couple of questions???


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Feb 4, 2001
i have a few kinda odd questions. first does anyone know where i can find coloring pages to make personalized coloring books for the kids? also does anyone know about how many miles you walk at the parks in a day? i am going to start getting my son prepped for this. he is tall and heavy and i am short so carrying him around is not an option!!! thank you in advance!!
I'm sorry I can't answer your question about coloring pages?
But I can tell you to be prepared for hiking!!
There is alot of walking in all the parks. MGM & MK are not quite as spread out but AK and especially Epcot are. If you plan to see alot in one day you'll be doing alot of walking and standing. Don't forget just standing in lond lines can wear you out. A piece of advice: don't try to do future world and world showcase in Epcot in one day. It is very large. Have fun!!

off site- 1978
DXL- 1997
CBR & Wonder cruise- 1999
OKW- Nov. 2001
I read a post somewhere a while back that somebody took one of those measuring devices with them to the parks. They averaged 6-10 miles a day. So be aware that there is plenty of walking to do.


'81 - Cont.
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'89 - Maingate East
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'94 - CBR
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'00 - WL
'01 - OKW
On the disney web site (vacation planning I think) there are coloring pages you can down load 6-8 of them. Also on the disney activity site there are many activities you can download.

I don't think you mentioned your childs age, but I was worried about walking also, it's not the walking that gets the kids...I think it is the waiting in lines and standing. Make sure you are making the ques interactive. we use bubbles, twenty questions, talk about the story we are on the ride for etc etc.
thank you to those that have replied. sorry i forgot to mention their ages. my son will be 5 and my neice is 6.


If you are just looking for general coloring pages, go to someplace like Yahoo and search for "coloring pages". You will find plenty.

If you are looking for Disney only, there are plenty of those too. Just search for "Disney coloring pages".


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