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OK, so it's not MY cringe story, but it's so good, I have to share....

A current coworker of mine worked as a custodian in Disney's College program. She said that the day she saw a woman holding her 2-3 year old child over a garbage can to, ahem.., do Number 2 was the day she decided to quit.
We were at Blizzard Beach last June and it looked like it was going to start to rain so we packed up and headed out. While waiting for a bus back to the resort it started to thunder - so they closed the park. As we continued to wait at the front of the line for a bus EVERYONE :scared1:from Blizzard Beach started showing up at the bus stops.

After 30 minutes still not many buses had come and there was a HUGH crowd starting to build and to top it off the thunder was turning to lightening. A bus finally stopped at our bus stop and this lady runs up to the bus driver screaming and yelling at the bus driver that our bus (ALL STARS) should take her (and her group) to THEIR resort instead!!! That they were waiting longer, etc. :confused3

I mean she went crazy yelling. The bus driver tried to tell her he couldn't do that - so then she went to stand in front of the bus, yelling that she wouldn't move! The other people in the line (this was hundreds of people) started shouting at her to get out of the way. Another bus driver came over to help load our bus. And we eventually drove away.

I'm not sure what happened to her - but that was the closest I have ever been to feeling like a riot was about to start. :scared1:

:laughing::laughing::laughing: That's hysterical. I can just picture it. I know it must have been scary, but reading about it, it's just darn funny. She really must have been a little off!:rotfl2:
I've changed some diapers that I wouldn't subject others to!

Thank God for you!

The other would be walking through World Showcase and getting in to Germany where we witnessed a parent helping their child vomit over the fence in to the grass. Now, I understand when a kids throwing up and it comes out of no where there's sometimes nothing you can do about it. But, it's a little different when the parent says "If you're going to puke, do it over the fence. I don't want to have to deal with cleaning it up!" :crazy2:

Is that literally what the parent said? :sad2: I had a bad experience when I got sick on my first trip to WDW. My stomach was so upset that I couldn't walk without puking, so I was in a wheelchair that day. My parents took my sister on Test Track while I sat in my wheelchair next to some planters. Those plants did not appreciate what I did to them. :crazy2: The way I see it is that it's better to vomit in the bushes than in the walkway. But if a parent had an attitude like that, that's rather upsetting.

OK, so it's not MY cringe story, but it's so good, I have to share.... A current coworker of mine worked as a custodian in Disney's College program. She said that the day she saw a woman holding her 2-3 year old child over a garbage can to, ahem.., do Number 2 was the day she decided to quit.

What is wrong with people? Man, I would quit too.
We watched a lady lay her 2 year old child on the floor of the bus to sleep after a long night at MK.

We once got stuck on the monorail for 90 minutes after park close. There were 8 kids under 6...2 babies...the rest stinky old adults (Like Us). After the first 30 minutes...the kids started melting down...then there were a couple of diaper changes...this was all done with the oh so subtle undercurrent of Serious B.O. The next hour was like akin to a horror movie...We were just trapped...all of us. After about an hour...all the adults started chipping in to take care of kids...we tried singing...Didn't work...we looked for lightening bugs...that was good for 10 minutes.

Honestly, we've never been so glad to see the grand floridian stop.
Hey guys, I'm a cast member, and this, I think, is considered to be a bit cringe-worthy.

Yesterday, when I was working at the TTC, I was closing up the Will Call booth(which is for online reservations, birthdays, etc.) after my manager told me to shut it down, and a guest from the enxt Will Call line came over to me after I already locked the chains at the booth, and asked if they could get on the line (even though I saw that his family was already on the other line and they had obviously seen me close this one), so I said "Sorry sir, this line just closed, but the next one down is for the same tickets and is going fast." Then he said "And I though you all were supposed to be nice to us and let us in..." So I just said "I'm sorry sir, but my boss informed me to close this booth down.

Not even two minutes later, while the booth was just about to close for good and I was directing guests down to the next line, he comes back with a videocamera and stands not even three feet away from me and starts taping me, saying "This is for a newspaper article on hospitality, mind turning around for me?" while I was turning away from this incredibly rude guest who then proceeded to say "Thanks" after saying a few other rude comments to me, that I'm sure he didn't think I heard. So, I went to my managers, after feeling incredibly uncomfortable and not knowing what else this man would do and WHY he would be so rude and videotape me without my consent. Needless to say, security and my managers had a "chat" with him and he eventually apogolized, saying that it was just a joke, and that he was only kidding around with me. Really? Well, they said he was definitely scared off and that he wouldn't cause any more trouble.
Hey guys, I'm a cast member, and this, I think, is considered to be a bit cringe-worthy.

