Cancelled Reservation

Amazing news! :dance3: The DVC member just called me. She had to leave a message... didn't make it to the phone on time, but I called back and spoke with her. She has been out of town for the past 2 weeks due to a family emergency. The email I had sent her prior to that (in April) was either overlooked or never got through. The reservation we made with her was mistakenly cancelled by her husband, who was trying to cancel the reservation of someone else who rented points but never paid. She was extremely apologetic and assured us that she would re-book the vacation first thing tomorrow morning.

I am BEYOND relieved... its so comforting to know that its still okay to trust people. I am going to cancel my pending claim with Paypal right away. Her family situation is serious and very sad right now... I feel guilty that she has to weed through all my emails and disputes during such a time!

Thank you ALL for your support and advice for the past few days. I'm so happy that the worry was for nothing, and that we still get to party it up in WDW for Christmas!! YAHOO!! :cheer2:

Okay, but once question I have is why did it take her more than 2 weeks to respond? Didn't you say you tried to contact her the end of April? Even if she had been out of town for 2 weeks, she certainly should have contacted you before this.

I'm glad you finally spoke to her, but I'm still a bit skeptical about the whole thing. Perhaps she reads here? Did you get this contact for rental through the DIS?
Okay, but once question I have is why did it take her more than 2 weeks to respond? Didn't you say you tried to contact her the end of April? Even if she had been out of town for 2 weeks, she certainly should have contacted you before this.

I'm glad you finally spoke to her, but I'm still a bit skeptical about the whole thing. Perhaps she reads here? Did you get this contact for rental through the DIS?

I wonder if she wasn't contacted by Paypal? Maybe she knows you can only dispute once and if she cancels that dispute thats the end of it?

I don't want to read too much into this because I want it all to work out for the best, so I wish you luck.
I wonder if she wasn't contacted by Paypal? Maybe she knows you can only dispute once and if she cancels that dispute thats the end of it?

I don't want to read too much into this because I want it all to work out for the best, so I wish you luck.

Ah, that makes sense! I certainly wouldn't cancel the dispute yet though!
Amazing news! :dance3: The DVC member just called me. She had to leave a message... didn't make it to the phone on time, but I called back and spoke with her. She has been out of town for the past 2 weeks due to a family emergency. The email I had sent her prior to that (in April) was either overlooked or never got through. The reservation we made with her was mistakenly cancelled by her husband, who was trying to cancel the reservation of someone else who rented points but never paid. She was extremely apologetic and assured us that she would re-book the vacation first thing tomorrow morning.

I am BEYOND relieved... its so comforting to know that its still okay to trust people. I am going to cancel my pending claim with Paypal right away. Her family situation is serious and very sad right now... I feel guilty that she has to weed through all my emails and disputes during such a time!

Thank you ALL for your support and advice for the past few days. I'm so happy that the worry was for nothing, and that we still get to party it up in WDW for Christmas!! YAHOO!! :cheer2:

I'm happy that this dispute is (seemingly) resolved, but I agree with my fellow DVCers that your best bet at this point might be to just get your money back and start all over with another renter. As the lady who posted the "sad story" thread regarding her nightmare points rental, she ignored the red flags that came up and instead proceeded with the reservation. To me, there are now all kinds of red flags all over this transaction and, if there is another "boo-boo" you will have no recourse. Although its difficult, please try not to let your emotions get in the way of your head. Good luck!! :grouphug:
I'm happy that this dispute is (seemingly) resolved, but I agree with my fellow DVCers that your best bet at this point might be to just get your money back and start all over with another renter. As the lady who posted the "sad story" thread regarding her nightmare points rental, she ignored the red flags that came up and instead proceeded with the reservation. To me, there are now all kinds of red flags all over this transaction and, if there is another "boo-boo" you will have no recourse. Although its difficult, please try not to let your emotions get in the way of your head. Good luck!! :grouphug:

I agree -- sometimes you have to trust your "spidy-sense". Personally, I would walk away and start with another.
With the economy the way it is, there are a lot of members selling and renting their points. Sadly many are first time landlords, and mistakes and possibility fraud will occur

My recommendation is that potential renters follow the DIS Stickies :disrocks: and rent from an experienced member who has references.

