**~ CKC Class & Crop Reviews ~** more pics added!


No take backs, bowing out or other weenie manuever
Mar 18, 2006
If you've gone to CKC please post here about your classes. I know as they make their way from city to city some of the classes change but it gives everyone an idea of what they might want to take and which stores/manufacturers seem to 'have it together' better than others.

I'm going to start posting all my reviews and I will come back to add pictures later ~ some of the projects I am still completing!
Last year was my first time and I went for only one day. This year I did all 3 days and long ones at that.

I arrived around 11:30 and waited in a fairly short line to get my registration packet including a 40 sheet pack of 12x12 cardstock from Wausau, the free gift for registering early.
I went downstairs and was able to enter right away for the Preview Crop that started at Noon. Received a bag of goodies: a glue stick, Tiny Tabs adhesive; seasons paper, a half pound scrap pack from Wausua, a page kit from StoryTellersClub, Music themed brads from the eyelet outlet (more about those later), some various stickers, laser cuts and quick quotes. There was also letter from Cannon asking to please enjoy the 120 sheets of free 4x6 photo paper they included. uhhhh, there's no photopaper in here!?? Yep, there was a mix-up and the paper wasn't shipped, they made some calls and it was supposed to get there by Saturday, if it arrives you can show your Thursday crop ticket and pick up the paper. Later someone from Scrapbook Fun Addicts came around handing out another page kit.

Some vendors also came down and so began the bleeding of my wallet. I purchased a couple of acyrlic albums and some others things I can't even remember now. I only scrapped one complete page, worked on a second and on a acrylic album I had brought with me.

During the crop I received a text from Debbie telling me they'd arrived. I tried to text back but my signal was to weak. The crop ended at five so I left and took some of my stuff out to the car and called home to check in with my family. Then I tried calling Debbie and I thought I called my house again as a male voice answered. whoops! I had Debbie's home number, not her cell. After we laughed a bit, her son helped me out and gave me the right number. I went up to have hoagies for dinner with Debbie & friends.
After eating I left Debbie et al to go to my first class.

Family Memories sponsored by Awesome Albums:

The instructor stressed the fact that they specialize in beginners and that you could go to their class with no skills and make some great things.

First we made 3 photo clips. These were so easy but they are sooooo cute. I am definitely taking this idea to do with my girl scouts this year.


They are large binder clips, a strip of paper, and a few embellishments. Great for photos, place cards, etc.

The other project was a generic rolodex file. I bought another at the vendor show as these are cheap, easy gifts!


Mickster was in this class too but I didn't see her. I left early to get to the Thursday night Album crop. I was able to spot Debbie's table quickly and hurriedly got to work as they were well under way by the time I got there.

Various vendors and sponsors created double page layouts for a bazzill 6x6 album. The theme was "What a Year" and the layouts corresponded with different events/times of year. We didn't get them all done but here are a few of my favorites.




and do you think they knew we were coming???? :laughing:


The crop went a little long and I think it was about 10:30 when we stopped. I left and got home shortly after 11. I got the cooler out and made sure everything was all together and ready for me to pack for the next day's Meat Meet.
Got up early, early Friday as I wanted to be there by 8:30. I had plans to meet up with Sharon - she was bringing the drinks for the meet. And I had a ticket for early entry into the vendor fair at 9am.

Got ready, packed the cooler and hit the road. At 8:20 I was just turning into the lot when the phone rang, it was Sharon and she was there - perfect timing! We swapped the drinks from her car to mine and went to find parking.

I entered the convention center and was so glad I had been there Thursday and already had all my tickets. The line was long. I went to the next line for the vendor fair. I had decided to use my WDW backpack as my purse...


...the lady in line behind me admired it. We got to talking and I discovered that she is a......

DIS LURKER!!!!!! :wave2:

I had marked the map for the locations of the three booths I really, really wanted to get to. I went in and was done shopping at those three in 20 minutes. It was fantastic. Last year I hadn't schuduled shopping time and went on my lunch break. It took 20 minutes waiting in line to check out at just one booth. This was so much better. The aisles weren't crowded and I could see most everything just by walking past. I stopped at a few more places and had seen everything by the 10am general opening.

