and also understanding why we are here (general abuse/overuse), as well as being aware of things Disney always recommended/had in their guides.
Does anyone remember when they started moving away from granting mobility issues for DAS? Was it simply when the system changed from GAC to DAS?
Today was kind of crazy and amazing. I decided not to use DAS and to only use Genie+ to see if it would work for me. From the 1st ride, when a CM saw me, probably because of my rollator, they insisted on putting us in the lightning lanes. They asked if I had DAS and I told them yes but that we were using Genie+ today and they said, " Oh but DAS will work better for you." They offered to either put me and my group immediately in the lightning lane or to give me a return time. I took the return times because I was feeling awestruck. Not expecting this treatment for the rest of our trip but DANG today was fantastic! Forgot to say we received this bonus in 2 parks!!! And I still don't know if Genie+ would work.
Was this at WDW or DLR? Either way it’s wild, but I know things are handled differently in some ways ant the two parks, so worth asking! And can you get your money back for the G+ that was never used?!
Right now Tokyo costs less than Disney World because of how weak the Yen is.
Yep, Tokyo’s been my ‘home’ park for years despite living in the U.K. as I speak some Japanese and find it a lot easier to manage with my disabilities via their fastpass systems (one of which is paid). I’ve not yet had to use their disability system as a result but likely will for my next trip due to the new area that’s opened. Visit three times a year without issues and without waiting more than 10-15 minutes in any line. Grew up going to WDW yearly but not in a rush to go back atm for a number of reasons, including the recent DAS changes.
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