If you are paying a cheap price, you may be getting cheap service. :thumbsup2

:earsboy: Bill
Great advice, all. Keeping the Paypal case open... turns out that if i cancel the case, i won't be able to re-open one if something else like this happens. Much safer to keep the existing case open until I either get a full refund or a confirmation + some more leverage. I may ask her for half the funds back, payable upon arrival at Disney... something to give us peace of mind that she has skin in the game too.

Any thoughts on what kind of leverage we can maintain so that we don't have any more... 'glitches'? :)

If this was done intentionally, getting 1/2 the value of the point rental for nothing in return is "good enough". I agree with some other posters, definitely be upfront and say you understand the mistake was unintentional but feel uncomfortable proceeding forward, cancel if she's willing and start over with someone else. If not, definitely get a contract in place if you don't already have one, again she'd have to be willing. Good luck!
Hmmm, it's only a little over 6 months to your Christmas ressie, which is now cancelled. With the possibility that she may not be able to get you anything at all for that time period, I would personally ask for my money back at this point in time.

Keep emotions out of this business deal, and consider that even with extenuating circumstances, to cancel your reservation, though inadvertently, with $610 already paid to them, is disturbing.

I think you make a great point. Even if the OP gets a new confirmation #, there really is no way to trust that it won't happen again.
OP - did you ever hear back from the member today after they called MS to try and make you a new reservation? I hate to say it also, but I am with everyone on this. Its beyond fishy, and I don't trust it at all. For your sake, i hope we are all wrong. Best of luck OP, keep us posted.

On another note, I would never allow my Dh to change any DVC reservations, he wouldn't even know how! :rolleyes:
Its so unfortunate, because I haven't heard a single word from the DVC member today. Nothing saying she tried and failed or succeeded... nada. I'm frankly just so exhausted with the possibilities of what all this means that I'm going to keep pestering her with the Paypal claim. I've documented every detail with Paypal, and saved the voicemail she left on my cell yesterday when I didn't make it to the phone on time. Even if her intentions were good all along, the lack of communication is extremely unnerving considering payment has been made. I'm requesting my money back in full immediately... I sadly don't trust this situation one bit anymore.

When points are rented, does the renter usually pay the member in full up front? Was that a stupid thing to do on my part?
Its so unfortunate, because I haven't heard a single word from the DVC member today. Nothing saying she tried and failed or succeeded... nada. I'm frankly just so exhausted with the possibilities of what all this means that I'm going to keep pestering her with the Paypal claim. I've documented every detail with Paypal, and saved the voicemail she left on my cell yesterday when I didn't make it to the phone on time. Even if her intentions were good all along, the lack of communication is extremely unnerving considering payment has been made. I'm requesting my money back in full immediately... I sadly don't trust this situation one bit anymore.

When points are rented, does the renter usually pay the member in full up front? Was that a stupid thing to do on my part?

No you were not stupid. There are all kinds of different arrangements - paid in full at reservation time (or close to it), 1/2 down with the balance due later. It really depends on the member. I paid in full within a few days of renting points last year, but I rented from a DISer and got a reference for him that I checked, etc. I think I paid 1/2 when he booked it, and 1/2 very shortly thereafter when he sent me a copy of the confirmation by e-mail. My rental was only $360, but it still made me a bit nervous. It's hard not to feel that way when you're dealing with someone you never met, who basically has all the control in the situation.

Sorry - I hope you get your money back. I agree, I would move on.

