Cycling Disney World is Amazing... 3:30am.


Mar 9, 2019
I’m not sure if this qualifies as a trip report but three days riding my bike was the highlight of my 5-day Disney World getaway (which, for perspective, included SWGE opening day).


If you search for cycling in these forums, you are likely to see my other post asking if riding a bicycle around Disney World is a reasonable activity. You would also see the general consensus is a resounding “No. Do not ride your bike at Disney World.”

Those people are not wrong, but experienced cyclists can take that with a grain of salt. It was a truly magical and unique experience for me and I will bring my bike again.

To start with logistics, cyclists will be happy to know Disney’s Magical Express complimentary luggage service will gladly take your bike box from the airport to your hotel room. (If you don’t already have a bike box, it is Sign #1 that cycling Disney may not be for you).

I checked the box with my airline upon departure and it showed up in my resort room 4-hours after landing. The cast member did remark it was the largest box he’s delivered and wondered what was inside. Upon hearing it was a bike, he was quick to point out his recommendations for riding trails. (In this case, Old Key West resort with a trail network to Disney Springs).

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However, I was not seeking a leisurely ride on a comfort bike on a dedicated trail. I had done my research on Strava and came to take some KOM segments. (If that last sentence sounds like gibberish, it is Sign #2 that cycling Disney may not be for you).

Looking at Strava, local cyclists do frequent Disney property with segments of all shapes and sizes (well… no mountain stages but still good variety…). Moreover, those rides were just as likely to take place at 3pm on a Thursday as 6am on a Saturday. So, to experienced road cyclists, Disney World isn’t the no-go-zone it seems.

That isn’t to say people’s general concerns about safety are not well founded. Most of the roads at Disney World resemble high speed freeways. Compounding that, the drivers are unfamiliar tourists looking at the GPS more than the road. Whether you ride day or night, a high-power, high-end tail light is a must have, with my additional recommendation for a headlight and mirror being wise choices too.

To make my ride even safer, I took the step of riding early… very early. (If you aren’t accustomed to early morning cycling events already, this will be Sign #3 that cycling Disney may not be for you).
I anticipated a window between 4am and 6am where the drunks would be gone, and the tourists not yet out. I wound up riding even earlier due to jet lag and 3:30am became my time out the door.

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For my late August stay, this provided perfect riding weather. Orlando can obviously be hot & humid with daily afternoon thunder showers. I’m not sure if I was lucky, but I had consistent, mild, dry and windless rides at that early hour.

In regards to traffic, you are only likely see security and sheriff vehicles at that time. To Disney’s credit, there are many law enforcement vehicles making their rounds and I’d see one every 10-minutes. That certainly added to my feeling of safety because any unreasonable driver would be spotted and pulled from the road quickly.

I did notice a relative increase in traffic around 4:30am as employees started showing up for work. Every vehicle erred to the side of caution by waiting until safe to pass, and then providing me with ample space.

Traffic steadily grew and my target was to be back at the resort by 5am. That was not so much a safety decision as the magic of riding on perfect roads alone in silence was being diminished.


An extreme example of that was the 6am grand opening of Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge. On that date, the roads and sidewalks were already steady with people heading to Hollywood Studios by 4am. I cut my ride very short that morning and got a sense of what riding Disney during the day would be like.

My interactions with cast members we all positive. Although some were surprised to see a bicycle, everyone would smile and wave. Security Guards at the resort gates were the most put out. It was clear they didn’t know exactly what to do for a 4am cyclist asking to ride around their property. Technically, any resort guest can visit another resort. So, scanning your Magic Band and being friendly as they call their supervisor will go a long way. I was never denied access to anything… and that includes riding right up to the Magic Kingdom entry gates (which is normally past security screening).


And finally, the riding itself.

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I have never experienced roads as smooth and flat as these. Potholes simply don’t exist at Disney World. The serenity was also unmatched. Whether I was on a single lane back road, or a multi-lane street, it was incredibly quiet. I felt like I had any given area all to myself. In a place normally so busy, it is a unique experience to cherish.


I didn’t ‘explore’ as much as I would have liked since I had game plan to take some KOMs. Here are the areas I got to ride around:
-Port Orleans Riverside and French Quarter
-Fort Wilderness
-Magic Kingdom area with Contemporary Resort
-Hollywood Studios entrance
-The Boardwalk resort area
-The Bonnet Creek (Hilton, Wyndham, Waldorf) area

Pro-Tip:Use the Strava Route Planner when deciding how to get from A-to-B by bike. Strava uses its archive of rider data to keep you on cycle friendly roads (where possible) and off highways that normal GPS/mapping software would recommend.

I just loooovvvveee this. Something I haven't seen documented a lot. I always though having a bike at SSR or OKW was the way go, but never got much feedback with so. I guess Port Orleans would be great as well.
A small update for anyone searching the “Disney cycling” topic in the future.

