CBR - which building to request


DIS Veteran
Jul 7, 2001
I know I read this somewhere, not sure exactly where. A friend of mine is going in April and will be staying at the CBR. She has three children and wated to know if I knew which building/area she should request. Somewhere close to pool and/or restaurant? I could not help her since I have never stayed there. Any suggestions? I told her I would ask and get back to her. Thanks.:)
My friends just got back and stayed in Martinique. It was close to the food court(Port Royale) and the main pool. They would suggest building #26. HAVE A GREAT TIME!
These buildings are the closest to Old Port Royale which houses the food court, sit down restaurant, shops, arcade, and main pool, and they are also convenient to a bus stop:

Martinique buildings: 26, 25, 24
Trinidad North (Not South!) buildings: 31, 32, 33

If by chance the Martinique or TNorth are unavailable, buildings 45 and 44 in jamaica are good choices, 45 is right at the foot of the Barefoot Bay bridge (that goes to OPR) we stayed in Jamaica 42 which was ok too, but this year I have requested 45 to be a bit closer (in fact its ALOT closer when you are carrying an armful of food and snacks back to your room)
Thanks for the info! I was wondering the same thing!

We leave in 18 days !
I think either Martinique building 25 or 26 is the best. actually our preference is the little courtyard between 25 and 26. . You are right at the beach, OPR is only 2 minutes away and the bus stop is a very short walk across the parking lot behind OPR. We have also found it to be very quiet there.
Enjoy your trip.
I requested 25 and got it 3 years ago. I picked 25 over 26 because 25 does not have any parking lot views, all are courtyard or water. 26 has some rooms facing the parking lot. It was a great location - short walk to OPR.


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