Crowing with VICTORY!

Neapolitan Ice Cream

DIS Veteran
Mar 18, 2021
I have passed my final exam with flying colours! My dissertation was excellent, my spoken word script had “Excellent tonal delivery, nice rhythmic and calm voice with appropriate pauses.” and my essay is now logged on the national database to be used by Hypnotherapists the world over! I am now Don Ricardo, DHP Acc. Hyp., fully accredited hypnotherapist! So nice the tutor left a special note for me: “Excellent work throughout the course, well done.” It took 5 weeks to mark this final test, I was so worried that I'd fail and would have to re-take and wait another 5 weeks - at least!
Not resting on my laurels! Just started a follow-up course. Can take up to 6 months, but you can go as fast as you like. Will give me the letters Dip.Hyp. after my name. Can never have too much education!


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