Countdown to the Clown! A September PTR - Updated 9/13 - TR LINK

I do that EXACT thing with Henry. The other day we rode Test Track (in the teacups chair). He really enjoyed the bumpy road. :laughing:

Joe's Mom and Dad are doing okay - I know they really miss Henry (and us, but mostly Henry!). My Mom has an easier time of it because I've lived far away before, and haven't lived very close to her in over 10 years. Joe on the other hand has always lived 30 minutes max away from his parents. My Mom was here for a week already to visit! It was WONDERFUL, and she loved it. She'll be back again sometime. Joe, Henry and I will fly back to Minnesota during Thanksgiving and Christmas, and Easter next year too (I don't even want to THINK about the costs :sick:). I honestly don't think Joe's parents will ever come out here to visit. Which is a bummer. They aren't big travelers and I think it might intimidate them a bit to even entertain the idea of coming here. But who knows, maybe they will surprise me! I hope they do - I'd love for them to visit us. I think my brother and Dad will visit at some point too - my sister if she can afford it. But in general, it's a bit more expected for us to make the journey to see everyone. I just hope we always's a huge expense, we have to rent a car while there too. Plus vacation time for Joe. We'll see how it all unfolds - this year, at least for the upcoming holidays we have it figured out.

That's good. We're going through the same thing tring to figure out alternating travel, etc. to get time with Trent. It's really going to be easier for him to just come back home, because he has a free place to stay and eat, and there are only one or two plane tickets involved, depending on whether Tanya travels with him. When we travel, we have to have a place to stay due to room/space constraints, and there are more plane tickets. It is nice, though, that if we do travel, we are traveling to a place we love!

If this Atlanta meet works out well, that may be something we do more of. He'll have to travel twice as far as we do, but since he doesn't have to dealt with kids yet, that's the trade-off. When he has to start hauling kids and extra things, we'll try to find a place that is more of a halfway point.

Travel is expensive. I want to get in the financial shape to be able to fly down to see him just for a long weekend sometimes in between big trips. Brooklynn and I could go down and do WDW and Trent could come and join us when he's not working. It's a good plan, but it all hinges on getting the finances worked out.
The chain is looking itty bitty!! :cool1: I bet Henry is going to love TSM this time! Ryan did in January! He was talk enough to sit in his own seat and use the gun, but he's tall!

Playhouse Disney and Star Tours are 2 of our favorite things! Ryan, of course, LOVES PHD! Singing and dancing! It's to cute! I'm completely bummed (and a geek) that Star Tours is going to down the next 3 times I'm in WDW! But, I think the refurb will be worth the wait!
First off, let me break it down in a single digit dance for you guys! :banana: :banana: :banana: I love seeing that itty bitty chain!! Awesome!!

The DHS day looks like such fun! Hopefully you and Joe can turns on who sits out on TSM if you are going for two rides. I have a feeling Henry will be much like Liam was, too busy pointing out his pals to do much shooting. ;) I had thought this was going to be our year to skip PHD because the boys never want to watch it, but both have said they want to see the show, so who knows! I think Aileen will enjoy it a lot even if she isn't identifying all of the characters yet!

We've been living away from the families for about 3 years now and it's been good for us in every way except when it comes to traveling home. We are a car ride away (right around 6 hours for us) but it's so hard to get in all of the visits and throw off 5 people's sleeps schedules to make the commute. Because of the Disney trip, we are not headed home for Thanksgiving for the first time but invited anyone who wants to come down. So far, it looks like no one will be coming. I think that's the hardest pill to swallow about moving away for me. In our families, people expect you to pick up and bring your family to them but are not necessarily willing to do the reverse. Instead of getting down, I try to focus on making our moments here in Cincy with the 5 of us as magical and awesome as I can.
:cool1::banana::yay: YAY for 8 days! WOW!!:cool1::banana::yay:

Your chain is SO little! Sooo exciting and one more week before the suitcase comes out, love it!:dance3:

What a lucky little boys Henry is with all this Mickey mail, sooo cute!:cutie:

We do the same things here at home with playing Disney, you are so not nerds, I love it! So much fun!! And yes, I've so thought about running the 1/ about motivation! Have you?? wheels are spinning now!! We need to talk! LOL!!:laughing: I would so love the boys to have gotten a chance to play, that would be so much fun! Someday, i'm sure it will happen!! Maybe the boys can play and you and I will be running the 1/2 together someday! :cloud9:
Oh my gosh, single digits, how awesome!!!:dance3:

My son is really tall, I think at last check he was 38 inches and he is only 2yrs 4 months old. By the time we go again, I think he will be able to ride so much but not sure if his courage will allow it :)

I was so bummed we missed Playhouse Disney when we were there last year. Our DHS day was just so stinking hot, and there were a few rides down and we just lost motivation. Can't wait to see pics from that!

