

Earning My Ears
Feb 5, 2000
Just had what might be a good thought for inexpensive dinners. We are a group of 9 (4 adults & 5 kids) and thought we could probably pick-up some inexpensive dinners at Costco. Figure we can get 2 b-b-qued chicken, salad, and buns for under 20.00. Pretty cheap!!!
Any other good dinner ideas from Costco to do in the microwave.
CindyC, how do you get out of costco without spending a $100. or more on food??

How about muffins,cereal,milk,apples,grapes,pop,bottled water,a bag of raw crunchy veggies[for in the room],bags of peanuts,boxes of rasins,and something Chocalate!!


I know what you mean Costco can be irrestible sometimes. However, we are staying at the HIFS so full breakfast is included and I am bringing snacks from home. If I go there only to pick-up dinner I'm hoping I can do it.
Better yet, I should send my husband he hates shopping, so he'd be happy to only get what I ask.
Is there a Costco near DW or are you thinking of getting stuff at home before you leave?
There is a new Costco very close by. If you go to their website and click on customer services, it will list the locations.


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