Chatterbox Thread-Cmon in and Jabber! Everyone is Welcome!

I knew EXACTLY what the WTH was and the fact of the matter is I am NOT going to answer your PM but I am going to answer you out in the open cuz I am SICK and tired of your judging me!!! And for the rest of you I am sorry please ignore this!

Deb if you would have read my entire post you would have seen that it was a totally chaotic day and that there was a TON of confusion. First of all the child came up to me when we were inside the skating rink WITH another parent and said goodbye and I handed her her gift bag. As I said I THOUGHT the mom that I had seen was HER mom and thought she had left with HER. Then LATER shane asked me to get the gift bag for the girl that had shown up late and I realized that that was NOT her mom but rather the other girls mother. I had so much on my mind making sure the OTHER kids had gotten with their parents and trying to coordinate with our friends, get our gifts etc that I had forgotten that the first girl was not with THIS mom. What I did NOT know was that the first girl had ALREADY left. What SHOULD have happened is her dad should have come in and told me he was picking her up but he didn't. We were inside and when she got her bag with the other kids and the mom they went out into the lobby and he was waiting and took her and just left without telling us. So then awhile later when we went out and started talking to the other mom and rounding up our stuff they were ALREADY gone. As I said we were distracted and I admit that was our fault BUT we had gotten over a half hour home AND it was more than a half hour PAST the time that they were supposed to pick the kids up and Shane and I debated over whether or not we should drive all the way back but we figured that between the time and the fact that we had not seen her out in the lobby and no one had called us that most likely she had been picked up.

NO one else on this thread said a word but like always you ASSUME and make judgments. I am tired of it. And don't think I don't know that you haven't done that with my situation with Lynn. And I don't care if you don't think I should do a blog. Maybe YOU don't want to do a blog but that is up to you. You know as well as I do that people share about their lives on the diva thread. I have felt that I have many friends on the diva thread and I had a VERY stressful year last year and needed to vent my frustrations and why should Cheryl be able to vent about her mom or Capri about her finances or Heather about her pregancy but I can't talk about MY life??? I'm curious? Why is that?

Maybe you don't like how we handled things but let me tell you YOU don't know everything about what is going on and just "loving" your child doesn't always work. Lynn is a very disturbed girl who has now alienated EVERYONE in our entire family and is very lost. YES we still care about her but she has got to find her own way. You may not approve of how we handle things but as they say until you have walked a mile in my shoes you are NO one to judge. And don't act like you don't have a club. Gee look to the left "bad girls club". Hmmmm. I am not stupid. I know what that club is and I have seen the comments that you and others that I will not mention on here have said because these girls don't need to know about it but you know who I am talking about. I KNOW for a fact that you guys talk about people from the divas and god knows who else. I have spoken with OTHER divas about it so don't act like I don't know this is true and THEY know it is true to! They just don't want to say anything because they want to keep the peace!

I don't know why you insist on picking on me. I never did ANYTHING to you. I came to these boards because I love disney and I had some good friends over on the other boards but you just couldn't stand it and had to "pick" on me because you just didn't like me. I left the diva thread and now you have come here. Well I will say again. MOVE ON! I have given you the diva board so please just stay over there and leave me alone. I have friends here and we were having a perfectly good time. I don't know why you feel the need to come cause problems!

And NO I can't tell you NOT to post on this thread BUT you know as well as I do that the ONLY reason you have come here is to find SOME reason to bug me. You came to the norcal thread JUST to make that rude comment about my post to Tina when again you knew NOTHING about what was really going on, claimed you "might" go on that trip and then magically NEVER posted on that thread again. Hmmmm....

I'm not as stupid as you think. Then your group of friends all showed up over there and then magically left and SAME thing here. One by one they all showed up here. Posted maybe once or twice and then have NOT been back. Amazing! You must think I am really stupid!

I have news for you this thread is all about blogging about your life! That is why it is the chatterbox thread. People come here to "chat" about their day and their life. If you don't like it don't come here!
I knew EXACTLY what the WTH was and the fact of the matter is I am NOT going to answer your PM but I am going to answer you out in the open cuz I am SICK and tired of your judging me!!! And for the rest of you I am sorry please ignore this!