I have already scoped out the courses for most of the Disney races. I told my DH we can just get a room at Boardwalk with a BW view and he can cheer for me as I run by, he won't even need to leave the room, he liked that!:laughing:

Oh and when I make a plan for NYC I will let you know! If nothing else, maybe we can meet at Magnolia and I can buy you a cupcake :woohoo:
Curious about this! Where is it and who was there???

When we were there last November, it was at Playhouse Disney only during EMH. They had music and lights and we saw Annie, Leo, Handy Manny, Pluto and Goofy. They come out about two at a time and dance with the kids. I have a great video of Pluto dancing with my Mom :banana:, she loved it. I don't know what other characters were there, if there were any. I'm hoping that they are still doing it, because that is the only reason why I'll do EMH at DHS.
I love how short that chain is:cool1::dance3::cool1:
Once ours got to day one, I couldnt bear to take the #1 down. It is still taped to the door facing--I am looking at it right now and remembering how excited we were when we got to that point BACK IN MAY :dance3: I really want a new countdown chain:rolleyes2
Check out that teeny tiny chain!! Yippee for single digit dancin' - you'll be there before you know it!

:woohoo: :yay: :woohoo: :yay:
:banana: for single digits! :banana: And wow that chain is short. Funny you mention sunscreen as I was just thinking about that today and how I need to get some before it's gone from Chicago shelves.
I get so excited for you when I see you are getting closer! Henry is such a cutie! I am curious about his height. I am hoping Gavin is tall enough to use the gun in TSM. Please keep me posted as to what you find...and what he height is.

It sounds like, from various posters here, that he just might be tall enough - but I will definitely report back. I hope he's tall enough, he will have so much fun!!!

What cute pictures of Henry looking at his new goodies and post card! How sweet of everyone to send you those things.

Glad you had fun with your friends.

It really is very sweet! DISers are the best!

Woo hoo for single digit dancing!!! Can't believe how tiny that chain is looking!!! :banana:

And tonight it's even smaller. :laughing:

We are near Waterbury... takes me 1h15min to get to Yankee Stadium 1h25min to get to Times Square. So I guess you can say 1.5hours give or take. :goodvibes

Great idea!

You DHS day looks like ours.... Playhouse Disney, TSM, playground. Very fun!

We have the same 'Fridge DJ'!!!!!! :rolleyes1:rolleyes1

You are very close! Do you guys come into the City often?

DHS is always a great time for Henry - he loves LMA too, I'm certain he and Joe will be going. I *might* go shopping instead. :rolleyes1

Annie-Annie Oooh, Oooh ooh ooh! Zany, Zany zoo....

The uppercase letters song! Uppercase letters are big and tall, listen while I sing them all!

Gotta love the Fridge DJ. :rolleyes::rotfl:

My son was tall enough when he was 2 and a half for his own gun on TSM. And I think he was around 38 inches. And I know he was just shy of 40 inches when we went for his 3rd birthday and he used his own gun. So I'm sure Henry will be tall enough. My husband usually rides with him, which leaves me to ride by myself in the same car. I always wondered what was going on in the car, because I would hear all these sounds and never remembered to has my DH. Well finally my DS picked me to ride with him and I found the sounds was him kicking his feet, twisting his body and probably using every muscle in his body to make that gun go faster and faster. It was so cute.

Yeah for single digits. I'm getting so jealous, but also can't wait for you to get there, so that you can get back and tell us all about your trip.

Maybe Henry will be tall enough for Star Tours, so that he will get to experience it before and after.

I will tell you that they can run Star Tours with no movement, when there is limited lines they will do this. They did that for my DS when he was 18 months and we were doing a child swap. I knew nothing about it, and they offered it. My DS loved it. It was pretty cool. So if Henry isn't tall enough and there are very few people in line, maybe you can ask the CM about that.

Now you do know about the dance party that occurs at Playhouse Disney on nights of EMH? Right? I mean as far as I know they are still doing them. We did it last November and my DS loved it.