If I counted correctly, there were 86 booths. A good mix of local shops, online stores and manufacturers. I liked that they not only listed the exhibitors in alphabetical order but they also included a product listing and which exhibitor(s) carried it. If you see something you want it pays to check the other vendors. I have been thinking of purchasing the 7 Gypsies ATC card holder. I saw it at one booth $31.95 and bought it at another for $24.95 - significant difference.
Around 10:30 I took all my purchases to the car and got out the coolers and bags for the 'Meat Meet'. Wheeled in and went upstairs to lay claim to our prefered seating area near session room 1. Rearranged some furniture and relaxed a while. Debbie and friends started arriving aroung 11:45 just as scheduled. We met Chiefdragon and Sharon came a bit later as she had a class. We ate our yummy sandwiches and chatted about what we'd done and seen so far. I think everyone was having a good time.:)

We packed up everything a little after one and Debbie took it all up to her room so I could take it out later when it was more convenient. Then it was off to classes.

Princess Layout sponsored by Rusty Pickle:

I like a lot of Rusty Pickle's papers and I liked the subject so I signed up for this one. Two things annoyed me with this class.
The class description said we'd need photos - (1) 8x10 and (2) 4x6 - well it was wrong we needed the 8x10 and two wallets. The other thing was the instruction layout photos show nice lace ribbon and ricrac embellishment and we got 3 strips of fraying muslin. :headache:

So, I just finished this one at home with my own supplies. The half circle you see on the left of the first page is a whole circle of hidden journaling stuck in a pocket.


Next up

4 Album Enhancing Techniques sponsored by SEI:

I'm sorry to say this was another disappointment, especially when I saw what Debbie did the next day at the SEI paper in motion class!

Per the class Description we were to learn 4 techniques: (1) Doodling (template and/or free-hand); (2) Add linen for a rich upgrade; (3) embroidering (needle and thread included); (4) hybrid scrapping - we'd get a CD.

Okay no problem with #4 - obviously can't do that in class.

But we did no sewing... didn't even receive needle and thread.

We did replace several of the paper mats in the kit with linen but overall they are kind of blah... not something that I'd go out of my way to do. Truthfully I like the different textures of Bazzill cardstock better.

We did doodle a tiny bit but the focus was on slapping the pages together quickly not on embellishing. I was left with the feeling that the class was an advert for the Book in a Box - see how quickly you can make an album, rather than learning any unique techniques.

And the album itself was not my taste at all. I think I will give it to my MIL for x-mas. Yes, I don't like her either.

Here's a pic of a few of the pages. The brown thing sticking out at the top right is the album itself.


A Shore Thing sponsored by Memory Lane:

This was a BoBunny board book with the word BEACH and some great papers from Scenic Route. I decided to just pick up the kit and not stay for the class as my schedule was pretty tight and I was getting tired. I worked on the book at Saturday night's crop.


I called Debbie to see if she was in her room so I could come up and take care of taking the cooler and supplies back out to my car and getting my bags for that night's crop.

She was in, so I went up and we fixed the balloons ~ who knew adhesive dots weighed so much?! I got my stuff together and switched ~ yikes :scared1: my trunk's getting full!

Then I went back up to the room and we enjoyed Debbie's delicious meatball sandwiches for dinner. mmmmmmm thanks again! Then I left with a set of balloons and got in line to snag a couple of tables for us. (I wonder how many groups with balloons we'll see next year).

We all got another goodies bag with much of the same stuff as I got Thursday. Remember those music brads I told you about? Well, when we were having dinner I mentioned that I was having a hard time with the rolodex swap and High School Musical.... not much out that would fit on a rolodex card. Well, Debbie says, "You can use these brads for your swap!"
So, nearly everyone gave me theirs.... and I got more Saturday night too. I have nine packs of them. :lmao: Nearly enough for TWO swaps!

Compared to last year the crop was boring. They weren't playing any music, they didn't do any games and they didn't have as many nor as nice of prizes as last year. I did do much more shopping.

I also decided that in the future I will bring a project to do at the preview crop if I attend and then I will work on class projects or the things I buy at the other crops instead of agonizing over what to pack.
I didn't get home until after midnight but I was able to sleep in until 8am as my first class was at 9:50.

Dare to be Different sponsored by Galloping Horse Productions:

I think I would have to say this was my favorite thing I made this weekend.

It's a board book with lots of little extra differently sized pages. The papers are from Kaiser, a newer company from Australia that I just love - they do a lot with wood, too. And the kit incuded full packs of embellishments so plenty left for others projects ~ always a big plus. ;)

Here are pics ~








Lots of leftovers!
Keep them coming!!!

