DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

I'd still call on May 10th unless Disney updates their disabilities page. If it is updated, I'm sure it will be stickied on the Disabilities home page.

Hugs- I feel pretty certain that Disney will help all of us with disabilities. May be different that what we had before but I've been through this with my niece who had the GAC card. Then Disney changed the GAC card. Then GAC poofed. We have DAS and now it is changing. It's been okay before and it will be okay this time too.

Thank you! I plan on calling but I know I'll be a wreck. I'm sure everything will work out how it should. Just a lot of unknowns which dont help things. I really appreciate it
Yes, I realize the Accessing Attraction Queues page of the Guests with Disabilities lists Rider Switch as an option to access queues. But it doesn't indicate a person with a disability can be part of a swap without a non-rider. The same is shown in the WDW Accessibility Planning Guide & Recommendations dated April 5, 2024:
View attachment 853916

By comparison, the DLR/DCA Guide states this, which clearly indicates someone can use Rider Switch and have a member of their party do the waiting [in the queue]:
View attachment 853917

So... I'm not saying WDW won't make a change that allows a disabled guest to use Rider Swap, but current documentation is different at WDW than at DLR.
Oh..I’m sorry, I didn’t realize they were only allowing rider swap if the person with the disability isn’t riding.. that seems counterproductive, but they probably have a good reason 🤷🏼‍♀️
So I saw your post earlier, and just to clarify -- you may have a diagnosis that fits into the "autism or similar" category, but if you are currently able to do the parks without DAS then you most likely don't have the "need" aspect of qualifying for DAS. Many people with the same diagnosis will have different needs, and even further some may have developed their own coping mechanisms to help them with their needs. I'm not asking you to expand further, but it is very important that the public realize DAS is not simply a blanket accommodation available to anybody with a certain diagnosis. Individuals must still present the need.
I am not on the Spectrum. :)

However, that really was not what I was trying to stress. I did not mean for it to come across that way. I agree, one person to the next with the same diagnosis may not have the same limitations. :) I was responding to the comment about people suing Disney over a doctor's not not being read and accepted..... that other than following ADA laws, Disney is not required by law to go beyond that. Anything else they do is "extra".
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And i think that is a really big deal… I know it’s just 10 minutes, but the DAS guest is already waiting the standby time, and then waiting in the LL and then has to wait an additional 10 min to choose a new attraction…

It all adds up and I think that is a big step in the right direction.. making the DAS less attractive to those who want to be dishonest to get one.
For a lot of people who use DAS we’ve been saying we can’t select a new ride until after we’re off anyway because we’re helping and situating the disabled person. And the LL is often 10 min or more on those attractions anyway.
Apologies if been answered, but everytime look at this thread, it seems another 20 pages added! LOL. How will Disney know if someone faked a condition to get DAS?
What? DAS definitely isn't "the entire reason" GotG is still virtual queue. It's still virtual queue because it's still so popular that the VQ fills up seconds after opening.

Disney wants people walking around Epcot spending money, not waiting in line for 5+ hours when the queue definitely doesn't have the space for it (especially since 80% of Epcot's most popular rides are tucked into that little area).

I can only imagine how long the waits for that would be, especially after Test Track closes. FoP still routinely has 3+ hour waits, even without any of the other big rides being down for refurb.
I don't know about that.

The afternoon VQ for Cosmic Rewind often took HOURS to fill up even just a few months after the ride opened.
Oh..I’m sorry, I didn’t realize they were only allowing rider swap if the person with the disability isn’t riding.. that seems counterproductive, but they probably have a good reason 🤷🏼‍♀️
That is disappointing.

It seems like such an obvious solution that RS could be used so the disabled person doesn’t have to wait in that line.