Deb if you would have read my entire post you would have seen that it was a totally chaotic day and that there was a TON of confusion. First of all the child came up to me when we were inside the skating rink WITH another parent and said goodbye and I handed her her gift bag. As I said I THOUGHT the mom that I had seen was HER mom and thought she had left with HER. Then LATER shane asked me to get the gift bag for the girl that had shown up late and I realized that that was NOT her mom but rather the other girls mother. I had so much on my mind making sure the OTHER kids had gotten with their parents and trying to coordinate with our friends, get our gifts etc that I had forgotten that the first girl was not with THIS mom. What I did NOT know was that the first girl had ALREADY left. What SHOULD have happened is her dad should have come in and told me he was picking her up but he didn't. We were inside and when she got her bag with the other kids and the mom they went out into the lobby and he was waiting and took her and just left without telling us. So then awhile later when we went out and started talking to the other mom and rounding up our stuff they were ALREADY gone. As I said we were distracted and I admit that was our fault BUT we had gotten over a half hour home AND it was more than a half hour PAST the time that they were supposed to pick the kids up and Shane and I debated over whether or not we should drive all the way back but we figured that between the time and the fact that we had not seen her out in the lobby and no one had called us that most likely she had been picked up.

NO one else on this thread said a word but like always you ASSUME and make judgments. I am tired of it. And don't think I don't know that you haven't done that with my situation with Lynn. And I don't care if you don't think I should do a blog. Maybe YOU don't want to do a blog but that is up to you. You know as well as I do that people share about their lives on the diva thread. I have felt that I have many friends on the diva thread and I had a VERY stressful year last year and needed to vent my frustrations and why should Cheryl be able to vent about her mom or Capri about her finances or Heather about her pregancy but I can't talk about MY life??? I'm curious? Why is that?

Maybe you don't like how we handled things but let me tell you YOU don't know everything about what is going on and just "loving" your child doesn't always work. Lynn is a very disturbed girl who has now alienated EVERYONE in our entire family and is very lost. YES we still care about her but she has got to find her own way. You may not approve of how we handle things but as they say until you have walked a mile in my shoes you are NO one to judge. And don't act like you don't have a club. Gee look to the left "bad girls club". Hmmmm. I am not stupid. I know what that club is and I have seen the comments that you and others that I will not mention on here have said because these girls don't need to know about it but you know who I am talking about. I KNOW for a fact that you guys talk about people from the divas and god knows who else. I have spoken with OTHER divas about it so don't act like I don't know this is true and THEY know it is true to! They just don't want to say anything because they want to keep the peace!

I don't know why you insist on picking on me. I never did ANYTHING to you. I came to these boards because I love disney and I had some good friends over on the other boards but you just couldn't stand it and had to "pick" on me because you just didn't like me. I left the diva thread and now you have come here. Well I will say again. MOVE ON! I have given you the diva board so please just stay over there and leave me alone. I have friends here and we were having a perfectly good time. I don't know why you feel the need to come cause problems!

And NO I can't tell you NOT to post on this thread BUT you know as well as I do that the ONLY reason you have come here is to find SOME reason to bug me. You came to the norcal thread JUST to make that rude comment about my post to Tina when again you knew NOTHING about what was really going on, claimed you "might" go on that trip and then magically NEVER posted on that thread again. Hmmmm....

I'm not as stupid as you think. Then your group of friends all showed up over there and then magically left and SAME thing here. One by one they all showed up here. Posted maybe once or twice and then have NOT been back. Amazing! You must think I am really stupid!

I have news for you this thread is all about blogging about your life! That is why it is the chatterbox thread. People come here to "chat" about their day and their life. If you don't like it don't come here!