Yesterday, when I was working at the TTC, I was closing up the Will Call booth(which is for online reservations, birthdays, etc.) after my manager told me to shut it down, and a guest from the enxt Will Call line came over to me after I already locked the chains at the booth, and asked if they could get on the line (even though I saw that his family was already on the other line and they had obviously seen me close this one), so I said "Sorry sir, this line just closed, but the next one down is for the same tickets and is going fast." Then he said "And I though you all were supposed to be nice to us and let us in..." So I just said "I'm sorry sir, but my boss informed me to close this booth down.

Not even two minutes later, while the booth was just about to close for good and I was directing guests down to the next line, he comes back with a videocamera and stands not even three feet away from me and starts taping me, saying "This is for a newspaper article on hospitality, mind turning around for me?" while I was turning away from this incredibly rude guest who then proceeded to say "Thanks" after saying a few other rude comments to me, that I'm sure he didn't think I heard. So, I went to my managers, after feeling incredibly uncomfortable and not knowing what else this man would do and WHY he would be so rude and videotape me without my consent. Needless to say, security and my managers had a "chat" with him and he eventually apogolized, saying that it was just a joke, and that he was only kidding around with me. Really? Well, they said he was definitely scared off and that he wouldn't cause any more trouble.

I'm impressed that you kept your composure and did the right thing.
I hope this idiot didn't have kids that witnessed this obnoxious behavior.
I'm impressed that you kept your composure and did the right thing.
I hope this idiot didn't have kids that witnessed this obnoxious behavior.

Thank you, and, unfortunately, he had two daughters, one of whom's birthday was that day. What a nice present, eh?
We were strolling around MK on our last trip and we end up behind a young gril of about 18-19. She is pooh sized mind you and all we can see from behind is her non-existant see through white mini skirt with a hot pink thong hanging out at the top.
You know, I think I remember seeing her.
We were strolling through AK one morning..I happen to glance over at the tables for Pizzafari (which was not opened yet)....and there was a dad changing his babies diaper on top of one of the tables.
I once worked at Country Bear Jamboree and saw a woman change her child's diaper on the bench next to her during the show. I kept a close eye on her, and sure enough, as the show let out she left the soiled diaper on the bench behind her. I simply walked over to the diaper, smiled, and in my biggest, most booming voice, said, "Excuse me, ma'am! I think you forgot something!" She turned around (along with about 50 other people) to see me looking at the diaper. The look of sheer horror on her face as she realized she was busted was absolutely priceless.
My husband always says he saved my niece from certain blindness at Typhoon Lagoon. I missed it, but apparently a rather portly guy stripped out of his street clothes and into his Speedo right beside them. :scared1:

My husband blocked my niece's view, and thus, she did not go blind!! :rotfl:

There ARE changing rooms, but I guess this guy didn't think he needed one.
He must not have had <cough> much to hide.
OMG... :eek:
The only thing I can imagine that you are talking about would be a water fountain.

Please,... please tell me I'm wrong.:crazy2:

No. You imagined correctly. It was a water fountain. :confused3:scared1:

We carry our own water bottles at the parks and fill them in the CS places. Not water fountains. I'm sure that using water fountains as baby bidets does not happen often but it is enough for us to not use the fountains. :laughing:

A few trips back we were at EPCOT in the evening. We decided to start walking around the World Showcase counter clockwise. We had gone clockwise earlier in the trip. ;) There is a slight rise just before you get to the path around the WS. There was a man on a candy apple red power scooter who weighed 400-500 pounds. What was bad was that behind him was walking a 10-12 year old girl who looked like she weighed around 200 pounds. She looked like she had just done a fast walked around the lake, was red faced, out of breath, and look like she could not take another step. The man on the scooter, who I assume was her dad, was yelling at her to hurry up. :scared1:

He had a nice scooter to haul his fat fanny around EPCOT but he did not care about the stress on his daughter. She really looked like she was about to fall out and go down. :eek:

We were in Rainforest Cafe in DTD this past January and the very loud family of about 10 had the 9 or 10 year old girl changing the babies diaper. It was a number 2 and the girl was bumped by another customer and droped the poo in the floor and then the kid went pee all over the seat and it was dripping into the floor. Well I was about to throw up as this was right next to us as I watched every member of the family including parents and grandparents come over look at it and laugh. I told my sever when he got back to my table and they got a manager. The people told the manager they had no idea where the poo came from it must have already been there and the wetness was just a spilled drink. The best part was they acted outraged and asked the manager what he was going to do for them since they had to eat by it. :rotfl: The manager came over with this powder stuff and the whole body fluid kit and had someone start cleaning it up. The guy started to yell at the manager about getting there meals free now. I finally said to the manager in front of them that I saw the whole thing. they were mortified and took off. He came over later and told me they never finished paying their bill, but he thanked me for helping in out, he was trying to keep me out of it.
I have seen many, many posts where people mention french people or a french person when talking about bad experiences they have had. I just want to point out, that people who mention this while saying the person was french should go ahead and remove the word french from their posting. The main reason being that people stereotype certain nationalities unfortunately, and it really does tag those nationalities negatively.