So you’re only allowed to use RS to benefit everyone except the disabled person? That makes no sense to me.
I think of you are register under the old rules it is valid for 30 days, but I have not seen an AP confirm that.
MK holder here -- renewed my DAS at DL today. CM told me that everything is still the same as it was, but my expiration date is now 30 days out, not 60. Next time I renew, the expiration date will be 6/17 (the day before the new program rolls out).
Oh..I’m sorry, I didn’t realize they were only allowing rider swap if the person with the disability isn’t riding.. that seems counterproductive, but they probably have a good reason 🤷🏼‍♀️
I don’t read it as the person with the disability isn’t riding. I read it as the person with the disabiility isn’t riding in the first group. So the person with the disability in that example still gets to ride without waiting in the standby queue.
That is disappointing.

It seems like such an obvious solution that RS could be used so the disabled person doesn’t have to wait in that line.

So you’re only allowed to use RS to benefit everyone except the disabled person? That makes no sense to me.

WDW has not explained a version of Rider Swap to use for disabilities. There has been a lot of speculation throughout this thread.

DLR/DCA apparently does allow (encourages) Rider Swap for those with some disability needs. However, I'm not sure I've seen anybody post who has used it in that manner.

I don’t read it as the person with the disability isn’t riding. I read it as the person with the disabiility isn’t riding in the first group. So the person with the disability in that example still gets to ride without waiting in the standby queue.

Rider Swap at WDW is not (currently) set-up to provide accommodations for the person with a disability -- or to allow their extended family members a chance to ride with a short wait. There are probably several scenarios that include a person with a disability riding using Rider Swap, but at WDW up to this time the point of the Rider Swap is not as an accommodation for the disability; it's to allow a family member to wait with a non-rider.

That may change and WDW may adopt Rider Swap similar to DLR/DCA. However, that has not yet been communicated as such.
I searched for a thread but only saw one regarding Disneyland.

I’ve seen mention of some changes in DAS process happening beginning May 20th. We go in June so shortly after the changes take place so I just want to be sure I understand them. Has anyone else read about this yet? Can we discuss?

For the first point below, does this mean there is paperwork I need to gather in advance or submit to someone?

  • We are teaming with Inspire Health Alliance’s health professionals, to help our Cast Members, as needed, determine eligibility for appropriate accommodations and ensure that these accommodations are provided only for the guests for whom they are intended.
  • We will be making efforts to preserve the Disability Access Service (DAS) for those it’s intended to accommodate — only those guests who, due to a developmental disability like autism or similar, are unable to wait in a conventional queue for an extended period of time. To help with this, we are also extending DAS enrollment for eligible guests from 60 days to 120 days and adjusting DAS party size to include no more than four, except for immediate family members.
These updates take effect on May 20 at the Walt Disney World Resort and on June 18 at the Disneyland Resort.

My daughter has type1 diabetes and has always used das..will she be able to use it again in August?
My daughter has type1 diabetes and has always used das..will she be able to use it again in August?

It is likely Disney may offer another accommodation for her. I suggestion you do the video chat within 30 days of your visit, explain her needs, and see what they say. Also, hopefully by then we'll have some first-hand reports.

I’m not trying to be argumentative or anything.. but I just took a look at the WDW website to see if the information I was getting (and then sharing ) was valid..

And I didn’t know if maybe they have updated it recently …but it now lists Rider Swap as a program that can be used by those with disabilities to access the line


Below is a list of options to assist guests in accessing attraction queues.

Rider Switch
Single Rider
Disney Genie Service
Disability Access Service
Stroller as a Wheelchair Tag
Navigating Queues with Service Animals

Rider Switch​

Rider switch is a program available to all Guests. With Rider Switch, Guests can wait with member(s) of their party who aren’t riding due to any of the reasons listed below. Once the first Guest returns the waiting Guest can board the attraction without having to wait in the regular line again!