Do you feel better? :lmao:
I do actually cuz people need to know how you roll! You can act like you care and act all fake on here but they need to know that you talk about them behind their backs. And that you are NOT as you appear. I have NOT done that. I came on here to discuss Disney and just to chat with my friends and get a little support from the people who ARE my friends not to get judged and ridiculed by people who act like teenagers.

I think it is pretty sad when grown women have to call and text eachother to talk and giggle about others! That is extremely immature. And I am glad you are SO perfect and have never made ANY mistakes like what happened at Shelby's party. At least I am woman enough to admit it. Don't act like you are so perfect because NO one is!

I might not approve of the things YOU do in your life but I don't talk crap about it to others. I honestly could care less what you do in your life. But to sit there and judge others when you don't even know everything that is going on is just sad and pathetic!

And obviously you must not have much of a life if you feel the need to follow me around and pick on mine! You say I shouldn't write blogs and that half the time you "ignore" me and yet you keep following me from the thread to thread and you obviously keep reading them cuz you keep commenting on them!
I've had one of those weird creepy feelings if I had done the right thing regarding a child pick up.
I worked in day care for awhile, I was the person closing the building each night.. meaning I had the last kids on my own and locked up by myself.

One night a parent called and said "so and so" will be picking up her kids. Someone who had picked up once before, I had the preschoolers outside and another teacher had the babies inside.. and the phone.

At pick up time, I had a bunch of parents come at one time. It was busy, chaotic and hard to keep track of everyone. Someone else other than what mom had told me came to pick up the little girl and her baby sister. ( She had picked up the kids in the past, though we had a similar situation where this person showed up but mom said someone else.. the other teacher questioned it and made her wait while she called mom to confirm. )

The person went inside and picked up the baby .. figured it must be okay because the teacher released the child so I let the girl go too.
I felt weird by the whole thing, worried all weekend that we had done the wrong thing.

It turned out to be okay.

But the next week mom changed her forms to no longer allow that person to pick up, saying she wasn't happy with that persons treatment of her kids.

Mom was okay with us, but I always wondered if I and the infant teacher had screwed up that day. :guilty:

Really, it's the fault of the parent to not have a consistent routine. One or two consistent caregivers for pick up and emergency contact, instead of 8 different people on the release form.

In Kelly's case, a parent that didn't make sure to greet her at the party and say "her dad is picking up and his name is...." and a parent that didn't say "Hi, I'm... to pick up ..."

These things happen all the time.
Life gets busy...

We lived in a high rise and found a toddler in the elevator at lobby level. :confused:
The other couple in the elevator told us a large group of people had left on an upper floor, obviously leaving little one behind. But the weird thing.. that couple left the elevator and didn't even try to find the parents or call security!!! :eek::eek::eek:

We took her and called security. Waited for them to show up and listened to them radio the office to check security cameras.

Another time at Disneyland, found a kid frantically running back and forth on the sidewalk, very upset and almost crying.. close to the major crosswalk to the hotels on Harbor... everyone just walked on by. :sad2: We stopped and talked to him, he was in a group and got separated. Wasn't sure where they were going to eat dinner. He did know which hotel they were staying. We walked him to the hotel, told the employees and they worked on calling the room. He was in a safe place, would likely be reunited soon. We left, leaving our cell number if needed. Saw them in the park next day, he was sticking really close to mom and dad. :lmao:
Thanks Bernice! I REALLY appreciate your support and you are right! I have thrown MANY parties between my three girls and I have NEVER had this happen and as I stated in my first post I would be furious too if someone I had entrusted my child too had just "left" BUT in my own defense I THOUGHT that she had been picked up and there was a BIG confusion because the mom I was TOLD was her mom was indeed NOT her mom and then by the time I found that out she had ALREADY been picked up by the dad who had dropped her off and he had failed to tell me he had picked her up. And as I said I was then so overwhelmed with the other kids, parents and gifts etc that we left and did not even THINK about it till we were half way home AND it was over a half hour AFTER he was supposed to have picked her up. We seriously considered driving back to make SURE but then figured since we hadn't seen her in the lobby, it was 5:30 and all kids were supposed to be picked up no later than 5 and no one had called us that it was most likely ok but as you said I STILL worried myself sick about it till Monday when Shelby asked the little girl and she confirmed that her dad had indeed picked her up earlier.