If you decide to rent again (really know that your bad situation is an exception), use the DIS boards rent/trade forum here. Only rent from someone with a LOT of posts, ask for multiple references and contact them. Of course, you may have done all those things already, but those are your best protections. And have a written contract, for whatever it's worth. It at least spells out the expectations and stipulations on both sides.
Rachel, Please keep pushing with PayPal to get your money refunded. Upon your reponse about the contact, I wanted to give your renter the benefit of the doubt and hope that she was being legit. The lack of contact since has me concerned that this was a true scam.

It is up to the individual renter how they want to handle the transaction and when they need to book the points by. Asking for the money up front does not seem completely odd to me.

When points are rented, does the renter usually pay the member in full up front? Was that a stupid thing to do on my part?

Definitely not stupid.
Depending on my point situation sometimes I require half sometimes 100%.
After that the renter will have the ressie #, a way to check the ressie online, a screenshot of the ressie in my member page if they want. The renter will have my email, ph # and address as well. I also will email to let them know if I will be out of contact for whatever reason for a lengthy period of time.
Basically I treat my renters they way I would like to be treated if I were them.
I think that's just basic manners.
On another note, I would never allow my Dh to change any DVC reservations, he wouldn't even know how! :rolleyes:

Exactly! That is a huge red flag to me right there. I wonder how many couples have BOTH making calls to DVC? I think we are more the norm where one spouse does all the calling/tracking of points.

My DH wouldn't have a clue how to set up or cancel a reservation with DVC.
Exactly! That is a huge red flag to me right there. I wonder how many couples have BOTH making calls to DVC? I think we are more the norm where one spouse does all the calling/tracking of points.

My DH wouldn't have a clue how to set up or cancel a reservation with DVC.

I make / change all ressies. I don't think my Dh knows how many points we have let alone how to make a ressie.
I have rented several times from dvc members over the course of the last 10 years. There are plenty of really good ones out there. I have rented from them. I know that one of them is haveing health issues themselves so they are looking at renting most of their points out this year as they can't use them. It is to bad you can't post the name of the person you were renting from and compare names. The best laid plans and all that. I do wish you luck. I like to see the cup as half full so I am keeping my fingers crossed. Maybe if you know someone you trust who is a dvc member the person you wanted to rent from could transfer the points. My sister was a dvc member at one point, had to sell and we were not able to take over at that point. Anyway she did not have enough points for us herselpf. We were wary so the other member we rented from transfered the points to her account and she had control. Much easier to put our faith in her than a stranger. We are looking at possibly becomeing one ourselves now. pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:
I really hope you're able to get your money back.This is just terrible. I'm hoping for your sake it's all a big misunderstanding and that the renter isn't trying to scam you. People in this world these days can be so terrible.

I just signed up for DVC last month myself because I was scared of renting points...even from a friend.
Its so unfortunate, because I haven't heard a single word from the DVC member today. Nothing saying she tried and failed or succeeded... nada. I'm frankly just so exhausted with the possibilities of what all this means that I'm going to keep pestering her with the Paypal claim. I've documented every detail with Paypal, and saved the voicemail she left on my cell yesterday when I didn't make it to the phone on time. Even if her intentions were good all along, the lack of communication is extremely unnerving considering payment has been made. I'm requesting my money back in full immediately... I sadly don't trust this situation one bit anymore.
First, let me say that I still don't see signs of a scam here -- and I have many years of law enforcement experience, much of it investigating fraud cases. The owner's behavior in this situation does not indicate "scam" to me. You have a messed-up situation, but it really looks like a huge mistake based on your description of the events. I do not think anyone is intentionally trying to rip you off from what we know so far.

From here, there are a couple of possible scenarios.

One is that the owner is able to re-make your reservation. We are still six months out and that is still possible, although it will not be easy. Getting the ressie made may take some time and luck...and maybe some date/resort flexibility on your part.

I would not expect play-by-play communications from the owner. What I would expect is a good-faith, persistent attempt to make things right.