It just goes to show which cultural or racial stereotypes are acceptable on these boards. You can say "this French guy did this" or "this Brazilian kid did that" and everybody agrees how rude it was and shakes their heads with their little blue smileys. But if somebody said "this black guy did this" or "this latino kid did that," you'd have people chiming right in, criticizing the reference to race.
We were strolling through AK one morning..I happen to glance over at the tables for Pizzafari (which was not opened yet)....and there was a dad changing his babies diaper on top of one of the tables. :scared::scared::scared:

That sorta happened to me at Le Cellier. At a table next to mine. During my meal. :scared1: At least it was on the benches and not on a table.
Thank you, and, unfortunately, he had two daughters, one of whom's birthday was that day. What a nice present, eh?

Wow, I would've blown a gasket. I guess you have to be a calm person to work as a CM!

No. You imagined correctly. It was a water fountain. :confused3:scared1:

Wait, you mean a DRINKING FOUNTAIN? I was picturing those jumping fountains for some reason.
I was standing at Big Thunder waiting on my husband and saw a young girl (probably 12 or 13) slap her mom and the mom slapped her back. The husband looked over and said something to the mom and she said, "well, she hit me first!"
I was standing at Big Thunder waiting on my husband and saw a young girl (probably 12 or 13) slap her mom and the mom slapped her back. The husband looked over and said something to the mom and she said, "well, she hit me first!"

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
We were the first ones at the turnstiles at MK and a French family was behind us. The LADY shoves my 5 y/o neice in order to be first through the TS!!! My sister could only think of one thing to say in French which she learned many years ago: "haricot vert". (green bean) We have laughed about that many times. The french family actually looked at us like we were crazy. I guess shoving kids is ok in France.

That is hilarious!!! I will have to brush up on how to say various vegetables in different languages for my next trip! Not sure I could have contained myself to only hurling "vegetables" at her. Thank you for the laugh.
We were staying late in Epcot for Extra Magic Hours, so it was probably close to Midnight. We were boarding the boat ride in Mexico, and there were 2 teenagers behind us. They had obviously been taking something and started to talk about tripping on the ride and wanting to see the fireworks in the ride. They were really out of it, tripping over themselves.

We asked to be in a different boat, and then on the way out, made mention to the cast memeber what we had observed. She seemed young and timid, so I don't really think she did anything. We didn't see them again.
We were in the Tiki Room and in the middle of the show, I smell something foul.
I see out of the corner of my eye a commotion behind me. I turn and behold a woman is changing her baby's diaper using the Tiki Room bench as her changing table.
I just can't believe someone could not leave the show to take care of that in the restroom. :sad2:
I will say, and I don't mean to target any one person's posting that I have seen. I have seen many, many posts where people mention french people or a french person when talking about bad experiences they have had. I just want to point out, that people who mention this while saying the person was french should go ahead and remove the word french from their posting. The main reason being that people stereotype certain nationalities unfortunately, and it really does tag those nationalities negatively. The same goes for people from New York. People stereotype them as rude. They hear someone speaking with a northeastern accent, and say it is a person from NY. Unless the person knows they are from NY, how can they be so sure they are not from New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia or even Arkansas? Yes we have many transplants from the northeast here in AR who bring their accent they picked up as children with them, despite having moved here when they were 18 years old, and have been here for 20 years. So just because you hear someone speaking french, this does not mean they are from france. Many countries around the world speak french as their primary language, including parts of Louisiana where they still carry their french roots and speak french often as their primary language. Canada and parts of Africa as well as some Caribbean islands all have a large population who speaks french.

I don't mean to sound negative, I am just pointing out what I have seen unfortunately quite often, especially on threads about negative experiences at WDW. I am sure that many people do it without thinking, but it still does bother me. It would probably be different if the tables were turned and you repeatedly saw people posting about "this American person" or "this British person", etc. It really can offend people and hurt people. Stereotypes should not be used here on the boards or anywhere for that matter. I hope this posting opens people's minds up who may be inadvertently offending people by saying these types of things, and help them to see their error.

Take a breath and chill out. The poster stating the family was French was pertinant to the whole saying "green bean" in French thing. Found it funny quite myself and not offended at all.
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