I ONLY shared that story because it had upset me so and it is so UNLIKE me as I am usually so OCD about stuff like that! I have seen SO much worse taking my kids to OTHER kids birthdays. Usually if MY kids go to a party at a public place I stay with them unless I know the parents because I never know if something might happen like them not watching the kids and them wandering off or whatever and we took Katy to a party once and when I picked her up (it was at a home) the adults were all smoking pot! I so wanted to call CPS but didn't want the little girl to suffer for it. I told Katy though that she was NOT allowed to go to parties at that girls home again and I feel bad for the little girl AND for Katy as it is not THEIR fault that the parents are bad!

But as to my posts above thanks so much for your support and again I am sorry I had to get you guys involved in this! As I said Deb keeps following me from post to post and I couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore. I am just sorry it came out on here as you guys don't need this on here esp since I am new but I was tired of walking around on eggshells.

I will keep it to pm from now on but I just wanted people to know the truth of the matter because on the diva thread everyone is afraid to say anything because they just want to keep the group intact and not cause any rifts and that is the reason I left because although I still have friends there I respected their wishes but I could no longer stay in a group that had someone who picked on people and got away with it. Not to mention it made the trips no longer fun having to be around someone like that!

I am just glad I found this place and I REALLY enjoy you all's frienship and I hope this does not interfere! Hopefully this will be the end of it! :)
We've had odd arguments on this thread (when it was on community board) in fact this thread started off with a weird troll encounter that bumped us off the DL board.. :laughing:

This too shall pass.

I tell my dh what is happening, he rolls his eyes and drops comments about "women are psycho" :rolleyes:
Well gee dear, you would be a tad crazy too if you had to deal with hormones, public image, self image, kids, work, keeping house, cooking, budgeting, .. yadda yadda yadda.. :snooty:
The pot story.. truly hilarious.. it's like get a clue!! Fine you're a pot head.. but please don't do it in front of other people's kids! Morons! :rotfl2:

I have a few former pot smokers in my family, my in laws, and friends which is fine.. illegal .. but doesn't make them terrible people. They were smart enough not to smoke during a child party or family events.
Had to share..

Noah was downloading a CD to Itunes and listening to the music.
I walked by and teased "Hey, why are you playing old music?"
He looked at me puzzled, "It's not old, my friend loaned it to me"

"Honey, it is old, I had this on tape before I even met your dad"

"Tape? Really?" :rolleyes:

"Yes really!" :lmao:


He was listening to Depeche Mode "Violator" album.

Acted all surprised when I could sing along to all the songs on the album.

My fave..

"Personal Jesus"

Reach out and touch faith

Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there

Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer...................

Or .. not on this album but...

"People are People"

People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully...................

Dude seriously, I listened to it like everyday! :laughing:
Exactly! LOL. And what was worse was the party was a sleepover. We don't allow sleepovers either at our house or the girls to do them UNLESS it is someone we know VERY well. And when Katy asked I said she could go to the party but not the sleepover part. Thank GOODNESS I didn't allow THAT. The worst part was when Katy told me that during the pinata the mom was smoking "one of those pipe things" LOL. I was like OH BROTHER!! I agree what other people want to do is their business. I personally have never done it but dh has prob tried every drug in the book in his youth but there are just some things you don't do in front of kids! Sheesh! I walked in and that house looked like a bar the smoke was so thick and it was OBVIOUS what KIND of smoke it was LOL. It was pungent!! ;)

And again I am just sorry to bring this whole mess to these boards and actually I didn't (she did) but like I said I couldn't hold it in anymore. There is only so much one can take and usually I don't like confrontations but I just had to say my peace! :)

What I find is sad is that there are people out there that find the need to do that. I have belonged to several different boards over the past ten years. A baby center board when my youngest was born, a military wives support board when my dh was deployed to Iraq and then several disney boards. And it just amazes me that even on THOSE types of boards where 2 of them are for support and the others are for "fun and info" that people can STILL find ways to argue and hurt people.

