Hi! We have never camped at WDW before but my son wants to do this thanks to his Camping sing-a-long video!! We are flexible on the time of year we go, but would prefer spring. Does anyone know the absolute cheapest way to rent a cabin? I know that other WDW resorts have discount codes at various time of the year, we got our room at ASMo a couple months ago for $49/night. Do the cabins ever have discounts? The Unofficial Guide lists that they range from $185-250 (I think)...is that about right? We have five adults, a small child, and baby. I know that is the MOST you can put in a cabin (with baby in crib). Since I am a little unsure about us all sharing that one bathroom, I am wondering if I can get a low rate on an AS room again, renting two rooms might be less expensive than one cabin, although we wouldn't have that kitchen. Any ideas?
Also, is the rental of a golf cart really necessary, are there some loops which make it unnecessary? That adds some cost to the cabin.
And what is a Murphy bed? Is that just another name for a pull-out couch? From the posts I have read they sound pretty uncomfortable. I would be sleeping on that one with my young child (I am pretty light) - would it be that bad?
Thanks so much! Camping sounds like fun at FW!
Also, is the rental of a golf cart really necessary, are there some loops which make it unnecessary? That adds some cost to the cabin.
And what is a Murphy bed? Is that just another name for a pull-out couch? From the posts I have read they sound pretty uncomfortable. I would be sleeping on that one with my young child (I am pretty light) - would it be that bad?
Thanks so much! Camping sounds like fun at FW!