I'm thrilled to hear Henry might be tall enough for his own gun!!! That would be GREAT, he'll just love it! That is so funny about your DS kicking and all trying to get the gun to go faster. :laughing: I have a feeling Henry will forget about the gun and just be excited to see his "friends"...though he has gotten really into guns lately...which is STRANGE since I've never shown him what one was/how it works. The only thing I can tie it back to is the naughty kid from The Incredibles! :confused:

That is very interesting about Star Tours with no movement! I had no idea. I think he might do okay with the movement - but I guess by the time we get to DHS I'll have a better idea of how he's doing on "thrill rides" so I can make the judgment call. Thanks for the tip! :thumbsup2

I do remember learning about the Playhouse Disney dance party, but had forgotten about it for my notes! The EMH at DHS is on Monday, September 6 during our trip, which is a day off for us and the day we plan to do MSEP - but perhaps if we are feeling up to it we will trek over for the dance party too! I'm going to add that to my notes!
Hooray for single digits, Brook. You are so close. Be sure to let me know the final plans for the photopass before you leave. :)
Curious about this! Where is it and who was there???

Did you get the info? It sounds like a blast!

I finally have some time for posting again! And you are off so soon! I love it that Henry is so in awe over his postcards. I really hope he will be able to remember parts of that trip! :goodvibes And I am sure he will be able to grow one inch in 9 days!! Have you started to practice being measured with him?;)

I read your comments about travelling back to Minnesota and I hope you will be able to find a way to make this work for you and your families. I was wondering - would it help if just you and Henry went there for a time when it isn't peak travel season? You would be able to stay longer and prices would most likely be cheaper?

Yep! We have practiced measuring several times. He's very good at standing with his feet all the way to the wall and looking straight ahead! I am thinking with shoes he just might make it.

I have thought about traveling during a slower season as well - I might run it by the family during Thanksgiving or Christmas and see how they react. I have friend here in NYC that are from Oklahoma and they go for about 3 weeks in the middle of summer. It works really well for them...and is SO much cheaper.

That's good. We're going through the same thing tring to figure out alternating travel, etc. to get time with Trent. It's really going to be easier for him to just come back home, because he has a free place to stay and eat, and there are only one or two plane tickets involved, depending on whether Tanya travels with him. When we travel, we have to have a place to stay due to room/space constraints, and there are more plane tickets. It is nice, though, that if we do travel, we are traveling to a place we love!

If this Atlanta meet works out well, that may be something we do more of. He'll have to travel twice as far as we do, but since he doesn't have to dealt with kids yet, that's the trade-off. When he has to start hauling kids and extra things, we'll try to find a place that is more of a halfway point.

Travel is expensive. I want to get in the financial shape to be able to fly down to see him just for a long weekend sometimes in between big trips. Brooklynn and I could go down and do WDW and Trent could come and join us when he's not working. It's a good plan, but it all hinges on getting the finances worked out.

It's a tough thing to figure out all the travel. Right now we cannot afford the plane tickets, so we haven't even looked - even though we should be buying them right now to get a good deal!

That should be a wonderful meet in Atlanta! DISers, your girls and your boy. :thumbsup2 Is Tanya Trent's new lady friend? I noticed her in the TR too, but didn't ask. :laughing:

I so understand about the good plan hinging on finances. Same thing here. Things are "set" for this year, but it all truly does hinge on finances.

The chain is looking itty bitty!! :cool1: I bet Henry is going to love TSM this time! Ryan did in January! He was talk enough to sit in his own seat and use the gun, but he's tall!

Playhouse Disney and Star Tours are 2 of our favorite things! Ryan, of course, LOVES PHD! Singing and dancing! It's to cute! I'm completely bummed (and a geek) that Star Tours is going to down the next 3 times I'm in WDW! But, I think the refurb will be worth the wait!

I'm really hoping Henry is tall enough, it sounds like he just might be! It seems so strange for him to be old enough to play the game...:eek: Last time Joe and I rode he just cruised along between us not really caring!

I LOVE Playhouse Disney too! It's so fun to watch Henry get so excited about it. Last time he was leaping into my arms and shrieking with delight. I'm pretty sure it will be similar this time! :lovestruc

I'm very excited about the refurb for Star Tours too! We love that ride - and the gift shop. :laughing: Did Ryan do Star Tours?


Yay For Single Digits!!!