SAD! There are ALWAYS some in every group that need to be outspoken and bring people down. I have never been that way. If I didn't agree I usually just keep my mouth shut. My motto is if you don't like someone's post just ignore it. No need to be hurtful or mean!

Anyway that is funny about your dh. Mine is the same way. He acts like he doesn't care and yet he is on some sites as well, he plays online poker and world of warcraft and he is on the net more than me and has his whole group of friends he chats with and he is closer to them than I am LOL. He is always asking me what is going on on here but he has also met some of the divas so he knows them and wonders how they are etc.

But back to reality how's your day going? Any fun plans for mother's day?

Shane has a cpr class for work tomorrow and so I am not sure what the girls and I will be doing but I am hoping to rent some movies and catch up on some of the ones I have been wanting to see like It's complicated and Sherlock Holmes.

And then Sunday we are taking my mom downtown to tour the old governor's mansion and the rose garden at the capitol and then to lunch on the river. So it should be a nice day! I am really looking forward to it.

Right now I am at work just waiting for mom to get done so we can go have lunch!

Hope you have a GREAT day and an even better weekend!! :)
That is funny about your son! I LOVED Depeche mode when I was a teen. I graduated high school in 85 so I was in HS right during the big New Wave era and was in to ALL of those groups!! Loved Howard Jones, The Eurythmics, The cure, Psychedelic Furs and on and on! It is funny too cuz my youngest is REALLY into Michael Jackson and Queen and you would think they were "brand new" LOL.

Gotta love kids!! I can't wait to take her to see EO at DL! It is SO corny but I know she will Love it!! ;)
Hey ladies. Just another quick drive by, honestly I will come back and chat soon. hahaha, like you even miss me. :rolleyes::rotfl2:
I'm going for dinner with a friend tonight for some much needed beer and ice cream. I'll eat real food first, but I am soo looking forward to that beer and ice cream. mmm. I can't remember the last time I had ice cream!

Kelly, it might be worth it for you to use your ignore option and ignore certain people. You will never see or receive posts from them and then they can't bother ya. Just a thought. :hug:
Just for the record I didn't start anything with Kelly until she said something. I kept my comments to myself.
Why she feels the need to bring everyone into something that is nothing is beyond me. I have not said anything behind her back that I wouldn't say to her face. But eventually after her continued post Kelly is always the victim.
Tina I appreciate it but if I put her on ignore then I can't see what SHE says but she can still make comments about me and I feel like I should be able to defend myself.

I appreciate the thought though and I HAVE done that on places like Facebook where by deleting her she can no longer see what I type. But I don't like the idea of her being able to read what "I" write and comment on it and me not be able to respond. But you are right I plan to ignore it as long as it doesn't go overboard. Next time I will just take it to the mods.

And deb you DID say something. You commented about how my post was WTH and I knew full well you were talking about me. You can play dumb all you want but I know full well that you came to this thread SIMPLY to bug me. I went back a full year on the last post and you had never posted ONE time on this thread. Then you MAGICALLY show up here once "I" come here. Say what you want but it is obvious to not only me but others.

That is your game. Sometimes you say things directly, other times you say things backhandedly but I know full well you are talking to me. You always try to get a rise out of me and start crap and I am tired of it and NOT going to stand for it this time.

I didn't say anything on the diva thread and just left but I DID say something on the nor cal thread and I AM saying something on here because unlike the REST of the divas I am not going to simply roll over and take it. You can call me the victim all you want but the point is you have decided to come after me for whatever stupid reason and I am sick of it!

You say you don't read my posts because they are long "blogs" and pointless and YET you keep following me to every post I go to!

If you don't care then WHY do you keep reading them????