I saw two cyclists riding to the start of the 2020 Disney Marathon at about 4am. I was on the monorail and their flashing tail lights caught my eye. They were just approaching the parking entrance booths in a mess of traffic. They were road bikes and seemed confident riding through the cars. So, probably locals who ride around often.

It was a wise move since traffic caused a 30-minute delay in Marathon start.
Interesting. I’ve ridden around the Walt Disney World area for my last six or seven trips. I generally ride out Western Way to Avalon, north on Avalon to Seidel, east on Seidel all the way back to 535 and then back down 535 to Disney Springs, then west back to wherever I’m staying. I ride early mornings and mid to late afternoon. It’s about 45-50 km and takes about an hour and forty five minutes.

These roads are not for the timid and are far less than ideal. The only bright spot is that off property, most drivers are very courteous and generally give lots of room when passing and/or wait for the road to widen before they do; road planners in this part of the world seem to have forgotten about shoulders. Riding on WDW property is a harrowing ordeal and not for the faint of heart - keep your head on a swivel, hold your ground (literally) and expect to be flipped the bird (often).
I guess this is the generic thread for the few, the proud, the people weird enough to bring a bike to Disney World. Well--I bring my Brompton whenever I go to Florida and I usually combine my Disney trip with time in Tampa and St Pete so it's not like I'm specifically bringing the bike to Disney. But I would like to know where to bike! Is the Old Key West to Disney Springs trail the OP mentions an established biking trail, not something where security is going to look at you like you're up to something if you ride it?

The thing is I have seen cyclists at Disney--I don't know what type of Disney employees they are, they aren't the regular security guards who dress like the security guards at the mall, these guys are like the special forces or something--they wear yellow tops and I think blue pants and they bike around the park. I wonder if that's who Chrisizzle saw from the monorail at 4 AM.

When I stayed at Saratoga Springs I rode around that big, empty property--boring but safe. Security would not let me ride around Disney Springs after hours. When I stayed at the Dolphin I had good luck riding around the Boardwalk/Yacht Club/Dolphin loop and down to Hollywood Studios and back. Late at night, nobody to worry about colliding with, an ideal length for riding some laps...until the night security finally noticed me and threw me out lol. Maybe I could have gotten away with it if I'd been staying at Boardwalk/Yacht Club and not at Swan/Dolphin...anyway I ended up doing some loops around the Swolphin, stuck to the sidewalks which were not in great shape on the outskirts of the property, let me tell you.
I would like to pop in and ask if you were putting your bike in your room at night or if you were able to find bike racks around property?
I would like to pop in and ask if you were putting your bike in your room at night or if you were able to find bike racks around property?

I was staying at Old Key West Resort. I was on the ground floor and every suite has an external entrance. I kept my bike in the room but I didn't have to march it through a lobby and up an elevator. Even if I did, I would keep my bike in my room until told otherwise by resort staff. I am not sure what Disney resort policy is for bikes if the guest rooms are inside.

Hope that helps,
Don’t forget to mention the deer and the turkey vultures that are on property .
It is also very easy to get lost or confused on property. What are the safety recommendations that you carry with you besides your cellphone?

Forgot to mention how great the trip report with your pics. Thanks
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Don’t forget to mention the deer and the turkey vultures that are on property .
It is also very easy to get lost or confused on property. What are the safety recommendations that you carry with you besides your cellphone?

Personally, I went riding with a purpose. I wanted to win some Strava segments. That means stringing together 2 or 3 locations on property each night and figuring out how to get there. Before I even left home for Disney, I looked at Google maps (both car & cycling options), plus the Strava heatmaps to figure out what roads were bike friendly (relatively speaking).

It was intimidating the first night but I felt at home by the second night. The roads are less confusing when you bike them. Things go slower and you won't ride past an on-ramp to get lost.

Bonnet Creek Parkway (by Old Key West and Port Orleans) and Vista Way (by Fort Wilderness to Magic Kingdom) are pleasant, quieter roads.

As for safety, I had my headlight, taillight, mirror...but the phone is ultimately your best device.
Thanks so much for sharing this, it's exactly what I've been looking for in my research about cycling at WDW. I was going to ask you to share your Strava routes, but I see you put the screenshots in your second post. Do you care to share the ride in Strava that brought you to the front of Magic Kingdom, so I can zoom in on the map? Feel free to DM me. :)
Thanks so much for sharing this, it's exactly what I've been looking for in my research about cycling at WDW. I was going to ask you to share your Strava routes, but I see you put the screenshots in your second post. Do you care to share the ride in Strava that brought you to the front of Magic Kingdom, so I can zoom in on the map? Feel free to DM me. :)

Strava link below but basically, get yourself to Bay Lake Tower and take the path/sidewalk to the front of Magic Kingdom.

During business hours, there is a standard security checkpoint on the path but it is unmanned in the middle of the night. I rode right up to Magic Kingdom and even spoke to a maintenance cast member to make sure it was ok to be there.

I don’t know when but am looking forward to bringing my bike back to Disney.

Ride safe and have fun.
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