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


I cannot believe it's here! I'm LOVING IT!
First off, let me break it down in a single digit dance for you guys! :banana: :banana: :banana: I love seeing that itty bitty chain!! Awesome!!

The DHS day looks like such fun! Hopefully you and Joe can turns on who sits out on TSM if you are going for two rides. I have a feeling Henry will be much like Liam was, too busy pointing out his pals to do much shooting. ;) I had thought this was going to be our year to skip PHD because the boys never want to watch it, but both have said they want to see the show, so who knows! I think Aileen will enjoy it a lot even if she isn't identifying all of the characters yet!

We've been living away from the families for about 3 years now and it's been good for us in every way except when it comes to traveling home. We are a car ride away (right around 6 hours for us) but it's so hard to get in all of the visits and throw off 5 people's sleeps schedules to make the commute. Because of the Disney trip, we are not headed home for Thanksgiving for the first time but invited anyone who wants to come down. So far, it looks like no one will be coming. I think that's the hardest pill to swallow about moving away for me. In our families, people expect you to pick up and bring your family to them but are not necessarily willing to do the reverse. Instead of getting down, I try to focus on making our moments here in Cincy with the 5 of us as magical and awesome as I can.

I think you might be very right about Henry getting excited seeing his buddies during TSM! :laughing: Glad to hear the boys want to watch PHD! I think it's such a cute show, I'm gonna milk it for as long as Henry is willing. It might break my heart a bit when he says no! :rolleyes:

That is pretty much the same vibe I get from family here as well. Since WE are the ones who moved away, WE should make the trek back. After just typing to MeMom about how we haven't even looked at plane tickets for Christmas, I got curious and looked. Almost $500 EACH. Um, no. We don't have $1500 to spend on just plane tickets just after we visited in November too. I want to be there, especially to see my Grandma...but we'll see. Sigh. The problem with people coming to us too is that we can't house many people since our place is so small. If we end up not going, I'm going to take your approach as well - not get down about it and make wonderful memories with just us! And visit when it's cheaper. ;)

:cool1::banana::yay: YAY for 8 days! WOW!!:cool1::banana::yay:

Your chain is SO little! Sooo exciting and one more week before the suitcase comes out, love it!:dance3:

What a lucky little boys Henry is with all this Mickey mail, sooo cute!:cutie:

We do the same things here at home with playing Disney, you are so not nerds, I love it! So much fun!! And yes, I've so thought about running the 1/ about motivation! Have you?? wheels are spinning now!! We need to talk! LOL!!:laughing: I would so love the boys to have gotten a chance to play, that would be so much fun! Someday, i'm sure it will happen!! Maybe the boys can play and you and I will be running the 1/2 together someday! :cloud9:

It's really hard to believe we are so close. I'm pulling out the suitcase tomorrow! :woohoo: As soon as Disney clothes get clean, they are going in and not coming back out!! I don't want to be doing laundry the night before (but I bet you I will be anyway! :headache:)

Yes! I have thought a ton about the Princess 1/2! :laughing: I am really thinking 2012, no way would I be ready for 2011. A friend of mine in MN is interested too - we want to dress like Princesses and run through the Castle!! I'll keep you posted if we get serious about it!

WOO HOO! Single Digits!!! :banana::banana:

Look at Henry concentrating on taking that chain link off. :lmao:

He takes his Mickey Chain very, very seriously. ;)
Oh my gosh, single digits, how awesome!!!:dance3:

My son is really tall, I think at last check he was 38 inches and he is only 2yrs 4 months old. By the time we go again, I think he will be able to ride so much but not sure if his courage will allow it :)

I was so bummed we missed Playhouse Disney when we were there last year. Our DHS day was just so stinking hot, and there were a few rides down and we just lost motivation. Can't wait to see pics from that!

I have already scoped out the courses for most of the Disney races. I told my DH we can just get a room at Boardwalk with a BW view and he can cheer for me as I run by, he won't even need to leave the room, he liked that!:laughing:

Oh and when I make a plan for NYC I will let you know! If nothing else, maybe we can meet at Magnolia and I can buy you a cupcake :woohoo:

Wow! He is tall! I thought Henry was tall!!

PHD is a fun show! I've seen it quite a few times now, so I know what to expect, but it's a blast watching all the kids experience it! I'm sure Henry cant remember much, or anything, from previous shows, so he'll have a ball again. :thumbsup2 They release bubbles and paper leaves from the ceiling which always sends all the kids into a frenzy. Its adorable!