Rider Switch is available for Guests who meet one of the following:
  • Does not meet the boarding requirements
  • Has a service animal that cannot board the attraction or does not want to use a provided kennel
  • Meets boarding requirement and does not want to ride but cannot wait outside queue on their own
Rider Switch is available at most attractions throughout Walt Disney World Resort.
How to Use Rider Switch

And I don’t remember who was asking about this… but they do say that even if the person meets the hight requirement, but just doesn’t want to ride… they can now use RS for those scenarios …

I hope it’s helpful ( I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to post the link to the disability page for WDW and I apologize if I broke a rule)
Hopefully more will be posted specifically, because of right now they aren't showing much at all for anyone with other conditions. It's a little disheartening having planned a vacation back at the beginning of the year because don't have the ability to just show up whenever like an AP and I had no time to adjust how I usually had to plan for the trip to deal with my disability. Another month of excruciating waiting to expect (probably) vastly adjusted program for people with other disabilities from the rumors in this thread (return to queue as one option).

They specifically are trying to help others, with DDs being listed only in DAS and in assisting programs they wrote 2 overall types of disabilities with internal disabilities lacking:

Some of the programs described below provide accommodations that may be required for specific types of mental or physical impairments.
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I registered 4/20 for my teenage son. We are 2 parents, 3 kids. Trip May 18-May 23. Took nearly 3 hours to complete the queue, the video chat and the preselection forms. My sons issues should qualify under the new rules, we did not discuss new vs old I just shared my concerns and that was it.
Oh..I’m sorry, I didn’t realize they were only allowing rider swap if the person with the disability isn’t riding.. that seems counterproductive, but they probably have a good reason 🤷🏼‍♀️

That is disappointing.

It seems like such an obvious solution that RS could be used so the disabled person doesn’t have to wait in that line.

So you’re only allowed to use RS to benefit everyone except the disabled person? That makes no sense to me.

WDW has not explained a version of Rider Swap to use for disabilities. There has been a lot of speculation throughout this thread.

DLR/DCA apparently does allow (encourages) Rider Swap for those with some disability needs. However, I'm not sure I've seen anybody post who has used it in that manner.

Rider Swap at WDW is not (currently) set-up to provide accommodations for the person with a disability -- or to allow their extended family members a chance to ride with a short wait. There are probably several scenarios that include a person with a disability riding using Rider Swap, but at WDW up to this time the point of the Rider Swap is not as an accommodation for the disability; it's to allow a family member to wait with a non-rider.

That may change and WDW may adopt Rider Swap similar to DLR/DCA. However, that has not yet been communicated as such.
I don't know about which Disneyland attractions were previously on the list of attractions offering Rider Switch, but at WDW, there was a list of attractions and it was previously only those with height requirements.

The Rider Switch information on the Disneyland page says
- "Rider Switch is available at all attractions in Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure Park."

The Rider Switch information on the WDW page says
- "Rider Switch is available at most attractions throughout Walt Disney World Resort."

We don't know the real answer, but it might be as simple as maybe WDW hasn't competed training yet for all the attractions that had not previously offered Rider Switch.
It could also be that both websites are doing a lot of updating/editing and things are being missed. The DL website Rider Switch information on the disability page is again back to not including disabled guests who do want to ride, but can't wait in the queue. I don't know why, but it could have been changed because WDW isn't ready and they want the policies to be the same for both.
MK holder here -- renewed my DAS at DL today. CM told me that everything is still the same as it was, but my expiration date is now 30 days out, not 60. Next time I renew, the expiration date will be 6/17 (the day before the new program rolls out).
Thanks for the first-hand report from the west coast! Just to clarify...when you say your expiration date will be 6/17 - is that the DAS expiration date? I'm trying to figure out how that is 30 days. Or maybe you mean your MagicKey expiration?
I’m trying to figure out if the new 10 minute waiting period goes into effect now or starting May 20th? We have a trip May 12th-15th. Just trying to be prepared. That extra 10 minutes along with longer LL queues might make a significant impact for us.
I’m trying to figure out if the new 10 minute waiting period goes into effect now or starting May 20th? We have a trip May 12th-15th. Just trying to be prepared. That extra 10 minutes along with longer LL queues might make a significant impact for us.
New rules, aka, 10 minute waiting, if I'm reading correctly, go into effect starting May 20th.


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