CHECK OUT!! This Web Site:)


Earning My Ears
Mar 4, 2001
If you are looking for a site that has many many many of the rebates that are offered on products out there then CHECK THIS OUT!! Looking for 2-way radios for FREE after rebate ?? Check it out:) My boss just told me about this today and was also told that he knew someone that already did like 5 items:) GL!!!!
Beware!!! The prices are extremely inflated. A Gameboy which sells for $69.00 in the stores is sold for 709.00 on cyberrebate. Yes you get the money back, but that's a lot of money to have out there for 14 weeks. What would happen if they went bankrupt in the meantime. I used Cyberrebate many months ago, and made a killing on free quality stuff for the most part (come things were real junk). Once I got my money/rebate checks back I went to place another order and found that the prices had been extremely inflated over that 14 week period. Picture frames that I had bought for 59.00 (about 20.00 over retail price) were selling for 159.00. I held my breath with my first order, but wouldn't risk it again given the inflated prices. Also they conveniently did not received 5 out of 33 rebate forms. I did get them to process those as I had kept copies of everything. The rebate process was also fairly time consuming with lots of rules. If you have a lot of money (putting it on a charge card and paying interest for 14 weeks is not going to save you much if anything), and don't mind the risk you may get some good stuff for free...eventually, maybe.
I did it about one year ago also, they had only done about 7,000,000 in rebates whereas to day it something like 85,000,000. Like that last poster I held my breath and did recieve some junk. But some of the free stuff was OK.

But some of the prices were amazingly inflated by the next time I visited.

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CBR Dec '95, Sept '97
BWV Aug '98, Mar '99
ASM Nov '99
BWV Oct '00, Mar 01
Zurg, Barbie, Buzz, Buzz, Jessie & Tinkerbell

I didn't believe it, but you are 100% right. Well, I guess we know how they are actually making money. They pay $69.00 charge us $709.00 and earn the interest on the difference for the 10-14 weeks they hold our money! Yikes!

<font color=red><font size=3.5>Dagny
<FONT size=3> <ITALICS> Co-Host, Budget Board &
One of the Beth's (the one incognito) moderating the Rewards Board :D
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$250 bucks for 'one' two way radio??? that's $500 for the pair!! I'd rather pay $60 at the store and not have any problems if I have to return them.


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