And don't act like you don't say sideways crap because I saw the comment you made to Amy on her field trip thread about "don't leave any kids behind". Don't think I didn't know that was about me! So play dumb and act innocent all you want but it is obvious to everyone that YOU are the one that is causing problems here NOT me!
Hey ladies. Just another quick drive by, honestly I will come back and chat soon. hahaha, like you even miss me. :rolleyes::rotfl2:
I'm going for dinner with a friend tonight for some much needed beer and ice cream. I'll eat real food first, but I am soo looking forward to that beer and ice cream. mmm. I can't remember the last time I had ice cream!

Kelly, it might be worth it for you to use your ignore option and ignore certain people. You will never see or receive posts from them and then they can't bother ya. Just a thought. :hug:

Of course we missed you! Silly goose!
Enjoy the ice cream and beer, does that mean you are having beer floats (without the root) ?? Odd mix but hey whatever works right. :thumbsup2

Yep, I love that ignore button. You can always click and see what they wrote if it worries you. I sometimes wonder if I am on ignore. :rolleyes1
Joining you ...


No more drama please, I have enough of my own at home!

I got my credit card billing for next month in my email.. twice the usual.. what???! :scared:
Figured out dh forgot to pay it :headache:.. my fault as it was on table not on the bill clipboard. :guilty: Happily they didn't raise the interest rate. :) Never paid late for that card until now, wanna keep it for emergencies.

Had an unhappy conversation with dh last night as he was starting his nightly dialysis.
I had shared with him awhile ago of a post from a dialysis board. A man was doing dialysis only for his family. If it was his choice, he would stop treatment and die. Last night dh brought that up and said sometimes when his depression is creeping up he feels the same way. :sad1:

I have sensed this for awhile and though it hurt to hear him say it..
I understand.
We talked about pursuing transplant again. His siblings have offered in the past and he has turned them down. We agree that we can't trust them to follow through. He also felt that they might have this "you owe me" string attached. It totally changes your relationship. Does that make sense? :confused:

When I donated, it was for my own selfish purposes.. I wanted to keep him around and not have him be so grumpy. :laughing:

soooooooooooooo... he might start the process to be listed with UNOS
Of course we missed you! Silly goose!
Enjoy the ice cream and beer, does that mean you are having beer floats (without the root) ?? Odd mix but hey whatever works right. :thumbsup2

Yep, I love that ignore button. You can always click and see what they wrote if it worries you. I sometimes wonder if I am on ignore. :rolleyes1

Not by me :upsidedow

Joining you ...


No more drama please, I have enough of my own at home!

I got my credit card billing for next month in my email.. twice the usual.. what???! :scared:
Figured out dh forgot to pay it :headache:.. my fault as it was on table not on the bill clipboard. :guilty: Happily they didn't raise the interest rate. :) Never paid late for that card until now, wanna keep it for emergencies.

Had an unhappy conversation with dh last night as he was starting his nightly dialysis.
I had shared with him awhile ago of a post from a dialysis board. A man was doing dialysis only for his family. If it was his choice, he would stop treatment and die. Last night dh brought that up and said sometimes when his depression is creeping up he feels the same way. :sad1:

I have sensed this for awhile and though it hurt to hear him say it..
I understand.
We talked about pursuing transplant again. His siblings have offered in the past and he has turned them down. We agree that we can't trust them to follow through. He also felt that they might have this "you owe me" string attached. It totally changes your relationship. Does that make sense? :confused:

When I donated, it was for my own selfish purposes.. I wanted to keep him around and not have him be so grumpy. :laughing:

soooooooooooooo... he might start the process to be listed with UNOS

What is UNOS?

It's the organ sharing network.. when a person gets added to the "list" that is what they are referring to.

The hospital needs to follow specific rules to match cadaver donors and organ recipients. The recipient gets put on the list according to a complex point system: age, health conditions, blood type, previous transplants, history of medical compliance (do they take their meds) , HLAs (the part of the blood - antigens- that is looked at to make a good match), and any anti-bodies (PRA) that would cause immediate rejection. Tons of info is entered into a database, as donors occur.. people get matched.

Each month he will need to send blood work and do regular dental/ physical check ups to be kept on the list.


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