I wasn't able to go this year. BUT, I had a couple of friends that were vendors - One was Carol who does wonderful chipboard albums and the other was FiberScraps. Hope you went by their booth!
next up features one of my favorite paper manufacturers

Latest & Greatest with BasicGrey sponsored by emellish IT!:

They always do 4 pages from different new lines and then you can go to the booth and buy a class add-on that gives you the other half of a double page layout. And all cardstock is Bazzill. They also sell entire BG collection packs and have coordinating packs of Bazzill for each line.

One layout used paper from BG's Sultry line (I wasn't wowed by this one. I really liked the others a LOT)



One layout used paper from BG's Eva line



One layout used paper from BG's Ambrosia line



One layout used paper from Imaginisce's Hallowhimsy line


next up features one of my favorite paper manufacturers

Latest & Greatest with BasicGrey sponsored by emellish IT!:

They always do 4 pages from different new lines and then you can go to the booth and buy a class add-on that gives you the other half of a double page layout. And all cardstock is Bazzill. They also sell entire BG collection packs and have coordinating packs of Bazzill for each line.

One layout used paper from BG's Sultry line (I wasn't wowed by this one. I really liked the others a LOT)

One layout used paper from BG's Eva line

One layout used paper from BG's Ambrosia line

One layout used paper from Imaginisce's Hallowhimsy line

{I'll have to add pics later}

OOOH, I just posted in another thread that I was looking for pics of these LO's. If you could post the directions for the halloween l/o I would LOVE you!!

Beautiful You Acrylic Album sponsored by Lickety Split Scrapbooks:

This was an acrylic and chipboard album. Only the covers were acrylic.
This is a cute book and I really like the books Lickety Split puts together. Their page kits are really cute too!







Wow, I like that board book!! Really nice!! I've been playing with my letters for a word book. We went nuts over those! So many possibilities. I had DS16 get the cheerios boxes out of the recycle :lmao:

You are so good finishing your stuff and posting pics. I agree, next year there will be a bunch of balloons on lots of tables...but we started it. I thought the Friday crop was a little boring too. But it was fun just being at a crop with DIS buds that I only get to meet once a year.

There is a big crop in Dover, DE in March. We should see if we can get together then. Chiefdragon knows the woman who runs it, and we talked about it a little. When the info comes out I'll post an interest thread.

OK, back to hiding... Oh I mean putting away my purchases
M: You are sooo good!

I'll come back, maybe tomorrow and post my pictures and directions. :)

I took the Family Rolodex class, a Disney wall hanging class and a Disney through the Years class. And I shopped...a lot... Yikes!:scared1:
And my last class

8x8 Disney Board Book sponsored by Lickety Split Scrapbooks:

Last year's Disney boardbook was 5x5 - this year's seems huge in comparison.
Once again another great class from Lickety Split. She told us when we started that since they made it bigger we'd only complete half of it in class. When we were getting near the end she stopped and went over the directions for the remaining pages and had us check to be sure that we had all the supplies we needed.

Here are pics of the first few pages



Thank you so much for posting these...I feel like I was there with you. Love the three ringed book and the disney board book too...

Thanks for the reviews and pictures! They are great!

I took a class with Galloping Horse at Manchester and it was my favorite also! I loved the instructor - can't remember her name, but she was so sweet!
After class I said my good-byes to Debbie as they were leaving and I went down to the vendor fair one last time. When we were in the Disney boardbook class the instructor mentioned that they create their own rub-ons and that product they use could be purchased at their booth.

:idea: I can do the High School Musical graphic for the rolodex swap! It was about 4:30 and the vendor fair was closing at 5 but I got it! And a few things from another booth too!

Went out to my car to put things away ~ good thing the big cooler was no longer in there. :lmao: Ate my sandwich and called home. Waited for people to leave and then I moved my car down closer to the doors. Grabbed the balloons from my back seat and noticed they were looking a little squishy... I unrolled the ribbon I had rolled around the water bottle but the balloons didn't go any higher. Left them there and pulled a couple of my class projects out to do at the crop.

Went back in and got in line, they let us in an hour early! I worked on the BEACH boardbook and my name was called! I won a book from Simple Scrapbooks ~ "photoFREEDOM" by Stacy Julian. I don't know how useful it will be but Yay for me, I won something! At that point it was about 10pm so I packed up and went home.

Can't wait until next year!

Love it Mar!!
I'll read more indepth tomorrow.. for some reason the others that share my house think I should be cookin' dinner.. WHAT is with that?
...the lady in line behind me admired it. We got to talking and I discovered that she is a......

DIS LURKER!!!!!! :wave2:

Lurk no more, lady in line, join in the fun!:)

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