If they are able to secure a replacement reservation and keep it intact until your scheduled arrival, they will have fulfilled their obligation under your agreement despite all the unfortunate drama. Everyone will be better off if this scenario pans out.

The other scenario is to forget the reservation and try to get your money back.

The Paypal dispute is one logical and necessary step in that direction, but nobody can predict whether that will be successful. (I rarely use Paypal for transactions, but I've heard mixed reviews of their dispute/claims outcomes.) It is one possibility and I would certainly not withdraw the Paypal claim until you get your money back.

A second avenue for getting your money back is to simply explain to the owner that you no longer have the confidence to go forward and ask for a full refund. I'm not a lawyer, but I don't know if you are really in a position to "demand" a refund. It seems to me the owner has a right to try to make you whole by completing the original contract with a valid reservation as agreed.

Asking for a refund assumes good will on the part of the owner. Equally important, it also assumes that they have the money to refund to you. A lot of people rent their points because they need the proceeds for something else. If the owner has already spent the proceeds of your rental, they may not be able to just write you a check for $610.

Unfortunately, if you get your money back - either through Paypal or directly from the owner - you will still not have the vacation you were looking forward to. That's a much less desireable alternative to me.
First, let me say that I still don't see signs of a scam here -- and I have many years of law enforcement experience, much of it investigating fraud cases. The owner's behavior in this situation does not indicate "scam" to me. You have a messed-up situation, but it really looks like a huge mistake based on your description of the events. I do not think anyone is intentionally trying to rip you off from what we know so far.

Seriously, no sign of a scam?

1. DVC owner hasn't been on Disboards since transaction took place (at least not with the ID used for renting points).
2. DVC owner used email account that appears to have been created specifically for this transaction, and is now inactive.
3. DVC owner never verified they had received payment.
4. DVC owner "lost" or never saw emails from OP.
5. DVC owner's husband "accidently" cancelled OPs reservation, because someone else didn't pay. (Which would indicate they had been making other transactions during their family emergency)
6. The DAY AFTER OP posted the thread about filing a claim with Paypal, after not hearing from the DVC owner for almost two months, the DVC owner finely calls.
7. DVC owner contacts OP, and promises to get a reservation the next day for OP and would call the OP yesterday. Two days later, still no word from DVC owner.

Where I work, these are called "clues".
Seriously, no sign of a scam?

1. DVC owner hasn't been on Disboards since transaction took place (at least not with the ID used for renting points).
2. DVC owner used email account that appears to have been created specifically for this transaction, and is now inactive.
An assumption on your part...and you know what happens when we assume?
3. DVC owner never verified they had received payment.
So? No verification needed - I'm sure the transaction was confirmed through Paypal and the OP received online confirmation of the reservation.
4. DVC owner "lost" or never saw emails from OP.
Again, your assumption...
5. DVC owner's husband "accidently" cancelled OPs reservation, because someone else didn't pay. (Which would indicate they had been making other transactions during their family emergency)
No, they had made other transactions prior to the family emergency. And yes, Hubby screwed up. DW will be happy to confirm that he is not alone.
6. The DAY AFTER OP posted the thread about filing a claim with Paypal, after not hearing from the DVC owner for almost two months, the DVC owner finely calls.
FinALLY calls, actually. Yep, Paypal may have had something to do with it. I doubt the DIS post generated any response, but Paypal might have. So what?
7. DVC owner contacts OP, and promises to get a reservation the next day for OP and would call the OP yesterday. Two days later, still no word from DVC owner.
And because all this is posted on the DIS...what? There is magically availability between Christmas and New Years? Not likely.
Where I work, these are called "clues".
I agree...clues. But there is a huge difference between "clues" and fact...and EVIDENCE. When I see EVIDENCE of criminal intent, I'll believe there is a scam going on.

But until then, I think the OP is better advised to work things out the best way for OP's FAMILY, -- which may not necessarily be the resolution folks here (who have only one side of the story) may want in their heart of hearts.

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