I had Magnolia TONIGHT! No joke! I put pictures on my FB. :rotfl: A friend staying with us was in the City and brought it back as a treat. It was delish!

When we were there last November, it was at Playhouse Disney only during EMH. They had music and lights and we saw Annie, Leo, Handy Manny, Pluto and Goofy. They come out about two at a time and dance with the kids. I have a great video of Pluto dancing with my Mom :banana:, she loved it. I don't know what other characters were there, if there were any. I'm hoping that they are still doing it, because that is the only reason why I'll do EMH at DHS.

It sounds so adorable! I've heard some great things about it too. I think Henry would have a great time! I have a feeling it won't work out (again!), but maybe, just maybe.

I love how short that chain is:cool1::dance3::cool1:
Once ours got to day one, I couldnt bear to take the #1 down. It is still taped to the door facing--I am looking at it right now and remembering how excited we were when we got to that point BACK IN MAY :dance3: I really want a new countdown chain:rolleyes2

:rotfl2: That's really cute!! I think the 1 day left there would make it even harder for me! The longest chain I have done was 60 days, but lots of people do 99 days....! Our next one will be over 100, so I'm thinking I might take up the 99 day countdown.

Check out that teeny tiny chain!! Yippee for single digit dancin' - you'll be there before you know it!

:woohoo: :yay: :woohoo: :yay:

I love how little it is! Henry needs his step stool to reach it!

:banana: for single digits! :banana: And wow that chain is short. Funny you mention sunscreen as I was just thinking about that today and how I need to get some before it's gone from Chicago shelves.

And I'm sure it will be disappearing soon! :sad2: Can you believe summer is coming to an end?

Brook, I just saw this and thought of you; WDW Coffee spots

That is GREAT! I love it! There are a few spots I didn't know about! Thank you!

Hooray for single digits, Brook. You are so close. Be sure to let me know the final plans for the photopass before you leave. :)

I need to get the PP stuff done - I was going to last night but lost steam. Basically I'll be doing the "paperwork" side of it setting the dates for people to upload, etc. and sending out the communication, but $$ and the CDs will be handled by Kristen. I need to do it ASAP!! It will be done before the trip. :thumbsup2
Eight days!!

I'm starting to freak out a bit. Well, I have been for a few days actually, but it's increasing. I keep thinking I have a million things to get done, but when I stop to think about it - I can't think of anything. :rotfl: Repeat.

I should really keep my phone next to my head at night just in case I think of something as I'm falling asleep. All I can think of are the basics, like packing and laundry. Mail has been stopped. Toiletries have been purchased. Notes are in the phone. Online check-in was attempted (see below)!

So let's dwell on the fun stuff!

Two weeks from today we'll be...

Dining here

(Cape May Cafe)

Taking my FIRST ride on the HM with this lovely DISer

and doing Splash for the first time since 2006 with this lovely DISer

Hope you ladies don't mind I stole pics from your PTRs! :laughing:

Perhaps we'll all three ride BOTH rides together! :yay:

We will also be meeting up with this lovely lady later that afternoon!

(This is Deevy See - get it? DVC. Ha ha ha - she's really a hoot though, I look forward to meeting her!)

That night we'll be going to conquer


It is supposed to be a relaxing day - and as you can see it's pretty much back-to-back-to-back...which makes me nervous for Joe actually enjoying it. So, the main agenda item is just to take it all slow. I think there are enough hours between the events (we don't have a set time for the MK meets, do we ladies? Just whenever?) that we should be easing into each thing - no rushing allowed! :goodvibes

So, as I mentioned above I attempted to check-in tonight. I logged into the DVC Member website and saw a pretty golden button next to my first reservation number, so I clicked and began the process.


But, directly after Step One, I realized it only pulled my first confirmation number - it did NOT link the other two. So, anyone I have to check into each separately, or can I just do the first one and it'll link the others on the Disney side of things? I put this question out on the DVC boards too, but no replies please if you know, clue me in! :laughing: Otherwise I will just do the normal check-in when we get there like we always have. I figured a slightly faster line with toddler might be a good thing though! :goodvibes

The suitcase is coming out TOMORROW! :dance3:
:banana: for 8 days! I'm jealous.

I have no idea in regards to your online check-in question. I've only ever done it the old-fashioned way.


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