CONNECTIONS(Please help)(kinda long)


DIS Veteran
Jul 31, 2001
Hi, we're planning our trip for July and staying a total of 11 days. There are 2 adults, 2-17yr.olds and an 8yr.old. How should I order the vouchers.Do I look at the menus first, decide which restaurants we would like to go to and order one for each family member? We normally have a large breakfast, a light lunch and a nice dinner. Do I get vouchers for breakfast and dinner and the quick and casual vouchers for a lite lunch (to use in the food courts in the hotels). I'm so new to this connection stuff, that I know I sound like a complete idiot. I'm looking to save money on food, because we do eat alot on vacation (we worry about dieting all year and then splurge on vacation). If you were going for 11 days, how many vouchers would you get for 5 people. How many breakfasts, lunches and dinner vouchers. Thanks so much, if I don't plan a perfect vacation for my family, they will KILL me. God forbid they help in deciding what to do, when to do it and how to do it.
I dont know what the answer is but i am laughing my behind off. I was struggling with our final NIGHTs reservations and car issues yesterday and hubby was like yeah whatever...... GRRRRR his contributions waa LEAFING through the birnbaum book and picking a few attractions he WILL Not miss! This whole vacation has been planned BY ME! Thank goodness for these boards and the internet!
I know what you mean. If it wasn't for these boards I would be clueless. When I mention Disney my family looks at me like I'm crazy to do all this planning, but if I don't plan no one would and then I get blamed when we're down there and we have nothing planned. I try to plan around everyones liking. Between a hubby who likes one thing, two teens who can only agree on aggrivating me and an 8 yr.old who goes with the flow, I always come up short. I need a vacation just from planning this vacation.
The breakfast vouchers are really good only for character breakfasts. How many of those are you planning?

Quick and Casual lunch vouchers are best at Beaches and Cream, and Pepper Market. Mary at Mousesavers lists the restaurants where you might spend more than $11 on her site. Sometimes, especially with small appetites, the combo meal in the park might be cheaper.

I did not use any of the more expensive lunch vouchers, though others have posted about late ressies to use for dinner.

We save money at Epcot by eating at the buffets at Germany and Norway. Trails End in Ft Wilderness also has a lovely lunch and dinner buffet.

We also save by bringing in juice boxes, granola bars, fruit snacks, etc. (OK with security--they just look in your pack)

Have fun--I wish I was still planning instead of remembering!


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